• last year
The more tool you have, the less work you’ll do. That might sound counterintuitive. But the more you bounce from one tool, app or service to another just doing something simple can take more time and effort than you realise.

Post: https://macjunky.com/post/minimise-your-business-tools
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00:00Couple of days ago. I posted a screenshot of my doc and some people have messaged me saying is that it?
00:09Well, yeah, that's it. That's all I have in my doc.
00:13I don't need a bunch of software.
00:14You don't need a bunch of software to run your business now in your doc.
00:19You might have Adobe products.
00:21You might have Excel.
00:22You might have words.
00:23You might be a video editor.
00:27So you have, you know, Final Cut and whatever on your dog to make things easier.
00:30I get it.
00:32I don't need those apps because that's not what I do.
00:36What I do for my clients is to help them minimize their business, not how they do their work.
00:44There are two separate things business and workers separate.
00:47I've spoken about business and work tools in the past, but business tools are how you run your business work tools is how you do the
00:57work in your business, right?
00:59So they're completely separate.
01:01I'm not here to tell you which tools necessarily if you're asking me, I'll tell you but what tools you should use for your work
01:09because you work.
01:11I don't do the work, right?
01:13If you need help with those tools, I can help you with them, but I'm not here to tell you how to do your work, how to do your job.
01:22I'm here to tell you that making your business run smoother is really easy.
01:28Keep it simple.
01:29So for me, I use literally four apps to run my business.
01:36Actually, you know, three apps now to actually to to app.
01:40I mean, it's in my dog.
01:42There's hardly anything in there.
01:43Daylight is my CRM and task manager and project management tool blower everything in one which I really like.
01:51I went back to it because I missed it notes to keep my personal notes and stuff my email.
01:59Obviously everything comes in with email and that Apple mail app connects with my daylight.
02:05So it makes things really easy.
02:07So I don't need a bunch of other online tools to do anything and my browser, which I do social media and stuff.
02:15So you don't need a bunch of apps to run your business.
02:19I've been in a few clubhouse rooms and where they've been talking about tech and I have to bite my lip because most of the information that they give out is just pure utter craziness not necessarily rubbish, but just craziness.
02:35It's like how what I yeah, that's why they call me the tech guy.
02:42The other tech guys comes to learn something new because the way I do things is so different to the generic it tech guy that they don't understand what it is.
02:58How it is.
02:58I'm doing this stuff.
03:00I'm not trying to pat myself on the back but keep it simple.
03:03That's the whole this literally the only thing I get paid to tell people to keep it simple.
03:08How crazy is that?
03:12Anyway, enjoy your day.
03:13If you need any help, there'll be a link below to book a call.
03:17I'd love to talk to you and help you out and keeping things simple and I'll see you in the next video.