Pleased kiss me- Part 1

  • 2 days ago
00:00Hey, I thought that we were spending Thanksgiving together.
00:19What are you doing here?
00:22Yo, Wayne.
00:23Is this your new eye candy?
00:24She looks an awful lot like Annie.
00:26She looks an awful lot like Annie.
00:33The Annie?
00:34The one that left him in the dust two years ago?
00:36She's the reason why Wayne changed and became such a, uh, playboy.
00:43Look how cute!
00:46Trying to pull off a double of my sister Annie.
00:49FYI, she's the Hollywood A-lister.
00:54She's not even close.
00:58Come home with me.
01:01Are you trying to take me home right now?
01:03What do you think?
01:04You my girlfriend?
01:05I got something for you.
01:07Take that.
01:08Don't get lost.
01:10I don't want this!
01:15Then what's your game?
01:18This is a hundred grand.
01:21See how generous I am now?
01:25Fine, you know what?
01:27You think I'm a gold digger?
01:30I'll admit it.
01:31I did want your money.
01:33And now I'm leaving.
01:49He's up on the booze.
01:51Your stomach can't handle it.
01:55Am I being too hard on her?
02:20Pocketed a cool hundred thousand in just one night.
02:24You think I'm just a double?
02:26Then don't be surprised when I treat you like my personal ATM.
02:47Wrap up everything in the SS collection.
02:52Where's that dress I ordered last month?
03:03You were wearing my dress.
03:05Oh, is it?
03:06It belongs to me now.
03:09Um, I was here first, so I should get it.
03:12Excuse me?
03:14Who are you again?
03:15Oh, you're Wayne's friend, aren't you?
03:20Remove the tag, please.
03:22I'm leaving in this dress.
03:25I will handle it.
03:27Thanks for showing me how to serve.
03:32What the hell are you doing?
03:33What, you don't like my serve?
03:36Go ahead and bitch about me being your sister's body double,
03:39but if you ever lay a finger on her again, you won't regret it.
03:43Hey, what are you doing?
03:46Wayne, did you see that?
03:48She pushed me.
03:49That was so rude.
03:50She's nothing like my sister Annie.
03:52Crap, he might have seen me.
03:54I might have lost my job.
03:58She behaved like an uncivilized savage.
04:01She's not even close to Annie.
04:03Would you stop bringing Annie into all this stuff?
04:05What is this, just an easy dispute over who gets to wear the dress?
04:08Oh, Wayne, she...
04:10I'll tell you what, here's what's going to happen.
04:12So from now on, Miss Catherine here is not allowed in any of the stores that I own.
04:16And Miss Maeve here, she's with me.
04:19She's going to be treated as such.
04:20Got it, Mr. Wayne.
04:21Miss Catherine, please leave our store.
04:23But, wait.
04:24This isn't...
04:25Wayne, just...
04:30I saw that you pushed her.
04:34Squabbling over a dress?
04:37I'll tell you what.
04:39Buy two.
04:40One for, uh, to wear, and another one just to cut up.
04:44Why did you help me?
04:46Oh, come on, I couldn't stand, uh, having Catherine bully you.
04:50That's all about her again.
04:52Why, are you jealous?
04:53Should I be?
04:54I have the self-awareness of knowing I'm her double.
04:57And if I told you I was going to double your rate, would that come off as insincere?
05:01I mean, that would be...
05:03Yeah, I would be happy to go on, um, being Annie's double.
05:07Well, I got some better news for you.
05:11Wait, what?
05:12It's me.
05:33Totally nailed it.
05:35Can't remember how many times I've tried.
05:45What's this? What happened?
05:47It's just an oven mishap.
05:50You don't have to do this for me.
05:52I messed up on Thanksgiving.
05:56I tried making your mom's apple pie just like you like.
05:59I know how much you miss it.
06:05I forgot.
06:08You left when Annie's hair was loose.
06:11It doesn't matter right now.
06:12You look beautiful with it on.
06:17I admit it was just a deal at the beginning, but...
06:22I truly am falling for you.
