El Conde Amor y Honor Capitulo 69 en HD Completo

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El Conde Amor y Honor Capitulo 69 en HD Completo
El Conde Amor y Honor Capitulo 70 en HD Completo
El Conde Amor y Honor Capitulo 71 en HD Completo
El Conde Amor y Honor Capitulo 69 en HD Completo
00:00We'll see how long that damn valentia lasts.
00:14I can't allow you to return to this house.
00:16Everything is ready for them to leave San Jacinto today.
00:18Alejandro was on the island until he died.
00:21But the interesting thing is that someone you know visited him there.
00:26I think we're going to have to take care of Mr. Attorney.
00:29Me? Who is it?
00:31Of course it's you.
00:32Don't you think she's going to leave her husband now that she's just going to be president of the country?
00:36Mariana is not like that, Cayetana.
00:38No, it's worse.
00:39You're a disgusting, dirty, dirty, filthy, bastard!
00:45Life has shown me to be a straight man and with good feelings.
00:49You're the one I don't like.
00:51Then join me.
00:52I guarantee you that in six years you will be my successor as president of this country.
00:56What you are proposing to me is that I be your puppet.
00:58How long do you think Gerardo is going to keep swallowing the story that between you and Joaquin Montenegro there is only a beautiful friendship?
01:06I'm going to make the count and his diary play in our favor.
01:09For a day to my dear daughter.
01:13I killed Beatriz to protect Pedro.
01:17I'm capable of anything, even killing the count.
01:21I'm not here to talk about business, Joaquin.
01:23The one I want to talk about is Mariana.
01:26She was always a loving and devoted wife to me.
01:29However, she has changed a lot.
01:31I don't understand you.
01:32Well, that's exactly what I want.
01:34Understand what has happened all this damn time.
01:37You are not seeing your wife correctly.
01:39Don't tell me how I have to see my wife.
01:41She is mine.
01:43If you are really so sure of your property, you wouldn't be here doing this ridiculous scene.
01:49I'm not stupid.
01:50Do you think that because you have a lot of money you can do whatever you want?
01:54Well, I have it too.
01:55And the power to use it whenever I want to.
01:59Let me go.
02:00Let me go!
02:01I don't like threats.
02:03Much less in my own house.
02:05Was there something between you and my wife?
02:08Believe whatever you want.
02:11And now get out.
02:12Get out.
02:13I forbid you to get close to my wife or my family again.
02:16If you try to talk to her, I'll take you as a provocation.
02:34I think this is how Lorena is going to look dressed as a bride.
02:37How beautiful.
02:38Look how beautiful you drew them.
02:40But where are you throwing the flowers?
02:43I still don't know what color my dress will be.
02:46Well, your favorite color.
02:51I just got to the count's palace.
02:54We had a conversation.
02:57Very interesting.
02:59Daddy, do you like my drawing?
03:02It's Lorena and David on their wedding day.
03:05It's very nice, princess.
03:09Now I'm going to draw me in a blue dress.
03:13I need to get Mariana out of there before Gerardo does anything to her.
03:17Don't worry, Gerardo Villarreal won't touch her.
03:20He's just marking his territory.
03:22Look, you'd better take this.
03:25What is it?
03:26It's something you've been waiting for a long time.
03:29David Villarreal brought it.
03:31It's the last article on Alejandro Gaitan's investigation.
03:35It has the evidence you need to open Pandora's box.
03:44I wanted to see your beautiful face when I asked you...
03:48if something was going on between you and the count.
03:53Yes, daddy. My mom is very pretty.
03:56She's the prettiest woman in the world.
04:01Draw your mom, too.
04:05Let's talk in the office.
04:08No need.
04:10The count denied everything.
04:13I wanted to look you in the eye to see that you...
04:16wouldn't be able to fool me with him.
04:18Right, Marianita?
04:21My mom told me she's going to leave my dad.
04:24That would be a scandal.
04:27I think they'll wait for her after the elections.
04:31It's like the world is divided in two.
04:33One before and one after.
04:35If your dad wins...
04:38we'll have his blessing.
04:40Well, we already have your parents' blessing.
04:42But I don't think they'll be very happy.
04:44Look, my mom accepts you more and more.
04:48Problems with your dad.
04:50I also have doubts about my dad's innocence.
04:53Very soon, an article will come out that will give a lot to talk about.
04:57He may lose every opportunity to be president of this country.
05:04You wouldn't put our children in danger, would you?
