Salón de té La Moderna - Ep 251

  • 2 days ago


00:00I hope this time you won't repeat the same problems with Sagrario.
00:13Don't tell me that. Tell her.
00:16Yes, I'll tell her, of course, but I ask you to be calm, Esperanza.
00:20I'm very calm.
00:21You know what I want to tell you.
00:23At least I'm punctual, because she seems to be late.
00:27Good morning.
00:29Hello, good morning. You can't come in here.
00:32You have to go to the Moderna Tea Salon.
00:34I'm not going to the Moderna.
00:36Well, yes, but no.
00:37Ma'am, can I know what you're saying?
00:40You take, Don Fermín.
00:42How do you know my name?
00:44My sister, who apologizes personally.
00:47She has had a vocational crisis and now she is unloading anchovies in the port of Bermeo.
00:52But here I am to replace her.
00:55What do you mean your sister?
00:58Come on, what a fool, I haven't introduced myself.
01:01I'm Herminia, Sagrario's sister.
01:05Yes, yes, this is what Sagrario says in the letter, yes.
01:08Well, no, I have many more recommendations that testify to it.
01:13And are you as good a baker as your sister?
01:17I taught her everything she knows.
01:20And now I come from doing a job in Paris itself.
01:24The luck that the Moderna is going to have with me.
01:29Don Fermín.
01:31It's not that I want to get into where they don't call me, but this seems very strange to me.
01:34Besides, Sagrario should have written, he should have warned, right?
01:38And he says it's his sister.
01:40But if he doesn't speak like her ...
01:42Because I've been away from home for so long that my accent is atrophied.
01:46And you must be Esperanza, right?
01:50Sagrario has already told me about you, yes.
01:52And what happened.
01:53Well, first of all, Elminia, let it be clear to you that here at La Moderna we are all worthy of the utmost respect.
01:59Starting with me and ending with the person in charge and responsible for cleaning,
02:04whom, by the way, I have a special esteem for.
02:08It has become clear to me.
02:10My only purpose is to perform my task in body and soul.
02:14Task? As far as I know, you are not yet hired.
02:17Well, but that's easy to fix, we'll fix it in a minute.
02:20Besides, we don't have time to look for any alternatives.
02:24We change the name and that's it.
02:28If you would be so kind as to sign the contract, please.
02:31Well, sorry, but if you don't mind, I'll read it in detail first.
02:36Sometimes there are people who want to take advantage of one.
02:39Of course, of course.
02:47Let's go.
03:01What did you want? To scare me to death or what?
03:04How did you get in?
03:06With the key you gave me.
03:11Paula, we have to talk.
03:13What's going on?
03:15Your father last night saw us kissing.
03:19What you hear.
03:21When I went to the office yesterday to pick up the jacket,
03:23I met him and then he told me.
03:25But what did he say to you?
03:27He got very violent.
03:29No, he was strangely calm.
03:31He just forbade me to see you alone again.
03:34What I am doing right now.
03:36No, no, no, no, let's see.
03:38You are not doing anything because nobody, not even he, can forbid us anything.
03:42And much less feel what we feel, you hear me?
03:44I hear you, but that will not change anything.
03:46You have never obeyed an order of his and I don't know how he could take it.
03:49Don't tell me you're afraid of him.
03:51No, I have respect for him.
03:53He feels that I have betrayed him, maybe we should ...
03:55We should what?
03:56Ask for permission? Do you think he would have given it to us?
04:03I understand.
04:04It's about saving your position, your future.
04:08Instead, I am willing to risk everything for you.
04:10That is very easy to say when you have a network below.
04:13But I don't have it.
04:15I can't allow myself to take a false step, nor can my mother.
04:18We've talked about this before.
04:22Are you going to obey him?
04:25We won't see each other again.
04:26Just for a moment, Paula.
04:28If we challenge him, the only thing we will achieve is to make things worse.
04:32What I propose is that we be smart.
04:34Let him think he has won this battle and later, when the waters calm down ...
04:38I can't live without you, Rodrigo.
04:40I can't.
04:42And if I tell him everything I've been thinking about this time,
04:46everything I've been hiding inside,
04:48that I want to marry you,
04:50that you are the love of my life.
04:52He knows that I am an adult woman, that I have never bowed to anything.
05:01No, I can't.
05:02I'm sorry, I can't.
05:13Well, well.
05:15So, it's true that you have all taken it out on us.
05:19Now I understand, because when we were kids, we played hide and seek and I was always left alone.
05:24You were left alone because no one could stand you like now.
05:27Of course.
05:28Even Katrina.
05:30When she told me, her ears were on fire.
05:33I knew you had a bad taste, sister.
05:36But not so much.
05:37Go to hell, Ivan.
05:39And you, Rodrigo.
05:42How quiet you had it.
05:44It turns out that you are going to do a whole magazine.
05:47Yes, sir.