06:28You haven't even tried the pie yet.
06:31That's mine.
07:11It's just a job, girl.
07:14Don't let feelings get in the way of your hustle.
07:18Keep your eyes on the money.
07:26How you doing?
07:27So you snagged a spot on the Forbes 400 and the Midas list for top venture
07:33capitalists. Look at all those Wall Street guys, green with envy. And look at me just
07:39spending it with you. Aren't you happy? Yeah. Why don't we go up on the rooftop? We have the
07:45best city views up there. You're with the rooftop?
07:50Why are you not wearing that dress I bought you? Because that would make it very hard to
07:55resell now, wouldn't it? Because it means so much to me. That is one place where you
08:04and Andy are different. This way to your table, Mr. Ray.
08:28What? So you're my body double, huh? You don't even recognize the real deal?
08:33What are you doing here? Well, I flew in from Hollywood for your big night.
08:38Mr. Wayne, shall I get another chair? Oh, that won't be necessary. Wayne likes to keep his special moments private.
08:50Wayne, you'll be the lucky one to celebrate your triumph on Forbes.
08:55I think she's leaving.
09:04Miss Maeve, Mr. Wayne ordered some delicacies. He said you would surely love them. Great.
09:35Honey, why don't you sit down and eat with me? Mr. Wayne ordered way too much food.
09:47Are you not upset that Wayne chose Annie? Why would I be upset? Getting paid to be someone's ex's double?
09:56What kind of cushy job is this? Now that the real thing's back in town, I get a couple of days off.
10:15It's a relief, honestly. You're dealing with this pretty well, huh?
10:26Maeve, what's happening? Maeve? What? There's peanuts in the food? Maeve, hey, hey, hey, stay with me. Maeve?
10:42Why are you back? Back then you used to promise to be head of Bass conglomerate for me. Now here we are.
10:50Do you also remember how you left me at my lowest point?
10:53Wayne, I thought about you every moment that I was in L.A. And now that I'm back, there's no need for a stand-in, right?
11:03You're still the same Annie I always knew. Same Annie? Isn't that why you fell in love with me?
11:11Look, I don't know if Hollywood's changed. I'm done. I can't wait on you.
11:23I cannot believe that. You guys dated for two years and he did not know that you had a peanut allergy. I mean, that is unbelievable.
11:30Just a double, Penny. Why would he remember my allergy history?
11:35It's okay. Really, just go.
12:05Hey, guys.
12:24I love the name you put for me on your phone.
12:35What are you doing here, devil?
12:37Money. Your mom's medical bills. It's a bottomless pit, you know.
12:43I gave you money last week.
12:45That went straight into the house renovation fund. You want your mom to live comfortably, right?
12:53Now I need some money to buy a car.
12:56We already have a car.
12:58What are you talking about? That whole Ford junkyard? You want me to drive that shit to the hospital?
13:02How would you like it if your mom had to smell gas for a week? I bet she wouldn't make it to Christmas.
13:08Then take an Uber or a taxi. I gave you enough money last time.
13:12You know that she's undergoing several tests that each cost thousands of dollars, right?
13:17I have nothing left to give you.
13:20How is that possible? You are the darling of the Wayne Bass.
13:24We broke up, okay? It's over. He went back to his true love.
13:28So don't even think about asking me for money again.
13:36It is I who kept you from starving. Without me, you would be dead long ago.
13:41Now show some respect.
13:44You're the reason why I had to sell my body. I should be grateful for you.
13:49You're nothing but a greedy leech.
13:51Yeah, yeah, well, with your pretty face, I expect $50,000 in 10 days.
13:58Or those photos that you're so desperate to hide will be leaked.
14:14What are you doing?
14:17Going where I belong.
14:19What's that supposed to mean?
14:22Now that Annie's back, I think we can quit this little charade.
14:27So you're worried that Annie's back? Relax.
14:30It's because she's back doesn't mean that you're losing me.
14:33Your confidence never seems to lose me.
14:36You want to marry Annie and then keep me along for the ride too?
14:40I'd rather be struck by lightning.
