Finding Love in Saint Lucia

  • 2 days ago
An Ornithologist and Journalist partner up to save an endangered bird species in the jungle of Saint Lucia. They Both fall in love with the nature and also fall in Love with each other.
00:00:00This is an example of a video
00:00:28Salucci organization produced. In order to convince people they were buying beachfront
00:00:32timeshare units as a state agent played by actors gave live walkthroughs. You think I'm at the beach
00:00:40but I'm not. This is virtual reality. The video was fake and we have proof.
00:00:46I went undercover as an agent. Didn't they do this story already?
00:01:00Twice they finally gave it to me to do it right. I guess they're running out of conspiracy theories
00:01:06to debunk. Um I don't have any notes for the closing segment. Probably because you didn't
00:01:13make any notes. You're the best. We're back in five four three two and
00:01:29And another scam bites the dust. The holiday homes were a con and that's fake checked. And if you are
00:01:36a victim of the Lucci organization visit the website I created where you can share your story
00:01:41and find useful resources. I'm so glad you created that website. I like to go above and
00:01:46beyond for the people. And you've been doing that for years with everyone.
00:01:54Why they have to break up. They had such great on-screen chemistry and now it's just hard to
00:02:01watch. And thank you Kennedy for proving that time spent with you is never just fun at the beach. Oh
00:02:08at least I didn't run scared of the turtle like you did the last time we went on vacation.
00:02:14On that note remember always fake check. And we're out.
00:02:23Good job crew. If you'll excuse us for a minute I need to talk with Kennedy and Bo.
00:02:28Mindy what's up? That was horrible. I'm sorry I thought I was bringing something new to the
00:02:37segment. Not your segment. The show is not the problem. It's the two of you. Mindy the stories
00:02:44are. The chemistry isn't there anymore. Oh that must be Kennedy's issue. I mean I have chemistry
00:02:48with everyone. And that was our problem. And disappearing faster than the chemistry are the
00:02:54viewers. We have to replace one of you. Oh Kennedy I'm so sorry. What makes you think it
00:03:02would be me? I actually work. They're not gonna fire me. I have seniority. And I was hosting back
00:03:08when you were just a production assistant. Show me your best work. Whichever of you produces the
00:03:14better segment keeps their job. The other produce. Well may the best man win. Your best work.
00:03:34He stole my heart and broke it. I gave him my best stories. I am not letting him take my job
00:03:40away from me too. I told you he wasn't any good. Sienna you loved Bo. Okay like only for the first
00:03:47couple years. I had so many plans for our future. He just threw them away. Is that chocolate chip?
00:03:54Of course. So you need a great story right? No I need an amazing story. What about something
00:04:08everyone thought was extinct? Like love? Love's not extinct. That's where you're wrong. Love is
00:04:14extinct. Listen my birding group was all on Twitter today. Get it? Twitter. What a hoot.
00:04:22There's this picture going around about an exotic parrot that hasn't been seen in
00:04:26like over 40 years. Okay. They thought it was extinct but now everyone's like maybe it's still
00:04:33alive. Sienna how many genuine photos have I proven to be a fake over the years? Starting
00:04:40with the one with dad? I know it's your job and you're really good at it but some of the photos
00:04:47have been real right? Rarely. Occasionally. I mean look at this picture. Isn't it gorgeous?
00:04:55How can you tell? It's so blurry. Okay so they weren't great photographers.
00:05:04Our discovery of the week is the extinct Polson tribrook parrot.
00:05:13If this online photo is real we need to head straight to St Lucia right? Totally but the
00:05:18original photo has already been taken down. I mean that's gotta prove it's legit right?
00:05:23It hasn't been seen in what half a century? It has to be the Polson parrot. It has the famous
00:05:28fuchsia heart shape on its chest feathers. Well the St Lucia Conservation Center are asking for
00:05:34donations so I hope you all share and donate. Gotta be a scam. But it's getting traction.
00:05:41Three million views. And it's only been a few days. I really think this is your story. Proving
00:05:47an international viral photo is a fraud. Used by some wildlife center to tug at people's heart
00:05:55strings. Get into their wallets. You know that could be a story that could get both the show.
00:06:02Extinction extortion exposed. That's the title. I really thought we were going with more of an
00:06:08endearing heartstrings grabbing story of a beautiful bird brought back from extinction.
00:06:14That's ridiculous. But people really want to buy into this. I mean there's
00:06:18already a website where you can buy parrot t-shirts, mugs, phone covers.
00:06:28I'm gonna report on that conservation center and prove that parrot
00:06:32is extinct. Or maybe you'll see that things thought extinct can come back to life.
00:06:36St Lucia, here I come.
00:07:07Okay so we still have a couple spots to fill for tomorrow's tour. Are you encouraging guests to...
00:07:23What? Jake? Hello Earth to Jake. Okay you know what I was gonna tell you. I'm just gonna have
00:07:28Ray take over the tours for a while because I think he'll really help with reviews. Oh hi. Hi.
00:07:34Hi there. Are you checking in? Kennedy Webber. Welcome to Coconut Bay Beach Resort and Spa,
00:07:39Miss Webber. I'm Anne Miners, the reservations manager and wedding coordinator. And this is
00:07:43Jake Harper, our guest experience rep. What brings you to the island? I'm a reporter doing a story
00:07:48about the Polson Tribe of Parrot, the bird that's been in the news. Yeah we've had a few guests ask
00:07:53about that. So have you found anything out yet? Do you know where it is? I was gonna ask you the
00:07:57same thing. Know who posted the photo online? No. No it's a it's a mystery but I think they've
00:08:05uh they've taken it down right? Yes which is even more suspicious. Suspicious? So uh Kennedy right
00:08:13we have the best island tour for you and I think you're really gonna love it. It's of the catamarans,
00:08:18the pitons, the jungle. Our new tour guide is very knowledgeable. Sounds like a quick way to get
00:08:24footage of the island. Sign me up. Perfect. Okay now before you get settled in let me show you a
00:08:31room. And I'll follow you straight to your room with your bags. But you know not look not in a
00:08:36stalker's way. I'm just I'm gonna no I'm saying I'm gonna I'm gonna get the bags and follow you
00:08:40and I'm gonna drop them off. I'm not gonna like watch you do your thing the whole day and uh
00:08:45just I'm gonna I'll get your bags.
00:09:01Yeah I'm here. No I haven't found the iguana yet. But Rosemary's not gonna hurt anyone.
00:09:08Yes I know about their guest complaints but she just likes meeting new people. And through there
00:09:13we have our gym and sanctuary spa. I don't think I'll have time for the spa. Oh we have amazing
00:09:20new local organic treatments like our cocoa scrub grown on a plantation right here in the island.
