The Disappearance Season 2 Episode 3

  • 2 days ago
Daily_Shows Movie

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00:00Peter! Peter, can you give us a few words, please?
00:28Peter, is there anything you can say?
00:30Just say, Peter, can you tell us anything?
00:32Any statement you would like to give?
00:34Tell us what you think of yourself.
00:36How do you do it? We have a right to see you.
00:38Peter, people need to know.
00:40Come on, come on, follow him.
00:58My unlamented father would have certainly been very happy to see all of you gathered here together to honor his life.
01:27My father was ambitious, ambitious, and he was fierce.
01:37Hardworking, full of energy, and I was able to experience all those qualities more than once.
01:47As you know, he was not only a talented businessman and a faithful friend, but also a rock on which so many of you supported yourselves.
02:00Thanks to him, you made a lot of money.
02:04And for me, first and foremost, he always was a loving father.
02:07I told myself that this is how I want to remember him.
02:13I always wanted to be like him.
02:16But I realized recently that I was never like that.
02:22And I never will.
02:27Let's hurry and love people because, you know the rest.
02:33Death keeps no calendar.
02:45When Abraham finally invites me for a beer, you have to give a speech like that at my funeral.
02:49Shh. Remember, you're not in the courtroom right now.
02:52O Lord, incline an ear to all of our prayers.
02:57When in humility we turn to thy mercy and receive the soul of thy servant, Peter Langer, Sr.,
03:08place it in the kingdom of love and peace and accept it into the company of Violet.
03:17Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
03:22Who is it?
03:24Hopefully our soon-to-be best customers.
03:28Be careful, Arthur. You're stepping over the line.
03:32Harry, so how's Krakow?
03:48In my opinion, the judgment of the Court of Appeals which concluded these proceedings should not have been made at all
03:54due to the numerous deficiencies during the trial as well as the blatant violations of laws that may have affected the ruling.
04:01I will, on behalf of my client, file for an appeal to the Supreme Court against the verdict.
04:07In my opinion, the judgment of the Court of Appeals which concluded these proceedings should not have been made at all
04:13due to the numerous deficiencies during the trial as well as the blatant violations of laws that may have affected the ruling.
04:18I understand that everything is going according to plan.
04:22There is nothing to worry about.
04:27Actually, there is now.
04:31They must have a good reason to even consider an appeal.
04:34They can't just challenge the verdict because it didn't suit them.
04:38Do they have any basis to do so?
04:42Either they reach into the Catalogue of Unconditional Causes of Appeal, or they will...
04:47Speak normal, you bitch.
04:48Don't use foul language in front of me.
04:51All right, all right.
04:53Just leave us.
04:56Peter Langer, Jr., the son of a recently deceased businessman...
05:00Oh, I really like this one.
05:06Should I talk to them?
05:09I don't know, maybe some kind of traffic accident should take place?
05:25Do you have any ideas?
05:27Absolutely none.
05:30Does Delazne know?
05:32We wouldn't have gotten far if he had found out.
05:35So the game's over.
05:37Well, we're fucked then.
05:39I'll get sacked and you'll go with me if we don't figure something out.
05:45How about a motion to reopen the proceedings?
05:47Are you crazy? Right after it was over?
05:51We would piss off the entire Polish jurisprudence.
05:54All the judges would spit on us.
05:56Yes, we would have ended up in the Supreme Court, but we would have had to prove a crime in the course of the proceedings,
06:01or show new facts and evidence.
06:07Since you already made a grand announcement, it would now be appropriate to deliver.
06:15Are you crazy?
06:16I will get him a retrial.
06:18I don't give a shit you're not a child.
06:20You and Sr. have knocked all my arguments out.
06:23And now, Jr. will inherit everything, so I will be happy to put it towards my fee.
06:28Congrats. You'll get a cash injection and you'll win the final appeal.
06:31You're a crazy tough bitch, Joanna.
06:33And you're just a soft dick.
06:59Get yourself together. Can't you just let go for once?
07:15Why are you being so bold?
07:17Jelazny is just waiting for you to lose the case and you're helping him with it.
07:20How dare you question my...
07:21You need to control yourself when you need to hear it from me.
07:24Fuck this.
07:26The conference was just a pre-emptive move.
07:29I set the potty for Jelazny and he's just realized he's holding his hand in it.
07:34Okay, no self-respecting law firm will back down after publicly announcing that it will file for an appeal.
07:39Lo and behold, Zordon finally gets it.
07:46We must prove a flagrant violation of the law.
07:51A rare impure for you, ma'am.
07:52And for you, sir?
07:53The usual.
07:57We have wide room for interpretation.
08:00And the Supreme Court can treat it as they see fit.
08:03I can't listen to you. You're so fucking boring.
08:06You have no idea from which side to approach it.
