My Patient Thinks He's Possessed | SAVING HEARTS | Ep.7 | @LoveBuster

  • 6 hours ago
Do you believe there’s something beyond the physical world?

Molly got assigned an interesting patient. The man who was recently admitted to the hospital by his son wanted to leave immediately. He didn’t believe in western medicine and was convinced that an evil spirit inhabited his body. Molly tried to explain that the man had cancer. He needed to stay at the hospital at all times. She reassured the son that the staff would keep an eye on his dad.

But one day, when Molly entered the patient’s room for a check-up, she found out that he was missing. He escaped to meet with a shaman who promised to expel the devil from his body.

Follow Molly’s story in the brand-new LOVEBUSTER series – Saving Hearts.


00:00I'm Ali Palmer. Dr. Gibson appointed me your doctor.
00:05Hello, I'm Bajani Sisoko. You can call me John, yeah?
00:08This is my father, Bajani.
00:10Baba, Dr. Nyiling.
00:14Oh, mami?
00:18See, my father, I just moved my parents from Africa recently.
00:22My father does not speak the language at all.
00:24He's a little bit old-fashioned, you know, so to speak.
00:27That's all right. We'll handle it.
00:29I have a question. If you call me, will it be bad?
00:33See, my father thinks there's an evil spirit living inside of him that needs to be pleased.
00:40Then he can be the way he used to.
00:43You see, he doesn't believe in any doctor. I warn you.
00:47We'll find for him the right approach. I promise.
00:52Hello, Mr. Sisoko. I'm Dr. David Gibson.
00:55I've got your test results here for your father.
00:58Unfortunately, he's got a tumor in his stomach, and it's malignant. It's quite large.
01:04Don't worry. Don't worry. Your father is under medical supervision.
01:10Are you sure you can cure him, right? You can?
01:12Mr. Sisoko, we've got an outstanding oncology department in this hospital.
01:17It's one of the best in the country. So we'll do our best. You don't worry, okay?
01:21See, it's going to be hard. He believes in only folk's method.
01:25All right. I'll do my best. It's going to be okay. I promise.
01:55What are you doing here? Who let you in here?
01:57Get out, white woman. You cannot interrupt the ritual.
02:01Sir, calm down. It's not good for your nerves. Listen.
02:06I said get out of here before I bring the wrath of our gods upon you.
02:10Get out of here. Otherwise, I'll bring the wrath of our gods upon you.
02:15I'm going to count to three. One.
02:17Okay, okay. I promise you we will meet again.
02:19Because you don't understand. At this point, your medicines cannot help him compared to the powers of a thousand spirits.
02:25I don't think so. Two.
02:37Sir, calm down. How did you call him?
02:39I don't know.
02:47Got it. Listen, I'm glad that you've learned how to use technology.
02:52But now you need some rest. It's very important for you. We need to run more tests.
02:58I won't, Yami. Mafi, he's in jail.
03:01Great. Don't call with this thing, okay?
03:27So, have you broken the spell yet?
03:28It's not funny. I'm even a little scared of him.
03:32Alright, alright, alright. I'm sorry.
03:34So, what's up with the new test results? Anything?
03:36Dr. Gibson, here we are. Dr. Palmer, you left your iPad at the reception.
03:41The results of Sisoko CT scan are ready.
03:47What's going on? Is it worse than we thought?
03:49I can't believe. It's the tumor. It's just gone. It's disappeared.
03:55What? Let me see. That's impossible.
03:58What? Did you screw up again?
04:00No, no, no. Bangani Sisoko, room 306.
04:04How can a tumor the size of a fist just disappear in one day?
04:07I thought you would know. Just because I started believing in shamans.
04:13Right. You talk to Sisoko. Try to get as much information as possible from him.
04:19And talk to his son.
04:21Right. You talk to Sisoko. Try to get as much information as possible from him.
04:26And talk to his son.
04:27Yeah, I'm gonna put together a concilium.
04:29Maybe somebody out there has seen something like this in the past.
04:32And we can fix this.
04:34Girls, let's do it.
04:43Where is the patient? Who's here?
04:46His son just took him away.
04:50Is something wrong?
04:53Mrs. Sisoko, John, you're not supposed to take a patient home without the doctor's permission.
04:58What? I don't know what you're talking about. I came here because I couldn't get him on the phone all day.
05:03Where is my father?
05:07Ask the guards to look at the security cameras.
05:10Wait, wait, wait. What's going on here?
05:13Um, he's missing. But don't freak out. It's on us.
05:19Um, there's a good news as well. His tests are totally fine after this shaman's visit.
05:26Shaman visit?
05:30Kwe, what does this shaman look like again?
05:43What do you want me to call you?
05:59What? Don't, don't, don't, don't. Please.