05:48Seducing the daughter of your boss to meddle.
05:51As original as pathetic.
05:53Shut up at once.
05:54Go ahead.
05:55Don't repress yourself.
05:57My parents would love to know that not only do you get along with your daughter,
06:00but you also attack her son.
06:02You will give them another excuse to kick you.
06:06As soon as you open your mouth again, I will be the one to close it.
06:10Wait, Rodrigo.
06:14Perfectly written.
06:16So nice.
06:19Thank you very much.
06:21Well, here it is.
06:25Very good.
06:26I don't have much time, so please, Esperanza, be so kind.
06:30Why don't you introduce your new colleagues?
06:32And by the way, take a tour of all the dependencies of the salon.
06:36To our new ...
06:37Herminia, Herminia.
06:38Herminia, our new pastry teacher.
06:41What a remedy.
06:42Welcome to La Moderna.
06:43Thank you very much, Don Fermin.
06:47Well, I don't know what his sister will have told him about me.
06:51But let him know that I don't want trouble.
06:54Neither do I.
06:56I didn't know you had so much strength.
06:59I almost got injured before I started.
07:03Well, are you going to show me around the place?
07:07Yes, but first I have to do something very important.
07:10Well, are you going to show me around the place?
07:14Yes, but first I have to do something very important.
07:26Can you tell me what that is?
07:29What do you mean, what is that?
07:30A respect for San Peregrino.
07:32A respect for San Peregrino.
07:36San Peregrino, I entrust you to take care and protect ...
07:40From this moment on, this is my worker.
07:44And I'm not going to allow this to be like this all day,
07:48looking at me and giving me bad luck, for God's sake.
07:50Look, just so you know, I'm an atheist by birth.
07:53I think it's fine, but San Peregrino stays there.
08:03Well, we're off to a good start.
08:10What are you thinking about?
08:13The sequences they're going to write to me.
08:15I hope they're not too long, so I have time to learn them.
08:18Well, don't worry.
08:19I'll probably be in them too, so we'll study them together.
08:23Have I ever told you how much I love you?
08:25A thousand times.
08:27By the way, I didn't tell you, but yesterday when you left,
08:30Agustín apologized in case he bothered me
08:33that they had hired you as an actress.
08:36And I told him no, obviously, that I was delighted to work with you.
08:40I agree.
08:41And did he leave you anything else?
08:44Well, he also felt guilty for hiding it from me.
08:48But it's just that, all of a sudden, he told me a declaration of love
08:53that I thought he was proposing to me.
08:56This is fantastic, Inés.
08:59Well, he didn't really tell me with those words, but...
09:02I don't know, it made me understand that that was his intention.
09:09Laurita, forgive me.
09:11It's just that sometimes I forget that...
09:14No, no, Inés.
09:15There's nothing to forgive.
09:17If one day you'd rather not know, I'll tell you.
09:20I'm glad you're here because I've got the sequences I wrote for you.
09:26They're still here.
09:30Yes, I'm sorry.
09:32I'm glad you're here.
09:33I'm sorry, I've got to go.
09:35I'm sorry.
09:36I know.
09:37I know, I know.
09:38I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
09:39I'm sorry.
09:40I'm sorry.
09:41I'm sorry.
09:42I'm sorry.
09:43I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
09:44I'm sorry.
09:45I'm sorry.
09:46I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
09:47I'm dying to know what he has prepared for us.
09:51Let's see.
09:59Are you sure it's these?
10:01Yes, of course.
10:02I just show up in one and say one sentence.
10:07I haven't read them yet, let me see.
10:12I'm supposed to be the protagonist and that these scenes are fundamental to the plot.
10:18I hope the director hasn't forgotten.
10:20No, of course not, the director hasn't forgotten.
10:24The only thing is that...
10:28I'm remembering that Ballesteros told me that...
10:31you gave so much strength, so much truth, so much emotion to the character that...
10:35Well, it would be a bit redundant.
10:37So maybe the smartest thing would be...
10:40to give you a break so that the audience longs for your presence.
10:44Do you understand?
10:46Yes, yes, I understand, I understand.
10:48Can I? I'd like to...
10:51Look, does your offer still stand?
10:54Yes, yes, of course.
10:55Of course.
10:56I'm glad you're so committed because we're shooting tomorrow.
11:02You said tomorrow?
11:06At one o'clock.
11:07And, well...
11:10You're changing because Ballesteros is waiting for us for a rehearsal.
11:13A rehearsal? Now? But...
11:15And when do I learn the text?
11:17On the way.
11:26The machinery must have already left Germany.
11:30And if there's no set time, it should be here by the end of the week.
11:36I want it to be ready.
11:43Who should be ready?
11:46Machinery for the synthetic fiber factory.
11:49Anyway, work stuff, Ivan, you know.
11:52Boring stuff.
11:53I don't think you're interested in...
11:56I'm surprised to see you here.
11:59You've gotten lost.