08:08We need dirt. We need some kind of misconduct.
08:12What are you talking about?
08:13When you're fighting with pigs, sometimes you have to dive in the fucking mud.
08:18That metaphor can't really be applied to the Supreme Court.
08:21It's a no-brainer. Either we'll find something or we can forget about the appeal.
08:26How about the jurors?
08:28The most fertile field for finding beats.
08:31Do you think they could have screwed up?
08:33I once had a case in which the appeal was granted only because one of the jurors had signed a document in the wrong part of the page.
08:40Unconditional cause for appeal. That was it.
08:44And in our case?
08:45Unfortunately, we have all the signatures.
08:48Here you go. And your peanuts.
09:00I don't understand why Junior is still paying us, but he's not cooperating.
09:04After all, an appeal is his last resort.
09:06Can you tell me something I don't know?
09:09Maybe he's being threatened.
09:11Zordon and his conspiracy theories.
09:15Hilka and her alcohol.
09:18Eat and shut up.
09:54What do you want?
09:55Hi, Auntie.
09:56Oh, it's you, Daria.
09:58I wanted to thank you again for these awesome gifts.
10:01You're welcome.
10:04Is everything alright?
10:05When are you going to come visit?
10:07I don't know. You know I have a lot of work right now.
10:10Uh-huh, because I would like you not to be angry with my mom anymore.
10:16And shouldn't you be in bed already, young lady?
10:18Yeah, but don't tell my mom, please.
10:21Daria, who are you talking to?
10:23With a teddy bear.
10:24With a teddy bear?
10:25Yes, with a teddy bear.
10:27Give me the phone.
10:33I told you never to call again.
10:55I'll take care of you, Mr. Langer.
10:57I will file for an appeal.
10:59After the verdict is overturned, I will commute your life sentence to a few years in a psychiatric hospital.
11:06And you will be free.
11:11Mr. Langer, I used to have to follow the orders of your late father.
11:16We were partners of sorts.
11:18But now...
11:21I will work with you.
11:26With me or for me?
11:29For you, if that's what you want.
11:31Joanna is unpredictable.
11:33She cannot be trusted. I will gladly get rid of her.
11:36You need the best by your side.
11:39Someone who is very loyal.
11:42I am very flattered that a partner of such a reputable law firm wants to personally deal with my little...
12:43What an asshole.
12:46Did you say something, Counselor?
12:58My pacemaker.
13:01Are you crazy?
13:03I mean, I know you're crazy.
13:05But I'm not crazy.
13:08Are you crazy?
13:10I mean, I know you're crazy.
13:12But I didn't think you were suicidal.
13:14You will never push it through in court with Jelazny.
13:18He was the one in favor of putting you in the loony bin and throwing away the key.
13:22He explained everything to me.
13:26But at this point in time, I'm not going to be firing the lawyers who do their work to the highest standards.
13:33Excuse me?
13:35I choose you.
13:41You and Kordian.
14:23What are you still doing here?
14:25I have to dig up sentences from the last 40 years or so.
14:29Come on.
14:31Let me help you.
14:33Give it a rest.
14:34It's water under the bridge.
14:37Come on, come on, come on.
14:59That's what you meant by help.
15:01I invariably recommend traditional methods.
15:03Snuff was snorted as early as the 16th century, so we're only cultivating the good habits of our ancestors.
15:09Only the product has changed.
15:12And what is this?
15:15Today's special is water under the bridge.
15:17I'm not going to tell you what to do with it.
15:19I'm not going to tell you what to do with it.
15:21I'm not going to tell you what to do with it.
15:23I'm not going to tell you what to do with it.
15:25I'm going to tell you what to do with it.
15:27Today's special is white Gandalf.
15:29Bon appétit.
15:31You go first.
15:32Thanks, I ate already.
15:52Alright, now what?
15:55What should I do?
15:57Do you really, really want to sit here with me all night?
16:02Obviously, I promised you, right?
16:05Yo, Cormac.
16:08Can you tell that I'm high?
16:09Uh, no.
16:11Not yet, but I think after such a hearty meal you should sit here for a while and wait for it to start working.
16:18See you in a bit then.
17:23You can tell Jalazni that will work on me.
17:44Dude, we need everything we can get.
17:46Judges, jurors.
17:48Okay, so we're looking for blood and sperm, right?
17:50We're looking for dirt. Hilka wants dirt.
17:53Come on, one entry at a time.
17:54That's what I'm doing.
17:58What can I do?
17:59Go for a walk.
18:13What is it?
18:15A hard day at work?
18:19We've got senior's results from the toxicology report.
18:22May I come in?
18:26You know Article 231, Exceeding Authority, plus 241, Violation of Secrecy Proceedings?
18:36You're not building a good image of the Polish police.
18:39And now you're waiting for a reward.