00:09:26I don't expect to be here long. Well if you need anything at all I'll be here. Yeah well
00:09:31please if you hear anything about the parrot let me know. Of course. Yeah.
00:10:02Ah your chivalry is dead.
00:10:10I cannot believe this. We will get your dress dry cleaned immediately.
00:10:14It's fine. Really it's fine. It's not your fault. It's his. Uh yeah sorry about that.
00:10:23Look I'm sorry you fell in the pool but you're the one who scared Rosemary.
00:10:28Rosemary? That dragon? It's not a dragon. It's a Saint Lucian iguana. Okay Kennedy please how can
00:10:36we make this up to you? It's fine. Really fine. Just my favorite shoes shrinking by the second.
00:10:42Um you know I just gotta get back to work. So if you would excuse me. Thank you.
00:10:48What was that for? You are never going to get a date if you keep acting like that.
00:10:53Look I had to save Rosemary. You left her in a pool.
00:11:07Okay I guess I am better with animals than I am with women. Well you sure couldn't be any worse.
00:11:14Mm-hmm well you sure couldn't be any worse.
00:11:40Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello? You! Dragon guy. Wasn't expecting to see you again so soon.
00:11:58I was hoping to talk to someone about the Polson tribe of parrot. Okay. Well it's about the photo
00:12:04that's been in the news. Oh it's not real. Oh you think it's a fake too? It's not a picture of the
00:12:10Polson tribe. Okay I had a couple of questions. Nope no interview. The center has been getting
00:12:23a lot of money since the news went viral. We had nothing to do with that photo. It's quite
00:12:28convenient you've had a record amount of donations. Oh so what you're saying is that these animals
00:12:32don't deserve people's goodwill to help them? No no that's not what I'm saying. Look people saw
00:12:38the photo and want to help out other rare animals on the island. Like Max here. He's a endemic parrot
00:12:45that I rescued as a chick. So we'll use those donations to help out his rehabilitation because
00:12:50he can't go back into the wild. That's lovely. You know I didn't mean this center. It's you know
00:12:56it's just some organizations aren't the charitable operations they present online. Right so do you
00:13:01have all the evidence you need now? Are we done? Do you agree there's no way this parrot could have
00:13:07possibly been rediscovered after all these years? Look I've worked with rare birds for the last 10
00:13:13years. I've never come across them but interest in it makes people want to donate so we'll use that
00:13:18money to help save other animals from suffering the same fate as that parrot. So you'd like to
00:13:23see this myth go on and on? No not at all. Tourists traveling over natural habitats looking for some
00:13:29miracle bird puts other breeds in jeopardy. Are you filming me? If you can help prove this
00:13:35photo's a fake I can stop unwanted traffic and help emphasize the importance of animals that
00:13:41can't be protected. Just agree to an official interview and I'll go away. Oh no no no. Come on
00:13:48you've got a face for camera. It'll only take a minute. Oh aren't you the sweet talker but no can
00:13:54do. Do you know who took the picture? Look I don't want to be rude but I've got an island tour to lead
00:13:59so if you'll excuse me. I also have a catamaran tour to get to but maybe we can talk later.
00:14:05130 Friars dock? I hear the tour guide is very knowledgeable. I'll try not to disappoint.
00:14:13Kennedy hey. Hi. I'm really excited and I'm going to make sure this tour is extra special for you
00:14:18today okay. Oh thanks. We really need Ray to check over the boat before we can set sail.
00:14:23Right. Hope you brought your bathing suit today just in case you fall in the water. That depends.
00:14:31I'm just going to go ahead and get you ready for the tour.
00:14:33Did you bring your dragon? It's not a dragon. It's a Saint Lucian Iguana and no Rosemary will not be joining us today.
00:14:41It was a joke. Not very funny.
00:14:47Okay all right.
00:15:03I'm so pissed we can't eat anything.
00:15:22This seat taken? No.
00:15:24Do you know um do you know the bird was named after an ornithologist?
00:15:33Yeah that's um that's like a like a bird guy right and he first discovered it in 1776.
00:15:40Is that so? Yeah he discovered it near three brooks that all converged together.
00:15:45That's that's why you know it's named um you know tribe. Yeah.
00:15:55Madam. Thank you. It's from my website.
00:16:03So you own the website with all the souvenirs? Uh-huh look designed it all myself. Great.
00:16:09Yeah. I guess the sudden news the bird has been rediscovered must be good for business.
00:16:15Oh no no no I no no listen I had nothing to do with the post or the photo right. I'm just an
00:16:21entrepreneur who saw an opportunity to sell my own designs right. Might want to get your camera ready
00:16:27for this one. Ladies and gentlemen the Patons of St. Lucia.
00:16:58The gross and petite Patons are dormant volcanoes.
00:17:02The rich volcanic soil allows for some unique flowers to grow there.
00:17:05As you know St. Lucia has several distinct areas for vegetation.
00:17:10Some trees growing on the Patons cannot be found anywhere else on the island.
00:17:16Watch your step there. There you go. Good job. Oh there you are. Oh be careful now.
00:17:30There you go. You got it sir. Enjoy the tour. It was educational. Yeah.
00:17:38I would have caught you if you fell in the water this time.
00:17:41Okay. You're okay. Are you okay? Easy with the gas liners. What are you?
00:17:50It's okay. Sorry about that. So listen please keep this on you at all times. What's that? This is
00:17:55GPS. All right just in case you get lost in the jungle. I mean look no one ever does but you know
00:18:00it's the first time for everything. Good to know. All right. Hey good seeing you.
00:18:05Well everybody's got their GPS units now. You're okay.
00:18:21We have lots of cashew trees back in here.
00:18:24Some days you might see Tarzan swinging through the jungle back here with all these vines.
00:18:28So uh will your um boyfriend be joining you on this trip at all? There's no boyfriend.
00:18:38And although we're a small island we have a large animal population.
00:18:43Around 2,000 native species and about 10 percent of that can't be found anywhere else in the world.
00:18:48Does that include those extinct? Uh completely different list. Kennedy? Excuse me um just wait
00:18:55don't say just wait right up there yeah. Jake do me a favor. Just lead the rest of the group
00:18:59up the trail. I'll be right back okay. Kennedy? Kennedy?
00:19:19Kennedy stop where you're at. Don't move.
00:19:25St. Lucian boa. It's the largest and rarest subspecies on the island and we're protecting
00:19:38it with our conservation efforts. It's not venomous or aggressive. It's totally safe.
00:19:45Just stay very very still. She's beautiful huh?
00:19:49No. Okay. Not a snake pan? No. I came face to face with a snake at my grandparent's farm.
