Abhay 2019 Hindi Season 1 episode 7

  • 2 days ago
00:00Look at how a senior police officer used his years of training to condemn a poor, helpless youth.
00:14They say that the police are made to protect us.
00:17But here, only the protectors are made to protect us.
00:20The fight has stopped. Come tomorrow.
00:22Please, doctor.
00:25I am not a doctor. I am a compounder.
00:29I am a labourer, sir.
00:32I was working on the side and slipped.
00:35Look, it is hurting a lot, doctor.
00:54Are you new in the city?
00:56Yes, doctor.
00:59The medicine shop is closed.
01:02Let's do one thing.
01:05Let's go to my house.
01:07Your house?
01:10Okay, then.
01:12Come tomorrow.
01:13Doctor, just cure my foot.
01:28Thank you very much, sir.
01:30You saved my money.
01:33This shop will kill me one day.
01:37I didn't want to come here.
01:40My farm is in the village.
01:42I haven't been able to get water for three years.
01:45It's a complete loss.
01:47I had to come here to work.
01:49Sir, this is life.
01:52Work for 18 hours.
01:55Now listen to the manager's abuses.
01:59Then come to my bed and sleep.
02:02Can I say something, sir?
02:03Don't feel bad.
02:04What is there to feel bad about?
02:05You are right.
02:07Is this life a life?
02:08By the way,
02:10I can help you send him back.
02:12Sir, you said so many times...
02:20Rascals come here to suck blood.
02:23God, have mercy.
02:25Give it to me for free.
02:26We are suffering a lot.
02:29Have you seen your village, Deepak?
02:31He cuts everything into pieces.
02:42Someone will have to clean it.
02:54Deepak Chopra
02:58Deepak Chopra
03:03Deepak Chopra
03:08Deepak Chopra
03:13Deepak Chopra
03:18Deepak Chopra
03:21Deepak Chopra
03:26Deepak Chopra
03:31Deepak Chopra
03:36Deepak Chopra
03:41Deepak Chopra
03:46Deepak Chopra
03:53Oh, brilliant.
04:00if you are free,
04:01shall we go somewhere on holiday?
04:03Where do we want to go?
04:10Lets go.
04:11Do you like it?
04:38It's all dad's fault.
04:40Sahil, listen to me!
04:44What happened?
04:45The kids are harassing you at school.
04:47They are saying that your dad is not a good police officer.
04:49He killed a man and that's why they are harassing you.
04:56I could have explained it to them myself.
04:59But I didn't even get to meet them.
05:01Raising a kid is not rocket science.
05:03Spend time with him.
05:04Play games, watch movies.
05:06You have time now.
05:12When is Govind's case hearing?
05:16When his lawyer took over.
05:36Excuse me!
05:37Excuse me!
06:07We clean up the society's mess.
06:10There's a lot of mess in the police force these days, right?
06:13Anyway, forget it.
06:14Keep this gift.
06:16Your well-wisher.
06:17Duty's butcher.
06:33You didn't see his face because he was wearing a helmet.
06:36And you don't even know where he went.
06:39That's what I'm saying, sir.
06:40I don't know.
06:42Tell me something.
06:43Didn't you suspect him at all?
06:45He left before I could react to anything.
06:49You can question our staff, Mr. Awasthi.
06:52But tell me this.
06:54Who is the butcher of UP?
06:57Is there really a case file on this that has been hidden from the public?
07:02You are the head of the channel, Mr. Agnihotri.
07:05What will we hide from you?
07:07When the time comes, we'll tell you first.
07:10After all, you should be the one to get the exclusive, right?
07:13Because you're the one who got the cut hand.
07:16Co-operate with the police in the inquiry till then.
07:31So did you find any fingerprints from this note?
07:34No, sir.
07:37And the box?
07:39It was full of fingerprints, sir.
07:42Yes, I mean, by the time we got there, people were taking selfies of it.
07:47That means you don't have a single lead.
07:51This case has been with the local police for so many years.
07:55Since 2012, that guy has been throwing dead bodies in different places.
08:01And definitely, he has been found in your old jurisdiction.