05:07Because if there's any infidelity...
05:10you'll be the one to blame.
05:12Because if there's any infidelity...
05:15you'll lose all your rights over them.
05:19That's why I don't think you're that kind of woman.
05:30You're just as much in love with her as she is with David.
05:36I'm going to work.
05:39The women in my house...
05:41have already made my day.
05:45I love you, Daddy.
05:54And Daddy didn't tell me he loved me.
05:56Lately, he's been different, hasn't he?
06:03What do you think?
06:05Everything is documented.
06:06There are names of witnesses, dates.
06:09Everything is here.
06:11It's clear how they transferred me from Piedras Rojas to Isla de los Dolores.
06:16There's also the visit Gerardo made to me.
06:19Let me understand, Count.
06:22With this article,
06:24Villarreal will be overthrown from his candidacy to the presidency?
06:27Let people see who Gerardo Villarreal really is.
06:31And let your name be clear.
06:33But at what cost?
06:37definitely puts Mariana and her children in danger.
06:41No, no, no, no, Count.
06:43We didn't come this far to make you regret it.
06:46I'm going to wait for the right time.
06:49I'm going to wait.
06:59Nice to meet you.
07:01Nice to meet you.
07:03Nice to meet you, Miss Raquel.
07:05Marquez. We had already been introduced at Vicente GarcĂ­a's hotel.
07:12Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to mention that man.
07:16Don't worry. Vicente is a swindler.
07:18I consider him a good friend of high esteem.
07:21Excuse me for a moment, gentlemen. I need to go to the toilet.
07:25Of course, Raquelito.
07:27To the back, to the right.
07:32Raquel is the best candidate that can get you, Francisco.
07:36She's very rich and she's crazy about getting married.
07:39She could be the answer you were waiting for.
07:47And now?
07:49Why so sad?
07:52You haven't even tried the rice pudding you like so much.
07:57Mariana, as always.
07:59I don't like that woman at all.
08:03We don't, but JoaquĂ­n does.
08:06Don't give up.
08:08You've been by the count's side all the time, supporting him.
08:13There are things you don't know, Lucrecia.
08:16Things that make me sure that JoaquĂ­n will never be for me.
08:23His story with Mariana is very strong.
08:26I hadn't told you before, but I have bad news for you.
08:30Tell me.
08:32Lucrecia is seeing Pedro.
08:35She's been lying to us.
08:38Let's finish this once and for all.
08:40Yes, the problem is that Pedro disappeared.
08:43Antonio lost the brothel and we lost track of them.
08:47But how?
08:55I was looking for you, Ramiro.
08:57You're in charge of security and the new men, right?
09:00They are the new orders of the Lord.
09:03And within those new orders is to follow me wherever I go?
09:10After the attack on your husband, we are watching your safety, ma'am.
09:15Were you following me when I left the count's palace?
09:18Gerardo is aware of each of my steps, including my visit to the count.
09:24What else has my husband helped you with, Ramiro?
09:27He had the hotel burned down, didn't he?
09:31I don't know anything about the fire, ma'am.
09:34I suppose you don't know anything about the death of Cordelia Guillén or the attack on Miguel Aguilar.
09:42Don't get into any more trouble, ma'am.
09:45And don't go to the count's palace. In fact, don't leave the house.
09:49What you're doing to me is very wrong, Ramiro.
09:52Now Gerardo threatened to take my children away from me. Do you realize that?
09:55I'm his mother. I have every right to go with them wherever I want.
10:00Do you have children?
10:02Do you have a wife?
10:04What would you feel if someone stopped you from going with them wherever you want?
10:09I just follow orders.
10:12Why do you follow them?
10:14Why are you so faithful to Gerardo?
10:17Why do you obey him in everything?
10:20He's an ordinary man.
10:22That won't help you at all when the truth comes to light.
10:26You're going to sink with him, if you know it.
10:30Is that what you want?
10:33Don't look for her anymore, ma'am.
10:35If she comes out, I have to follow her.
10:38Excuse me.
10:44The count sent me to talk to you.
10:47Oh, yeah?
10:49About what?
10:51About Felipe Zambrano.
10:53He was the one who killed your sister, wasn't he?
10:56My sister came into that hacienda alive.
10:59Then a death appeared in the river.
11:02Then they sent people to look for Pedrito and me.
11:05They would have killed us if I hadn't left San Jacinto.
11:11The Zambranos are going through a bad time.
11:14That's why the count wants to start a legal process against him.
