l 10.11.24

  • 19 hours ago
00:00Welcome to Level Up.
00:03The following contest is scheduled for one fall.
00:17Introducing first, Tatum Paxley.
00:22We're getting the action started tonight here in the NXT Women's Division.
00:24And Byron, we've certainly seen a different Tatum Paxley as of late.
00:28And from what I understand, for the first time ever, her mom seeing her in person.
00:33And of course, Tatum Paxley would deliver two dolls to her mom.
00:36It only makes sense, right?
00:37Maybe a little payback for when she was younger, mom bought her some dolls.
00:41Oh, there he goes.
00:42You welcome him ringside here.
00:43Little circle moment, okay.
00:44Indeed, Blake Howard, Byron Saxon, and Byron, we're at the CW, but we're pushing right towards
00:48Halloween Havoc.
00:49One of my favorite events of the year, you get a little spook, a little bit of fright,
00:53and at Halloween Havoc, it will be someone's special night.
00:57Oh, I see what you did there.
01:09Well, Byron, after an impressive debut several weeks back, coming oh so close to a victory
01:14against Brinley Reese.
01:15Oh, what is that?
01:16Oh, come on, Callie.
01:17Talk about spoiling the party.
01:18That ain't right.
01:19We'll see if Tatum Paxley can throw those dolls away.
01:20You can reshift gears here as Callie Armstrong, no nonsense, indeed, just take it.
01:27I'm offended by that.
01:28How can you not be?
01:29My gosh, that is your second match out here on Level Up, that you're stealing dolls from
01:30Tatum Paxley's mother?
01:31All gas, no brakes for Callie Armstrong.
01:32And she pushed Brinley Reese right to the limit.
01:33Now, the former USC track and field standout looks to leap over the finish line this time
01:35Oh, she's got it.
01:36She's got it.
01:37She's got it.
01:38She's got it.
01:39She's got it.
01:40She's got it.
01:41She's got it.
01:42She's got it.
01:43She's got it.
01:44She's got it.
01:45She's got it.
01:46She's got it.
01:47She's got it.
01:48She's got it.
01:49She's got it.
01:50She's got it.
01:51She's got it.
01:52She's got it.
01:53She's got it.
01:54And he's got it.
01:55Now, Brinley Reese has clayed the finish line this time around.
01:56We're going to find out if Callie is going to regret those actions because look at the
01:57expression we just saw a moment ago of the face of Tatum Paxley.
01:58I think a big question is now, Byron, can Tatum Paxley control those emotions?
02:02I don't think Tatum Paxley cares to control her emotions.
02:04That's how she's been since ... Yes, it's starting, it's starting.
02:10Callie Armstrong essentially asked for this.
02:12No, I don't think Callie asked for what we're seeing from Tatum Paxley.
02:16I think Callie was trying to get to the head of Tatum Paxley, but
02:18that was a ill-advised method of game planning.
02:22We talk about how Tatum's focus might shift now after Callie Armstrong's very
02:25interesting choice there during the entrance.
02:28But now we take a look here, Byron,
02:30how reinvigorated is Paxley due to her friendship with Lyra Valkyrie?
02:34Talking about Tatana Matyra?
02:37Indeed, that's what they call him.
02:39That's what Tatum calls him.
02:40Look, Tatum, it goes without saying,
02:42she has a very addictive personality when it comes to people or things.
02:47But I think that- Tatum, here we go, Sunset Flip, closes her down.
02:50That reunited alliance has done wonders for Tatum's happiness.
02:54And I think a happy Tatum is a happy NXT.
02:56Here we go, Tatum Paxley, trying to control the pace right now.
03:00I think a happy Tatum also translates to an all-expense-paid trip to
03:04the World of Garbage.
03:06It's a very interesting trip around the ring right now for Callie Armstrong.
03:09Here we go, we land on a cover.
03:12Only gets two, and look at Tatum Paxley, of course.
03:15Now, you can barely look, you can barely even stand up.
03:17That friendship with Lyra Valkyrie out of her mouth.
03:21Here we go into the cover, two, right on the doorstep.
03:25But has Tatum gotten past Rosemary, but more specifically, Wendy Chu?
