Full Horror Movie in English: The Girl In The Mirror Full Slasher Horror Movie HD

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¡Hola y bienvenidos! Aquí encontrarás una variada selección de películas en inglés y español. Disfruta del cine y déjate llevar por su magia.
00:00:00What are we doing here?
00:00:13I've always wanted to come in here.
00:00:17And now you've done it, can we leave already?
00:00:19This place creeps me out.
00:00:20In a second.
00:00:23We're wasting time.
00:00:25Let's get the rest of the stuff and get out of here.
00:00:28Are you really scared?
00:00:30Like really, for real?
00:00:31I heard a girl died in this house.
00:00:36No girl died in this house, I'll prove it to you.
00:00:46Look at this place.
00:00:47Can we just go already?
00:00:48In a minute.
00:00:49Not until I find...
00:00:50Find what?
00:00:52How did you know this was here?
00:01:06I didn't, I wasn't sure.
00:01:10They say a girl killed herself in front of a mirror.
00:01:14If you stare into it long enough, you can see her.
00:01:17I bet this is it.
00:01:20That's stupid. We came all the way in here for this. I hate you.
00:01:25What are you doing?
00:01:26Take off your shirt.
00:01:27Why do we have to show our tits?
00:01:33It's for my website.
00:01:43What are you doing?
00:01:50What are you doing?
00:02:20What are you doing?
00:02:50What are you doing?
00:03:50Can I help you?
00:04:15Shit. You startled me.
00:04:17You here to see the place?
00:04:20Yes, yes I am.
00:04:24You look just like...
00:04:27Never mind.
00:04:29I thought I was done for the day.
00:04:31Well, this is it.
00:04:34Not much to it.
00:04:36The only bad part is street parking.
00:04:40Oh, I don't have a license.
00:04:42How old are you?
00:04:44How old's the house?
00:04:46Cell reception's not that great in this house.
00:04:49You might want to use the landline.
00:04:54A few things that need to be repaired here and there.
00:04:56Rent's a grand a month.
00:04:58I'll take it.
00:05:00Just you and a roommate?
00:05:02Nope. I like living alone.
00:05:05We're never really alone.
00:05:12What's wrong with your arm?
00:05:13Nothing. You a college student?
00:05:15Yes. And, listen, money isn't an issue if you're concerned.
00:05:19I have a few grants saved, and if it's all the same to you,
00:05:23I would really like to avoid living in the dorms.
00:05:26I don't like people.
00:05:32Tell you what.
00:05:34I'll let you start moving in your stuff.
00:05:36I'll run a background check.
00:05:38And if everything checks out, you're good to go.
00:05:41Okay. Thank you.
00:05:46Key to the front.
00:05:49Key to the back.
00:05:52And I do the gardening myself.
00:05:57Got any questions?
00:05:59Why is rent so cheap?
00:06:04There's a history to this house.
00:06:07It's not for the light-hearted.
00:06:09You'll be the first person that's lived here since...
00:06:11You know what? It's okay. I don't want to know.
00:06:15Rent's due the first of the month. Three-day grace period.
00:08:10I don't care if I'm the one that's gone
00:08:17Space and time, one and all
00:08:24I don't care if I'm the one that's gone
00:08:29Space and time, one and all
00:08:32I don't care if I'm the one that's gone
00:09:02I don't care if I'm the one that's gone
00:09:32I don't care if I'm the one that's gone
00:09:53Good morning.
00:09:54Yeah, good morning.
00:09:57Headed to class?
00:10:01Do you like roller skates?
00:10:05I know everybody has roller blades now, but...
00:10:09I found these in the garage and I thought you might be able to get some use out of them.
00:10:14Yeah, sure.
00:10:16Good. I'll just lean them against the porch here.
00:10:19Okay. Thank you.
00:10:30Good morning.
00:10:51I want you all to take out a sheet of paper.
00:10:59Is this seat taken?
00:11:00Get your fucking hands off me.
00:11:03My mistake.
00:11:09Hey, Sarah.
00:11:11What's her problem?
00:11:13Jitters. First day of class.
00:11:15I don't know. It can be intimidating.
00:11:17Who are you?
00:11:19Tell me your life story.
00:11:20Fill up the entire page and be creative.
00:11:37Gentleman in the first row.
00:11:42Read what you got.
00:11:46Dirt roads and aluminum lawn chairs with polyester fabric
00:11:53are the things that come to mind when I think about where I'm from.
00:11:58As far as I've got.
00:12:00Keep working on it.
00:12:02Miss in the black shirt, second row.
00:12:04Yes, you're next.
00:12:07I didn't write anything.
00:12:12Why are you here?
00:12:13What do you mean?
00:12:15Why are you in this class?
00:12:19I want to be a writer.
00:12:24Well, there's only one way.
00:12:25You have to tell me something right now.
00:12:27I don't know what to tell you.
00:12:29Start with your name.
00:12:31My name's Alex.
00:12:33Alex with an I, not an E.
00:12:35It's not short for Alexandria. It's just Alex.
00:12:38And why are you in this class, Alex?
00:12:41I'm not sure.
00:12:43Why did you sign up?
00:12:45I guess because in the description it said I would find my voice.
00:12:49And the only way you're going to find that is by...
00:12:53filling the blank.
00:12:58Alright guys, I'm going to pair you up and have you guys go outside and find out more about your partner, okay?