14:42Why are you being so mean today?
14:44You owe me my medical bills for emotional damages.
14:47What medical bills?
14:49No, you're not allowed to leave.
14:56No, you're not allowed to leave.
14:58So what, just like that? You have no more feelings for me?
15:01My feelings for you have never changed.
15:03And that I've never had feelings for you to begin with.
15:05Oh, so for the past two years you've cried over me, feeding me meals.
15:08I've just been heartbroken all along.
15:10I'm a five-star actress and a great fucking escort.
15:13So all that was just for the money? That it was fucking real?
15:15Just for the... for the fake?
15:17Yeah. So what? So what?
15:23You jerk!
15:29I was so desperate for money.
15:33Because my mom's medical bills are draining me dry, okay?
15:37She's lying on her deathbed at home
15:39instead of in the hospital because they don't accept our fucking insurance.
15:43And I can't afford her medications, okay?
15:46I'm not like you, born with a silver spoon in my mouth.
15:51I will do whatever it fucking takes so that my mom stays alive.
16:05You're so ungrateful.
16:07Aren't you just the best actress?
16:10You deserve that fucking Oscar.
16:11Yeah, thanks.
16:16You want money?
16:19Here's money.
16:24Don't worry. Karma's coming for you one day.
16:28Good. Let Karma come. I don't care.
16:37Come on.
16:50It's Annie's evil twin.
16:53I'm gonna have to see you later.
16:58Hey, look what we got here.
17:01I will take two of your most expensive drink, please.
17:09Ryan's here.
17:10Ryan's here.
17:11Ryan Spencer.
17:12What is going on over there?
17:14Ryan Spencer just walked in.
17:19Who's Ryan Spencer?
17:21He's the newest, coolest idol.
17:23Have you seen his latest vampire movie that just came out?
17:27He's hot.
17:31You know, I decided I don't want two, actually. I'm fine with one.
17:35How about you drink with me?
17:37And, uh, here's a little tip.
17:40And, uh, here's a little tip.
17:56Ryan, if you linger here any longer, something bad is going to happen.
18:00What? Can't stop by a bar?
18:03Seriously? You are the hottest teen idol right now.
18:07In a very crowded, very public bar.
18:11You do the math.
18:30Are you alright?
18:49I told you to look now.
18:52Don't draw attention to yourself.
18:54There's a door in the kitchen.
18:55Go around there and I'll meet you there.
19:00Where are you going, gorgeous?
19:02I'm right behind you.
19:30Okay, where do you want me to sign?
19:36Okay, where do you want me to sign?
19:40Open the door!
19:46How do you know her?
19:47Man, is this your new client?
19:49Is Wayne not cutting it for your cash hunt anymore?
19:55Yeah, yeah, she is my client.
19:57What, do you know her? Are you going to pay her debt?
20:07Doesn't help! He's beating me! Take me home!
20:11What the crap are you talking about, man?
20:13What, you think I'm talking shit?
20:27Alright, whatever, man. You can have her.
20:34Thanks for not stabbing me, but next time you don't have to do the whole, like, thing.
20:40I think I was drugged. I feel relieved.
21:15I'm so sorry about last night.
21:21Thanks for your help.
21:24I'm just gonna go.
21:45Will you please just open the damn door?
21:48Just take that bracelet. It's worth something. Please, just let me go.
21:52Not so fast, girl. Calm down.
21:58What are you doing?
22:00Don't worry.
22:02I'm not gonna hurt you.
22:08Don't worry.
22:10I'm not gonna hurt you.
22:13Stay back! I know you're in there!
22:17Get your karate!
22:30That's you. You're an actor?
22:34Why are you here? This place is a dump.
22:38Well, I'm a method actor. I'm just preparing for a role.
22:42Okay, I don't know about the whole method acting thing.
22:45What was with the knife wielding earlier?
22:48I learned it from my previous film.
22:55Look at that. So cliché.
22:58There are other ways to portray sadness, you know.
23:01Sounds like you know a thing or two about acting.
23:03I'm an actress myself.