12:02If I've ever been, now I've found it.
12:06Mom has told me everything.
12:09Who was going to tell you, right?
12:12That Rodrigo was nothing more than another opportunist trying to make a profit.
12:17What do you want, Ivan?
12:20To offer you my support and my loyalty.
12:23Having shown Paula's weakness, I'm willing to take a step forward.
12:30One question.
12:31Have you fired that ungrateful man?
12:35For now, it won't be necessary.
12:38He has admitted his mistake.
12:40He won't approach Paula again.
12:43It's curious, because I just saw them together at Paula's store.
12:47Yes, they looked quite sweet.
12:50Although, I don't know, maybe they were putting an end to that romance.
13:05I'm willing to change.
13:07And become the man you need by your side.
13:10Why now, Ivan?
13:12Why now and not before?
13:14Because after what happened with Rodrigo, your trust in him can't be the same.
13:19And because I think I'm more than capable of replacing him.
13:23Are you applying for his position?
13:26Who better than your own son?
13:29I'll do everything you ask.
13:30Starting by controlling Paula.
13:32And I could also be the one to fire Rodrigo.
13:38Don't worry about that.
13:39For now, we're not firing anyone.
13:41And if you don't care about your sister, I'll take care of her.
13:45You're in charge.
13:50Maybe there's something you can help me with.
13:55I'd need you to take a document to the registry office.
13:59To Mr. Cuadrado's office.
14:03Come see me first thing in the morning.
14:06If you're capable of getting up early.
14:13I think the meeting wasn't that bad, Inés.
14:16But if Ballesteros hasn't even spoken to me.
14:18If he hasn't looked at me, he was only looking at Laurita.
14:21And I'm not mad at you.
14:23But that's normal, the sequence was his and he wanted to explain it to her in detail.
14:27Besides, it's because I don't have experience.
14:30I don't know, I'm sorry, but sometimes I think he doesn't like me, he's tired of me.
14:34That's absurd, Inés. Ballesteros adores you.
14:37You're his protagonist, his star.
14:40How are those rehearsals going?
14:43Why don't we sit down and talk?
14:45Can we?
14:46Well, I don't think we should rest for a while.
14:53I hope, Agustín, that neither you nor the director are abusing my Laurita too much.
14:59Because one thing is that I do them a favor,
15:01and another very different thing is that they turn her into a movie actress overnight with all that she behaves.
15:06Don't worry, it's just a little more, and besides, Inés is going to help me.
15:12Good morning, do you know what you're going to drink?
15:15Well, coffee for everyone and I'm in charge of having a lot of work ahead.
15:19By the way, Laurita, I would like to congratulate you for your performance the other day.
15:22It was extraordinary, I cried and laughed.
15:25You have to be a very good actress to cause such disparate emotions.
15:28Let's say I've learned it from the best.
15:31Inés is my teacher.
15:33Well, excuse me.
15:38Good morning to everyone, especially to you, Laurita.
15:42Don Fermín, I'm sorry to bother you.
15:46Don Fermín, I'm sorry to bother you.
15:48Don't you know how Pietro's operation is going?
15:51As you are a friend of the doctor.
15:53No, I have no news, Esperanza.
15:55Well, I hope that means that everything follows its normal course.
15:59Oh, San Peregrino will be doing his job, as the boss of serious diseases.
16:03Of course.
16:04Then I'll stop by Antonio's house to ask him.
16:09So you can sign an autograph for me, before I make you a star and you don't remember the poor.
16:14The only star on this table is Inés.
16:16So, in any case, I'll sign you after.
16:19Come on.
16:25I'm going to frame it as if it were a painting.
16:27A painting of a Picasso or a Dalí.
16:29That's why he was at the Modena.
16:35Thank you very much.
16:36Come on, bye.
16:38I'm going to the bathroom for a moment.
16:43Agustín, what does that mean?
16:45That Laurita has to shoot more sequences?
16:48I don't understand.
16:51Well, the director was so delighted with her performance that he decided to expand her character.
17:00He is convinced that his niece is going to have a great career.
17:03Well, don't exaggerate either.
17:04No, no, no, I'm not exaggerating anything.
17:06Yesterday he told me that he had never worked with a talent like yours.
17:10So natural, intuitive, right?
17:21I'm going home, I'm a little busy.
17:23I'll go with you.
17:24No, no, no need.
17:25You are no longer my assistant.
17:36What are you doing?
17:42A whole lady coming out the back door.
17:46Let's get to the point, what do you want?
17:49Come on, Lazara, don't be in a hurry.
17:52We have a lot to talk about.
17:54Haven't you missed me?
17:56I didn't even remember you.
17:59Come on.
18:00I don't care how well life has treated you.
18:03But what happened to that neighborhood girl with her socks tied up and her shoes holed up?
18:08Please lower your voice.
18:14We met more than 20 years ago at the ceramic factory.
18:18And from the first day we became inseparable.