00:20:08We should probably get back to the group.
00:20:18St. Lucia is one of the most mountainous islands in the Caribbean. Combined with all the rain we
00:20:24get during the wet season we have an abundance of waterfalls. Hope you brought your bathing
00:20:30suit because you're welcome to get in and enjoy. Come on it'll be fun.
00:20:40Hey sis how's it going? Is that a waterfall? Are you going in? No I can't right now.
00:20:47Seriously? Oh please. Sound like Ray. Ray? Who's Ray? Did you meet a guy? I'm on international
00:20:55roaming. I can't afford a conversation about my love life. Now can you get in touch with
00:20:59your bird watching contacts and find out anything you can about the photo? Who posted it? Where?
00:21:05When? How? Can you do that for me please? Sure I'm on it. So which one of the hotties is Ray?
00:21:13It's not that guy is it?
00:21:22Look I gotta go but let me know if you find out anything okay? Bye.
00:21:29Ray? Kennedy? Ray? Renedy? Cray? Renedy?
00:21:43Okay who's next? The view is amazing going down. Oh no I'm not zip lining.
00:21:54Oh it's a long walk back. You'll enjoy it I promise. Oh Ray you know that bird picture
00:22:01everyone's talking about where we see the parrot up here? I'm afraid not Mildred. I'm not sure that
00:22:06species still exists but there are many other rare and exotic animals on this island that could use
00:22:10your support. It's just amazing the work that you do. I'm donating as soon as I get home. Well we
00:22:15welcome all support for local conservation work. Wonderful. See you at the bottom Jake.
00:22:23All set off you go.
00:22:24Okay all right Jake.
00:22:37You ready? Let's get you hooked up.
00:22:45Okay let me tell you something before you go. Remember to open your eyes. You'll thank me later.
00:23:24There's a lot to offer if you just give it a chance. I just have to do that. All right listen up everyone.
00:23:31Please turn in your GPS units to me. Thank you. Good job Jake. And special treat for you guys.
00:23:38If anybody wants to buy. Boom! Stylish hat designed by yours truly. Check it out.
00:23:44Huh? Talk to me at the resort. Designed it all myself. I am a designer. Boom! Look at this stylish t-shirt.
00:23:55Dinner's all set. Thanks. Oh hey. Do you know how to get to the tribrook? The place where the
00:24:11bird was first seen? I can't seem to find anything about it online. You won't find the parrot there.
00:24:17That's a crucial part of the story. If it'll help, Ray could take you.
00:24:25Oh no. I wouldn't want to bother him. I'm sure he's busy. Okay.
00:24:32But he does know how to avoid the tarantulas and poisonous centipedes you might encounter.
00:24:37Tarantulas? I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask if he's around.
00:24:43You know, he might be free.
00:25:13Hey, look over there.
00:25:20It's a dragon. It's not a dragon. This is St. Lucian iguana.
00:25:27And you're sure we won't find the parrots at tribrook? I closely monitored the site. They're not there.
00:25:34Seems like you're making a lot of effort for this story.
00:25:38I need something really compelling to win this competition at work.
00:25:43Must be a nice prize to get you all the way down here. I get to keep my job?
00:25:50Uh, my ex and I are co-hosts of this show called The Fake Checkers. And it's not the best working
00:25:56relationship. They're gonna get rid of one of us, so I really need to hit it out of the park
00:26:01with this story. Job's that important, huh? It's all I've got right now. I like doing stories that
00:26:09help protect people and save them from scammers and fraud. It's quite the unusual job you have.
00:26:20A fake picture lost my dad his re-election for mayor. A photo showed him buddying up to a
00:26:26developer everyone knew was a crook and we swore to stop. It broke his heart that people thought
00:26:31he was corrupt. But the opposition had pictures. They were fake, obviously. The people didn't know
00:26:39that or believe that at the time. My dad was a great mayor. He did a lot for the city. And
00:26:49all of that was forgotten because of one photo. I eventually proved it was a fake,
00:26:56but by then it was too late.
00:27:13This is Tribrook? Where are the brooks? They dried up a long time ago. Three streams just right up.
00:27:21Oh, the ecosystem changes. Like, these birds, they adapted to the change in vegetation,
00:27:31but the Polson Tribrook parrot didn't, which explains why they probably went extinct.
00:27:35They could have migrated elsewhere? No, I don't think that's the case.
00:27:39There's a myth about the parrot that had it hunted into extinction by believers decades ago.
00:27:44What's the myth? Look, we have real animals in need here. For example, the St. Lucian parrot
00:27:50was on the verge of extinction until our conservation efforts kicked in.
00:27:53Now the numbers are increasing each year. And that goes for forests, too. There were less than
00:27:58a hundred pencil cedar trees until a few years ago. Well, if you agree to an interview, I could
00:28:03tell the world about your work. Nope, no interview. Why not? It could help with donations. I just
00:28:08think I'd do more harm than good in front of that camera. I guess I'll have to wait to interview
00:28:14the parrot. Every time I do one of these stories, I think maybe this is the one. But then I start
00:28:33looking into it, and it's always disappointing. But let's be real. Things don't just come back
00:28:40to life. That's a fantasy. Well, you're in a living fantasy right now.
00:28:49Say, uh, do you need to get back right away? You need to get back right away.
00:28:57We're supposed to be working. Well, work can wait.
00:29:40Stingrays! Stingrays! It's okay, all right? Just stay calm. If they're in their natural
00:29:51habitat, we're the ones invading them, see? So if you just relax, everything will be fine. Just
00:29:56allow them to swim around you. You're doing great. I'm putting my hands down.
00:30:03Amazing, huh? Thank you. I didn't realize how much you needed this.
00:30:22I couldn't believe you're that great of a swimmer. I thought the stingray would feel a lot
00:30:37rougher. You know, well, that was surprising that you did that. I surprised myself. Oh,
00:30:44you two look like you've been having fun. You working hard? Oh, me? I'm having a great day
00:30:49preparing another wedding. Well, soon you'll be doing that for yourself. Oh,
00:30:52I forget the time. It is wedding season all year round here. You're engaged?
00:31:01He actually proposed right here on the beach, but I've been so busy yet we haven't even gotten
00:31:05around to setting a date. So whose wedding are you planning? Oh, it is for a VIP guest. All top
00:31:12secret. You know what these celebrity weddings are. They don't give you any details so that
00:31:17there aren't any press leaks. Excuse me. Oh, no, that's not going to work. But thank you. They
00:31:24did say spare no expense, so I'm creating my own little dream wedding. So how was your day?
00:31:33I touched a stingray. Oh, weren't you scared? Not Kennedy.
00:31:41Are you trying to impress a certain someone with a special tour of the island, Ray?