23:05I haven't landed my big role yet, but when I do, you'll hear about me.
23:09I'm a daughter for a second. I wouldn't miss it for the world.
23:24Okay, okay, okay. I'll be right there.
23:26My mom's in the ICU. We have to go.
23:36Thank you for the ride, but we really didn't need to come all this way.
23:39Yeah, yeah. Let's go see your mom.
23:42Wait. Ryan, would you just wait outside, please?
23:46Can you just pull your hat down?
23:49Keep a low profile, okay?
23:58Your mom's leukemia has gotten worse.
24:00We need to find a donor for the transplant as soon as possible.
24:04Wait, doctor. There's an issue here.
24:07Miss Mayne, may I speak to you for a moment in private?
24:15No. No, that's impossible. Didn't Simmons pay the bill?
24:20Look, Miss Mayne, you've been in debt for a considerable amount of time.
24:24Please pay the outstanding balances immediately,
24:26otherwise we're going to have no choice but to discharge your mom.
24:30Mayne, my love, it's okay.
24:36I don't need the treatment. It's time to let go.
24:40No. No, Mom. Don't you dare let go.
24:44We have so much left to do together.
24:47You have to see me fulfill my dreams. You have to.
24:51If you die, I won't be able to live.
24:56If you die, I won't be able to carry on.
25:04We'll be back. We're going to find a way.
25:08Doctor, sign us up for the surgery.
25:11I will pay the bill in cash. Just call me when you find a match.
25:15We're not giving up.
25:26Did you see the girl from the ward with her mom?
25:29I think she went to the roof.
25:31Shit, I can't let her jump off.
25:44Mayne, stop!
25:56Stop what?
25:58I thought you were going to jump.
26:00Jump? Hell no.
26:02What would happen to my mom if I weren't here?
26:04I don't know.
26:09Jeez, are you celebrities always this suicidal?
26:14I would never kill myself.
26:16Of course, something good did happen to me today.
26:22I met you.
26:24Alright, so, first things first.
26:27I'm going to grab something to eat. I'm going to settle my mom.
26:31Then I'm going to get an acting gig.
26:33Since you're already here, why don't you give me a ride?
26:36Why not?
26:40It's my lucky day.
26:42I guess it's my lucky day too.
26:46I guess it's my lucky day too.
26:54Oh no.
27:15Oh no.
27:23I'm so scared.
27:30Stay home then.
27:32Hire some security guards.
27:35I'll set it up for you.
27:38Annie's a celeb now.
27:40It's too dangerous for her to be alone.
27:42What if some psycho comes and starts stalking her?
27:45Yeah, and we've been best friends since we were kids, Wayne.
27:50Can't I just stay here?
27:52Come on, Wayne.
27:54This place is massive.
27:56Don't be so stingy.
27:59You're the only one I can trust since my family went to Europe.
28:03Alright, okay.
28:08Come on.
28:11Come on.
28:29What? I could buy you some money.
28:32No interest.
28:35Maeve, you can't borrow money from him.
28:38How will you pay it back?
28:40You have to make it on your own.
28:51Hi, I'm Maeve.
28:56Here's my resume.
28:58I'm just hoping I can join in any potential roles.
29:01I hope you consider me.
29:07I'm king of the world!
29:13I'll be back.
29:41We need the dog.
29:50What do you want?
29:51The dog.
29:55Then you back off.
29:58It's good you said that.
30:00It's none of your concern.
30:08Is this what you turned into without my help?
30:12I got this for you.
30:14I don't want it.
30:16You can keep it.
30:18I'm not your mistress.
30:20You can also make a phone call.
30:21It'll start your career.
30:22I'm good.
30:27What are you doing with someone else?
30:30Stop it!
30:50Who's better at bed?
30:51Ryan or me?
30:54You're an asshole!
31:04Get up.
31:14You have no right to hurt me!
31:16Leave or I'm calling the cops!
31:19How did you learn?
31:21Don't bother, you make me sick!
31:30I'm sorry.
31:40I swear this happened to you.
