Previa LVBP 11/10/2024

  • 2 days ago
Inicia la temporada de la LVBP y BeisbolPlay hizo un análisis de los que fue la 2023-2024, además de entrar de lleno con el primer juego de la jornada entre Magallanes y Tiburones


00:00La Previa es presentada por Vanesco, Vanesconnecta, la plataforma de Vanesco para enviar remesas a Venezuela de inmediato,
00:11En compartimos tu pasión por el deporte, apuestas deportivas, hipicas, loterías y mucho más.
00:19¿Qué tal amigos de Baseball Play? Sean todos bienvenidos a la Previa Oficial, la primera de la Liga Venezolana de Baseball Profesional en la temporada 2024-2025.
00:30Quien les saluda, Fabiola Savera, en compañía de Kevin Alfonso Gil. ¿Cómo estás Kevin? ¿Qué tal estás? Expectativas para el Opening Day.
00:39Hola Fabiola, ¿cómo estás? Buenas tardes, muy contento y muy agradecido de podernos sumar a esta gran familia llamada Baseball Play.
00:47Tenemos emociones por partida doble, ¿no? Hoy inicia, se sube el telón de la Liga Venezolana de Baseball Profesional en su temporada 2024-2025.
00:57Por cierto, se va a jugar en honor a Víctor Davalillo, el gran vitico Davalillo. Fabi.
01:03Sí señor, y además que Navegantes del Magallanes estará visitando a los actuales campeones, no solamente del torneo local, sino también de la Serie del Caribe.
01:13Me refiero a los Tiburones de la Guaira en el Parque de la UCB.
01:17Sí señor, unos Tiburones de la Guaira. Fabi, vamos a hacer un recuento rápidamente de lo que pasó la temporada pasada.
01:23Quedaron campeones de nuestro circuito y además rompieron una sequía de 38 años que no conseguían ese trono, ese cetro de campeones.
01:35Además, también conquistaron el cetro de campeones en la Serie del Caribe, que tampoco conseguía un equipo venezolano desde hace 14 años, así que gran hazaña para los escualos en la temporada pasada.
01:48Sí señor, y en una final inédita, porque recordemos que se enfrentaron en la Serie Final a los Cardenales del Árabe.
01:56Sí, terminó esa serie en cinco compromisos, en el Antonio Herrera Gutiérrez en Barquisimeto.
02:02Una serie final muy efusiva, muy disputada, que al final sacó la mejor parte de los Tiburones de la Guaira.
02:08Pero vamos a meternos de lleno, Fabi, en lo que la gente quiere saber. ¿Cómo se va a jugar esta temporada?
02:15Va a ser el mismo formato, 56 compromisos que inician el día de hoy o la noche de hoy con el compromiso entre Navegantes del Magallanes y los Tiburones de la Guaira.
02:25El 22 y 23 de diciembre se va a jugar la serie de play-in o juego de comodín, y el 26 de diciembre ¿qué tenemos Fabi?
02:33¡Ay Dios mío! Comienza lo bueno, comienza la parte bonita bonita de la LBP, porque será el inicio del round robin.
02:40Oye Kevin, ¿cuáles serán esos cinco equipos que se enfrenten en el todos contra todos?
02:45Bueno, realmente está muy disputado Fabi. Todos los equipos se ven muy sólidos, una base criolla importante, buenos peloteros de renombre.
02:56Hablaba ayer Ossiguillén que no veía tantos rosters sólidos desde hace mucho tiempo, desde el comienzo de temporada.
03:04Entonces vamos a tener un espectáculo deportivo bastante interesante hoy mismo, es decir, desde este mismo viernes 11 de octubre.
03:14Porque ya hay peloteros de renombre. Vamos a nombrar a algunos, Yaciel Puig, Alcides Escobar, Dan Rivasquez, por nombrar a algunos de los Tiburones de la Guaira.
03:23En el caso de los navegantes de Magallanes, Albert Martínez, Romer Cuadrado, Renato Núñez, Anthony Vizcaya, Felipe Rivero, que también está de regreso a nuestra liga.
03:34Eso por nombrar a algunos que van a estar la noche de hoy en el estadio de la ciudad universitaria.
03:40Sí, sí, ojo, y todavía faltan más personas, esos peloteros de renombre, que se vayan integrando poquito a poco a medida de que se vaya extendiendo la campaña.
03:51Kevin, nos vamos a una pausa y al volver tendremos un poco más de cómo se prepararon estos dos equipos para enfrentarse la noche de hoy.
03:59Ya venimos.
04:01Envía remesas a Venezuela a su cuenta, Vanesco, de forma inmediata.