18:22They paid us a lot and we worked like donkeys.
18:26But we had each other.
18:28And we even laughed.
18:31Do you remember the manager?
18:33The one who winked at us and the other one...
18:36You're going to tell me what you want because I'm running out of patience.
18:41A lady shouldn't lose her form.
18:44Although you may never be, no matter how hard you try.
18:49When I read in the newspaper that you had married a rich businessman,
18:54I couldn't believe it.
18:57How did you win him over?
18:59Like the owner of the ceramic factory.
19:04You cheated on that old man until you had him in the palm of your hand.
19:08Until you married him.
19:10Until he named you sole heir.
19:12Even leaving his family in the ruin.
19:15That was his decision.
19:21You almost got yours.
19:23But of course, he had a son.
19:25A lawyer.
19:27He talked to the judge and got him to be disqualified
19:31and to cancel the will.
19:34I don't know why I'm telling you all this,
19:36if you already know.
19:38I don't understand anything, Juana.
19:40Can you tell me what you want?
19:42Because this sad story doesn't end here.
19:46When your plan failed, you abandoned him like a dog.
19:51And the poor man, repudiated by everyone,
19:53jumped to his death.
19:55But I didn't push him.
19:56And I didn't incite him to do it.
19:59It's not my fault that it was a fiasco.
20:02Don't you feel remorse?
20:04Not even a bit.
20:07What do you know?
20:11For the last time,
20:13are you going to tell me what you want?
20:17Look, I've been told that Mr. Germín,
20:19which is a good name,
20:21and I wouldn't like you to have the same fate.
20:23He probably doesn't know anything about your past.
20:26Because you probably haven't told him anything about all this.
20:29Am I wrong?
20:31Juana, have you seen yourself in the mirror?
20:33I would never believe you.
20:35Do you think so?
20:38Well, I could also go to the newspapers
20:41with this kind of stories made for the press.
20:44With this kind of stories, you suck your fingers.
20:48But don't get me wrong, Lazara.
20:51I'm not a judge.
20:54And I'm not as stupid
20:56as to kill the chicken with the golden eggs.
21:00I just want
21:02what you have left over.
21:09How much?
21:12Enough for me to forget about you.
21:17Make me an offer.
21:21You'll find it in this number.
21:42Well, if Antonio isn't home yet,
21:44he must be in the hospital.
21:46The surgery won't be over.
21:48How many hours is the surgery going to last?
21:51I don't know, but many.
21:53They told him it was going to be long.
21:55Well, let's go.
22:01Take advantage of any opportunity to show off.
22:04I mean, why haven't they given me one too?
22:08I mean, why haven't they given me one too?
22:11You think I should ask Mr. Fermin
22:13why they haven't given me one?
22:15I think we have to go back to La Moderna.
22:17We don't do anything here.
22:19Come on.
22:32Antonio, how is Pietro?
22:35Tell me everything has gone well.
22:37That San Peregrino has done his job.
22:39I even prayed for him in Italian.
22:41How is he?
22:42I'm sorry, I'm still a little short of breath.
22:47The surgery has gone well.
22:49Well, we still have to keep calm and wait a little.
22:54But Dr. Quiroga told me everything they've done
22:57and he was happy with the result.
23:00But we have to wait a few hours to see how it evolves.
23:03But that's within the norm.
23:05We don't have to go crazy.
23:07I'm sure he'll recover very soon.
23:09And when will we be able to visit him?
23:11I can't wait to make him angry.
23:13Well, no visit for now.
23:15Only I can come in.
23:17And well, I can only stay in the waiting room.
23:19In fact, I come to pick up a few things and go back to the hospital.
23:22But he just arrived.
23:24Yeah, but I prefer to be close to him,
23:26even if it's in the waiting room.
23:28But wouldn't it be better if he stayed at home for a while and rested?
23:31After all, there's nothing he can do there.
23:33Of course, the nurse is there.
23:35And with his pale lips and speaking in Italian,
23:38I'm sure he'll get them in his pocket.
23:42Yeah, well, but I prefer to be close to him
23:45and be the first thing he sees when he wakes up.
23:50So, well, I'll just get a blanket and go back there.
23:54And was he able to see him when he left the operating room?
23:57Yes, just for a moment.
23:59I'm sorry.
24:02My heart sank a little, to be honest,
24:04because he was with the tubes and his head bandaged.
24:08And with his eyes closed, he seemed so weak.
24:12Don't worry, Pietro is very big and healthy.
24:15It's better for him.
24:17Look, tomorrow we're going to the hospital and we'll go with you.
24:21Oh, yes, and we'll take a cart, a potage.
24:25I don't know what I'd do without you.
24:28Thank you, really. Thank you.
24:36Oh, Teresa, do you want to stop pulling my watch all the time?
24:39For the love of God.
24:41Well, for the love of San Pellegrino.
24:53Mother, where is Father?