31:53Ah, you're the one that Ryan talked about.
31:56You got a pretty face.
31:58Ryan has a good eye.
32:01Here's my resume.
32:03Oh, we don't take resume on set.
32:05Keep it yourself for future gigs.
32:09Okay, so just numbers three and five left.
32:12Number three has more scenes.
32:13Number five has a more interesting character design.
32:16Which do you prefer?
32:17Which everyone pays more.
32:19Didn't expect that answer.
32:23Oh, that's our lead actress.
32:29I'm not you again.
32:31You're the lead?
32:34Do you know her?
32:35She's auditioning for a supporting role.
32:38Oh, so you're an actress now.
32:41That's news to me.
32:43Of course I am.
32:44If your little pea brain can't comprehend,
32:46you should probably go back to school.
32:49I don't want to go back to school.
32:51I don't want to go back to school.
32:53I don't want to go back to school.
32:55You should probably go back to school.
32:58I just found out you two look remarkably alike.
33:05You know, I think I have an idea.
33:07Why not just make her my stunt double?
33:16Well, this ain't no easy work.
33:19There are lots of actions involved.
33:21Maybe we should stick with the original team.
33:23They might accidentally reveal who I am
33:25because they don't have my miraculous body shape.
33:30But Ryan referred her for the...
33:32If it's too difficult for you, I'll just find a replacement.
33:36What do you mean by replacement?
33:38I mean replace you.
33:41On whose orders?
33:43Well, my fiancé, Mr. Wayne Bass.
33:48He is the executive producer on this film, so...
33:54Are you going?
33:57Will you buy it?
34:00Getting a ring should mean something special,
34:03like a commitment, not just something you do on a whim.
34:12It's stupid, but...
34:14I've always had this idea of designing my own ring.
34:18It is going to be completely unique.
34:20Not expensive, just unique.
34:23I thought maybe it would have a blue diamond,
34:26kind of like this dress,
34:28and silver around the outside.
34:31It would just be, you know, perfect for me.
34:36It's just an idea. It's stupid.
34:40It's an idea.
34:47Please, Annie.
34:50It'll be fine.
34:52I'll do this, don't worry.
34:54At least I'll still be getting paid to be my double, huh?
34:57Of course. And I can't wait to see you stumble and fail.
35:05See if you can replace me?
35:07We'll see about that.
35:27Mind if I join in?
35:33What's that?
35:35That's how you can wear this?
35:37Put that in the drawer.
35:41I just... I thought we were getting married.
35:44I can't give you the door just yet.
35:47Get out.
35:50Get out now.
35:51No, wait, please don't make me leave.
35:54Hey, remember when we were kids?
35:57I knew that I wanted to be your bride from the moment we first met.
36:03Just because you don't love me now,
36:05doesn't mean I stopped loving you.
36:07Alright, whatever.
36:08You can...
36:10You can stay.
36:13But I want to seek my own room.
36:15And you're going to leave me alone for the time being.
36:28So why are you bringing me to set?
36:30Hey, I get you're a busy guy,
36:31but you put 20 mil into this movie.
36:33Don't you want to see how your investment paid off?
36:38Wayne, your future wife is the main actress.
36:40Doesn't that pique your interest at all?
36:43Who am I getting married to?
36:49Are you getting married?
37:11Are you getting married?
37:13Oh, honey, you came to see my film reading.
37:16Oh, ta-da!
37:18This is my new stunt double.
37:20At first, the director really didn't want her,
37:22but I just knew she'd do such a better job,
37:24so I made sure she was chosen.
37:26What do you think?
37:27Pardon me, but I have to go get ready to shoot.
37:34Oh, Mr. Wayne!
37:36We are so honored to have you here.
37:40Would you like a tour?
37:42Sorry, man, we're actually...
37:44Actually, I think I'm going to stick around.
37:47I can't miss the making of my masterpiece.
37:54Lunch break!
38:05No, this is for the main cast, okay?
38:07You extras go right over there.
38:13Shoo! Off you go, shoo!
38:29Enjoy the courtesy meal.