11:17It is important that you make a formal statement with a lawyer to legalize the case.
11:23I'm going to do everything the count tells me.
11:29Josefina, I'm sorry. It's really not a good time.
11:33I'm sorry to bother you, but what I have to tell you is very important.
11:38You have to stop those articles about the murder of the Aguilar family in your newspaper.
11:45By chance I found out that you are the owner of the Mexican newspaper, Mr. Conde.
11:50If you continue to investigate that matter, the honor and reputation of my stepdaughter will be ruined.
11:56Mariana is the mysterious woman those articles talk about, Mr. Conde.
12:02I didn't know.
12:04Well, as you don't have to know many secrets around that story.
12:08Secrets that can destroy Mariana if they come to light.
12:19How did you end up going with Raquelito?
12:22You can't deny that he's a good guy.
12:24You can't deny that she's quite beautiful.
12:28Although a little intense, but manageable and that's what matters.
12:32What? Are you going to keep dating her?
12:35Well, for my part, yes.
12:37She's the perfect woman to sit down.
12:39Although I must confess that I don't have your ability to win over several women.
12:44What's up, Marquez?
12:46The ability, even if you doubt it, I'm quite shy with ladies.
12:51Who would have thought? You told me you dated several.
12:55In fact, you told me about a special one.
12:58She was probably drunk.
13:01What was her name?
15:48I wouldn't have to lie to you, Joaquin.
15:51You can ask my daughter-in-law Paulina.
15:53She also knows the story very well.
15:56Mariana told her.
15:58As I told you, there are many secrets that involve the murder of the Aguilar family.
16:03Secrets that, for my family, it is much better if they remain hidden.
16:18I couldn't have told you that.
16:21I don't know any Aracely. You must be confused.
16:24No, I'm not confused. In fact, I remember it perfectly.
16:27You described her perfectly.
16:30Brown hair, not very tall.
16:34You repeated her name so many times that I was enraged.
16:49No, Felipe! Felipe, don't!
16:52Shut up!
16:54I'm sorry, Felipe. I didn't think you were going to get upset.
16:57That night you seemed quite disturbed by that woman.
17:03Forgive me, Marquesa.
17:12Surely that's what happened.
17:17I must have been drunk and said any name.
17:23Excuse me.
17:33What happened to you?
17:36Oh, not that very brave and I don't know what.
17:39Where is all your haughtiness?
17:43I want you to answer me a few things.
17:47Let's see.
17:49You'd better be honest.
17:52If you don't want me to finish hitting you.
17:57Let's see.
17:59Who is Silvestre Davalos?
18:01I don't know.
18:03Don't try to guess.
18:06You're just a lying idiot who doesn't realize anything.
18:10What do you take me for?
18:12You can't even give me the information I need.
18:16Okay, calm down, Josefina.
18:18You're just doing what you're supposed to do.
18:21What do I get out of you?
18:24There she is.
18:26Who? What are you talking about? Crazy!
18:30The old woman I saw with you the day I met her.
18:35The one who called you Chepa when she was alive.
18:40Poor woman.
18:42She's still trapped in this world without being able to rest.
18:46Do you think I'm stupid enough to fall for your witchcraft?
18:53I see two more men.
18:56They're two desperate men.
19:01I feel their pain, their anger.
19:06Those souls are tied to you.
19:09You're not going to scare me.
19:12There's one more shadow.
19:16It's a boy.
19:18He's also dead.
19:20You and Antonio killed him.
19:22Shut up!
19:24Everything you're saying is a lie.
19:27Because the dead never come back.
19:31Of course they come back.
19:33To torment those who hurt them.
19:36Those are your dead, Josefina.
19:40They want justice and they're coming for you.
20:03This looks like the entrance to a key.
20:07But where could that key be hidden?
21:04Open sesame.
21:20Open sesame.
21:24Open sesame.
21:31Like a fairy tale.
21:44Open sesame.
21:48Open sesame.
22:00Who is the Count of Montenegro?
22:06Why did you want to see me, Antonio?
22:08I don't want anyone to see you here.
22:10I sold the brothel.
22:13Aren't you going to tell me?
22:21Why did you sell the brothel?
22:24Because I have another business and I'm going to be fine.
22:28So I don't need it anymore. I'm tired too.
22:31You and your mysteries, Antonio.
22:34I guess you're related to Josefina, right?
22:37What Josefina? I don't want to talk about her.
22:39It's you.
22:41I miss you, Violeta.