04:07Con total seguridad.
04:11Y a la mejor tasa del mercado.
04:13Conoce más en
04:15Y recuerda, si es remesas, es con Vanesco.
04:20Vanesco contigo.
04:21Te acompañamos en tu pasión por el béisbol, mientras realizas tus jugadas deportivas 24-7 y mucho más.
04:28Sella tu
04:37En el estadio de la ciudad universitaria.
04:42Ya llegó la familia.
04:46Hola, amigo.
04:48Por cha.
04:49♪ Para pero ahora que andaré. 30 kilos nunca pararé. Noche con el desespero. Quizás no me pongas pero el paquete es millontero. Amor siempre es el dinero y la mama la primera de esos nunca cambiaré.
05:01Bueno y estamos de vuelta con más de nuestra primera previa acá en Baseball Play. Muchísimas gracias por seguir en sintonía con nosotros.
05:09Fabio, let's get into the analysis of tonight's opponents.
05:15I'm going to start with the Magallanes sailors.
05:18A team that was eliminated last year.
05:21First time in six seasons that the Turkish ship was out of the round-robin.
05:27A naval fleet that could not produce races throughout the season.
05:32They connected battleships, they connected unstoppable,
05:35but the production, the carburetion, was failing throughout the season.
05:41In addition to that, the pitching, which again is unknown in this safra,
05:46failed them.
05:47It was the second worst performance in the last season.
05:51A performance above five points.
05:54And the openers took the worst part in the last safra.
05:58Five victories and 17 defeats.
06:00A team with those numbers, with those statistics,
06:03Fabio, can't win a championship.
06:05That's right, Kevin.
06:06Just as you said.
06:08It was no coincidence that the ship didn't get into the round-robin last season.
06:15Because these two factors are being considered.
06:18First, there was no appropriate battle.
06:21And by the way, they have that weakness in terms of pitching.
06:26Be careful, speaking precisely of the launchers,
06:29there is the absence of Eric Leal, who you had mentioned was the fighting horse of the Magallanes navigators.
06:38Yes, without a doubt, Eric Leal has been or was for the Magallanes navigators the ace of that rotation.
06:45Although last season he did not have his best numbers,
06:48he was launching with some discomfort in his right arm.
06:53It was always that arm of confidence for the Magallanes navigators.
06:58Now they change it to the Leones del Caracas after a great season in Mexico for the Venezuelan.
07:06But even so, it is also unknown for the Leones del Caracas with the contract that he just signed recently with the Yankees of New York.
07:15Yes, speaking of unknowns,
07:17well, Eric Leal will certainly not be with the Magallanes navigators.
07:23So do you think that the bullpen weighs this low?
07:28Well, the Magallanes navigators last season got used to not having an Eric Leal at 100%,
07:35not in his best physical condition.
07:37Names emerged there like Luis Martínez, with outstanding performance with the Turks.
07:42There is also Jesus Parikawang, imported Junior Guerra, by the way,
07:47who came to the naval team from the sharks of the Guaira.
07:51That is to say, there is an unknown in the pitching of the Magallanes navigators,
07:55but they also have the pieces to move and to be able to move forward.
08:00We have to see how this season goes.
08:04We will see it from today at the University City Stadium.
08:08There is a very important point, Fabi, that must be mentioned,
08:11and it is that the great Eduardo Pérez returns to direct the Turkish ship.
08:17He is an experienced man who was already a champion here in our league.
08:21And by the way, without mentioning anything additional,
08:25let's hear what Eduardo Pérez told our partner Mari Carmen Farina.
08:30Being a manager, of course, is very complex,
08:33but being a Magallanes navigator,
08:37are you prepared and aware of that responsibility?
08:40Well, I think that's what made me make that decision,
08:43because it's a pretty difficult position.
08:46The Magallanes navigator, as I have always said,
08:48is like the Yankees of New York here in the United States,
08:51and it is a team with a lot of hierarchy in Venezuela,
08:54a lot of fans, and I think I am,
08:57I take on the challenge of helping the team to be champion,
09:00and I think we are going to be champion.
09:02Well, and there we heard the statements of Eduardo Pérez,
09:05together with our partner Mari Carmen Farina, from the city of Miami.
09:09Hey, how interesting these statements, Kevin,
09:11because Pérez announces that this means a challenge for him,
09:16and I believe so, it is a great commitment,
09:19to return to the Criolla ball again.
09:22Let's remember that in his experience,
09:23he has already been named champion,
09:25it was precisely with the Tigres de Aragua.
09:28That's right, Fabi, totally.
09:29Eddie Pérez has enough parchment
09:33to direct in our ball.
