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Diogenes of Babylon was a notable Stoic philosopher known for his wise and thought-provoking quotes. His teachings focused on living a virtuous life and finding happiness through self-control and wisdom. Diogenes emphasized the importance of rational thought and resilience in the face of challenges. His insights continue to inspire those seeking a more meaningful and simple existence.

00:00We are disturbed, not by events, but by our perceptions of them.
00:20Your wealth lies in contentment, not in possessions.
00:32Embrace the present, it is all we truly have.
00:43The greatest freedom is found in self-mastery.
00:55What others think of you is not your concern.
01:06Live in accordance with nature and reason.
01:18Happiness is a choice, not a consequence.
01:29Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
01:39Do not seek to be understood, seek to understand.
01:50Your mind is your greatest asset, cultivate it.
02:02Accept what you cannot change, change what you can.
02:14Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.
02:24Wisdom begins in wonder.
02:32Let your actions speak louder than your words.
02:43The path to freedom is found in acceptance.
02:54A life lived with purpose is a life well lived.
03:05Cultivate inner peace, it is your greatest ally.
03:15What is essential is invisible to the eye.
03:24Do not waste time on what you cannot control.
03:34True courage is the ability to face your fears.
03:46Joy is the natural state of a wise mind.
03:56Your character is defined by your choices.
04:07Live with integrity and you will find strength.
04:17In every challenge lies an opportunity for growth.
04:27The wise adapt, the foolish resist.
04:37Seek knowledge, for it is the key to freedom.
04:48Value your time, it is your most precious resource.
04:58A wise person learns more from their enemies than a fool from their friends.
05:13Life is a journey, make every step count.