00:13:06Where are you from?
00:13:09Planet Earth. Next question.
00:13:12Is this how you're going to answer all of the questions?
00:13:15Let's just get this over with.
00:13:22What was the last book you read?
00:13:28You read Detour?
00:13:29Yeah, so?
00:13:31It's a really dark book.
00:13:33You don't seem like someone that would read heavy material.
00:13:37Since you have so much insight...
00:13:40What do I look like I would read?
00:13:41I don't know, like...
00:13:43Spy novels.
00:13:45Oh, okay.
00:13:47So we're judging a book by its cover now?
00:13:50You look like you would read Jean Angst novels.
00:13:53And you look like someone whose mommy and daddy is paying for their tuition so they can become a doctor or some sort of suit and tie guy.
00:13:59And this whole creative writing and artistic bullshit is a first semester phase.
00:14:03And you look like you want people to feel bad for you because you're a hard kid.
00:14:06You don't know shit about me.
00:14:08You don't know shit about me?
00:14:09That's the purpose of the assignment.
00:14:12Can we just get this over with?
00:14:14I said that already.
00:14:16Okay, your turn.
00:14:18Where are you from?
00:14:19I don't know.
00:14:20Be serious.
00:14:21I'm serious.
00:14:22I don't know where I'm from.
00:14:24I could be from Mars for all I know.
00:14:27I was abandoned at a church when I was a baby.
00:14:31I don't know.
00:14:33I'm sorry.
00:14:35What are you sorry for?
00:14:36You're just saying that because you're supposed to.
00:14:39Were you adopted?
00:14:41I stayed with two families for a short period of time, but they wanted me for a check or for the fuck, which is strange because I'm not even that pretty.
00:14:50Well, sex isn't always about how pretty you are.
00:14:54Thank you, Prince Charming.
00:14:56No, wait.
00:14:57No, I'm out.
00:14:58I'm sorry, wait.
00:15:00No, I'm out.
00:15:01I'm sorry, wait.
00:15:32What are you doing here?
00:15:34Don't be antisocial.
00:15:35Invite us in.
00:15:37I could be a complete bitch and it probably wouldn't matter.
00:16:08There's really not a lot to it. It's just walls and a window.
00:16:11This place is awesome.
00:16:13It's very vintage. I like it.
00:16:15Okay, just because it's old doesn't mean it's vintage.
00:16:18Is this your family?
00:16:21We should definitely throw a party here.
00:16:23I'm not really the party type.
00:16:25Yeah, Jasper, the only thing you want to do is get drunk and then piss in someone's bushes.
00:16:28Cause I'm an attraction and everybody loves it.
00:16:30Do you guys know each other?
00:16:32Yeah, we went to high school together.
00:16:40Um, well.
00:16:42That's good.
00:16:52Very cool.
00:16:59Um, what's behind this door?
00:17:02I don't know, it's a basement I think.
00:17:04But I haven't been down there yet.
00:17:06We should check it out.
00:17:08I don't have a key.
00:17:10That old ass doorknob? We can pop that shit right off.
00:17:12I'm just saying, if we really wanted to go down there, we could.
00:17:14Okay, that door is locked for a reason.
00:17:16And I'm guessing it's a good one.
00:17:18Yeah, I just moved in. I don't want to...
00:17:20Aren't you curious though? Just a little bit?
00:17:24Well, I did hear some strange noises
00:17:26coming from downstairs the other night.
00:17:28Well, I think it's imperative that we go down there.
00:17:30I mean, for your safety.
00:17:34So what do you think about this place?
00:17:40Pretty wicked if you ask me.
00:17:46Hey, would you fuck Alex?
00:17:48No, I'm not falling for that.
00:17:50No, come on.
00:17:52You can be honest with me.
00:17:54Is she really your type?
00:17:56No, you're my type.
00:17:58Lad fucker.
00:18:02No, I'm serious. I would.
00:18:04It's such a smart investment
00:18:06buying property near university.
00:18:08She's renting.
00:18:20You know how to fix that?
00:18:22I think I broke it.
00:18:44Yo, my mom would kill for this.
00:18:48Guys, this place is not looking safe.
00:18:50Okay? Alex, that's probably why
00:18:52he told you not to come down here.
00:18:54There's mildew, spores, and probably asbestos.
00:18:56It's like a museum down here.
00:18:58More like a danger zone.
00:19:06Yo, I don't know what's in these jars,
00:19:08but it's definitely not kosher.
00:19:10Alex, be careful. There's broken glass.
00:19:12I don't need your help.
00:19:14Oh, shit!
00:19:16There's spiders. I hate spiders.
00:19:18They're everywhere in this house.
00:19:20And you know they have those little bomb things
00:19:22you can get at the grocery store?
00:19:24I use them all the time. It kills them so easy.
00:19:26Yeah, but you have to leave your house for the whole day.
00:19:28You do?
00:19:30That explains a lot, Sarah.
00:19:33Oh, what the fuck?
00:19:35You always do this.
00:19:37Well, I don't carry condoms everywhere I go.
00:19:39Have you read the package? It says you don't need them.
00:19:41I don't want to.
00:19:51I think I need this, okay?
00:19:53No, I don't believe you.
00:19:55This is for you.
00:19:57I caught it in the sewer.
00:19:59Oh, my God.
00:20:01It says you keep them in your wallet.