18:44Cross my mind.
18:45Check your email.
19:03What am I looking at?
19:04Sikierkowski Bridge, a bridge in Warsaw.
19:07The last name of the bridge.
19:08I think it's Sikierkowski Bridge.
19:10What am I looking at?
19:11Sikierkowski Bridge. A bridge in Warsaw.
19:14The last name of the woman who ruled in Langer's case.
19:16It also appears in articles about a car accident on the bridge in which a woman died.
19:21It's her sister. I checked.
19:23That's not...
19:24I know. Look whose name crops up in articles about her sister.
19:33Fuck, Cormac.
19:35You're a genius.
19:36I know.
19:37Now I just need to find a verdict, excluding the juror due to bias, and then we are done.
19:42Maybe not today, because you'll be drained tomorrow.
19:45You go. I'll stay here for a bit longer.
19:53See you later.
19:55Thanks, Cormac.
19:58I owe you a beer.
19:59You better.
20:52Let's do it like a man.
21:14Let's see.
21:35Don't you have something bigger?
21:38I was hoping you would pick up and scold me for calling you so late.
21:44I have a gift for you, Hilka.
21:47You're gonna love it.
22:08Are you tired, Kordian?
22:11How the fuck do you know...
23:44The appeal.
23:49I found... I found something that would make it possible to file for an appeal.
23:54Did you tell her about it?
23:57No, not yet.
23:59Very good, then.
24:01From now on, you work for me.
24:05I'm to know about everything.
24:07Do you understand?
24:08I understand.
24:12In the morning, you'll look in the mirror and repeat,
24:17I am Gorzom's bitch.
24:20Say it now.
24:22I am Gorzom's bitch.
24:24I am Gorzom's bitch.
24:28If Joanna switches from steaks to salad, I need to know about it.
24:34If she stops drinking, I need to know about it, too.
24:38Do you get what I'm saying? Do you?
24:42Do you get it?
24:44I get it.
24:47How do you deliver documents to the Corps?
24:49We send them by mail, or a mentee takes them in.
24:54All right, then.
24:55Once we are done writing this appeal,
24:59I want you to make sure you deliver it like you normally would.
25:04But you're going to be late.
25:05And what the fuck do I tell Hilka?
25:07I don't give a fuck.
25:11You can handle that.
25:13Do you understand?
25:15Say you understand, if you understand.
25:19When Hilka gets you, you won't get out of jail, fucker.
25:34I'm sorry.
25:52I was hoping you would pick up and scold me for calling you so late.
25:55I have a gift for you, Hilka. You're going to love it.
26:03I love you.
26:34Come on.
26:57Come on.
27:01Oh, fuck you, Zordon.
27:07Can I get a coffee?
27:16Did you get up on the wrong foot?
27:24Joanna, how soon can you be at the Bielanski Hospital?
27:27I don't know. It depends. Without makeup in 15 minutes.
27:30Get there with your birthday suit on. Your mentee was just admitted.
27:33What happened to him?
27:34They found him beaten up in Izabelin.
27:45What is it?
27:51Can I help you somehow?
27:52Shut the door behind you, that's all.
28:27How are you related to the patient?
28:28He's my husband.
28:30The injuries indicate a severe beating.
28:33He has multiple organ injuries.
28:35It's possible that we will have to operate.
28:38Listen, whoever did this to him,
28:40stopped only when your husband was
28:43steps away from the end.
28:46Will he pull through?
28:49Due to the number of injuries, we had to put him on an induced coma.
28:53We'll continue to monitor him.
28:55Oh, fuck.
28:56There's a chapel downstairs if you need a moment.
29:07Can you give us a minute?
29:11Oh, I almost forgot.
29:16Our tests showed the presence of a psychotropic agent.
29:19Excuse me?
29:23Your husband was taking amphetamines.
29:28I beg your pardon?
29:30Ma'am, the police are on their way and they would like to speak with you.
29:32I hope you understand that.
29:34Yes, yes.
29:53Hi, Harry.
29:55You've been rather quiet.
29:57I'm so sorry, I've been a bit busy.
29:59I'm sorry.
30:00It's all right.
30:02I'm sure you'll be fine.
30:05I'd like to be ashamed of myself.
30:06I'm sorry.
30:07I'm sorry.
30:09I'm sorry.
30:10I'm sorry.
30:11I'm sorry.
30:12I'm sorry.
30:13I'm sorry.
30:14I'm sorry.
30:17I'm sorry.
30:18I'm sorry.
30:19I'm sorry.
30:20I'm sorry.
30:21I'm sorry.
30:22Oh, hi there. I assume Joanna told you.
30:26Arthur, calm down. Everything is fine.
30:28Nothing's fucking fine. A rumor will spread around that we have contacts with the mob and our employees are junkies.