24:55I went to the office and it was closed.
24:57I thought he had come to eat.
24:59You thought wrong.
25:01I don't know anything about him.
25:04Mother, I understand that you are angry with me,
25:06but I need you to support me.
25:10Support you in what, Paula?
25:12In throwing your life on the line?
25:14In that?
25:16Look, daughter, there are whims and whims.
25:19Buying you a motorcycle was one of them.
25:22Relating to the sepice is an irresponsibility.
25:25In addition to a lack of respect for your parents.
25:28What are you saying, Mother?
25:30Rodrigo is not a whim.
25:32I'm in love with him, I've always been.
25:34And I've never felt anything for anyone other than him.
25:37Don't you think that means something?
25:39Yes, that you are wrong. And a lot.
25:41No, I'm not.
25:43Feelings are not chosen, they choose you.
25:46Or have you never been lost in love?
25:50I've known Rodrigo since I can remember.
25:53And you know better than anyone the wonderful person he is.
25:56That doesn't matter now.
25:59What do you mean, it doesn't matter?
26:01I thought that as a mother you would want the best for your daughter.
26:04Precisely for that, Paula.
26:07The truth is that you don't understand.
26:09In the world in which we move,
26:11nobody would accept that you had a relationship with the maid's son.
26:15It is a totally unsavable prejudice.
26:18Not for me.
26:20I am willing to do anything.
26:22Ah, anything.
26:23You are willing to do anything.
26:25To ruin your career before you even started it?
26:28For society to point you out and marginalize you?
26:30That's not going to happen.
26:32The worst thing is that your father is right.
26:35It's my fault.
26:37I should never have allowed Rodrigo to grow up with you and Ivan.
26:40And to be believed that he was one more.
26:42No, Mother.
26:43That wouldn't have changed anything.
26:46I would have fallen in love with him even if I had never seen him.
26:49True love is like that.
26:51And you can't fight it.
26:54I asked you a question before.
26:56And you didn't answer me.
26:58If you've ever felt anything like that,
27:01you know exactly what I'm talking about.
27:04Or was it not like that, compadre?
27:06We are talking about love, Paula.
27:08We are talking about marriage.
27:09And it's not always the same, believe me.
27:11For me, yes.
27:13Whatever you do, I'm going to marry him.
27:17No, Paula.
27:19That's not going to happen.
27:22Because your father will do whatever it takes to stop it.
27:27And you know it.
27:30So if you love that boy,
27:32if you really love him,
27:34don't complicate his life.
27:36And don't complicate yours.
27:39At least that way you can be happy.
27:42But not together.
27:43That's right.
27:45That's right.
27:50Can you forget, for a moment,
27:52who you are and what you represent?
27:55And look me in the face as what I am?
27:57Your daughter?
28:01How did you do it?
28:04Yes, you.
28:05How did you do it?
28:06Marrying dad.
28:08Did you do what your heart dictated?
28:10Or what you should have done?
28:12Things are not that simple.
28:14Don't say that, mother.
28:16I understand that you're not happy.
28:19And you want me to repeat your mistakes.
28:30Poor Paula.
28:33I came now because I couldn't wait to tell you this morning.
28:36Well, thank God neither my wife nor my mother-in-law is here.
28:39In any case, she had an excuse to take me to a place.
28:43I'm very sorry, Miguel.
28:45But when I thought I had motivated her enough,
28:48the memory of her failure has returned to her mind.
28:51The tragic day when Leonora gave him pumpkins.
28:54She has completely lost her mind.
29:00Wait, Miguel, I'm remembering something.
29:02Many years ago, in one of my first job interviews,
29:05a guy told me what his trick was to get him hired.
29:08Do you want Leonora to hire Elias?
29:10No, no.
29:11What we want is for Elias to stop feeling so complicated.
29:14Well, what I was going to say.
29:15Well, the trick in question, actually what it was, a trick,
29:18he told me that he imagined the interviewer in smaller clothes.
29:22And so he stopped feeling intimidated.
29:25I saw him so ridiculous that his fear was gone.
29:28I don't understand. Come on, help me.
29:33Me neither, but I did it and it worked.
29:36How did you imagine Don Fermín in ...?
29:38Let's see, animal.
29:39That was many years ago, before the modern one.
29:42Let's see if I understand you.
29:44You are asking me to tell Elias to imagine my mother-in-law in ...
29:51Man, a little respect.
29:53You are talking about my wife's mother and my son's grandmother.
29:58That was my best idea.
30:00The other one is not so good.
30:02Well, I'm so desperate that I'm able to listen to it.
30:05Until when does no one have to undress?
30:07Well, it would be to try to gather all the information you can about Leonora.
30:11Her tastes, her hobbies.
30:13And so Elias can go to the point and dazzle her.
30:27He was very kind calling to take an interest in me.
30:31But it is something that should not be repeated, don't you think?
30:35I don't think he did anything wrong.