00:31:48So how did you two end up in St. Lucia? Well, Ray always wanted to work in conservation in
00:31:53the Caribbean, but after our parents passed, he didn't want to leave me alone in the States.
00:31:59So I suggested we both move down. Well, really, I was just tired of shoveling snow in Syracuse,
00:32:05figured I would shovel sand in St. Lucia. My dad always said family's what matters most.
00:32:12Well, your dad sounds like a good man. Kind of remind me of him in a way, where you use science
00:32:16to make a difference. He used the government. My dad was mayor of Albany County. Mayor James
00:32:24Weber. You used to talk about him. Yeah, he was really influential in the small city environmental
00:32:29movement. How cool. You're Mayor Weber's daughter. Well, I should get back. Max gets pretty vocal
00:32:40when his dinner's late. Well, thanks for today. I really enjoyed it. Yeah, no problem.
00:32:56I had a good time too.
00:32:58You like her. She's growing on me.
00:33:06Ray seems genuine. The Conservation Center is doing great work. Maybe the bird is real.
00:33:14I'm so glad you created that website. And thank you, Kennedy, for proving the
00:33:19time spent with you is never just fun at the beach. Oh, oh, at least I didn't run scared.
00:33:37Good morning, Sienna. Hey, I got a lead on who uploaded the picture. The buzz going around is
00:33:55that the picture came from a local on the island with the last name of Miners. Miners? How'd you
00:34:01know? I got a screenshot of the original post. You can just make it out in the corner.
00:34:06Anne Miners. Anne? Um, can you send me that? Sure.
00:34:16I didn't mean to deceive you. Ray was so upset when I posted the picture. I took it down as
00:34:20soon as he told me the damage it could do, but by then people were sharing and talking about it.
00:34:25So he had nothing to do with posting it? Or Jake's website? No, and he really didn't even
00:34:31want Jake to make the site. He thinks it brings unwanted attention. I'm sorry,
00:34:36Kennedy. I just wanted to see if any other birdwatchers thought it was real.
00:34:41So where did the photo come from then? A couple, the Sawyers, honeymooning here at the resort.
00:34:46They took the photo, but they couldn't identify it with any of the birds in any of their bird
00:34:50watching apps. I showed the photo to Ray and he said the feather pattern matched the Poulsen
00:34:56tribrook parrot, but that the bird was extinct. I really wanted to believe they'd come back
00:35:02because if they're real, Ray'd be the perfect person to protect them. Well, I need to talk
00:35:10with that couple. They left. Ray rang them to try and find out what trail they were on,
00:35:14but he couldn't find anything. Oh, oh, you could talk to the locals that had the last
00:35:20confirmed sighting 40 years ago. Maybe they can help with the film. They're still around.
00:35:25Oh, yeah. Teresa, she officiates all of our weddings and they live right nearby.
00:35:29That could be helpful. I'd like to get their take on the picture. Thank you. Of course.
00:35:42Thanks. Well, I figured we could go off the beaten path.
00:35:46Listen, I didn't mean to lie to you about my sister. I just didn't want her being linked to
00:35:50your story as their intentions were good. She's an eternal optimist.
00:35:57It's okay. And I appreciate you taking me to see the couple.
00:36:02Well, that's the least I could do. Shall we? Okay.
00:36:29how far? Oh, just a ways.
00:36:37So, we saw the beautiful creature while on a hike. The first one we took after getting engaged.
00:36:47We used to hike the island all the time in those days. Yeah, we kind of don't anymore.
00:36:54Now we watch the beauty right here from our porch.
00:36:58Well, how did you know it was the Pulsing Tribrook Parrot? It's beautiful fuchsia heart
00:37:04shape on its chest feathers. But most of all, it's calm. It's very distinctive. I could make
00:37:11it for you if you like. Please. Are you ready? Amazing. Thank you. Now, do you think the bird
00:37:27is extinct? Oh, no. Really? You know about the legend, right?
00:37:35The Pulsing Tribrook Parrot will remain as difficult to find
00:37:39as true love. And only those who found true love will ever find the bird.
00:37:50The heart shaped feathers are a local symbol for love.
00:37:54It's why we use fuchsia flowers in our wedding ceremonies. But the photo could still be a fake.
00:38:01I can show you. I took a picture of a St. Lucia parrot. And look.
00:38:10When you add some motion blur, change the color hue. And then when we compare,
00:38:19you see the picture of the Pulsing Tribrook Parrot could be easily recreated.
00:38:24There hasn't been a sighting in nearly half a century. But you still think the bird is alive?
00:38:29I just think there aren't as many couples around who have found true love. So they can't find the
00:38:35bird. But you said you went to Tribrook and Descartes, but that's not where we found it.
00:38:44That's not where we found it. I can show you if you like.
00:38:49Okay, so you guys go here, go here, this area.
00:39:10You're still skeptical?
00:39:14I mean, true love? Aren't you? Yeah, right. And the rate you're going,
00:39:22we're never gonna see in our lifetime. Someone's in a rush.
00:39:35Are you all right?
00:39:40That's what I get for trying to keep an eye on you.
00:39:58Does this look familiar to you?
00:40:15What's that?
00:40:24It's a bird trap. Poachers were here. You don't think they're trying to capture the parrot?
00:40:31Oh, ours or any other rare exotic bird on the island. They bring back a big payday as pets
00:40:37in the black market. That's horrible. This is where I was afraid would happen.
00:40:42I can't protect an area based on a myth. If the parrot does exist,
00:40:46we need to find it before anyone else does. So you believe it now?
00:40:52Someone does. Let's get out of here in case they see us down here.
00:41:11Hey, guys. Hey, you guys, look what I found. A bird. The black-browed babbler has been found
00:41:23in Indonesia after being missing for 170 years. See? Things can unexpectedly reappear.
00:41:31And speaking of unexpected, you see that couple over there?
00:41:35They're the honeymooners who took the original photo. Yeah. Let's go talk to them.
00:41:40Okay, right. Right, right, right, right. Check it out. Super legit, right?
00:41:48It's definitely the Bolsontribrook parrot. Flew right over us.
00:41:52I took that still from the video if you'd like to see it. Yeah. Yeah.
00:42:06Doesn't look like any bird I've seen on the island. It's incredible. It's 100% real.
00:42:13Why did you come back? Jake, the guest experience guy,
00:42:18yeah, he contacted us. He said that we won the lovebird special.
00:42:22Do you know anything about this? No, I've never heard of that before.
00:42:27You said you were on the Descartes Trail, but I didn't have any luck there.
00:42:32Could you show us where you were at when you took that video? Yeah, sure.
00:42:39We were right about here.
00:42:44You up for an adventure?