30:33The boy will survive and so will the firm.
30:36What about the investigation? The prosecutor's office hates us. We have to silence it.
30:40Well, I'll let you take care of that. I'll stop by at the hospital and then I'll go back to Krakow.
30:44Are you leaving me with this?
30:46What do you mean, leaving you with this? Why are you so afraid of this investigation?
30:52Harry, we can lose a lot of money because of this prick. You'll see.
31:04Do we know how he's doing?
31:06He's alright for now, I guess. He's in a coma. It'll be worse when he...
31:13Monica, could you make me a coffee?
31:16Of course.
31:27When was the last time you saw him?
31:32Yesterday evening. I left here around midnight and he was still working.
31:36Did you snort together?
31:38Yeah, but not much because I think it was new for him because he looked like he was about to die.
31:43Where did you get the speed from?
31:45Cormac, speak or I'll fucking fire you.
31:49I got Gandalf from this tax guy, Jack.
31:52Does he arrange it for everyone?
31:54Not really. He just picks it up and distributes it. Someone from HR does.
31:57Anyone else know about this?
32:00For fuck's sake. You organized the whole network.
32:05I want to know what he was doing yesterday. What he was up to. Go get me his computer.
32:19This is the latest ruling he was looking at.
32:22Did he send it to anyone?
32:25Does anyone have access to it?
32:27To what? To the Supreme Court website?
32:30Fuck Cormac. Don't play around. To his computer.
32:33Well, sure. It's really easy. You just have to know where to look. Even the CIA database has...
32:38All these documents must disappear from his computer.
32:41I don't care.
32:43It's really easy. You just have to know where to look. Even the CIA database has...
32:46All these documents must disappear from his computer.
33:13Are you by any chance Kordian's wife?
33:15Yeah. He wishes.
33:16Excuse me? I need to talk with you.
33:18I got the rooms mixed up.
33:20What's up, Cormac?
33:21Listen, could this beating have any connection to Langer?
33:25Zordan wasn't beaten up and dumped in the middle of nowhere because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
33:29Should I be scared?
33:30Of me, for sure.
33:32And Jalaznay?
33:33What would the head of the law firm have to do with him getting beat up?
33:37I've been digging up something for you and the jurors.
33:39And Zordan has found a verdict that gives you good grounds for an appeal.
33:42But Jalaznay told me to clean it up.
33:43I hope you don't actually...
33:44Everything's in your email.
34:12We're looking for dirt.
34:18Hylka wants dirt.
34:23Today's special. This white Gandalf.
34:26Hylka wants dirt.
35:22Easy now, easy.
35:24You're in the hospital.
35:26The doctor will come see you soon.
35:48My mentee was beaten up.
35:50He found grounds for an appeal.
35:52And now he's in the hospital.
35:54Something tells me that it has to do with having to fucking defend you.
35:58Well, for obvious reasons, I'm the last person to know anything about Cordian getting beat up.
36:03I know from a police source that your father overdosed when he found out you got a life sentence.
36:07Is that a coincidence?
36:12Perhaps I'll go to the head of this sanatorium, who owes me a favor,
36:15and ask him to put you in the worst pavilion,
36:18where dudes will fuck you up the ass all day and all night long.
36:21And maybe your pretty face too.
36:25I don't think so.
36:28They killed your father.
36:30They almost killed Cordian.
36:31They are framing you for murder.
36:33These are the same people. Don't you get it?
36:39Okay, I've had enough.
36:41Sign this.
36:54I'll fire myself then.
36:56You can look for another lawyer.
36:58I don't give a fuck.
37:00Sit down.
37:02Where did the corpses in your apartment come from?
37:05Who were they to you? You sat with them for ten fucking days.
37:09Why did your father lose his life? Why is Cordian in the hospital?
37:19Do you have a cigarette?
38:01According to Chapter 19 of the Bar Code of Ethics,
38:04you can't disclose anything I tell you.
38:07And is that correct?
38:10Yes, Langer. Anything you tell me, I'm taking to the grave.
38:12Unless you're a terrorist.
38:28I didn't kill those people.
38:31I can't tell you everything because I won't get out of here alive,
38:34but I didn't kill those people.
38:38I didn't kill Agatha and Daniel.
38:58Good morning. My name is Matthew Roskay. I'm the one who put you back together.
39:03I don't want to promise you too much, but the prognosis is good.
39:06You're going to live.
39:10When can I get out?
39:12Are you bored already?
39:15I don't have much to do here.
39:17Well, you can lie down and rest. Read something.
39:20I recommend the doctor's guide. It's great.
39:22As long as you use it for other purposes than reading.
39:27When will I leave?
39:37How's the appeal going?
39:43Excuse me?
39:52You'll get out as soon as I can tell Gorzen without any doubts that you'll keep your word.