30:37As you pointed out, I just called to see how he was.
30:41The problem is that he calls the house of a married woman.
30:44A married woman who just told me
30:47that she would not come out terrified if the situation repeated itself again.
30:54When one plays with fire, it is normal for it to burn.
30:59I'm sorry, little brother, but I don't understand.
31:02I don't understand. Why her? What's so special about her?
31:04Little sister, I got the message.
31:06Now, if you don't mind, I would like not to be talking about this here.
31:09I do care.
31:11Do you know what female intuition is?
31:13It is a power that only we have.
31:15And it allows us to see the future.
31:18I'm sorry to tell you that I don't like what I see at all.
31:21That family is very complicated.
31:26And for a sample, a button.
31:28Excuse me.
31:35Can you come closer?
31:41Good afternoon, Ivan.
31:43I have good news.
31:45I got a job.
31:47And not just any job, but the one I really wanted.
31:50You mean one of the businesses you told me about?
31:53No. The nonsense adventures are over.
31:56I have spoken seriously with my father.
31:58I offered him to be his right-hand man
32:00and lead the business together.
32:02Do you think I did the right thing?
32:04What I think is that you will do very well at work.
32:07And besides, if it's for your father, honey on a stick.
32:10I'm not going to work for my father.
32:12I'm going to work with him.
32:14Elbow to elbow, equal to equal.
32:16I will be his trustworthy man
32:18and one day I will inherit his business.
32:20And you are very close to seeing it.
32:25I'm going to get your glass.
32:27Make it two.
32:28Bring one for you and a bottle of champagne.
32:30We have agreed that we would celebrate it together.
32:32Whims, my prince.
32:40I remind you that it is not allowed to toast with customers.
32:43And much less with that client.
32:47And close the restaurant to be alone with his mother?
32:50The rules of the restaurant do not contemplate that?
32:53The rules of the restaurant contemplate that as I am the owner
32:55I can do whatever I want.
33:09How is my dear family?
33:17Well, I'm going to change the diapers.
33:19To the child, that here there is something that smells very bad.
33:22Be careful with your head.
33:32I have to tell you something.
33:34What thing?
33:36I have come to the conclusion that you were right and I was wrong.
33:40From now on I'm going to leave my skin to beat your mother.
33:45Have you hit your head?
33:46No, quite the opposite.
33:48I have decided to use it.
33:50I think it would be very useful for your mother to answer this little questionnaire
33:54with the noble purpose of knowing her more.
33:57But this is a lot of effort and here there are many questions.
34:01It will not be too much.
34:02Each detail can be crucial.
34:04That is why I prefer to sin of ambition than to be short.
34:07I want to know everything about your mother.
34:11Ah, I forgot.
34:14Elias is not having a very good time
34:16and Cañete has thought of inviting him to Madrid Cabaret.
34:19Do you mind if I go with them?
34:21It is a humanitarian task.
34:49Do you make a hole for me?
34:51Are you better in the stomach?
34:55Yes, I'm better.
35:01What are you doing there?
35:03Everything in due time.
35:06Inés, do you remember when we were little?
35:09One afternoon we were in the river and mother gave birth to me.
35:14Mother always gave birth to you.
35:17What was special about that day?
35:19Well, it's true that she took advantage of any moment to remind me
35:23that you were the favorite and I was a kind of disaster with legs.
35:28But that day was special
35:30because for the first time I realized that I was starting to feel envious of you
35:35and I was afraid.
35:37I was very afraid to start hating you.
35:39But you told me not to listen to her, that you were not better than me.
35:45I had a palm of chocolate that I wanted to eat.
35:49Yes, but instead you gave it to me.
35:54And since that day you have always been by my side, supporting me.
35:57When I gave birth you faced mother and you risked everything for me.
36:03Well, it was not so much.
36:05Besides, I did it for you to get rid of that intern.
36:09Inés, it is true that what happened to Agustín has hurt us a lot.
36:12But I don't want to let a simple movie separate us again.
36:17No, Laurita, it's just that it's not a simple movie.
36:22Not for me.
36:25Yes, for you it is important.
36:27I will withdraw without hesitation.
36:30So I promise you that nothing will separate us again.
36:36But today I was the one who felt envious of you.
36:40But at the same time I am very proud of you and your talent.
36:44And I want you to stay by my side.
36:47If you are not the problem.
36:50The problem is me and the insecurity I feel.
36:55Do you remember Estrella Castro?
36:57I met her better in Berlin.
36:59And she told me that she also felt insecure about you.
37:02In fact, she told me that if one day you go up to a stage and you don't feel anything,
37:07it's because you're dead.
37:10But hey, the important thing, my little sister,
37:12is that today has come the day to pay off my debt.
37:25Come here.
37:28Come here.
37:31Come here.
37:33I love you.
37:45Nice watch. Where did you get it?
37:48It's a gift from Don Fermín and Doña Lázara.