00:20:03Wait, shh, shh, shh, shh.
00:20:06Did you hear that?
00:20:10I don't know.
00:20:11It sounded like roller skates.
00:20:24Again with the touching?
00:20:27Look, I didn't get a chance to explain about earlier.
00:20:32It's okay, there's no need to explain.
00:20:34I'm a big girl.
00:20:35I've been insulted before.
00:20:38It wasn't an insult.
00:20:41Look, you're not ugly.
00:20:44Far from it.
00:20:46I just got my words mixed up.
00:20:47I'm sorry.
00:20:56Whoa, cool.
00:21:02That is pretty cool.
00:21:06I heard if you die in front of a mirror, it takes your soul.
00:21:10That's what they say about Bloody Mary.
00:21:15What are you guys doing?
00:21:19Did you find anything Magellan?
00:21:21There's some cool shit down here.
00:21:24Alright, well there are dollar drafts at the OP tonight.
00:21:27Yes, we're so going.
00:21:32Oh, I don't know.
00:21:34Come on, it'll be fun.
00:21:36I can't even drink and the idea of watching all of you get trashed isn't really that appealing.
00:21:41Okay, well you're with me tonight and they love me over at the OP.
00:22:21Have you been messing with the door?
00:22:24Somebody has.
00:22:25The doorknob's broken.
00:22:27You know, you can't just come in here whenever you feel like it.
00:22:30There's rules.
00:22:31You need to notify me before you come in again.
00:22:35Adeline, you shouldn't mess with things that don't belong to you.
00:22:38My name's Alex.
00:22:40That's what I said.
00:22:44I'm charging you for the doorknob and the labor.
00:23:28What the fuck?
00:23:29Sorry, I knocked, but the door was wide open.
00:23:32You don't just walk into someone's house.
00:23:34I mean, what the hell is wrong with people?
00:23:37I'm sorry.
00:23:38You're right.
00:23:40Why are you here?
00:23:42I brought you your assignment.
00:23:43I wouldn't ask you to do that.
00:23:45I'm sorry.
00:23:46I'm sorry.
00:23:47I'm sorry.
00:23:48I'm sorry.
00:23:49I'm sorry.
00:23:50I'm sorry.
00:23:51I'm sorry.
00:23:52I'm sorry.
00:23:53I'm sorry.
00:23:54I'm sorry.
00:23:55I'm sorry.
00:23:56I know.
00:24:02So, why weren't you in class today?
00:24:05I didn't feel like going.
00:24:09Look, are you going to take this class seriously?
00:24:12Because if you're not, I'd really like to pair up with someone else.
00:24:15Then pair up with someone else then.
00:24:18I don't really want to.
00:24:23Because I want you to help me.
00:24:26I'm not a fucking tutor.
00:24:29Look, when you're up in front of class, everybody pays attention.
00:24:33When you show up, at least.
00:24:35You're the best creative writer we have in there.
00:24:39Look, so I'm asking you.
00:24:42Will you help me?
00:24:45Only under one condition.
00:24:56This thing is heavy as hell.
00:24:57I must weigh a hundred pounds.
00:25:01I feel like I'm carrying a dead body.
00:25:18I'm really sorry.
00:25:22It's okay.
00:25:24If I hadn't have trespassed, none of this would have happened.
00:25:27Yeah, you know, I could have stabbed you.
00:25:31Would you have really done that?
00:25:33Maybe, yeah.
00:25:47I got it. I got it.
00:26:05I should probably get going.
00:26:07Yeah, I have a bunch of stuff to do today too, so.
00:26:12I'll see you in class.
00:26:14Yeah, sure.
00:26:23I think it looks good here.
00:26:54Why is it so cold in here?
00:27:09What the fuck?
00:27:53What the fuck?
00:28:26What are you doing here?
00:28:28Well, I thought that the best way to get you to come to class is if I drove you myself.
00:28:32What do you say?
00:28:33Yeah, I guess.
00:28:35Your hair.
00:28:36We both have another moment where you mix up your words.
00:28:39It's good.
00:28:46I'm sorry.
00:28:48I'm sorry.
00:28:50I'm sorry.
00:28:52I'm sorry.
00:28:55Just give me a second.
00:28:56I have to finish getting ready.
00:28:58I'll be in the car.
00:29:09I'm the landlord.
00:29:11I own this place.
00:29:13I'm David.
00:29:17No, I'm just a friend.
00:29:19Alex mentioned boyfriend.
00:29:24I'm not the boyfriend.
00:29:26I just go to school with her at the university.
00:29:28Adeline means the world to me.
00:29:30If anything happens to her.
00:29:34Well, let's just hope nothing happens.
00:29:44You ready?
00:29:52Who's Adeline?
00:29:54I don't know.
00:29:55He keeps calling me that.
00:29:56I guess he just reminds me of someone he used to know.
00:30:17I'm taken.
00:30:22Who's there?
00:30:23Yo, quit fucking around and turn the light back on.
00:31:24Are you okay?
00:31:25You look pale.
00:31:27I don't feel so well.
00:31:28Can you take me home, please?
00:31:29Yeah, of course.
00:31:54Where'd you get this?
00:31:56I have a natural disaster kit in my car.
00:31:59Don't ask.
00:32:01I basically think if you're prepared, it won't ever happen.
00:32:05That's weird.
00:32:07I guess it's broken.