22:43My dear.
22:59The Count is here visiting my husband.
23:02So we're going to make the most of it so he can see you and stay calm.
23:07You're going to go and tell him exactly what I told you.
23:12Don't you dare say anything else because I'm going to be there listening.
23:17Antonio is with your lover.
23:21And you know what's going to happen if you disobey.
23:24Oh, and put this on.
23:33I don't think it's a good idea for you to be with Antonio.
23:37He's Josefina Zambrano's right hand.
23:40Well, and then they say that we women are the gossip, right?
23:45How do you know I'm going to see Antonio?
23:48I saw him.
23:51He's very dangerous.
23:54He could put you and Luisito at risk.
23:57Look, Guillermo.
23:59I don't think it's a good idea for you to meddle in my life.
24:02I really appreciate what you've done for me and Luisito, but...
24:05You don't have the right.
24:08I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone about this.
24:14I'm sorry.
24:16Don't worry.
24:19I'm going to get Luisito. Excuse me.
24:26So far, there has been no news, Mr. Joaquin. Everything is going smoothly.
24:30Perfect for the discussions we've heard between Paulina and Felipe.
24:34What discussions?
24:37We'll leave you two alone so you can talk.
24:48I can't believe it, Paulina. I thought you'd already left.
24:51I asked Maronta to go ahead and I'll catch up to her later.
24:57What's wrong? You look a little pale.
25:01I'm fine, just a little upset.
25:04Please, if there's a problem, you know I'd like to know.
25:08None. I assure you.
25:12I want to take advantage of your presence to talk about something important.
25:17It's about Mariana.
25:19I can imagine what you have to tell me.
25:21Josefina went to see me and told me her version of the story.
25:26She told me Mariana was the one who called the police.
25:29Yes, Mariana turned in Alejandro Gaitan.
25:33You know, I'm very grateful to you and I wouldn't dare lie to you.
25:38Of course.
25:41That means...
25:43Mariana turned in Alejandro Gaitan.
25:46And I ask you not to ask me about it anymore because I don't want to talk about it.
25:51Mariana is my friend. This is very embarrassing for me.
25:55Yes, yes. Don't worry.
25:59I thank you for confirming Josefina's version and my suspicions.
26:06I hope you feel better soon and come back home to work at the foundation.
26:19Darling, you see how easy it is when you cooperate.
26:22Chole, please accompany the lady.
26:28What happened?
26:30Did everything go well with the count?
26:32Yes, very well. My plan is working perfectly.
26:36Now the count knows my version of the Aguilar murder.
26:40And since Peche didn't like anything,
26:44his interest in Alejandro Gaitan's case will play in our favor.
26:49Mariana's stupidity will be left without her support.
26:53I need to talk to Mr. Joaquin. It's urgent, please.
26:56The count is not here, but I need to show you something.
27:02Please come with me.
28:23Mariana, how did you get here?
28:31What is this, Alejandro?
28:33What are all these photos?
28:36These documents? What is this?
28:42Explain to me, please.
28:45Look, Mariana.
28:47What is this?
28:50Explain to me, please.
28:53Look, yes, they are the people who have hurt me, but...
28:57The people you want to take revenge on.
29:00No, no, no, you're wrong. It's justice.
29:02Including me too. David, my daughter Gabriela.
29:05That's why we're here, marked with a cross.
29:08No, no, Mariana, I didn't do that.
29:10Then who did it?
29:12Of course.
29:13That's why you insisted that my son investigate your case.
29:16That's why you hired him.
29:18You put him in danger.
29:20What did you want to punish me?
29:22And what were you going to do to Gabriela?
29:24Alejandro, answer me, please.
29:26My children, I don't care about anything else, but you shouldn't mess with my children.
29:31Look, calm down, because it's not like that.
29:34All the excuses you give me.
29:37I don't care.
29:39Of course you put my son in danger.
29:41Please, I need you to believe in me.
29:44I didn't put those marks on your photo or your children's.
29:47And yes, yes, I arrived in San Jacinto thinking of doing justice.
29:52At one point, yes, I thought you had betrayed me too.
29:56And why? Because you're married to my worst enemy.
30:01Gerardo and you are not different.
30:04After seeing this place...
30:07I don't know what to think, Alejandro.
30:11I don't know what to think.
30:26What's wrong, Mariana? Are you okay?
30:28Leave me alone, Cayetana.
30:31You fought with Joaquin.
30:33Gerardo was here and threatened him.