06:05You cannot interrupt the sacred ritual.
06:07You can't steal people from the hospital.
06:09It's needed by the spirits. This man needs my help.
06:12Okay, listen. I respect your culture and costumes, but this might be a very serious situation.
06:20Okay? It could be too late.
06:25He has cancer.
06:30And if you will not help me, I can't help him.
06:34So, tell him that after your ritual, he should listen to us.
06:40And if we can't help him, I'll be the first who'll come for your help.
06:49Okay. So shall it be.
07:03Dide, call Malo.
07:10Look at me.
07:14Okay, okay. We should go.
07:24Um, how is he?
07:26Yeah, good, good. We ran some tests and gave him some painkillers, so he should sleep through the night.
07:33Thank you, thank you.
07:34It's too early for thank yous. He's not fully recovered yet.
07:40For as long as I can remember, yeah, my dad loved to be cured by, you know, folk remedies, you know.
07:45I thought it was going to end someday, but it got worse. Over the years, it got worse.
07:48Just recently, to cure a regular sore throat, he ate soy.
07:54Can you imagine?
07:56We got the soy sent to him from Africa, from a small village called Mbaleto.
08:00Hang on, hang on a second. What did you say?
08:05Come on, Mbaleto is a small place where we all grew up in, right?
08:08No, no, no, no, no. He ate soy? What, was that recently or when?
08:11Oh, yeah. Not too long ago, a couple of months back, you know.
08:16Okay, and what, his headaches and the pain in his stomach, it's gotten worse in the last month or so, right?
08:21That's right.
08:22But why?
08:24I'm not sure.
08:25Molly, call the orderlies, right now. Go!
08:44Yes, that's it!
08:47Rob, Rob, listen. Sissoko, he needs emergency surgery. No, no, no. Right now. Right now. We can get here.
08:56Awesome, awesome. We're going to prep him right away. Thanks, man.
09:00Okay, now, share what's going on in his head.
09:02Sissoko has a tapeworm. It's bacteria. They live in the ground.
09:07And he must have picked one up by eating soil.
09:10By treating himself this way, his entire life, his immune system was compromised.
09:15And since he was weakened, the parasite, the parasite, it got bigger and bigger so quickly that we thought it was a tumor.
09:23That's why the repeat CT scan couldn't find the tumor in his stomach. That's because...
09:28Because the worm moved. It went from somewhere in the stomach into the intestines.
09:33That's because...
09:34Because the worm moved. It went from somewhere in the stomach into the intestines.
09:39But wait, why did we find the cancer indicators in his lab?
09:44It's because the cancer indicators are not for the host, but for the parasite.
09:49This whole time the worm had cancer and not Sissoko.
09:53So, if we get this creature out of Bengani, Sissoko will cure him.
09:57Yes, and we got to get it out as soon as possible. But Fife, he's on his way.
10:27It will take more time for him to get back in shape.
10:31Yes, he'll be here as long as it takes.
10:34Could you please translate my words to him?
10:36Of course, of course.
10:41Mr. Sissoko, you are perfectly fine and soon you'll be able to go home.
10:51We found a parasite in your body.
10:56That was taking your life.
10:59Actually, from the inside.
11:04It wasn't an evil spirit or anything, but it was an actual animal.
11:12But we took it out and now you are safe.
11:16Everyone should honor traditions of their people.
11:21But because of your blind trust, your son could have lost his father anytime.
11:29When you feel unwell, you should seek qualified help immediately.
11:36Otherwise, your next mistake could cost your real life.
11:41Your life.
11:57And then remember, she turned around and the donkey was in the steps.
12:04That was amazing. I will never forget her voice.
12:07She still remembers it for sure.
12:12How's it going? So, did you talk to his father?
12:15Yeah, I think he's on our side.
12:18Oh, David, come on. I always knew you're an amazing doctor, but this one takes the cake, man. How did you do that?
12:26Crazy story. Seriously. I was doing a residency in Cairo, I don't know, about ten years ago.
12:32Similar case. I couldn't... I'm shocked I didn't think of it earlier, man.
12:38Wow, look.
12:46Doesn't matter.
12:53How many diseases there are, it's still... I think the worst one is cancer.
13:02It's so painful to watch life slowly leaving a person and...
13:10And I...
13:15What? Did I say something wrong?
13:21No, not at all.
13:23No, no, no. I think you're absolutely right. You're absolutely right. Cancer, it's...
13:27Cancer is a horrible disease.
13:30It's a killer.
13:42So, I'm glad it ended well.
13:46I'm gonna get some sleep. I shift in two hours. So, see you.
13:52You do that. Great job.
13:57I haven't said anything to her yet.
13:59What am I supposed to say? Huh?
14:02It's my daughter.
14:04It'll kill her, man.