00:32:09Your temperature is normal.
00:32:11That can't be right.
00:32:13Look, maybe I should just take you to the doctor.
00:32:18I don't want to go to the doctor's.
00:32:21I'll be alright.
00:32:23Do you think you could stick around for a little while?
00:32:28Look, I'm going to go to the kitchen.
00:32:29I'm going to make you something that should make you feel better.
00:32:32You have to drink it.
00:32:33It's salty as hell, but it should kill everything in your system.
00:32:36Sounds awesome.
00:33:20I don't know where he went.
00:34:05Who are you?
00:34:06Are you okay?
00:34:07I'm fine.
00:34:08I'm fine.
00:34:09I'm fine.
00:34:10I'm fine.
00:34:24Who are you?
00:34:25Are you okay?
00:34:34My name's Alex.
00:34:35Are you okay?
00:34:36Yeah, I'm fine, I think.
00:34:37I just had a bad dream.
00:34:38How do you feel?
00:34:40Why are you getting out of bed?
00:34:41Can you help me?
00:34:42I have to go downstairs.
00:34:44Just to help me.
00:34:46I'm sorry.
00:34:47I'm sorry.
00:34:48I'm sorry.
00:34:49I'm sorry.
00:34:50I'm sorry.
00:34:51I'm sorry.
00:34:52I'm sorry.
00:34:53I'm sorry.
00:34:54I'm sorry.
00:34:55I'm sorry.
00:34:56I'm sorry.
00:34:57I'm sorry.
00:34:58I'm sorry.
00:34:59I'm sorry.
00:35:00I'm sorry.
00:35:01I'm sorry.
00:35:02I'm sorry.
00:35:03I'm sorry.
00:35:04I'm so sorry.
00:35:08Come on.
00:35:15I can't believe you're taking it easy.
00:35:21What are you looking for?
00:35:36It's okay, everything's fine.
00:35:43You can go upstairs now.
00:35:45I'll be right back.
00:36:01What is it?
00:36:05It's Adeline.
00:36:16Looks like my Uncle Leroy.
00:36:18It's my landlord.
00:36:20Yeah, my uncle's our landlord too.
00:36:23And the projects.
00:36:25Alright class, that's it for today.
00:36:27Papers are due next Friday. I expect you all to have one here. Thank you.
00:36:31Alex, can I speak to you for a second?
00:36:35Hey, is everything okay?
00:36:46I know I missed a few assignments.
00:36:48And a couple of classes.
00:36:50I'm sorry.
00:36:51Look, the judge called me.
00:36:53She's checking up on you because she likes you and she wants you to do well.
00:36:56And I know you don't want to go back to...
00:36:58No, I don't. Definitely not.
00:37:00And I definitely don't want to fail you.
00:37:03You need this class. You have talent.
00:37:06You know, part of finding your own voice is finding out who you are and what you believe in.
00:37:13Look, I went to college too.
00:37:15Alright, I know it's a bit of a change.
00:37:17But I know what you're going through.
00:37:19You don't know what I'm going through.
00:37:22You're not the first hard case to go through the system.
00:37:27Oh, excuse me.
00:37:30Alex, I have to take this.
00:37:32I'll see you next class?
00:37:48You're fucking up, Alex.
00:37:50Get it together.
00:38:20You're fucking up.
00:38:50I'm sorry.
00:39:20I'm sorry.
00:39:50I'm sorry.
00:39:51I'm sorry.
00:39:52I'm sorry.
00:39:53I'm sorry.
00:39:54I'm sorry.
00:39:55I'm sorry.
00:39:56I'm sorry.
00:39:57I'm sorry.
00:39:58I'm sorry.
00:39:59I'm sorry.
00:40:00I'm sorry.
00:40:01I'm sorry.
00:40:02I'm sorry.
00:40:03I'm sorry.
00:40:04I'm sorry.
00:40:05I'm sorry.
00:40:06I'm sorry.
00:40:07I'm sorry.
00:40:08I'm sorry.
00:40:09I'm sorry.
00:40:10I'm sorry.
00:40:11I'm sorry.
00:40:12I'm sorry.
00:40:13I'm sorry.
00:40:14I'm sorry.
00:40:15I'm sorry.
00:40:16I'm sorry.
00:40:17I'm sorry.
00:40:18I'm sorry.
00:40:19I'm sorry.
00:40:20I'm sorry.
00:40:21I'm sorry.
00:40:22I'm sorry.
00:40:23I'm sorry.
00:40:24I'm sorry.
00:40:25I'm sorry.
00:40:26I'm sorry.
00:40:27I'm sorry.
00:40:28I'm sorry.
00:40:29I'm sorry.
00:40:30I'm sorry.
00:40:31I'm sorry.
00:40:32I'm sorry.
00:40:33I'm sorry.
00:40:34I'm sorry.
00:40:35I'm sorry.
00:40:36I'm sorry.
00:40:37I'm sorry.
00:40:38I'm sorry.
00:40:39I'm sorry.
00:40:40I'm sorry.
00:40:41I'm sorry.
00:40:42I'm sorry.
00:40:43I'm sorry.
00:40:44I'm sorry.
00:40:45I'm sorry.
00:40:46I'm sorry.
00:40:47I'm sorry.
00:40:48I'm sorry.
00:41:12You got to be kidding me.
00:41:18Fuckin' wonderful.