30:35Stay out of my business.
30:37What happens in this house is also my business.
30:39This is not your house.
30:41It's the count's house.
30:42You're here as a guest.
30:44I don't know what...
30:56Miss Paola, what are you doing?
30:57Chole, move, please.
30:59Don't get involved in this, Chole, please.
31:02No, you don't understand.
31:03What the hell is going on here?
31:05You and your mother have no right to keep me locked up.
31:08You've done me a lot of harm.
31:09And I did everything you asked me to do.
31:11So you're going to let me go.
31:12You're not leaving, Paulina.
31:14Don't you understand that you can't stay with me?
31:16What do you want?
31:17I'm leaving to make a fool of myself with your love.
31:20You're not leaving.
31:22You're not leaving, Paulina.
31:23Enough, Paulina.
31:25Enough, Paulina.
31:34You don't understand, Paulina.
31:36You don't understand.
31:46What's wrong with you?
31:47Are you crazy or are you sick?
31:49What's wrong with you?
31:51Call an ambulance.
31:52Take him to the doctor.
31:53Take him to his room.
31:56Lock her up.
31:57No, no.
31:58Let me go.
31:59I swear you're going to pay for this.
32:06Oh, Dolores.
32:08What are you going to do alone in the capital?
32:11If you don't want to live here in the palace,
32:14we can go back home and...
32:16No, Teresa, no.
32:19All this has been very hard for me.
32:24And that's why I think I'm going to take the count's proposal to go to the capital.
32:28It's not fair for my mom.
32:30After everything she did to get us back.
32:32I swear I tried to forgive her.
32:35To accept her.
32:37But today...
32:38I don't understand what you have to forgive my mom for.
32:40If she didn't do anything wrong.
32:43You don't have to repeat it.
32:47I know what happened.
32:52I don't understand here.
32:55But here...
33:03I still can't accept it.
33:06I can't convince myself.
33:14Then come back when you feel ready.
33:17But in the meantime...
33:25Hug Lulu whenever you feel alone or sad.
33:32Think that we are the ones who are with you.
33:48Please, let me go!
33:51You hurt my son and Feliz!
33:52And I had to kill him because you are some damn murderers!
33:55Now Maranta is going to pay for everything you did!
33:59Leave me alone!
34:01You should have thought of that before, don't you think?
34:04Give her a hug!
34:05No, no, no, no, no.
34:06No, Josefina, please.
34:21I was married to Vicente, but you were my only lover.
34:24Instead, you were with Josefina.
34:26And God knows how many women have gone through your life.
34:28Of course, I realized that later.
34:30But in the end, I realized that you were one of them.
34:32Well, forgive me, princess.
34:34Seriously, I'm a hard-headed person.
34:36I learn very slowly.
34:40And I'm thinking about changing my life.
34:44About making the best decisions.
34:46The most important ones.
34:48And I'm going to do it.
34:53This bettage and these pills will help mitigate the pain.
34:58And I recommend that you don't mix them with alcohol.
35:01Excuse me.
35:09That bastard!
35:10He almost killed you!
35:11He hates us, Mom.
35:14If we don't take care of ourselves, he'll try again.
35:19Paulina is no longer the same.
35:22Now she's a danger.
35:23But unfortunately, we can't get rid of her so easily.
35:26We need her.
35:28The poor thing is going to lose her mind little by little.
35:31And we have no choice but to put her in a asylum.
35:35As for the other Marimacha,
35:37that's how we're going to celebrate tonight.
35:41I'm very worried about Marquez.
35:43I hope he hasn't noticed anything.
35:45No, no, Mom.
35:47He's just set up the house.
35:50I've made sure he doesn't find out.
35:55Please, stop drinking.
35:58I'll call you.
36:13What are you doing here?
36:14Who do you think you are?
36:16You left me homeless when you sold the brothel.
36:18What's wrong with you?
36:20First you sell the brothel,
36:21then you go back to Los Zambranos' hacienda
36:23as if you didn't care that Josefina was married to that gringo.
36:26I thought you were going to console Violeta.
36:29Stop talking about my life.
36:30I won't let you.
36:31I'm sick of your stupidities.
36:33What are you going to do, Antonio?
36:36I'm not stupid.
36:37If you're taking those steps,
36:38it's because Josefina and you are planning something.
36:41For me, the gringo already smells like death.
36:44If you say that again,
36:45I'll tell everyone
36:48that Marquez doesn't exist.
36:50You're not Marquez.