03:30I would like to believe so, but I also am not a fool to think that I'm going to
03:34enter the mind of Tatum Paxley and understand the workings of her brain.
03:38And by the way, we've talked about it since your debut,
03:41the power of Callie Armstrong on full display right there.
03:43That was impressive.
03:45And this is what I was curious about with Callie coming into her second match here
03:49on Level Up.
03:50A lot of times, as a newcomer, you get in there and there's this euphoric feeling.
03:54You're under the bright lights for the first time in your career.
03:56Win or lose, you still feel that euphoria after that match.
04:00But now, Callie has a chance to settle in.
04:03What are we gonna see from her?
04:05That's what this match will tell.
04:07Between that confidence, that swag, the power game.
04:10Callie Armstrong already establishing herself here to the women's locker room
04:13in NXT.
04:15Armstrong now in control against Tatum Paxley.
04:18Clearly established that she doesn't care if her mom is sitting in the crowd.
04:21This is a superstar who's always had to defy odds to make it whatever she's doing
04:25in life, and that certainly looks to have prepared her here for
04:28the rigors of NXT.
04:29Here we go into the cover, two, Paxley able to power out.
04:34A standout track and field athlete at USC, a three-time All-American,
04:38a world record holder in the split paddley relay.
04:40She's also a top-level high school basketball player, and
04:44her coach once said she was a living Jean Grey because of her unreal abilities.
04:49Watch this, I heard about this, a little tribute to the track and field days at USC.
04:53Picking up that steam, exploding right through Paxley into the cover.
04:58And that Callie connection nearly becomes the first victory for
05:01Callie Armstrong.
05:02This is highly impressive velocity from Callie Armstrong.
05:08As Callie Armstrong from Englewood, which is known as the city of champions,
05:12certainly could add a layer of pressure to her, but
05:14also could increase her star power.
05:16Well, to Callie's credit, she has absorbed the attempted mind games
05:21of Tatum Paxley in this match, and oftentimes will throw opponents off.
05:25And obviously right now, as we're seeing, maintaining control of Tatum Paxley.
05:29Indeed, is the NXT universe here really beginning to rally behind Tatum Paxley,
05:34who's taken on a whole different persona, it seems like, in recent weeks.
05:38And look at this, in a very compromising position,
05:41it was a hangman's hold right there by Callie Armstrong.
05:45Once again, showing off that power, Byron.
05:47And Callie, gonna gain her bearings yet again.
05:51And now Tatum, looking to pick up some momentum here.
05:56Paxley was able to regain her bearings.
05:57Quickly, whoa.
05:59As Paxley looking to shift back to singles competition,
06:01we know before the reuniting with Lyra Valkyria, she had her sights focused
06:06on Kalani Jordan in the NXT Women's North American Championship.
06:11I would imagine that's still in the back of the mind, or
06:14the forefront for that matter, of Tatum Paxley.
06:18That innovative offense that she continues to expand week by week.
06:21Into the cover here.
06:23Not enough, not enough.
06:25Allie able to power out.
06:27Byron, again, we talk about a whole new era here in NXT.
06:30A lot of eyes, a lot of competition, championship situations heating up,
06:34as Tatum Paxley looking to get as noticed as ever.
06:36And Paxley tried it one more time.
06:39This time, Callie Armstrong was ready for it.
06:42And Callie now, a little bit out of sorts right here.
06:45And she gets caught.
06:46There it is.
06:47In the Psycho Trip.
06:48One, two, three.
06:50And it's an extra creepy victory for Tatum Paxley.
06:54Here is your winner, Tatum Paxley.
07:00Danny O for Mama Paxley.
07:02A hard fought win for her daughter, Tatum.
07:08Certainly much to mom's delight right there.
07:10Callie Armstrong setting the pace right away.
07:12I still can't believe she did that.
07:14Causing Tatum Paxley to shift gears.
07:16Gets under the skin of Psycho T.
07:19And now Tatum, T-Pex, with that Psycho Trap,
07:23comes away with the victory.
07:24And now looks to refocus her sights in singles competition.
07:31As Tatum gets a little weird here in celebration with that victory.
07:34Let's take a look back at a couple of interactions
07:36that occurred earlier this week.