00:43:05These views are stunning. That's what I love about this island.
00:43:13It never gets old. So what do you think about the saunas?
00:43:18They seem genuine. I mean, they're video too.
00:43:22Yeah, so you believe that that bird is still alive out there too, huh?
00:43:28Wouldn't it be amazing? The odds are against it. My scientific
00:43:32mind says that it can't be. What does your heart say?
00:43:35I haven't listened to that in years. It'd get me in trouble.
00:43:38Well, maybe that's not a problem. It only appears to believers of true love.
00:44:02You better slow down. You're going to wear yourself out.
00:44:05No way. I've been hit in the gym. I can share my exercise routine with you.
00:44:09Oh, your exercise routine. I've got the whole island exercising.
00:44:13Does beat the treadmill.
00:44:21Jake, what are you doing here, bud?
00:44:28Hey, guys. Hey. I'm probably the same as you, trying to get a lucky glimpse of our
00:44:33mysterious friend. Did you get the Sawyers to bring you here?
00:44:37Yeah. Yeah. They previously said it was in this area, but no one's ever seen it.
00:44:41So I thought I'd bring them back out to retrace their steps. But this is the area
00:44:47they brought me. I know how important finding the parrot is to you, so I thought I'd help.
00:44:53Have you seen it? No. Four hours, nothing. Tribrook is not here.
00:44:58Tribrook is not here. I told you to leave these birds alone, Jake. These areas are protected.
00:45:06Yeah, but this would be great for St. Lucia. Besides, if you don't believe they're back,
00:45:09why are you out here scurrying around? Just sell your t-shirts, Jake. Let us see
00:45:12if the Sawyers were right. All right. All right. All right. I'll head back. I'll sell my t-shirts.
00:45:23That was weird. I know. Jake's never been interested in conservation work before this.
00:45:29Isn't it a good thing that this photo is getting people interested in protecting endangered species?
00:45:36Yeah, but even well-intentioned supporters can do more harm than good if a conservation strategy
00:45:40isn't in place first. Wilderness without wildlife is just scenery. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:45:46No, I wasn't recording. I wasn't recording.
00:45:55We should probably look around.
00:46:02No more filming, then.
00:46:23I was really starting to think that maybe...
00:46:29You know when I told you that I'd heard of your father? Turns out he was actually a founder of
00:46:42the Wildlife and Conservation Board for small cities that I now serve on.
00:46:47No way. Yeah.
00:46:49Small world.
00:46:50Yeah. I read a lot of his reports, and he was way ahead of his time.
00:47:00We're actually using a lot of his research today.
00:47:06Thanks, Ray. Well, we better head back. Where we go?
00:47:14How about a little memento?
00:47:19Come on.
00:47:31I really wanted this one to be true. Is my cynical mind wrong?
00:47:38I don't think you're cynical.
00:47:42Ray! I'm getting married!
00:47:50Aren't you already engaged?
00:47:51Yes! The wedding I was planning for tomorrow? It's for me! Mike set it all up!
00:47:57Good work, man. That could have really backfired.
00:47:59I am so excited. I mean, I'm in shock. But, Kennedy! You have to come!
00:48:05Oh, no, don't feel you have to. I don't want to intrude.
00:48:08You're not intruding! Oh my god, Ray! You need a plus one for tomorrow.
00:48:13Help with the nerves. Remember what you promised?
00:48:16How could I forget?
00:48:18You're giving a speech?
00:48:19Well, something like that. And you have to come.
00:48:23No one likes to go to a wedding alone. Plus, I'll even save you a dance.
00:48:29Well, I would love to, but I don't have anything suitable to wear.
00:48:33Oh, I will sort you out.
00:48:36Okay, well, any chance to get out of these boots for a day?
00:48:40Oh, you two must be starving. Go and grab some food from the Caribbean night buffet
00:48:45before it all goes. Yeah, definitely work up an appetite.
00:48:48Unless you've seen enough of me for one day. No, no, not at all. I just
00:48:53drop my bag off in my room and I'll be right back.
00:48:56All right. You guys must be so excited.
00:49:01So happy for you guys.
00:49:31This is amazing.
00:49:43Well, I hope you don't mind, but it's a liberty of getting us some food.
00:49:47Do you like fried plantains?
00:49:49Never had it before.
00:49:50Just try them. They're my favorite.
00:49:52All right. Give it a try.
00:49:57You know, I live in a city with all kinds of restaurants, but the food here,
00:50:02better than anywhere else.
00:50:04Well, I think that's because they would say it was made with love.
00:50:08Looks like love's all over the island, then.
00:50:12Very well may be.
00:50:17So I got to ask,
00:50:19how long were you with your ex?
00:50:21Too long. Three years.
00:50:24What happened?
00:50:26I think he was always waiting for someone better to come along.
00:50:29And I just didn't see it at the time.
00:50:32You know, with our fast paced lives, we often miss something amazing.
00:50:38Being out here in nature, it taught me patience.
00:50:42And it taught me how to be a good person.
00:50:44Being out here in nature, it taught me patience.
00:50:49You know, waiting hours on end, quietly, for an animal to be in its natural habitat.
00:50:55All that time for just one fleeting glimpse.
00:51:00It's worth it. Every time.
00:51:05But I also focus too much on work.
00:51:08What was that?
00:51:09I work too much.
00:51:10Oh, you're a workaholic.
00:51:13That's why you don't have the time to enjoy yourself.
00:51:15I'm enjoying myself right now.
00:51:20What are they doing over there?
00:51:22Uh, that is the Lakame, traditional St. Lucian dance.
00:51:28You want to give it a try?
00:52:29She's all set.
00:52:42She looks stunning.
00:52:43I just still can't believe Mike got Anne to plan her own wedding and still be a surprise.
00:52:48Yeah, he figured that she wouldn't go all out if she knew it was for her.
00:52:52You know, she plans these beautiful experiences for everyone else.
00:52:56He just wanted her to have that for her own wedding.
00:52:58This way she couldn't find excuses to put anyone else first.
00:53:01She seems so excited.
00:53:03I'll see you after.
00:53:39Mom and Dad will be proud.
00:54:08I love you.
00:54:09All right, get up there.
00:54:10You're going to make me cry.
00:54:12Hello world, wake me up to another good, good morning.
00:54:13Time to go.
00:54:14Got that smile upon my face because there's excitement in the chase.
00:54:15This I know.
00:54:16Yeah, I'm going for the ride, and by myself I am alive, and I soar.
00:54:43Still I run toward the wind, and let the challenge come in, so I'm on my way.
00:54:50I now pronounce you husband and wife.
00:54:51You may now kiss.
00:54:52I love you.