36:53You're Pedrito.
36:55The filthy street swindler.
36:58And that the count is looking for you
36:59to make up for your betrayals.
37:01What do you think?
37:02Let me go.
37:04Let go.
37:11What were you doing outside the hacienda?
37:13Your place is here.
37:14I had to go fix something,
37:15but it was only a couple of hours and that's it.
37:18More than enough time
37:19for everything to fall apart.
37:22The count came to talk to Paulina at the hacienda.
37:24If I can't see him,
37:25he talks to that idiot
37:27without me noticing.
37:29Don't tell me that Paulina told him
37:30that we have Maranta.
37:33Fortunately, I was able to handle the situation.
37:35She's too scared
37:37and she didn't say anything
37:38to protect the other disgusting woman.
37:40To think that those two deviants
37:42were planning to escape together.
37:44Imagine the mess for my son
37:46if that had happened.
37:47Well, but it didn't happen, Josefina.
37:49That's why you're strong.
37:50To solve your problems.
37:52So don't be so dramatic.
37:57What do you smell?
37:58What do I smell?
38:02What's wrong with you?
38:04What are you doing?
38:06What's that cheap prostitute perfume?
38:08You're cheating on me
38:09and you're going to tell me right now with who?
38:11With no one.
38:13And give me that,
38:14or you're going to cut yourself, damn it.
38:17What's that?
38:22What's that?
38:23Can't you hear?
38:24That damn kid is playing here again
38:25in my house with his ball.
38:29I can't hear anything.
38:30And there's no child in the hacienda either.
38:32Can't you see?
38:33There's no one.
38:37I'm not a kid.
38:39What I'm hearing is real.
38:41It's as real as that damn perfume
38:43that I'm smelling on you.
38:46I'll find you with another woman
38:49because I swear
38:51I'll kill you.
39:02There's a traitor here in the house.
39:04Someone is trying to put me against Mariana
39:07just like the accusations that Josefina made.
39:11No, Alejandro, but if it were true,
39:13we never knew what happened 18 years ago.
39:15We never knew who turned you in to the police.
39:17Memo, for God's sake.
39:19Don't you realize?
39:20Don't you realize everything that Josefina has done?
39:22I would be a fool if I believed her.
39:24We have to talk to all the employees.
39:27We have to find out who the traitor is.
39:30Who is provoking all this?
39:44Why is Don Joaquin's interest in this man?
39:52Why those portraits?
39:57Cayetana told me there was something else.
40:01Something that I didn't know.
40:15If you had seen the room
40:17with all those pictures,
40:19that was an altar to his revenge, Nana.
40:22And you didn't tell him about David again?
40:25Alejandro used his own son without knowing.
40:29He put him in danger.
40:31He exhibited him as part of his plan.
40:34You were right, Nana.
40:36He is no longer the man I fell in love with.
40:39He came back willing to ruin us all.
40:42Oh, honey, I'm so sorry for you.
40:44I have to get strength from wherever, Nana.
40:47I have to focus on my children.
40:48I have to protect them.
40:51San Jacinto is no longer a safe place.
40:53But, honey, where are you going to go?
40:55I don't know, Nana.
40:57As far as I can from Gerardo.
40:59And Alejandro?
41:00I don't know, Nana.
41:02I don't even know what to think or believe.
41:05I was a fool to think we could leave our past behind.
41:22Did you send for me, ma'am?
41:27I'm glad you're here.
41:30I sent for you because I need to ask you something.
41:33Tell me.
41:35I have a doubt about the treatment that should be given to the nobility.
41:41How should I address you?
41:43As your majesty?
41:45Your lady?
41:48Or simply as...
41:53The con man.
41:58I heard you talking to Antonio.
42:01You are not a Marquez.
42:03You are a shameless man.
42:05And your real name is Pedro.
42:08It's true.
42:10I took the place of Francisco de Mendoza.
42:12I saw the opportunity when the Count was looking for it.
42:14And the truth is that it looked a lot like him.
42:17I couldn't let an opportunity like that pass.
42:20There was a lot of money involved.
42:23Now I understand why you gave me a hard time the first time I saw you.
42:27You are nothing more than a displaced opportunist.
42:31Right now, I'm going to turn you over to the police.
42:35It's not convenient for him, ma'am.
42:38I don't think he wants to kill his only grandson.
42:41I won't be Francisco de Mendoza, but what I am sure of is that I am the son of Felipe Zambrano.
42:47And the last grandson he has left.