09:35In addition, he was the receiver in his time as a player,
09:39and let's say that he will be able to handle a different strategy
09:43in the body of the launchers for this season, 24-25,
09:48and return that victorious path to the Turks,
09:52who, as we said, in the last six years,
09:55were out of the round robin for the first time last season.
10:00Let's go immediately to analyze,
10:03to comment on how they are preparing,
10:06or how the Guaira sharks were prepared for this season, 24-25.
10:11Let's start by reminding you that it was the first team
10:14that started training with that minicam,
10:17Jorge Luis García Carneiro, on September 16,
10:22and in addition to that, it has the same Criolla base.
10:24Fabi, how do you see it?
10:26How do you see the current monarch of our league
10:29facing this 24-25?
10:31Yes, yes, hey, I see them very well, Kevin,
10:34honestly, precisely for that,
10:36because they keep the same Criolla base.
10:39Those beaters gave that opportune beat
10:42that the Guaira needed, if we talk about any of them,
10:45we have to include Wilson García, Franklin Barreto,
10:48and obviously Danrila Balabásquez.
10:51And in addition to that, they have Yaciel Puig and Leonis Martín.
10:55Oh, man, this duo, this offensive heart
10:58of the Guaira sharks for this season
11:01with this pair of Cubans is going to give a lot to talk about.
11:05Leonis Martín played for several seasons
11:09in the big leagues, he kicked a lot in those seasons,
11:13he connected quadrangles, unstoppable,
11:15he promoted races, and we all know
11:17what Yaciel Puig can do here in our league, right?
11:19Yes, yes, well, in fact, he already gave a demonstration,
11:23because let's remember that he already joined
11:25when the campaign was already advanced,
11:28he gave a total of ten cases,
11:31and there is an incognito, a very cool question,
11:36which is, will Yaciel Puig be able to break
11:40the established record of Alex Cabrera?
11:43Well, that has been generated,
11:45a fairly high expectation has been generated
11:47with respect to that, Fabi, because in effect,
11:50last season he played, he didn't play,
11:53the full regular round, he connected ten quadrangles,
11:56now he is going to play 52 commitments on paper,
12:00because we have to remember that he is going to fulfill
12:02a suspension of the first four games
12:05due to the situation in the last final.
12:07So, playing a total of 52 commitments,
12:11we have to see how many quadrangles Yaciel Puig
12:15will be able to connect this season.
12:18The leadership of Jhonrones, by the way,
12:20who is in the hands of the Venezuelan slugger Alex Cabrera,
12:25with 21 in this case.
12:26Let's move on to Fabi with the pitching of the Guaira sharks,
12:31how do you see them facing this season?
12:33Well, the same, they stay very fresh, very solid,
12:37like the previous campaign,
12:39let's remember that they have an excellent opener,
12:41as was Ricardo Pinto, who stole the spotlight
12:44not only in the local tournament,
12:46but also in the Caribbean Series.
12:48MVP of the final here in our ball,
12:51MVP of the Caribbean Series.
12:52Also there is Miguel Romero, the Cuban,
12:55he is also, who by the way,
12:58is going to be the opening thrower
13:00by the Guaira sharks tonight
13:02against the Magallanes sailors.
13:04On that side of the Magallanes sailors
13:06is going to be Junior Guerra.
13:08Oh my God!
13:08There is a problem with this because
13:10now here, Fabi, the law of the ex.
13:13Hey, look, I'm going to be honest,
13:15I don't want to answer that question to you,
13:18but yes, that pitching duel
13:20is going to be quite interesting for tonight.
13:23And well, the plus of the Guaira sharks
13:26is with Ozzy Guillén,
13:28repeat again Oswaldo Guillén for this season,
13:31already with a planning
13:33from last season.
13:35You have to remember that in the previous season
13:38he joined the team already advanced the season
13:41and this time it was already planned
13:44with the management, the sports management
13:46in charge of Luis Ojos.
13:49So let's say it's more organized in that sense
13:53and using his strategies,
13:55we'll see if he can get the bi-championship
13:58in this 2024-2025 season.
14:01That's right, Kevin.
14:02Well, our time has run out
14:04to continue talking about this preview.
14:07We thank each of you
14:09who stayed connected together.
14:11We invite you to follow us
14:14on the different digital platforms.
14:16Find us as Baseball Play and also
14:19to interact with us
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14:22and subscribe to our website
14:29See you in the next edition.
14:31Bye, bye.
14:32The preview was presented by
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15:34The family has arrived.
15:36Hello, Visa.
15:37Hello, friend.
15:38For me.
15:40For Chad.