00:41:34Fuckin' wonderful.
00:42:04Watch it.
00:42:30I'm sleeping over.
00:42:32I'm serious, David.
00:42:36You know they say that sleep-walking is pretty common between siblings close in age.
00:42:40And twins.
00:42:41Who said that?
00:42:45At least that's what the ones online say.
00:42:49I'm scared.
00:43:01Okay, first thought on your mind.
00:43:04This person has self-esteem problems.
00:43:07They think everyone sees them as ugly.
00:43:10Trashy and troubled.
00:43:13But they really don't.
00:43:16What about the inside?
00:43:24It's empty.
00:43:25Oh, thank you, Captain Obvious.
00:43:28I think that speaks for itself.
00:43:30Or if we look at it metaphorically, it's empty because the person is empty.
00:43:34Like, on the inside.
00:43:36They haven't had any real friends or family or anything.
00:43:40Hmm. Interesting.
00:43:43Whose box do you think it is, Sarah?
00:43:47What gave it away?
00:43:49A photo of you on the side.
00:43:52That's not me.
00:43:54That is you.
00:43:55Well, the similarities are very close.
00:43:57If that's not you, then I'm not hilarious.
00:44:00All right, guys, let's have a little break.
00:44:02Be back in 15.
00:44:04I need to bum a smoke off somebody.
00:44:06All right.
00:44:07Do you really think this looks like me?
00:44:10It's pretty close.
00:44:12I found this picture in the basement of my house in a locker box.
00:44:15I don't have any pictures of myself from childhood.
00:44:21What are we looking for?
00:44:23Photographs. Family type photos.
00:44:25Oh, found a radio.
00:44:26You know, Al, I changed my mind.
00:44:28I don't think that photo looks like you.
00:44:31Okay, I think I just touched mold.
00:44:33You guys can stop if you want, but I'm going to keep looking.
00:44:37Oh, my God.
00:44:38You totally have to look at this picture.
00:44:40It actually does look just like you.
00:44:45You know, I bet she lived here.
00:44:49I don't know.
00:44:52You guys, this is really starting to freak me out.
00:44:54Let's check the Internet.
00:44:55No, never mind.
00:44:57I don't want to know.
00:44:58Just put it back. Put everything back.
00:45:00I should have listened and never come down here.
00:45:12What's the matter?
00:45:13I've seen that girl before.
00:45:14What? When?
00:45:15The brush in the basement, the girl in the bathtub.
00:45:17I mean, she's in my head, David.
00:45:19You're not making any sense.
00:45:20I know I'm not making any sense.
00:45:22That's why I'm flipping out right now because nothing makes sense.
00:45:25She's dead.
00:45:26How do you know that?
00:45:27Because I just do.
00:45:31What are you doing?
00:45:32Finding out.
00:45:33No, David, stop. I don't care.
00:45:35It'll take a second.
00:45:36I don't want to know.
00:45:38Alex, what the fuck? Why are you being so hostile?
00:45:41I'm over it, okay?
00:45:44So one minute you want to know, the next minute you don't.
00:45:46Why do you care so much?
00:45:48Because I'm trying to help you.
00:45:49Help me?
00:45:51Anyone who has ever helped me has either wanted money or a fuck.
00:45:56I guess you've never had anyone actually care about you.
00:45:58Care about me? You don't know shit about me.
00:46:00I'm the only one who seems interested.
00:46:02You're not interested.
00:46:04You're a shitty writer using me to get ahead in your class.
00:46:08You're no different from anybody else.
00:46:51I'm sorry.
00:47:21I'm sorry.
00:47:38How do you know you smoked?
00:47:40I used to, then I quit.
00:47:43I had to walk several blocks to get a signal to call you,
00:47:45and I found myself standing in front of this convenience store
00:47:48with a pay phone, and I got these.
00:47:52You found a pay phone around here?
00:47:54That's awesome.
00:47:56Do you want to see it? I have a picture.
00:47:58Yeah, sure.
00:48:03What's up?
00:48:13Oh, fuck.
00:48:18This is fucked up in the worst possible way.
00:48:20How did this get in here?
00:48:22I'm afraid I might have done it, you know?
00:48:25I've been sleepwalking, and I wake up in really strange places covered in dirt.
00:48:31You are the type of person to kill somebody.
00:48:34Trust me.
00:48:36I know.
00:48:39This thing's starting to stink.
00:48:41Yeah, we have to get it out of here.
00:48:43I hope it doesn't have flies.
00:48:59Who the fuck dug that?
00:49:36I'll play no fucking guitar.
00:49:39Whoa, whoa.
00:49:49Iron Chef.
00:49:52Damn, I'm horny.
00:49:55So long.
00:49:57I'm sorry.
00:50:02Man, I wish I was white.
00:50:05White people got it made, man.
00:50:07I ain't gotta do shit.
00:50:22Oh, Lucille, Lucille.
00:50:27That's right, motherfuckers.
00:50:31Your L.A. privileges have been revoked.
00:50:33Hey, motherfuckers.
00:50:35Your L.A. privileges have been revoked.
00:50:37I said your L.A. privileges have been revoked, fool.
00:50:39Hold on.
00:50:40Bad boys.
00:50:42And you will know I am the Lord
00:50:45when I lay my vengeance
00:50:48upon thee.
00:50:59Get it together, Alex.
00:51:01Come on, get it together.