00:54:53I love you.
00:54:54Too many people go through life without love, but here we are.
00:55:18So, if you could raise a glass to Mr. and Mrs. Blessinger.
00:55:24I love you.
00:55:35When we were little, we used to sit around the house and sing songs.
00:55:40Anne made me promise that I would sing at her wedding one day.
00:55:45I agreed, never thinking that day would happen, but here we are.
00:55:50So, to keep my word, and to let Anne know just how much she means to me.
00:56:31From the other side of Thompson Street, I felt love for a little while.
00:56:41Because you looked beautiful in the sunset glow, in that sunset glow.
00:56:51You looked more beautiful than anyone I know, than anyone I know.
00:57:02When I asked, you told me yes, to be in mine forevermore.
00:57:10All I can offer is my best, through the good and bad, through rich and poor.
00:57:20You look more beautiful than anyone I know.
00:57:30You look beautiful, so beautiful.
00:57:42There is a lot more to him than he first lets on.
00:57:52He spends so much time talking to Max, I thought he forgot how to talk to girls, to be honest.
00:57:57I'd never guess he could sing.
00:58:00Ray is full of surprises.
00:58:02Enjoy your night.
00:58:13May I have this next dance?
00:58:17Mr. Miners, I can't understand why you don't want to be on camera.
00:58:25Okay, when I was in college, I was part of a conservation club.
00:58:31It's not as nerdy as it sounds.
00:58:33I'm not judging.
00:58:34Actually, it's every bit as nerdy as it sounds.
00:58:36I made this plan to save the rare piping clover nesting near Lake Ontario.
00:58:41Of course you did.
00:58:43Well, we needed money for the plan to work.
00:58:45So when the others in the group found out I could sing, they entered me into a singing competition last minute.
00:58:51Well, if you sang just like you did there, I'm sure you saved a lot of birds.
00:58:55Well, that was the problem.
00:58:57I dislocated my shoulder that morning, and I went to see the doctor right away.
00:59:02And when I got to the chorus, the painkillers really kicked in.
00:59:07Oh, no.
00:59:08Oh, yeah.
00:59:09Oh, no.
00:59:11Instead of singing, The Lady Loves Me, I sang, The Lady Loves Me.
00:59:18Oh, God.
00:59:19No, it wasn't funny.
00:59:21I was delirious.
00:59:22It was funny.
00:59:23You know, and to make matters worse, there was a local news crew there, and it ended up being me.
00:59:29There was a local news crew there, and it aired on every newscast for what felt like a week.
00:59:35I was so embarrassed.
00:59:37You did it for a good cause.
00:59:39Yeah, but I swore to never take center stage ever again.
00:59:47You were really great.
00:59:48Well, I guess I do have a few tricks up my sleeve.
00:59:51Can't wait to see the next one.
00:59:53Come around, everybody.
00:59:58Let's go.
00:59:59You got to get over there.
01:00:00Let's go.
01:00:01Come on, girl.
01:00:09You know the legend, right?
01:00:11The Paulson tribal parrot is as difficult to find as true love.
01:00:16And only those who found true love will ever find the parrot.
01:00:20There aren't as many couples around who have found true love, so they can't find the bird.
01:00:26How did you know it was the Paulson tribal parrot?
01:00:29It's beautiful fuchsia heart shape on its chest feathers.
01:00:33But most of all, it's calm.
01:00:38Well, look at you.
01:00:40You've got all the luck.
01:00:43You bet.
01:00:45Yeah, I've lost my boyfriend, I have no story, so I'm about to lose my job.
01:00:50But I have a wedding bouquet with the beautiful colors of the elusive tribe rock.
01:00:57You're sure we can't use any of that video that you shot?
01:01:00Oh, I have a great travel segment, just not the type of thing the fake checkers plays.
01:01:07Listen, I'm sorry. I couldn't be more of help.
01:01:12Look, I really appreciate everything you've done.
01:01:17Truly. Without you, I wouldn't have learned the lakame.
01:01:22Well, that's a skill that no one should go without.
01:01:25You still remember the steps?
01:01:28I think we can manage.
01:01:50Oh no, is that the wrong step?
01:01:52No, no way!
01:01:54Only three steps.
01:01:55Only three steps.
01:01:57One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine.
01:02:16I love you.
01:02:53What are you doing here?
01:02:55I think we're making a mistake.
01:02:57What can I do to get you back?
01:02:59I don't believe you. What's the real reason you're here?
01:03:03I don't know.
01:03:05I don't know.
01:03:07I don't know.
01:03:09I don't know.
01:03:11I don't know.
01:03:13I don't know.
01:03:14I don't know why you're here.
01:03:17I need your help.
01:03:19My story collapsed without you there to inspire me.
01:03:25Listen, I've got to go.
01:03:29We can talk later.
01:03:33Is that...
01:03:35Beau Hawks, my former co-host.
01:03:38Your ex.
01:03:40That too. But that doesn't matter right now. Were you looking for me?
01:03:44I think we were looking in the wrong spot for the parrot.
01:03:47I looked at Spoto again last night. The lancet trees were in the background.
01:03:51They only grow in soil from recent volcanic origins.
01:03:53So we have a new place to look.
01:03:55If you're up for another adventure.
01:03:57Let's go.
01:03:58What about Beau?
01:04:00He can wait.
01:04:14Got it.
01:04:27Well, the pulsing parrot likes water.
01:04:32Wait, hold on.
01:04:39I think this looks like where they took the video.
01:04:45So this is the spot.
01:04:50Okay, let's take a look.
01:05:04This parrot really doesn't want to be found.
01:05:11I could have swore we were in the right location this time.
01:05:15Maybe it's like love.
01:05:17We always look for it in the wrong place.
01:05:20Well, maybe you shouldn't look for that.
01:05:22Just let it find you.
01:05:38Beau made quite the effort to come down here and find you.
01:05:40He was the last person I was expecting to see.
01:05:44My head's been kind of spinning since he came down here for me.
01:05:48But out here, the outside world just fades away.
01:05:53You know, I've been so caught up in trying to find out if we're really on to something.
01:05:59And even if it's not real,
01:06:02it feels more real than anything I've felt in a long time.
01:06:14That wasn't me.
01:06:16Was that...?
01:06:17I think so.
01:07:29You see anything?
01:07:33I was convinced we'd find it this time.
01:07:37There's still a chance.
01:07:40Is that optimism I hear?
01:07:44Yeah, you might be rubbing off on me after all.
01:07:50Well, if I was the parrot, this is where I'd hide from the world.
01:08:08That's the...
01:08:09the possum tribe of parrots!
01:08:14It doesn't exist.
01:08:22Right up there!
