Aditya Zoni dan Yasmine Ow Resmi Bercerai, Hak Asuh Anak Jatuh ke Mantan Istri

  • yesterday
Aditya Zoni berlapang dada menerima putusan hakim terkait hak asuh anak semata wayangnya, Zayn Serdar Enver Warman yang jatuh ke mantan istrinya, Yasmine Ow. Adik Ammar Zoni ini pun bersyukur Yasmine tak pernah membatasi waktunya untuk bertemu Zayn.

Aditya bisa bertemu Zayn kapan pun yang diinginkannya dan Yasmine pun tak keberatan jika Aditya mengajak Zayn untuk menginap di rumahnya. Lagipula, Zayn akan selalu membutuhkan kasih sayang serta figur seorang ayah dalam tumbuh kembangnya.


00:00Aditya Zoni is on the brink of accepting a court decision
00:03regarding his stepson,
00:06Zain Serdar Enver Warman,
00:09who fell to his ex-wife, Yasmin O.
00:13Aditya Zoni is also grateful that Yasmin never limited his time to meet Zain.
00:20Aditya can meet Zain anytime he wants
00:24and Yasmin is not burdened if Aditya invites Zain to stay at his house.
00:30In addition, Zain will always need the love and figure of a father in his growing up.
00:39Yes, he fell into his mother's hands,
00:41but it's okay,
00:43the important thing is that Yasmin didn't limit him.
00:46Alhamdulillah, that's what I'm grateful for.
00:50Because no matter what, Zain needs his father's education.
00:55Aditya Zoni's testimony was quoted from the Intense Investigation YouTube channel
01:00on Sunday, October 13, 2024.
01:04Aditya Zoni assures himself
01:07that he will not make a comparison with the court decision regarding the rights of his stepson.
01:12He just asked Zain to stay in Indonesia,
01:18not to be moved to Malaysia, the birthplace of his ex-wife.
01:23There is no comparison.
01:25The important thing is that Zain still lives in Indonesia.
01:28That's all I ask,
01:30because Zain is indeed an Indonesian born in Indonesia.
01:34So what I ask is not to move to a foreign country.
01:38His statement.
01:40Aditya Zoni also made sure that he and Yasmin
01:43have agreed on Zain's place of residence.
01:46Yasmin has no intention of bringing her son to stay in Malaysia,
01:51after he officially divorced her.
01:55No, because we both agreed.
01:59Zain lives in Indonesia, he said.
02:03Regarding Yasmin's visit to Malaysia,
02:07Aditya explained that Yasmin often visits her family there with Zain,
02:14but not to stay permanently.
02:18Yasmin didn't return to Malaysia,
02:20but she has a family in Malaysia.
02:23For a week, two weeks, it's okay in Malaysia.
02:26His statement.
02:28As information, after the divorce,
02:31the court also approved Yasmin O's adoption rights.
02:35However, Yasmin was banned from limiting Aditya Zoni
02:39to find a biological father.
02:44Adoption rights to Yasmin herself,
02:46Dadang said, while insisting that Aditya Zoni's reconvention request was rejected.
02:53In the reconvention, Aditya warned Yasmin's return,
02:57but the contents of the return request and the contents of the request are also children.
03:02So, this child was asked by the abuser,
03:04in the original request was also asked back by the abuser to be with him.
03:10Well, Aditya's request was rejected,
03:12because there was already a reconvention.
03:15Humas PI Cibinong Dadang said in his office
03:18on September 24, 2024.
03:22As information,
03:24Yasmin and Aditya Zoni got married in December 2021
03:28after having a short marriage.
03:31From their marriage,
03:33they were blessed with a son
03:35who was born on November 12, 2022.
03:39Their son was named Zeng Serdar Enver Warman.
03:43Less than three years after the birth of a stepchild,
03:46Yasmin filed for divorce.
03:49The divorce was registered through ICORD on May 8, 2024.
03:55On September 24, 2024, they officially divorced.
04:00Well, what do you guys think?
04:02Don't forget to write your comments in the comments column.
04:05See you!