00:51:05Come on.
00:51:35Come on.
00:52:05Come on.
00:52:35Come on.
00:53:02What are you reading?
00:53:05Why are you here so early?
00:53:08I have revisions.
00:53:11Hey, look, can I ask you a question?
00:53:13It's for a story.
00:53:14Yeah, go for it.
00:53:16What would you do
00:53:18if you found out an awful secret
00:53:20about someone you care about,
00:53:22but no matter what you tell them,
00:53:24it's gonna end up...
00:53:29Is this about Alex?
00:53:31It's for a story.
00:53:35You like her, don't you?
00:53:38I think that's obvious.
00:53:40Well, then I guess, you know,
00:53:42just hope for the best.
00:54:06Since you're late,
00:54:08you're first.
00:54:13Come on down.
00:54:17Since you're late,
00:54:19you're first.
00:54:23Come on down.
00:54:47Come on down.
00:55:16Alex, are you okay?
00:55:19I'm gonna take you to the nurse's station.
00:55:22No, I'm... I'm fine.
00:55:25I just need some air.
00:55:34I think I'm losing my mind.
00:55:38Maybe you should see a doctor.
00:55:42Maybe you should see a doctor.
00:55:45I can't deal with doctors.
00:55:51You know,
00:55:53I'm sorry for what I said to you the other day.
00:55:57It was really mean.
00:56:06If I told you...
00:56:10and I did a background check on you on the Internet,
00:56:14how mad would you be?
00:56:16Pretty fucking pissed.
00:56:20Well, I did a background check on you on the Internet.
00:56:23Why would you do that?
00:56:25Because I'm trying to help you.
00:56:27Maybe there's some shit about me I don't want you to know.
00:56:30Like the time your boyfriend stabbed you in the stomach?
00:56:36Yeah, like the time my boyfriend stabbed me in the stomach.
00:56:40That's a perfect example.
00:56:42In fact, I think I'm starting to have some of the same emotions resurface.
00:56:46But go ahead. I'm curious.
00:56:48What else have you found out about me since you're all up in my shit?
00:56:52I think I know who your mother is.
00:56:55Alex, wait.
00:56:56Don't touch me.
00:56:58You don't know who my mother is and you don't know who I am.
00:57:00You're a fucking idiot.
00:57:07Hey, thanks for coming over.
00:57:10Oh, it's totally not a problem.
00:57:19So who all's coming?
00:57:21Jasper and Tamara are on their way.
00:57:24Derek and Rachel are in the bathroom smoking a bowl.
00:57:28And they think I don't know.
00:57:31Is David coming?
00:57:34What did he do?
00:57:36I don't want to talk about it.
00:57:38Alex, I saw him earlier today in class. I know he did something.
00:57:42Look who's here.
00:57:45Don't you knock.
00:57:47The door was open.
00:57:48What's in the bag?
00:57:51What kind of stuff?
00:57:53The good stuff.
00:57:55What's in the bag?
00:57:58The good stuff.
00:58:09You're ridiculous.
00:58:15It's going to be a good party tonight.
00:58:29Who was that?
00:58:34Is David coming?
00:58:37I don't think David's coming.
00:58:40What did I say?
00:58:42I brought vodka and salsa.
00:58:45Did you just knock the door?
00:58:47No, the front door's wide open.
00:58:50Then I'll have a drink for you.
00:58:54You're welcome.
00:58:57You're welcome.
00:59:07That is fucking weird.
00:59:10Because at my parents' house,
00:59:12if you kept my bedroom door closed and the spare bedroom door closed,
00:59:15it would move back and forth because of a draft.
00:59:19It scared the shit out of me until the ninth grade.
00:59:23I thought it was Bloody Mary.
00:59:25I so need a Bloody Mary right now because...
00:59:29Bloody Marys are my next story about vampires.
00:59:42What are you doing here?
00:59:44I was hoping we could talk.
00:59:48Five minutes and I'm gone.
00:59:56Say what you need to say.
00:59:58You're right.
01:00:00I'm sorry.
01:00:03I went behind your back and invaded your privacy.
01:00:08I had nothing but good intentions.
01:00:12I know I'm not your favorite person right now,
01:00:17but there are some important things in here.
01:00:22There are some important things in here.
01:00:25You really should take a look at it when you get a chance.
01:00:28Like what?
01:00:30I think you should read it yourself.
01:00:32No. I want you to stand there and tell me something that I don't already know.
01:00:36Why are you doing this?
01:00:39Is this my punishment?
01:00:41Is there any other way to put it?
01:00:46There are some articles in there about you
01:00:50and that god-awful church you went to.
01:00:54And your run-ins with the police.
01:00:59You should really read it yourself.
01:01:01Go on.
01:01:04You went to Holy Trinity High School for girls.
01:01:08You ran away twice in the same year.
01:01:10Tell me something I don't already know.
01:01:13You know what?
01:01:15If you don't want to read it,
01:01:18it's fine.
01:01:21But I'm not going to stand here and recite your life like some narrator of some book.
01:01:27Fuck it.
01:01:36Yo, David, where you going?
01:01:39What the hell is going on between those two?
01:01:42I don't know.
01:01:43He's been acting funny ever since that blindfold exercise today.
01:01:47That was so stupid.
01:01:49Yeah, you mean the one where Alex almost died?
01:01:52It helps strengthen your perceptions, which is key if you want to be a writer.
