• last year
00:00Remembering your training? Use the good old commando role to get out of hairy situations like reloading or not having enough cover on your side.
00:10See the green crates over there? They contain some nice weapons for you.
00:30Do some practice shooting. Shoot with aim or just straight from the gun.
01:00Cool. That's good old ballistic.
01:28Soaks up some good damage while you're under fire, before you start bleeding.
01:58Do it.
02:28That's good.
03:01Some useful frags. Helps you to disperse hotter chunks of enemies.
03:31That's good.
03:58Use the first aid kit to patch you up.
04:28That's good.
04:56That's good.
05:24That's good.
05:43You need a key to open this gate. To your left should be a small lake. Look there.
05:58With a higher caliber gun, you can shoot through wood and some thinner walls.
06:19That's good.
06:50That's good.
07:15That's good.
07:44That's good.
08:13That's good.
08:42That's good.
08:54That's good.
09:23That's good.
09:35That's good.
10:04That's good.
10:20That's good.
10:48That's good.
11:17That's good.