37:50I told you the other day and I showed it to you, but you didn't listen to me.
37:53Lately you've been in a bad mood.
37:58Do you think the day will come?
38:00Well, I hope so.
38:01Because Trini has already passed the questionnaire to my mother-in-law.
38:05Let's see how she took it.
38:07They were three pages of questions, all very well thought out.
38:09Three pages?
38:11And it was a notary exam.
38:13Well, I'm playing a lot, Cañete. I can't leave anything to chance.
38:16I have divided the questions into thematic blocks.
38:18For example, hobbies, clothes, food, cities, history, animals.
38:25Favourite animals, Cañete.
38:27Those details unite people a lot.
38:29Well, with that information, Elías will be confident.
38:32And then you know what's going to happen.
38:34That Leonora will no longer be a goddess of the Olympus.
38:37Or the Olympus will no longer be an inaccessible place for Elías.
38:40Hey, tell me something, Miguel.
38:42Why are my two best friends in such a bad mood?
38:47Here it is.
38:49Sorry for the delay.
38:51But my watch broke.
38:53I was just thinking that you could lend me yours, the new one, Cañete.
38:59Well, since it's a company gift, I think it's for both of us.
39:03And the best thing would be if we shared it for a week each.
39:07I think that was also the intention of Don Fermí and Doña Bázara.
39:10Don't be silly, Elías.
39:11No, they're not silly. It's a test of self-confidence.
39:14Very good, Elías. Let's go down the right path.
39:16What path?
39:19Gentlemen, I hope you enjoy the candlelight.
39:23Thank you very much.
39:24Don't trust appearances, Mercedes.
39:27Here, where you see them, they are very careful.
39:32However, I would like to point out that the three of us are firmly committed.
39:37Yes, sir.
39:38Well, it will be you, because I'm not.
39:39You too. You still don't know.
39:42And can I ask you what you are celebrating?
39:44Well, my friends who have been determined to see if I can win the woman of my dreams.
39:49But what is that? It's my dream. It's an intellectual. It can't be.
39:52There is nothing impossible. Everything can be.
39:56Yeah, well, for someone of your stature, of course.
39:59In my case, imagine a Greek goddess and a poor servant by your side.
40:03You see, it's a matter of confidence.
40:05Neither of them for so much, nor he for so little.
40:07What would you advise?
40:08To fight to the end or to give up with dignity?
40:12Giving up is never worthy.
40:15Enjoy the candlelight.
40:17You are invited to the first round.
40:19Thank you very much.
40:20Good luck.
40:23What did he mean?
40:24I don't know.
40:25Handsome things.
40:26Well, I ...
40:27The truth is that, thinking about it, I'm not going to play with Leonora.
40:30Definitely, I have to find a woman who is at my level.
40:34An earthly woman.
40:35No, no, you can't do that to me.
40:38You've heard Mr. Morel.
40:39Giving up is unworthy.
40:40I don't know why you take it so seriously.
40:42Let's see, I thank you very much for worrying about me.
40:44For me, for you, for my son.
40:46I'm sure he likes Leonora.
40:49But she makes herself interesting to make you believe the opposite.
40:52Well, he's doing it very well.
40:54But Miguel is right.
40:55You have her in the boat, Elias.
40:57You just need a little push.
40:59In the boat, a little push.
41:01To get rid of me completely, right?
41:03No, Elias.
41:04To enter his heart.
41:05And if our plan works right now,
41:08Leonora will be thinking about you.
41:10By the way, do you like snails?
41:13Of course.
41:15For the snails.
41:16For the snails.
41:19For the snails.
41:48What are you doing?
41:49Give me that.
41:50To get your attention.
41:52I have it.
41:55Once you told me that disappointment was the anger of the weak.
41:59Neither you nor I are weak.
42:01And yet I have disappointed you.
42:07Instead of that silence, I would prefer you to explode.
42:10That you tell me something, that ...
42:13You have not disappointed me.
42:17That is for the weak.
42:19But I am not interested in your explanations.
42:22Nor your justifications.
42:24So what do you want me to do?
42:26I want you to do exactly the same as me.
42:29Erase that shameful episode from your memory as if it had never happened.
42:34And start behaving like a sensible and responsible person.
42:38Because I want to understand that the meeting you had this morning had only one purpose.
42:42To put an end to that relationship.
42:45Father, in case you haven't noticed.
42:47I'm not a girl anymore.
42:49You can't ask me that.
42:50I'm not asking you, Paula.
42:52I am ordering you, just as I have ordered Rodrigo.
42:55From now on, you will not see each other more than the essential.
43:00And never alone.
43:03And now, if you don't mind, I have a lot to do.
43:13I don't know if I didn't explain myself well.
43:16This conversation is over.
43:18No, father.
43:19It's not over.
43:20In fact, it has only just begun.
43:22So listen to me carefully.
43:24My life is mine.
43:26And you can't decide about it.