01:01:59Oh, I love this song!
01:02:01That's because you get all moist over the lead singer.
01:02:03Like a brownie.
01:02:12Smoke crack with the princess.
01:02:16We're at the end of the world.
01:02:19It's all a matter of hate and disgust.
01:02:22We're going to kick who's left and get on with the feast.
01:02:25And fly sausages to the sun.
01:02:28Oh, that's fun.
01:02:35Alex, what are you doing all alone?
01:02:38Why don't you come out to the living room and make a fool of yourself with us?
01:02:44Everything okay?
01:02:47Excuse me.
01:03:24Look, I'm sorry I dug into your past.
01:03:27But I only did it because I care about you.
01:03:29And if you don't understand that, then we shouldn't see each other.
01:03:32But I don't want that.
01:03:35I can't.
01:03:36You can't what?
01:03:38Look, you've read it yourself.
01:03:41I'm this fucked up person.
01:03:43A monster.
01:03:45I've done some really horrible stuff to myself and other people.
01:03:50Why would you want to be involved with me?
01:03:55What if there's an evil inside of me just waiting to snap?
01:04:00Okay, so you're a bad girl.
01:04:02So what?
01:04:04You don't scare me.
01:04:06I have these really horrible thoughts.
01:04:08And I know you're a good person.
01:04:10I'm completely capable of hurting you.
01:04:12I'm willing to take my chances.
01:04:15Then you're stupid.
01:04:18Why are you going to stop being afraid?
01:04:20What am I afraid of?
01:04:24You're afraid of me.
01:04:26You're afraid of your past.
01:04:27I'm not afraid of you.
01:04:33Then why do you keep moving away from me?
01:04:35Because I'm cold.
01:04:37You're cold?
01:04:38I'm cold.
01:04:42I'm cold too.
01:04:44I have some extra clothing.
01:05:00Bite me.
01:05:08Bite me.
01:05:20You're a good spouse.
01:05:22You are cold.
01:05:38What's going on?
01:05:39I thought we were drinking.
01:05:42Do you remember that exercise Clay made us do the second day of class?
01:05:46The one with the newspapers.
01:05:48Oh, the one where you have three random articles
01:05:50and we have to use them as the A, B, and C story?
01:05:54Do that with these and tell me what you come up with.
01:05:59Troops return home after Gulf War.
01:06:03Wifey mysteriously disappears.
01:06:06Okay, and your C story?
01:06:10Veteran attempts suicide after the death of his daughter.
01:06:16That's fucking crazy, right?
01:06:19What does this have to do with Alex?
01:06:36Wait, wait.
01:06:38I don't have a...
01:06:40Oh, in my bag at the end of the bed.
01:06:49Do you know your webcam is on?
01:06:51I completely forgot.
01:06:53You're getting x-rated on me.
01:06:55Just turn it off and come back over here.
01:06:58What if I don't want to turn it off?
01:07:02Is this what you want to see?
01:07:07Wait, wait, hold on.
01:07:14This is strange.
01:07:16Have you seen this before?
01:07:21Why is your landlord in your bedroom?
01:07:24He's a nut job.
01:07:26He's always leaving me these strange gifts.
01:07:30What was that girl in the mirror?
01:07:34Where are you going?
01:07:40What's going on, Alex?
01:07:42Where is it?
01:07:44Where is what?
01:07:45The one about the girl.
01:07:47What girl?
01:07:48Stop playing with me. I know it was here.
01:07:51It's bad, Al. You don't want to see it.
01:07:53He's right. It's really bad.
01:07:55I don't want to see it.
01:07:57I don't want to see it.
01:07:59I don't want to see it.
01:08:01I don't want to see it.
01:08:02He's right. It's really better if you didn't see it.
01:08:04I want it right now.
01:08:12Ugh, what is it?
01:08:14You don't want to know.
01:08:17It's okay. Just tell them.
01:08:20A 16-year-old girl hung herself in the basement.
01:08:22This basement?
01:08:25Oh my God.
01:08:26Okay, I am out of here. I've had a bad vibe since day one.
01:08:29Tamara, you get bad vibes from the ladies' room.
01:08:31Screw you, Jasper.
01:08:32Tamara, Alex is our friend. We have to support her.
01:08:35I can support her from my dorm room. Excuse me.
01:08:39Great. The party's over.
01:08:48Where are you?
01:08:50Where are you, you stupid bitch?
01:08:54Leave me alone.
01:08:56Do you hear me? God damn it, leave me alone.
01:09:00Stop torturing me.
01:09:02What are you doing, Alex? Alex?
01:09:05Your nose is bleeding.
01:09:07I'm bleeding?
01:09:12What's happening to me?
01:09:14Alex, look at me.
01:09:20Alex, look at me.
01:10:27Alex, stop. It's your friend, Jasper.
01:10:55I'm sorry.
01:11:08I am leaving because this place has been creeping me out since day one.
01:11:12If you guys want to stay, it is on you.
01:11:15Okay? I'm getting my stuff from Alex's room and I am so gone.
01:11:24Kimora, wait up.
01:11:55Come on.
01:12:01Alex, please.
01:12:04This will only hurt for a second.
01:12:24You're a kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty.
01:13:42I didn't do this.
01:13:47I couldn't have done this.
01:13:50Wake up.
01:13:54This isn't happening. This is a dream.