08:08So what did you do all these years?
08:11Sir, I was a constable then.
08:14I got 2-3 people arrested, sir.
08:16But when I went to the court, they were acquitted in the absence of evidence, sir.
08:20And sir, 3 years ago, the murders were also stopped, right?
08:25So if the murders are stopped, the files will also be stopped.
08:27This is the file, sir. It has the details of the case.
08:41Sir, one thing is very strange.
08:43A serial killer sends us a note, in which a mobile number is mentioned.
08:48That too, fake.
08:51When the number was wrong, then why was it written?
08:56Good point, Komal.
08:59Definitely, he...
09:02This killer, who calls himself the butcher of UP,
09:05kills people and throws their pieces in different places.
09:09A similar piece was also found in the office of Lucknow Network today.
09:13You have more information than us from these news channels.
09:17The man wearing this helmet delivered a box.
09:20See what came out of it.
09:21The surprising thing is that the Lucknow police have been getting such pieces since 2007.
09:26But in the last 12 years, the police have not taken any action on it.
09:32Because this case was never given the status of a priority case.
09:35Because maybe no big leader or actor's relative was involved in the deaths.
09:39Because maybe,
09:41a missing report of a rich man was not filed.
09:44Because maybe, the dead were common people.
09:46Because maybe, the dead were common people.
10:05Did you like it?
10:11You know, even dad does magic.
10:18When I was a kid,
10:20I had a favorite trick.
10:21Shall I show you?
10:22This is a coin.
10:23You put it in this hand.
10:24And then you put it in this hand.
10:27Turn your finger.
10:29Blow it.
10:34How did you do it?
10:37The coin was always in this hand.
10:39You thought the trick was happening here.
10:41But the trick was happening in this hand.
10:44If you practice, you'll be able to do it.
10:47I'll be back.
10:50Sir, you must be aware of UP's butcher case.
10:54I heard that he's back.
10:55I saw the news.
10:57Sir, he sent us a note.
10:58Half of it is in English and the other half is in Hindi.
11:01Maybe it's written in a fountain pen.
11:03There's a ten-digit number in that note.
11:06It looks like a mobile number, but it's not.
11:08I don't understand what these digits are.
11:11Send me a copy of those digits and note.
11:15Do you have any other details?
11:16Sir, I've got the reports from the local police station.
11:19There's nothing special, sir.
11:20Just some photos, dates and location details.
11:23I'll send it to you.
11:32What are you saying, Govind?
11:34We can easily win this case.
11:37We're very small people, sir.
11:40What's done is done.
11:42We don't want to mess with the police.
11:48We're sorry that we wasted your time.
11:55But we'll take the case back.
12:11We'll take the case back.
12:38Oh God!
12:40This 226014 is the pin code of Indira Nagar, right?
12:47This murderer is trying to play a game with us.
12:50The way he wrote the note in Hindi and English
12:53that's so that the handwriting analysis doesn't take place.
12:56And this phone number has the pin code.
13:00I think whatever he's going to do, he's going to do it in Indira Nagar.
13:04Send an alert to the local police station.
13:06Sir, we'll alert the police.
13:07But we don't know anything about him.
13:09And even if we kidnap people, on what basis?
13:12You have the victim's cut hand.
13:14Take his fingerprints and match them with the Aadhar database.
13:18The victim will be identified.
13:20This could be a big lead.
13:23Mummy, I'll call you back.
13:32Call Abhay.
13:33Call him.
13:35Right now.
13:37Yes, sir.
13:55You're on duty again only because
13:59Govind has taken back his case.
14:03Yes, sir.
14:07You already have all the updates on UP's butcher case.
14:14That's why I won't waste time in briefing you.
14:18Now this case is being transferred to SDF.
14:22These are disjointed cases that have been going on for 12 years.
14:26Different pieces of the body were found in different jurisdictions at different times.
14:33But no solid lead was found.
14:36Sir, this killer is challenging the police.
14:38To tell us that he is two steps ahead of us.
14:42He has sent a letter.
14:44He will surely make a mistake.