43:28And much less about my feelings.
43:30I'm sorry to tell you that your power is not that great.
43:33I'm not afraid of you.
43:35Do you know why?
43:37Because if you take everything from me, I will start from scratch again.
43:40With the support of my family or without it.
43:42But always with Rodrigo.
43:44I'm not a weak woman, father.
43:47And if mother and you thought that the most important thing in my life was my career.
43:51It's just that you don't know me.
43:53It's just that you've never met me.
43:55I just can't believe it, Paula.
43:57How can you be so naive?
43:59With how smart you are.
44:02Don't you realize that you have grown in abundance?
44:05That you have had everything you wanted at hand.
44:09You have asked and it has been given to you.
44:11Are you really willing to give up that for a whim?
44:14For the child of the maid.
44:16Yes, father. And a thousand times yes.
44:20Go away. Go away.
44:21There's one thing I don't understand.
44:23I've seen you raise Rodrigo since he was a child.
44:27You have always appreciated him until you turned him into your right hand.
44:30So if he's good for you, why can't he be good for me?
44:33Can you think of someone better to trust your daughter?
44:38It's okay.
44:41What did you want me to find? Well, you've got it.
44:44Get away from Rodrigo.
44:46Get away from him, Paula.
44:48Or you're going to regret it all your life.
44:51All this can't be just because I'm Pepita's son.
44:54Why don't you think it's enough, Paula?
44:57Listen to me.
45:00There is a very fine line that separates people.
45:04They are two worlds that touch, but never touch.
45:08They will always be down, and we will always be up.
45:13People like Rodrigo, like Pepita, have only one function in this world.
45:18A function that they can be very proud of.
45:21To serve us.
45:24That's how it should be.
45:26And that's how it will be.
45:35Mother, what I feel for her is very big and very beautiful.
45:38It's the best thing that's ever happened to me.
45:40I'm not willing to give up.
45:43Rodrigo, I know what I'm going to ask of you is a very big resignation.
45:47But you have to leave her.
45:49Can you tell me why you bring me all the invoices together?
45:52Okay, Teresa. Thank you. You can go back to your work.
45:59Well, we've come this far, Lazaro.
46:01You're going to explain to me right now what's going on with you.
46:04It's not normal for you to treat the employees with such disregard.
46:08Nothing's wrong with me.
46:09Paula, I'm worried about what I can do to you.
46:12And if you move away from your family,
46:14you can ruin your projects, your career.
46:16You even legally depend on him.
46:18I'm not scared of anything.
46:20One way or another, we'll get through this.
46:23And understand that this adventure is over forever.
46:26Because you know that for nothing in the world
46:28I'm going to let you grow up.
46:30You know that I'm capable of putting Rodrigo in jail if necessary.
46:33With any charge. I would already invent it.
46:35I swear I can't take it anymore. I can't take it anymore.
46:38Neither can Miguel.
46:39It seems that he has surrendered to Leonora because he is defeated.
46:42Yes, well, I could do a little more for him.
46:44The truth.
46:45Because he's not doing anything to get along better with my mother.
46:48Well, how are you, Romeo?
46:51Willing to conquer your Juliet?
46:53Has everything gone well?
46:55Has everything gone well?
46:58It has been perfect. Perfect.
47:00Any problem?
47:03No, Ballesteros and I are considering adding some more sequences
47:06to further sharpen the argument of the film.
47:08I don't understand how you can still trust him
47:10after what he did to your daughter.
47:12Because I need him at my service.
47:14And period.
47:15Today he has to wait for the reception of a new machinery for the factory.
47:18I could take care of that matter.
47:20And let him be the one who takes the documents to the registry.
47:23We have discovered that Paula has a sentimental relationship with Rodrigo.
47:27You are going to excuse me.
47:30I've had a terrible hangover.
47:32Ah, no. Ah, no, no, no. You don't leave.
47:35We're not going to make our guests look bad.
47:37Mercedes, take care of the bar, please.
47:40I'll take care of this table.
47:41Be careful, it looks like it's loaded.
47:45What would you like to drink, gentlemen?
47:49No, no, no, let him take care of us again.
47:51You're not good enough for us.
47:53I'm afraid that's not going to be possible.
47:55In that case, you'd have to leave because the lady is very busy.
47:58If I see you together again, Pepita,
48:01I won't answer for what may happen.
48:03That letter is for me.
48:09Are you sure it's not dangerous for you to call me?
48:13Okay, I'll wait for your call that day.
48:15Yes, of course I'll remember.
48:17I'll write it down on the agenda.
48:19I also miss you a lot.
48:22It was logical to think that my father was going to get angry if he found out, but you?
48:26I didn't expect you to stand up for us.
48:29It's best for everyone, believe me.
48:32For me, for Rodrigo, no, Pepita.
48:35I love your son with all my heart.
48:38Well, if he loves him so much,
48:40the best thing I can do is stay away from him.
