The Order - Trailer (English) HD

  • vor 19 Stunden
Eine Serie von Banküberfällen und Autodiebstählen versetzt den pazifischen Nordwesten in Angst. Ein einzelgängerischer FBI-Agent glaubt aber nicht an traditionelle Gangster, die auf Geld aus sind, sondern wittert in The Order Terroristen hinter den Verbrechen.

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00:00Now in every revolution someone has to fire the first shot open the safe now
00:14Sheriff Laughlin Terry husk I had a question about some flyers. I keep seeing white power said the Aryan nation
00:25You know what my problem is with every fanatic
00:30Blame for your life
00:33Those pamphlets you saw it's not all this was in June a bomb went off at a synagogue in Boise. That's just the beginning
00:42Giddy what?
00:45This book holds our birthright
00:51It tells the story of a group of white separatists raging a race war against the United States government
00:57We don't advocate any of our members breaking any laws
01:01But some do well, you must understand that being in a cult like the federal government
01:10Why'd you call me about this case I need your help pay groups don't rob banks
01:18Six steps in that book recruiting training fundraising
01:23Assassination what six large-scale domestic terror attacks
01:31Taking now
01:36Oversee good
01:393.6 million, what is that by why is an army? It's happening wars begun
01:46You've drawn too much attention from who the FBI I've wondered before you are playing with fire
01:55You're not from here, huh, you're following me
02:01Morning my brothers you want you to join us on a mission putting words into action
02:11This terror scoop yours have a name in the book they're called the order