14:46So I hope this mistake happens soon.
14:49Because when the media finds out that you are handling this case,
14:53they will create a new ruckus.
14:56The ministry will plant the seed of transfers and suspensions to save its image.
15:04That's why Abhay,
15:06you are our best choice right now.
15:12And also the worst choice.
15:36But let me remind you, Abhay.
15:45Sir, we didn't contact Govind in any way.
15:48Of course.
15:50But still, why did Govind withdraw his case?
15:56It's a matter of thought.
16:06You were right, sir.
16:08We found the match of the victim's fingerprints in the Aadhaar database.
16:12The name was Sugriv Yadav.
16:14He had come from Chhansi.
16:16Check the property registration database from his Aadhaar information.
16:22Sir, a lot of permissions are required for that.
16:27Hurry up, we don't have time.
16:32There is no property in Lucknow.
16:35No relatives either.
16:40I live alone.
16:41I don't have a job.
16:44Sir, maybe that's why I am a soft target for the killer.
16:47One more thing, sir.
16:49According to the forensic report,
16:51the jar in which the cut hand was,
16:53had salt water in it.
16:57Salt water is used to preserve things.
17:02I did it on purpose.
17:04So that it becomes impossible for us to find out the time of death.
17:08Sir, it is also written in the forensic report
17:11that the victim had a lot of scar on his hand.
17:14The nails were also broken.
17:16And there were traces of cement in the nails.
17:22According to his Aadhaar details, he has come from a small village in Chhansi.
17:26He lives alone.
17:29There are traces of cement in his hands.
17:33We think he is a labourer.
17:38It is very important to find the rest of the body parts of the victim.
17:42We will have to send them to the forensics.
17:44They will stitch up all the parts.
17:46Then we will get to know about the injuries,
17:48the pattern of exposure, or what can be a murder weapon.
17:51Then we will be able to make a profile of the killer.
17:58Let's start the inquiry from the construction site.
18:01Yes, sir.
18:08Sir, there is a problem.
18:10Everyone doesn't understand what we say.
18:14Do you know why?
18:16Because to hear the truth,
18:19you should have a heart.
18:21We need a heart, boss.
18:24The system is useless.
18:26We will have to clean it.
18:28It is useless.
18:31There is no salt.
18:33There is no salt.
18:36I think they didn't add it on purpose.
18:38It would have increased the BP.
18:49It would have increased the BP.
18:50It would have increased the BP.
19:00No, son.
19:02Don't worry.
19:06You know that we are very good at our job.
19:08Don't you?
19:11We will change everything.
19:20Let's go.
19:51Let's go.
20:01Greetings, sir.
20:03Do you know him?
20:05Sir, he is Sugriv.
20:07He used to work here.
20:09When was the last time you saw him?
20:11About a week ago.
20:13Sir, he was injured in his leg.
20:15He didn't come to work again.
20:18Let me know if you get any more information.
20:20Okay, sir.
20:38Sometimes, you have to clean up.
20:41The one who can die so easily,
20:44should be killed.
20:46There is no right to live.
20:49We are just
20:51cleaning up the society.
20:54What is wrong in this?
20:58Tell me.
21:00What is wrong?
21:16What is wrong?
21:46Tell me, Komal.
21:48Sir, switch on the TV.
21:50That butcher has committed another crime.
21:52One second.
22:02Our team is standing outside the Lucknow jail in Indira Nagar.
22:06The UP butcher has given his new name to our team.
22:10He is the one who killed my father.
22:12He is the one who killed my mother.
22:14The UP butcher has given his new name to our team.
22:17According to the sources,
22:19a shoe box has been found outside the jail.
22:22A severed head has been found in the box.
22:28The butcher has also sent his second note.
22:33Sir, please come to the forensic lab.
22:42Did you strangle him?
22:43Yes, sir.
22:45It is ligature strangulation.
22:47The victim's brain has some toxins
22:49that are released only when the oxygen doesn't reach the brain.
22:54What is the murder weapon?
22:56To close the airways inside the body,
22:58a minimum of 15 kgs of force is required.