38:31It's better than nothing.
38:38Is this what the crew eats?
38:40Yes, Mr. Wayne.
38:45And they eat something else?
38:48Uh, the main casting crew get a better treat.
38:52That seems a little unfair, don't you think?
38:55I mean, is it a money thing that I not send over enough investment?
38:59What's the problem?
39:01The problem is everybody should eat the same meal.
39:03Wayne, on a film set, there's a hierarchy.
39:06The extras and the groups are not in the same league as us.
39:10Yeah, and you'll be paying a lot more.
39:13I'm going to send over another investment from here on out.
39:15Everybody eats the same thing.
39:19Hey, money speaks. He's in charge.
39:22Make sure there's no peanuts in the evening.
39:25Copy that. Happy crew, happy shoot.
39:37Let the real blood wedding begin.
40:02Cut. Stunt double out. Lead actress in for close-up.
40:10The stunt double just does all the dangerous stuff,
40:13and the lead actress just looks pretty.
40:15But yeah, don't you know how movies work?
40:18Yeah, don't worry. Your precious Annie will be fine.
40:27Annie's ready.
40:35Surprisingly decent performance from you today.
40:39It's just such a shame that the camera can't see the stunt double's face.
40:43Maybe focus more on your acting and less on chit-chat,
40:46and the audience won't be so cringed out by your performance.
40:57Did you get hurt?
40:59I'm fine.
41:00We need an ambulance.
41:05Why are you looking at me like that?
41:07Stunt double.
41:08Shut up. Get the medics.
41:38Hi. Hey.
41:40Can I speak with the director?
41:43Hey, hey. Um, yeah.
41:46I was hoping we could talk about leave, actually.
41:52Agent 7.
41:55Did you think this training was going to be easy?
41:58To train to become a spy?
42:02It takes a lot of strength and courage
42:06to be a real spy.
42:09You must enjoy hell!
42:23Rolling. Ready. Set. And...
42:29You must enjoy hell!
42:42Tails Slave. Scene 20. Take 24. Mark.
42:47Wow. Quite an adventure. 24 takes.
43:06Miss Annie.
43:07HBC Press is here for an exclusive interview.
43:12Good? Good to go? Okay.
43:16Annie is absolutely the most dedicated actress I have ever seen.
43:24It's true.
43:36Sorry to keep you so long.
43:38But we have a tight budget
43:41and there's no compensation for your OT today.
44:00Hey, what's going on?
44:02When are you coming back?
44:04When are you coming back?
44:08What's going on over there?
44:10Annie moved in.
44:16Do you want me to keep an eye on Lane?
44:19No. We don't need to do that anymore.
44:22What? No, Maeve, don't quit so quickly.
44:25He doesn't even seem that into Annie.
44:27I will wire your payment next week.
44:30Alright, well, if you need me for another job, you know where to find me.
45:13What are you doing?
45:17I'm hiding from my agent.
45:22Enjoying the AC, cooling off. My place is like a sauna.
45:30If you want, you can crash at my place.
45:34Wait, really?
45:38The film I'm doing is right next to yours.
45:40The studio hooked me up with a really nice trailer.
45:45You can spend as much time as you want there. It won't bother you.
45:53Think about it.
46:00Boss, this is the ointment for the cuts on the skin.
46:16Okay, so in this scene, you're a whore slash spy.
46:21And you're gonna seduce him.
46:23Well, he already knows you are.
46:25So it's gonna be okay.
46:30Bitch, I know what to do.
46:34Could we...
46:35Ready, set, and action!
46:46How do you think she's doing?
46:50How can I help you?
46:52How can I help you?
46:58Isn't she really good at playing a whore?
47:10Bitch, I know what you're up to.
47:17Cut! What the hell?
47:19She kicked me.
47:21What the hell?
47:23I'm now injured. I can't work this way.
47:26There is no slapping in the script.
47:28Do you not know what your problem is?
47:30Get out of here if you can't do the job.
47:32Get me professionals.
47:34One more take.
47:48Oh my God!