01:08:33I can't believe I'm getting this on camera.
01:08:37There's something there!
01:08:55There's... there's a pear!
01:08:59There's a... there's a pear!
01:09:00There's a pear!
01:09:01There's a pear!
01:09:07We're still rolling.
01:09:14Okay, let me record.
01:09:26The discovery of the Polson tribrook parrot is only the beginning.
01:09:31With at least one pair, it's up to the conservationists and all of us to keep these
01:09:37birds safe and help them thrive.
01:09:42I can't wait to assess how many there are and develop a conservation strategy.
01:09:47This is really exciting.
01:09:51That's the GPS unit from the resort.
01:09:56Why is it in your bag?
01:09:57I don't know.
01:09:58I thought I gave them back after the tour.
01:10:02We should probably get back, just in case anyone knows we're here.
01:10:22Hey, any luck on your quest today?
01:10:25Actually, yes.
01:10:27But we found something else, too.
01:10:29Oh, huh.
01:10:33Where was this?
01:10:34My equipment bag.
01:10:37I wonder how it got there.
01:10:38Someone put it there, Jake.
01:10:41You think I put it there?
01:10:43Come on, Ray, why would I do that?
01:10:45Make money for private tours?
01:10:47Come on, I'm not trying to be a career tour guide, all right?
01:10:50I'm an artist.
01:10:51So it's just a coincidence that this was on in my bag.
01:10:55You know what probably happened?
01:10:57I bet we put it in your bag for the jungle tour.
01:11:01Yeah, you've got some equipment that we didn't want you to lose, so we probably just forgot to get it from you at the end.
01:11:09Yeah, I guess that's what happened.
01:11:13Put it back where it belongs.
01:11:15Oh, yeah, of course.
01:11:19Sorry about that.
01:11:30So, are you sure you know where to go?
01:11:32Yeah, once we're settled in, we can talk plans, okay?
01:11:34Okay, all right.
01:11:35But I want to get that before anyone else.
01:11:39Okay, great.
01:11:47Oh, I saw your missed call.
01:11:49Can we talk?
01:11:51Oh, welcome in.
01:11:55Will you let me apologize?
01:11:57I never should have taken you for granted.
01:11:59I mean, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me.
01:12:02And this time apart has been so good for me.
01:12:05You show me what life is like without you, and I'm useless.
01:12:10This time has been good for me, too.
01:12:13And you were right.
01:12:14We were always together.
01:12:16This time has been good for me, too.
01:12:19And you were right.
01:12:21We were in a rut, going nowhere.
01:12:23We're a team.
01:12:25A good team.
01:12:26We're not a team anymore.
01:12:29Mindy will take us back.
01:12:31We just have to show her how good it used to be
01:12:34by working on this story together.
01:12:36Why would I share a story that I've worked so hard on?
01:12:39Well, I might have some information that could help you.
01:12:41I saw that guy at the front desk talking to some dude about where the birds were.
01:12:45He promised to take them straight to them.
01:12:47So he was after the location.
01:12:49Did you get a name, who he was talking to?
01:12:51Well, I might not be as useless as I look,
01:12:53but if I help you, do you promise to give it another shot?
01:12:57Well, you can start by writing a script for the story,
01:13:01and a front desk can fill you in.
01:13:03You think you can handle that?
01:13:04I'm on it.
01:13:06Where we were, we found there were certain truths.
01:13:10How do you know the bird traders?
01:13:12Bo got the name of the bird collector Jake was with,
01:13:14and from what he told me, Jake gets a feel for the parrot's location.
01:13:17And I doubt he's just after some pretty pictures.
01:13:20Bo, do you think Jake would share the coordinates?
01:13:22Well, I hope not.
01:13:23But we can't risk them finding the tribals before we find them.
01:13:45Are you sure this is the right place?
01:13:47Yeah. I checked the coordinates like 20 times.
01:13:51Hey, you're not going to hurt the parrots, right?
01:13:55Of course not.
01:13:56My clients want the birds as healthy as possible for their exotic collections.
01:14:00You said you only needed two, right? You can't take them all.
01:14:03You said breeding, not trading, right?
01:14:06The breed, you have to trade, Jake.
01:14:09I'll only take a couple more than I said, but...
01:14:11I'll only take a couple more than I said, but...
01:14:13Well, business is business.
01:14:15Have you done your part?
01:14:16Yeah, whatever that means.
01:14:17Listen, I think I saw...
01:14:18I have an idea.
01:14:20Well, what?
01:14:21Okay, good. Where exactly?
01:14:22I think it was this way.
01:14:23No, no, this way too.
01:14:24This way?
01:14:26So in order to get up there, where do we go?
01:14:37Oh, hey, uh, Kennedy, Ray, what...
01:14:39Hey, uh, Kennedy, Ray, what...
01:14:42Hey, Jake.
01:14:43We're just recording a segment for my show,
01:14:45and I wanted to ask you a couple of questions.
01:14:50Did you know there have been reports of an illegal bird trader on the island?
01:14:54What's going on here?
01:14:56I'm with the Fake Checkers,
01:14:57a TV show which uncovers scams and corruption.
01:15:01We fabricated a story about the sighting of an extinct exotic parrot
01:15:05in order to capture bird traders in action.
01:15:08Fabricated story?
01:15:09What do you mean?
01:15:10Wait, wait, you said you found the bird, right?
01:15:13Yeah, that was part of the scheme.
01:15:15I guess the real question here is, what are you two doing here?
01:15:22We're just a couple of ecotourists, yeah?
01:15:25So you two aren't trying to capture rare animals illegally?
01:15:30No, no, I would never do that.
01:15:32I wouldn't do that.
01:15:33Ray, I wouldn't...
01:15:34Hey, I'm just trying to help.
01:15:37Are you prepared to say that to camera, Patrick Wallace?
01:15:44I think we should go.
01:15:45Hey, just go.
01:15:46I think it's a good idea.
01:15:50Look, look, I'm not with this guy, all right?
01:15:52He's just a breeder, he's trying to help, all right?
01:15:54Listen, he contacted me through the website, all right?
01:15:58I thought this could be good.
01:16:00You know that's my job, Jake.
01:16:01You should have come to me.
01:16:03What were you thinking?
01:16:04Yeah, I tried to come to you, remember?
01:16:06Huh? And you didn't believe me.
01:16:11I just couldn't see how it could be a real sighting with a lack of evidence.
01:16:15And I never stopped having hope that patience would allow nature to show us the truth when it was ready.
01:16:22I think you should go, Jake.
01:16:25Yeah, you better go catch your friend.
01:16:27Make sure he doesn't get lost and miss his flight home.
01:16:31I'm sorry, Kennedy.
