عمر مرموش يوضح دور فارس شايبي وإلياس السخيري ومحمود داوود في انسجامه مع فرانكفورت

  • 2 days ago
عمر مرموش يوضح دور فارس شايبي وإلياس السخيري ومحمود داوود في انسجامه مع فرانكفورت


00:00You played with Fares Chaibi, Ilyas Kheri and Mahmoud Dawoud.
00:04Did the presence of Arab players in Frankfurt make a difference to you?
00:08Yes, it made a big difference to me.
00:10Before Dahoud came, the three of us used to travel together in the region.
00:17We knew that we were in Africa, so we all traveled to Africa.
00:22They don't speak Arabic, but when Dahoud came,
00:25he is Syrian and he came from Syria a long time ago,
00:28so when he spoke Arabic, I felt that we got closer to each other.
00:32He is a great player, he played for Dortmund.
00:35Is there a difference in the spiritual part, which is the prayer?
00:41Yes, of course.
00:42Is there a big difference?
00:43Yes, there is a big difference.
00:44We always pray together.
00:46For example, we go to pray Jummah together.
00:49These things make a difference.
00:51Even if I have friends in the team,
00:53and there are Arabs who know us,
00:55they give us one of the most important things.
00:59The way we speak, live, and the traditions we follow
01:04are different from any other European team,
01:06even if I have a lot of European friends.
01:08But as you said, it makes a difference in the spiritual part.
