Fall for you 2024 EP 6 eng sub

  • 2 days ago
Fall for you 2024 EP 6 eng sub
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00:03Let the fireflies float in the sky
00:07and fall in love with you
00:10I want to see you
00:14in my heart
00:22How dare you!
00:23Your majesty, this is the way to treat guests in Yan
00:27只要大洲皇子愿意签下合谋书就行 As long as the Prince of Zhou is willing to sign the peace treaty
00:29当然 Of course
00:30不就是让甲方签单吗 Isn't it just asking the Party A to sign the peace treaty?
00:33这已经我熟啊 I'm already familiar with this
00:38不劳太子费心 No need to trouble the Crown Prince
00:41臣定不辱命 I will not disobey
00:51擅闯使臣驿馆 You trespassed the envoys' courtyard
00:53若本王出了意外 If anything happens to me
00:54肃王不怕两国再起战事 King Su is not afraid of war between the two countries
00:56谁有灵我大燕必奉为圣 If there is a spirit in the world, I, the Great Yan, will be the supreme
01:14这把剑应该就是大名鼎鼎的七星龙渊吧 This sword must be the famous Seven-Star Dragon Abyss
01:20听闻皇子好宝剑 I heard the Prince is good at swords
01:22本王代表大燕将此佩剑送上 On behalf of the Great Yan, I present this sword to you
01:26希望皇子满意 I hope you are satisfied
01:28满意 Satisfied?
01:30既然满意的话 If you are satisfied
01:31要不咱们换个地方 Why don't we go somewhere else
01:33将之前的误会好好解开一下 And clear up the misunderstanding
01:37肃王爷连乡西域公然怂恿本王子的小妾出逃 King Su has gone to the Western Regions and openly incited my concubine to run away
01:41这般惊世壮举你已亲口承认 You admitted such a shocking incident
01:44谈何误会啊 What misunderstanding?
01:45皇子误会了 The Prince misunderstood
01:47我当时救尊夫人的时候完全不知道她的身份 I had no idea who she was when I saved the Great Lady
01:50我就看她是一个异族姑娘 I thought she was a girl from the Western Regions
01:52然后在我们大燕又浑身是伤 Then she was injured in the Great Yan
01:55我就好心施以援手 I was kind enough to help her
01:57绝对没有半点不轨的想法 I had no ill intention at all
02:00此话当真? Is it true?
02:01千真万确 It's absolutely true
02:03皇子明鉴 我与王妃情投意合 The Prince is right
02:04我与王妃情投意合 I am in love with the Great Lady
02:06间谍情深 众人皆知 We are both spies
02:08跟尊夫人没有任何不正当的关系 We have no illicit relationship with the Great Lady
02:17其实我也不是真的想打的 Actually, I didn't really want to fight
02:19就是每次看到她与别的男人嘲笑 I was angry every time I saw her flirting with another man
02:22我就生气 I regretted it every time
02:23每次打完他后我也很后悔 I beat her up
02:25这个家暴男 垃圾 算了 瞧不忍着乱打 正是要紧 He's a scumbag. Forget it. I can't stand him. He's so annoying
02:32吃醋可以理解 可是男人打女人总是失了一点风度 Jealousy can be understood, but when a man beats a woman, he always loses his manners
02:38女人是用来宠的 你得对她好 这才是留下她的法宝 Women are meant to be spoiled. You have to be nice to her. This is her magic weapon
02:49吃醋可以理解 可是男人打女人总是失了一点风度 Jealousy can be understood, but when a man beats a woman, he always loses his manners
02:56大皇子好守气啊 十三妖大满贯 糊了 He's so mean. Thirteen Demons are all over the place. He's out of his mind
03:03愣着干嘛 给钱 Why are you standing there? Give me the money
03:06我一个新手 把把都收钱 这都不好意思啊 I'm a novice. I can't even take the money
03:11销售指南第一条 巧妙地利用安全感和饥饿营销 Sales guide number one. Use your sense of security and hunger to sell
03:17大皇子无须惊讶 这就是新手光环 这新手啊就是守气好 The eldest prince does not need to be surprised. This is a novice. This novice is a good guard
03:24前段时日 晋国使臣来访 也是在这个桌子上赢了不少四方钱的 A few days ago, the envoy from Jin won a lot of money on this table
03:32大晋的人也来过 那是自然 我大燕除了大周这个盟友之外 还可以有更多的选择 The Jin people have also come. Of course, I can have more choices besides my ally, Zhou
03:39可若是我们选择了大晋 贵国腹背受敌 恐怕也就不那么好过了 销售指南第二条 价值感和自我满足也必不可少 But if we choose Jin, I'm afraid it's not so easy for your country to be defeated by the enemy
03:49销售指南第二条 价值感和自我满足也必不可少 销售指南第二条 价值感和自我满足也必不可少 销售指南第二条 价值感和自我满足也必不可少 销售指南第二条 价值感和自我满足也必不可少 销售指南第二条 价值感和自我满足也必不可少 销售指南第二条 价值感和自我满足也必不可少 销售指南第二条 价值感和自我满足也必不可少 销售指南第二条 价值感和自我满足也必不可少 销售指南第二条 价值感和自我满足也
04:19必不可少 销售指南第三条 价值感和自我满足也必不可少
04:50当然了 要是皇子此事做不了主 也不用勉强 我们都能理解 大家在宫里生存已实属不易 要想出头更是难上加难
05:08七象法虽土 但永远实用
05:18来 本皇子敬你一杯 祝你们夫妻白头到老 百年好合 多谢皇子 干了
05:38早就听闻你们大燕人专情 当年王爷仰慕于先皇后 可又碍于皇上的面子 不敢表露 直到最后娶了正妃进门 都不肯圆房了
06:03如此宫廷秘辛 皇子是如何得知的
06:09大舟和大烟声奏了几十年 自然是有点手段 打听到你们弓枪那个事情 想当年老王爷骁勇善战 却一夜之间卸甲归田 我们的探子也是费了好大力气 才打听到这么一点消息
06:34不说了 不说了 喝酒 干 什么 他竟然带着大舟皇子在醉经楼鬼混 是啊 王爷这么做真的太过分了 没把王妃您的名声放在心上 竟然带着别的男人去喝酒
06:56我不回去 肃王府那个破地方 真以为谁都不稀罕 小心隔墙有耳 王爷慎言 慎言个屁 我就说 狗屁 你要被人杀了我 你把我砍死了 反正砍死了也不是我的事情
07:15破王爷有什么好当的 整天提心吊胆的 这个不对那个也不行 老子就这样一躺不起 反正不用上班还正事 一个没看好你就出幺蛾子 你真是不让人省心了
07:45我就说我能搞定的 乐园 乐园 你把个魔术拿来看看
08:16也的确不是为良策 嫁进王府是哭哭啼啼 现在这样机灵坚韧 你到底有几招
08:28你是谁啊 怎么跟我长得这么像 我告诉你一个我的秘密吧
08:48我其实来自一个很远很远的地方 你糊涂了 太傅府虽远 不过也就半日较差 我说的不是呢 我说的是我的家
09:14你若想回家本王明日便派人送你回去 真的吗 本王从不食言
10:14遥望青山万里外 盼得枝头桃花开 落英南楼待你他朝霞而来
10:33画一卷锦绣山海 云深处为你留白 共徘徊不必再等待
10:46芳草西游流离 在掩体般涟漪 想问你 可知我心意
11:00春风如画 吹走思念 夏雨如梦寄心间 莫分生活浅草海桑田 与你再相见
11:14旧日珠石心残缠绵 冬雪无情贪流年 我只愿 与你共看天地间