01:16:34It's okay.
01:16:40I think it worked.
01:16:41I think that scared him pretty good.
01:16:43You know, being on the side of the camera is actually pretty fun.
01:16:46We make a good team.
01:16:48What do you say to a celebratory dinner tonight, you and me?
01:16:58Oh no, looks like Rosemary's gotten loose in the resort again.
01:17:02I think she has a thing for you.
01:17:04She just might.
01:17:07You should go make sure they don't get lost.
01:17:31We could both use some change.
01:17:35A newer perspective to see.
01:17:38Thanks to Bo's help, we were able to officially protect the Polson Tribe Root Parrot in the area
01:17:44and uncover the dangers these beautiful animals face when not carefully protected.
01:17:49This truly is a special story, proving a parrot came back from extinction.
01:17:54And with your efforts to support conservation work, just think how many other animals we could save.
01:18:00And with some faith, and in the presence of true love, I now know miracles do happen.
01:18:07And that's Fake Checked.
01:18:11Thanks, Bo, for your help.
01:18:13It's pretty smart, cozying up to the guy at the bar to get his name.
01:18:16Remind me of old times, going undercover together.
01:18:21You know I'd do anything for you, right?
01:18:24And we can go at your own pace, build back what made the show great again.
01:18:30You really did make a difference in a lot of people's lives.
01:18:45You must be Ray.
01:18:46Uh, yeah.
01:18:48Yeah, Kenny, you told me about you.
01:18:51Well, thanks for being our guide and looking after while I was away.
01:18:55I missed her so much. It's good to be back with her.
01:19:00So you guys are back together.
01:19:03Yeah, things are just better when we're together.
01:19:05The show just works, we work, Kennedy knows it.
01:19:09Hey, listen, I'd invite you to dinner, but we've got a lot of catching up to do.
01:19:13Uh, yeah, well, I hope the show goes the way you want it to.
01:19:19Do you want me to give those to her?
01:19:23Yeah, sure.
01:19:25Tell her, thank you.
01:19:49I didn't get me
01:20:02can we live right here in this
01:20:18I just want to know why, Jake.
01:20:28You should have listened to Ray.
01:20:30Yeah, I know, I know.
01:20:31It just, it seemed like a sign.
01:20:32You know, I finally got my design work out there on the site.
01:20:35And the tourists were really loving the mystery, especially when the photo went viral.
01:20:39And then Ray took it all down.
01:20:41You know, things started to slow.
01:20:43Then this guy said he could help the parish with the breeding program.
01:20:46And if I helped him, then more parrots meant more business.
01:20:48And I'm, look, I'm sorry.
01:20:51I thought it was a win-win.
01:20:52All right.
01:20:53I never intended to hurt Ray or the parrots.
01:20:56Well, at least no harm was done.
01:20:58And the story should mean more business for the website.
01:21:02We know I'm donating 20% of all proceeds to the center.
01:21:06So I'm sure Ray will be grateful for the support.
01:21:10Got a lot of making up to do, but it's a great start.
01:21:18Pretty cool.
01:21:21Keep in touch, Jake.
01:21:22You got it.
01:21:25Safe travels.
01:21:27You're taking me back.
01:21:30You're taking me back.
01:21:33When the world was small and everything was ours.
01:21:38You're taking me back.
01:21:40You're taking me back.
01:21:42Please find attached my edited segment.
01:21:45I flew out with one story in mind, but it completely changed once I discovered an even greater one.
01:21:51And so did I.
01:21:53Please accept this email as my resignation.
01:21:56For the fake checkers co-host job.
01:21:59I came to St. Lucia to prove to the world that what is gone is lost forever.
01:22:04But this island opened my heart to something completely unexpected.
01:22:10On my quest to find an elusive parrot, I learned more about myself and what I've been avoiding.
01:22:17I'd lost hope in taking risks and believing in unexpected miracles and the beauty in life all around us.
01:22:25Mindy Dole.
01:22:26I got some ideas I want to discuss.
01:22:28That new production runner, uh, Stacy?
01:22:31I think she's got real potential.
01:22:32I think she deserves a break.
01:22:35For me, this job has always been about uncovering scams that target people.
01:22:40After my dad's career was ruined by a faked photo.
01:22:44But this trip made me realize that's not what my father would have wanted me to focus on.
01:22:51Hey, how'd the honeymoon go?
01:22:53It was amazing.
01:22:55Relaxing, romantic.
01:22:59Are you watching Kennedy's report again?
01:23:04She did a great job.
01:23:06You know, she really did.
01:23:10So, um, this was addressed to you on my desk when I went into work.
01:23:16Let me have it.
01:23:21Will you call me later?
01:23:22I will.
01:23:23Love you.
01:23:24Glad you're back.
01:23:46This story has led me on a new path.
01:23:50A path that will continue my dad's legacy in conservation.
01:23:54And in the memory of Dr. James Weber.
01:23:57This is Kennedy Weber, reporting for the last time for The Fake Checkers.
01:24:15It's so nice of the local committee to do this for Dad.
01:24:18It's so unexpected.
01:24:19I just wish I had more than a week's notice for the ceremony.
01:24:23Well, the opening of a research center in Dad's name was way overdue.
01:24:27Yeah. I would have invited Ray.
01:24:29Get him to watch me do my very first episode.
01:24:32Your own TV show!
01:24:34And Jake did a great job with the logo.
01:24:37I know. I was tired of debunking scams.
01:24:41Now I get to tell stories and inspire people and give them hope.
01:24:45Dad would be so proud.
01:24:48What did the organizer say?
01:24:50Someone brought Dad's name to the attention of the local conservation advisory board
01:24:54when they were naming this new research center.
01:24:57Everyone was in agreement.
01:24:59Who was it?
01:25:00I don't know.
01:25:01I don't know.
01:25:19You did all of this?
01:25:22How? Why?
01:25:24The opinions of those who respected and admired your father never changed.
01:25:28And I wanted you to know that.
01:25:30Um, hi.
01:25:32I'm Sienna, Kennedy's sister.
01:25:34Sienna, it is lovely to finally meet you.
01:25:37The pleasure is all mine.
01:25:43I can't believe you organized all of this for our dad.
01:25:47Well, to be perfectly honest with you,
01:25:50I really did it for you.
01:25:54Yeah, you know how I am with words.
01:25:57I didn't think that I would find the right ones in the right order to let you know that
01:26:03I'm in love with you.
01:26:08You had nothing to worry about.
01:26:18You know, this center in St. Lucia has connections with a center here in New York.
01:26:23So you could come work here? Near me?
01:26:26If you want.
01:26:28Then we'd always have St. Lucia.
01:27:26I love you.
01:27:56I love you.