47:50Oh my God, my nose!
47:52It's all crooked.
47:54I'll sue you, fucker!
47:56He was sexually harassing me. I did it to protect myself.
47:58Wait, did someone say cut?
48:00How unprofessional.
48:02I mean, I say we just fire this troublemaker already.
48:08are fired.
48:10What? No, you can't fire me.
48:12I should be the one suing his ass.
48:14Get out of here now, or I promise you, you won't see it either.
48:17There was no mention of sexual assault anywhere in the script or in my contract.
48:20You will see me in court.
48:22Oh, oh, oh, sue me? Huh?
48:25You need to get a blacklist.
48:35She can't be fired.
48:44Mr. Ryan.
48:46You have a lot of influence. I respect that.
48:49But don't you think you're overstepping your boundaries here?
48:52It's not your date this film's at, right?
48:54I see where you're coming from.
48:56I was actually thinking about trying for the male lead.
49:00I was actually thinking about trying for the male lead.
49:03I object.
49:05Now, now, I know that the male lead hasn't shot any of his scenes yet.
49:10The role, to me, seems challenging.
49:15Putting on weight, looking shady.
49:18The whole thing seems rather appealing.
49:22Well, if I left a big star like you to join, that would be terrific.
49:25You know, I agree.
49:27You know, I agree.
49:29Having Ryan on board could really benefit our production.
49:32What do you think, Hunter?
49:35I'm curious.
49:37Why do you want to be a part of this film?
49:39Because of...
49:43The reason doesn't matter.
49:45No, no, no, no, it doesn't.
49:47We'd be more than willing to welcome you on board.
49:54That being said, Maeve is my friend.
50:00So nobody will mess with her any longer.
50:04Wayne, I think this is a really good chance for our movie to do well.
50:09And I'm so happy for you.
50:12I think it's an idea, but unfortunately we do not have enough time.
50:15I'll do it for free.
50:34Oh my God, what happened?
50:38I fell off my horse a couple days ago doing a stunt.
50:42Don't you have a stunt double?
50:45What? Now you care about me.
50:47Of course I care about you. You've done so much for me.
50:59I've come to talk about your contract and this is where I find you?
51:01It's not like that.
51:06You need to stay away from that girl.
51:09You need to think about your affair.
51:10You don't get to decide who I'm with.
51:12I get to decide everything.
51:14And that you do as long as you are working for me.
51:16So let's get that very straight.
51:18Okay, okay, I got it, I got it.
51:23Wayne, wait!
51:25Have you no shame?
51:27Annie said that y'all were hooking up, but I didn't believe it until I saw it today with my own eyes.
51:31How could you?
51:36Annie said that you've been seeing Ryan, but I didn't believe it until I saw it today with my own eyes.
51:40How could you?
51:42Annie has brainwashed you so well.
51:44Have you seen how she's treating you and that?
51:46Oh, come on!
51:47You have a celebrity that is chasing you around and swooping you up right in the middle of production.
51:51And Annie's the bully?
51:53Give me a break.
51:57You know what?
51:58Ryan and I are together.
51:59You won't even breathe without hooking up with a guy?
52:03Look who is talking, Mr. Wayne.
52:06You gave your fiancé the ring that copied my exact idea.
52:13Let her go.
52:14Where the hell are you to talk to me?
52:16I said, let her go.
52:18Don't you understand that one phone call from me and your career is in trouble?
52:21Who the hell are you?
52:23Disgusting, old, rich asshole.
52:26No wonder she can't stand the sight of you.
52:36Stop it!
52:37I highly suggest you do not lay another finger on him unless you want an angry mob of fans coming after you, friend.
52:44I'll squash him like a bug.
52:46I do not care!
52:51Get back inside.
52:52Get inside.
52:53Get inside.
52:54Are you fucking crazy?
52:55So you do care about him?
52:57Damn right I care about him.
52:59Ryan has had my back way better than you ever did.
53:01Is that what you think of me?
53:04Admit it.
53:05You never really cared for me, did you?
53:08To you, I'm nothing but a stunt double.