01:14:03Alex, what?
01:14:05I'm so sorry this wasn't me.
01:14:09I'm going to get you help, okay?
01:14:11You're going to be okay. I'm going to get you help.
01:14:16David, no.
01:14:18No, please stay with me, okay?
01:14:20I need you to stay with me.
01:14:24I need you to stay with me.
01:14:40I'm sorry.
01:14:45I'm so sorry.
01:14:55I'm so sorry.
01:14:58I'm sorry.
01:15:01I'm sorry.
01:15:25Oh, no, you don't.
01:15:31We're almost there.
01:15:33No! No!
01:15:35No! Stop it!
01:15:37Stop it!
01:15:45They got it all wrong.
01:15:48I never meant to hurt anyone.
01:15:51I never meant to hurt anyone.
01:15:53But your mother was a whore.
01:15:56My mother?
01:16:04When I first saw you,
01:16:07I wasn't sure it was you.
01:16:09Until now.
01:16:11What are you talking about?
01:16:13Alan must have brought you to me.
01:16:18My mother, what...
01:16:21What happened to my mother?
01:16:23She left us.
01:16:25Said we didn't need her anymore.
01:16:28She left me to have you.
01:16:31She left a sick little child.
01:16:34My actions were justified.
01:16:37Necessary, but your mother couldn't handle it.
01:16:41I hate you.
01:16:48Your mother said
01:16:50I would have got it from my side of the family.
01:16:54Alan got worse.
01:16:57If I could have only made those voices go away,
01:17:00she would have been normal like everyone else.
01:17:03You're crazy.
01:17:05I defend the country and call it this?
01:17:08This is my reward?
01:17:10You're a coward.
01:17:12You're a fucking coward!
01:17:15Get off me! Get off me!
01:17:18Be still. We have miles to go, please.
01:17:26Look at me. Look at me.
01:17:29I wanted you to be my new daughter.
01:17:32I didn't hire you for all this shit your mother put me through.
01:17:35Let me go!
01:17:39I don't know if you know,
01:17:41but this was your mother's miracle.
01:17:48Your mother didn't fight so much.
01:17:52Alan, please.
01:19:12Morning, Alan. Want some coffee?
01:19:15You're all here.
01:19:17I mean, you guys stayed.
01:19:19Yeah, we just went to the store to get stuff for breakfast.
01:19:22Yeah, bacon was on sale, so Jasper bought five packs.
01:19:26Bacon is so good.
01:19:29Where's David?
01:19:31I think he was here a little bit ago.
01:19:35Hey. Hey.
01:19:37I've been looking all over for you. Where have you been?
01:19:40I couldn't really sleep,
01:19:42so I decided to go exploring, as Jasper put it.
01:19:46There's some pretty cool stuff down here.
01:19:48Well, I'm glad you didn't leave. I thought maybe you'd left.
01:19:52Why would I do that?
01:19:54I've been pretty awful to you.
01:19:57I've been pretty mean to you.
01:20:00Why would I do that?
01:20:02I've been pretty awful to you ever since I met you.
01:20:06That hasn't been easy, that's for sure.
01:20:09I'm not really good at the whole letting people in thing.
01:20:14I'm not going to hurt you.
01:20:17I know it doesn't make sense, and it's pretty fucked up,
01:20:23but what happened here wasn't your fault.
01:20:26I know. That's why I want to stay here.
01:20:29I tried to put all the pieces together.
01:20:31I think it's really important to know where you've come from.
01:20:35That's something you've helped me realize.
01:20:39Hey, what is this doing down here?
01:20:46Did this belong to...
01:20:48My sister. Yeah.
01:20:51I think I'm going to keep it, though.
01:20:55We should get going. Jasper's going to eat all the bacon.
01:21:01Remember when I first met you?
01:21:04You told me to keep my fucking hands off of you.
01:21:07Just shut up and kiss me.
01:21:11I love you.
01:21:42What's this?
01:21:44Something I should have given you the first day of class.
01:21:48It's everything you need to know about me.
01:22:17I'm having a good day.
01:22:41I am the sun's only child
01:22:44I can make it rain all day
01:22:48Don't be alarmed if the situation
01:22:51Becomes cold and gray
01:22:54When the cannons are rising
01:22:56I'm out of the ground
01:22:58And your wings fail right before your eyes
01:23:02Oh, what to do, oh, what to say
01:23:06I hear you calling me mayday, mayday
01:23:22Well, it's over
01:23:26Catch your breath, baby, save your breath
01:23:29It's over
01:23:33I can't stop now and I won't slow down
01:23:44And now we're here to spite ourselves
01:23:47And now we're here for no one else
01:23:51And now we feel there's such a spell
01:23:54Well, I bet you can't even tell
01:23:58Another place, another time
01:24:01Without a reason, without a rhyme
01:24:04I'd flash the light I have inside
01:24:08Hold on for the ride
01:24:14Well, it's over
01:24:18Catch your breath, baby, save your breath
01:24:21It's over
01:24:25I can't stop now and I won't slow down
01:24:31And now we're here to spite ourselves
01:24:34And now we feel there's such a spell
01:24:37Well, I bet you can't even tell
01:24:40Another place, another time
01:24:43Without a reason, without a rhyme
01:24:46I'd flash the light I have inside
01:24:49Hold on for the ride
01:25:01I'd flash the light I have inside
