Musa (A.S) Ne Qaroon ko kya nasihat ki thi | Mufti Tariq Masood

  • 2 days ago
00:00You may be a Muslim or a non-Muslim, if we were British, we would not have to do anything.
00:12People often give references how happy British people are doing this and that, don't make
00:21So, if you don't believe in Allah, then you will be affected by their progress.
00:32Hazrat Umar came to the Prophet. Hazrat Umar saw the Prophet. When he came
00:42to the Prophet, he said, O Messenger of Allah, the king of Kaisar and Kisra, who is a non-Muslim,
01:04he is in such a state and you are the leader of all the Prophets and this is your condition.
01:11So, what did the Prophet say? The Prophet said, O Umar, I used to think that you are
01:18very intelligent. I used to think that you are very intelligent. You are talking like
01:25a fool. The Prophet said, the world is a guest house for them, the world is for us, the hereafter.
01:36There are so many people in the world who think for the hereafter. While thinking, the
01:43world, money, wealth, honor, fame, luxuries are spreading rapidly in the society. What
01:50does Allah say about the attributes of His pious servants? Who is successful in the
01:56sight of Allah? Who is successful in our sight? The one who has more wealth. I think
02:04you are not understanding. In our sight, the one who has more wealth and honor, he
02:11is sitting on a big post. He is a great officer. Does a rickshaw driver consider himself successful?
02:22No. He says, I am driving a rickshaw and look at him, he is the Nazim of Manora. He is successful,
02:31I am not. Does anyone congratulate a rickshaw driver? Congratulations, you are driving a
02:37rickshaw. Does anyone congratulate him? If someone becomes a Nazim, everyone congratulates
02:43him. If he becomes an officer, everyone congratulates him. Wealth and honor. So tell me, can you
02:55earn more wealth than Qarun? The Quran says that Qarun had so much wealth that the animals
03:04used to steal the keys of his treasures. The keys of the treasures. There were so many
03:11keys, how many treasures would there be? My brother, we cannot earn more money than this.
03:19How many keys will we have? There will be a locker in which we will keep the cart of
03:26notes. What else will happen? It cannot be more than this. And the value of those notes
03:33is also decreasing day by day. If you don't spend it for 10 days, it will be equal to
03:38half the value. So what did Moses say to Qarun? O Qarun, Allah has given you a lot of wealth.
03:48This is given by Allah. This is not your own perfection. Now what do you have to do?
03:58Moses is explaining to Qarun. Qarun was from the nation of Moses. So Moses is explaining
04:06to Qarun that Allah has given you so much wealth, don't think that you will always be
04:12alive. One day you will die from here. So when a person gets money, he saves it for
04:19tomorrow. He saves it or not? It is written on banks that save money, it will be useful
04:24tomorrow. So Qarun to Moses, Moses didn't have any money. Poor people. Tell me whose
04:31position was high? Qarun's or Moses's? Although he had no money at all. Because Allah was
04:38giving him wealth. So Qarun said to Qarun that Allah has given you so much wealth, you
04:45will not always be in this world, it will end. As you invest this money and make more
04:51money, then invest it for the hereafter too. After you die, the money that was sent for
04:57the hereafter will be useful for you. Feed the poor, spend it on the propagation of religion,
05:04Allah has given you so much wealth, don't worry about the hereafter.
05:10This is one command of Moses. The second command of Moses was, Allah has treated you well.
05:22The other poor people, Allah has given you a lot of money. So now you also treat the
05:27poor people well. And you also do good deeds. You should also be thankful to Allah and become
05:34a human being. If Allah has given you wealth, then offer more prayers, fast more, feed
05:40more to the poor, worship more than others. Like when our Prophet used to worship all
05:47night, his blessed feet used to get swollen. Mother Ayesha said that Allah has forgiven
05:55your past and future sins, so why do you worship so much?
06:00So the Prophet said, should I not be thankful to Allah?
06:05When Allah has done me a favor by forgiving my sins, then I should also worship Allah
06:12more than others. So what did Moses say to Qarun?
06:17He said, you have to obey Allah more than others because Allah has done you a favor
06:25more than others. Qarun did not like this advice of Moses at
06:31all. A person does not like the words of the
06:35clerics in the intoxication of wealth. When we tell the merchants that trade is
06:42halal and haram, some merchants get angry that why do these clerics get involved in
06:48business? It is our choice, we can earn money as we
06:52like. Scholars say that the thing you are buying,
06:55you have not taken it in your possession and you are selling it.
06:59So what is it in Islam to sell without taking it in your possession?
07:03It is not permissible. They say, go, you are a cleric of the mosque,
07:08you pray in the mosque, what is this? Will we do business by asking you?
07:14So when a person's stomach is full and his pocket is also full, then he does not understand
07:20the words of the clerics and the clerics do not look good at all.
07:27I taught Nikah at a place. As soon as I taught Nikah, all the young
07:33girls of the groom's sister-in-law came and sat here and there, as if they were free.
07:39So I said, this is not permissible. What does the sister-in-law of the groom
07:43look like who is getting so free? So the groom started getting angry.
07:47The groom said, why is he interfering in our personal affairs?
07:52So people say that the job of a cleric is to teach Nikah and get out of the narrow lane.
07:57This is not a matter of today, this is an old Sunnah.
