A visit to jalsay

  • 2 days ago


00:00In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful.
00:02Peace be upon you, friends.
00:04I hope you are doing well.
00:06And I pray to Allah
00:08that you are happy.
00:12This is a very beautiful
00:14and beautiful
00:18There are two
00:20roads here.
00:22Let me say
00:26a river is flowing between
00:28these two roads.
00:30Or let me say that
00:32there are two roads
00:34on both sides of the road.
00:36And these two roads
00:38are going towards
00:40their destination.
00:42There is
00:44also a graveyard here
00:50amazing and
00:52very capable people
00:54used to live
00:56and they are
00:58buried here.
01:06is also
01:08a part of that area
01:10about which I told you
01:12in the last video
01:14that a river
01:16has passed from here
01:18because of which
01:20the land here is sandy.
01:24these lands
01:28do not have so much sand.
01:30Although these lands
01:32are also sandy, but
01:34not so much.
01:36The area is very
01:38beautiful and
01:40a very
01:48greenery has grown
01:50and different trees are also there.
01:54Some people
01:56are going on cycle
01:58and some
02:00are going on
02:02some other vehicle.
02:04And people
02:06have their own activities.
02:08So, if I tell you
02:10about the land here,
02:12it is also sandy land.
02:14But it does not have
02:16so much sand.
02:18Still, because
02:20the river had passed here,
02:22the land here
02:24is also sandy.
02:26And different crops
02:28are grown here.
02:34So, the area is
02:36looking very beautiful.
02:38And this is the crop of
02:44have grown here.
02:46And now it is the time
02:48to harvest.
02:50And people
02:52are harvesting it.
02:56have grown here.
03:00I liked
03:02these trees very much.
03:04I don't know
03:06how many trees
03:08have grown here.
03:10There are three, four, four
03:12different trees here.
03:20But in the beauty of this view,
03:22these trees
03:24make it more beautiful.
03:26And these trees have
03:28different branches.
03:30People here also
03:32raise cattle.
03:34These are people's cattle.
03:36And what a beautiful baby!
03:40We call it
03:42cow in Pashto.
03:44In Urdu, it is called cow.
03:46It was a cow baby.
03:48It was very
03:52Here, too,
03:54peanuts are being harvested.
03:56And this crop is ready.
04:02here too, people
04:04in different ways,
04:06I can't say in different ways,
04:12this crop of land
04:14is harvested here.
04:16And then peanuts
04:18are harvested.
04:20A mosque is also being built here.
04:22The name of the mosque is
04:26It is a very beautiful name.
04:28And here,
04:30the Mullahs have also
04:32put up a tent for the
04:34cattle, so that
04:36it can be used
04:38when needed.
04:40The mosque
04:42that is being built here,
04:46or whoever
04:48can give
04:50at least 10-20 rupees
04:52or more.
04:54Or you can say
04:56that more people can give.
04:58So, they put
05:00their share in the donation.
05:02The people here are very nice,
05:04very wonderful,
05:06very hospitable.
05:08And these little kids
05:10are leaving
05:14eating chips.
05:16They are eating chips,
05:18but I enjoy it.
05:20And I am
05:22enjoying it.
05:34On this side,
05:36there are different fields too.
05:38And then there are
05:40some fields
05:42where they have
05:44ploughed potatoes.
05:46Because the way they have
05:48made the land,
05:50it looks like
05:52they will
05:54plough potatoes here.
05:56Or they have ploughed potatoes.
06:00look here,
06:02on both sides,
06:04on both sides of the river,
06:06there are roads.
06:10people use these two roads
06:12to go and come.
06:14This other road is
06:16a little damaged.
06:18And this road
06:20looks like
06:22it is new.
06:24So, it is still
06:28There is a
06:30farm here.
06:32There is a farm too.
06:34It is a chicken farm,
06:36so there is a boiler
06:38farm too.
06:40And construction
06:42is going on here.
06:44And look here,
06:46someone has
06:52in his
06:54donkey car.
07:00This is the
07:04It is separated from the peanuts.
07:06And they are taking it home.
07:08This water
07:10looks very beautiful.
07:12It looks very
07:14good and
07:20about the trees,
07:22these trees
07:24are increasing the beauty
07:26of this environment.
07:28And there is
07:30a pump here.
07:32Water pump.
07:34It is called
07:36hand pump.
07:38And this is a small hand pump.
07:40Someone has brought
07:42a small hand pump here.
07:46Small hand pump