马新港华人熟悉的“妈蜜酱” 它曾是英军眼中的救命稻草? #美食篇 | 懂来做莫? Ep150

  • 8 hours ago
▌懂来做莫 ▌#150 美食篇 | “妈蜜酱”原来营养价值高,是“阿兵哥”让它“声名远播”,成为知名食材?

主持 | @Jazkee界錤

点这里 https://bit.ly/notdaringtoknow

#Marmite #妈蜜酱 #英国 #啤酒糟
#不懂没关系 #懂了也没用 #冷知识
#发射热点 #84hotspot #懂来做莫

更多新闻资讯看这里 ▹ https://xuan.com.my/hotspot


00:00Mamey chicken, mamey shiitake, mamey pork ribs
00:02Even if you haven't tried it, you must have heard of this mamey sauce
00:06But did you know that mamey sauce is not just a seasoning
00:08It's also a nutritional supplement
00:10It's okay if you don't understand it, it's useless if you understand it
00:11Understand it and say it
00:12The word mamey sauce originates from French
00:15It means a ceramic jar with a lid
00:17Now you can still see this ceramic pattern on the jar of mamey sauce
00:20I believe it is influenced by the British colonization
00:22Mamey sauce with a century-old history
00:24Deeply influenced the Chinese in Maxin and Hong Kong
00:27Its ingredients include beer straw, salt, spices and celery
00:30The main ingredients come from beer straw
00:33And this also led to mamey sauce during the epidemic
00:36Because the winery was cut down, it was once out of stock
00:38The reason why mamey sauce is popular
00:40Mainly after World War I
00:42Most British soldiers are infected with various diseases due to a lack of vitamin B1
00:46And rich in vitamin B groups
00:48Mamey sauce with a reasonable price
00:49It became a life-saving herb in the eyes of the British army
00:51How much do you like mamey sauce?
00:54Will you eat a little bit when you eat porridge?