23:00And the marks around the victim's neck
23:03look like they have been strangled with a short heavy chain.
23:06And one more thing, sir.
23:08The body has been cut very cleanly.
23:09This murderer has made his first mistake.
23:18Cut the tape.
23:29That's it.
23:31Now look,
23:33the side where the tape sticks is your fingerprints.
23:36And where you have cut with your teeth,
23:37is the DNA.
23:40Look at this.
23:42This is not a clean cut.
23:44The murderer has cut this tape with his teeth.
23:48Test this for both fingerprints and DNA.
23:51Yes, sir.
23:53Sir, from this note, it is clear that
23:55the murderer has already been caught by the police.
23:57Maybe he is very angry
23:59because he is calling this place his home.
24:01Home means his home.
24:04Means Lucknow.
24:05Means Lucknow.
24:07Sir, maybe he belongs to Lucknow.
24:10But he lives somewhere else.
24:14I think he is calling that jail his home.
24:18Look at the timeline.
24:21There were no murders between 2016 and 2019.
24:25I think he was in jail at this time.
24:28Do one thing.
24:30Get the list of all the prisoners of Lucknow jail from 2016 to 2019.
24:33Yes, sir.
24:35Let's bring the DNA samples.
24:37Yes, bring their fingerprints and DNA samples.
24:39Yes, sir.
25:05Yes, sir.
25:19You were arrested in 2016.
25:22You were in jail for three years.
25:26I didn't do anything, sir.
25:28I swear on my mother.
25:30I was standing in the corner and cursing
25:32that they caught me.
25:33I swear on my mother.
25:35Tell me the truth.
25:37I swear on my mother.
25:39I am sweating.
25:41I swear on my mother.
25:43Scream but keep the volume in control.
25:46Keep your hand on your mouth.
25:48He was in jail from 2016 to 2019.
25:51What did you do?
25:53I didn't do anything.
25:55But yes, we made the biggest mistake by coming to Lucknow.
25:58We were doing good farming in the village.
26:01I have all the documents.
26:03My father had told me not to go to Lucknow.
26:06But I had lost my mind.
26:08Three years ago, we were getting down from the train.
26:11I don't know why they arrested us.
26:13We were released this year.
26:15Then you guys caught us.
26:17Don't put us in jail again, sir.
26:19We are simple farmers.
26:21Okay, okay. Go.
26:23Take his fingerprints and DNA.
26:25Go there.
26:27But, sir.
26:29This can't be a murder.
26:30The murders that took place before 2016 were not in Lucknow.
26:33One second.
26:35You. Come here.
26:50Yes, Natasha. Tell me.
26:52Kuvin has sent me a strange voice note.
26:55I am forwarding it to you. Just go and see if Sahil is okay.
26:58Send it to me.
27:01Why did you go to jail?
27:03I had committed a theft.
27:05But they said that they have sent rats after me.
27:12So, I had to break their legs.
27:19That's why I went to jail.
27:24The waiting hours will end.
27:26The story will end the way it started.
27:49What is it?
27:51Are you laughing a lot?
27:54Should I break your face?
27:57Come on. Get up.
27:59Give me the fingerprints.
28:01Take his DNA and fingerprints.
28:26What is it?
28:56What is it?
29:26What is it?
29:56What is it?
30:19Be careful.
30:29If this lighter falls down,
30:31I will die.
30:33But your house and your child will also get burnt.
30:46He is sleeping.
30:49He has only smelled chloroform till now.
30:54Put the gun down.
30:57Put it down.
31:14You will find it.
31:16Memories are amazing.
31:20I thought that helping the police
31:23will be good for people.
31:24It will be good for people.
31:27But the moment you lost your mind,
31:30you told my name, didn't you?
31:34You burnt my wife and children.
31:37Govind, we didn't do anything.
31:39We didn't even know about your wife and children.
31:43We had sent security for you.
31:49We had sent security.
31:52She turned out to be just like you.
31:55A traitor.
31:57Look, Govind.
31:59He killed my wife.
32:02He left my children.
32:08I killed your wife.
32:14I killed your wife.
32:18And now I...
