Ngaji Dengan Wan - Aisyah ms 266 Al-Hijr 71 - 90 سورة الحجر

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Ngaji Al-Quran Online Dengan Wan Teh - Aisyah ms 266 Al-Hijr 71 - 90 سورة الحجر #ngaji #alquran #alhijr

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Langgan sekarang & mari mengaji Al-Quran


Nabi Lut berkata: "Di sini ada anak-anak perempuanku, kalaulah kamu mahu melakukan (secara halal).
Demi umurmu (wahai Muhammad), sesungguhnya mereka membuta tuli dalam kemabukan maksiat mereka.
Akhirnya merekapun dibinasakan oleh letusan suara yang menggempakan bumi, ketika matahari terbit.
Maka Kami jadikan negeri kaum Lut itu tunggang-balik (tertimbus segala yang ada di muka buminya), dan kami hujani atasnya dengan batu dari tanah yang dibakar.
Sesungguhnya balasan azab yang demikian itu, mengandungi tanda-tanda bagi orang-orang yang kenalkan sesuatu serta memerhati dan memikirkannya.
Dan sesungguhnya negeri kaum Lut yang telah dibinasakan itu, terletak di jalan yang tetap (dilalui orang).
Sesungguhnya keadaan yang demikian, mengandungi satu tanda yang memberi kesedaran kepada orang-orang yang beriman.
Dan sebenarnya penduduk kampung "Aikah" adalah orang-orang yang berlaku zalim.
Maka Kami membalas kezaliman mereka itu dengan azab yang membinasakan; dan sesungguhnya kedua-duanya itu terletak di jalan yang terang (yang masih dilalui orang).
Dan demi sesungguhnya penduduk "Al-Hijr" telah mendustakan Rasul-rasul.
Dan Kami telah berikan kepada mereka tanda-tanda (yang membuktikan kebenaran ugama dan Rasul Kami); dalam pada itu, mereka terus juga berpaling (mengingkarinya).
Dan mereka memahat sebahagian dari gunung-ganang, sebagai tempat tinggal dengan keadaan aman (dari sesuatu bahaya).
Meskipun demikian, mereka dibinasakan juga oleh letusan suara yang menggempakan pada bumi waktu pagi.


00:00He said, ''These are my daughters, if you do as they say,
00:10''it is as if they are in their church, wandering blindly.''
00:17So the scream took hold of them,
00:23and We turned their houses upside down,
00:31and rained down upon them a rain of destruction.
00:40A rain of destruction, a rain of destruction, that's a long one.
00:52The stones were brought down from the rock.
00:58In that are signs for those who are mindful of God.
01:08And it is a sure way.
01:14In that are signs for the believers.
01:19A sign for the believers.
01:26And the people of the rock were wrongdoers.
01:33So We took revenge on them, and they were in a clear way.
01:43And the people of the rock were wrongdoers.
01:51And We gave them Our signs, and they were turning away from them.
02:04And they were turning away from the mountains to safe houses.
02:14So the scream took hold of them in the morning.
02:20But it was of no use to them what they were doing.
02:28Listen to this.
02:31But it was of no use to them what they were doing.
02:45But it was of no use to them what they were doing.
02:54And We have not created the heavens and the earth and all that is between them except in truth.
03:05And the Hour is coming.
03:11So be careful, O beautiful one,
03:15for your Lord is the All-Knowing Creator.
03:21And We have given you seven of the Qur'an and the Qur'an.
03:28That is long. There is a dead letter there.
03:32Look at it twice.
03:33From the Qur'an and the Qur'an.
03:41From the time...
03:43From the...
03:46From the second letter and the great Qur'an.
04:16To the believers.
04:19And say, I am the clear warner.
04:26As We sent down to the hypocrites.
04:32The hypocrites.
04:35The hypocrites.
04:37Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
04:45In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
05:15In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.
05:45O Allah, the One who sent down the Qur'an.
05:49O You who made the clouds move.
05:52O You who defeated the parties.
05:55Defeat them.
05:56Defeat them.
05:58Defeat them and help us against them.
06:02And peace and blessings be upon our master Muhammad.
06:06And praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.
06:15Al Fatiha.
