
  • 2 days ago
00:00Today, we will learn about seasons.
00:03Seasons are very old,
00:06as old as our Earth.
00:08We estimate time by the seasons.
00:10We plan our calendar around them,
00:13and also we look forward to
00:14the changes every season brings.
00:17Seasons are created by two events.
00:21First, the rotation of
00:23Earth that gives us day and night,
00:25and the rotation of the Earth around
00:27the Sun that gives us years.
00:30Because the Sun never changes,
00:33only the movement of the Earth that makes
00:35changes in darkness and light,
00:37and in temperature, thus causing different seasons.
00:42Let's first understand, what is a season?
00:46The seasons are different times during
00:49the whole year with different types of weather.
00:53Some regions do not have
00:56the seasons the same way as others do,
00:58but all parts of the Earth
01:00have some seasonal changes.
01:03In areas between polar and tropical regions,
01:07temperature, day length,
01:08and rainfall change through the year.
01:11These changes give rise to the four seasons,
01:16spring, summer, autumn, and winter.
01:21Let's understand about each season one by one.
01:26Spring season, it is known as the most charming season.
01:31It comes after the long months of winter,
01:33and so we sense relief from cold.
01:37In this season, temperature becomes moderate.
01:40Everywhere looks colorful and beautiful because of
01:43the blooming plants and colorful flowers.
01:46After a long wait,
01:48finally, we can start wearing lighter clothes in
01:51the season and can go outside to play more and more.
01:56Environment becomes full of
01:58pleasant sounds of birds, cuckoo, and bees.
02:02It is the queen of all seasons.
02:05In this season, turnips, peppers,
02:08blueberries, papaya, and basil,
02:10etc, can be grown easily.
02:13Now comes the summer.
02:16It is the hottest season of the year.
02:18Summer happens in the hemisphere tilted towards the sun.
02:22In this season, nights get shorter and days get hotter.
02:26Due to too much heat,
02:28the rivers, wells, and ponds dry.
02:31The sun's rays are so strong that it is almost impossible to
02:36go out at noon while sometimes hot wind blows all day long,
02:41and it scorches the faces of
02:43people and chokes them with hot dust.
02:46Rice, maize, sorghum, linseed, mangoes,
02:51plums, lychee, figs, guava,
02:54and watermelons are grown.
02:55We drink and eat cold things such as ice cream,
03:00cold drinks, juices, etc,
03:02and wear cotton clothes.
03:04In some parts of the world,
03:05people have a rainy season that comes just after the hot summer.
03:10Environment becomes so clear, cool,
03:14and green because of the rainy water and fresh air.
03:17The temperature remains so pleasant during this time.
03:21Autumn season. It is the transition from summer into winter.
03:25Autumn is also called fall.
03:28It is the time for harvesting most of the crops.
03:31In this season, arugula, beets, broccoli,
03:35brussels sprouts, carrots, and lettuce can be grown.
03:39The weather begins to get colder and plants stop making food.
03:43It is the time when trees shed their leaves and they change from
03:47green to red, yellow, orange, or brown before their fall.
03:52In this season, animals are seen looking for
03:55food so they can store up for cold winters.
03:59Winter season. Winter happens in the hemisphere tilted away from the sun.
04:04The whole atmosphere is very cold in this season.
04:08Nights are longer and days are short.
04:11Dew drops at night.
04:13Dense fog is seen in the morning.
04:16Hilly regions become very beautiful during the winter season as things get
04:21covered by ice and outside it becomes so amazing.
04:26Ice on rocks and trees look very beautiful.
04:29Green peas, sesame, wheat, barley,
04:33cauliflower can be easily cultivated in this season.
04:37During this season, some animals curl up in
04:40a safe place and stay there until winter ends.
04:44This is called hibernation.
04:47Hibernating animals seem almost dead.
04:50Some animals and birds go to another place to find warmer weather,
04:55better food, and a safe place to give birth to their young ones.
04:58This is called migration.
05:01You know a lot about seasons now.
05:04Can you show the season's drawing to your friends?