Priya Kansara And Ritu Arya | How Well Do You Do Know Your Co-Star | Marie Claire

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Polite Society stars Priya Kansara and Ritu Arya joined Marie Claire for a game of 'How Well Do You Know Your Co-Star?' where the duo quizzed each other on their first jobs, video game skills, and the best chocolate biscuits.
00:00Look, I'm really badly losing as well, I just need to give up.
00:03Don't know what's going to happen.
00:05Is this meant to be a fun game?
00:06I'm obviously an awful younger sister who knows nothing about art.
00:17Hi, I'm Priya.
00:18Hi, I'm Ritu.
00:19And we are playing How Well Do You Know Your Co-star with Marie Claire.
00:23Priya Kansara, what was my first ever job?
00:27Number one, wait.
00:30Number two, shop assistant.
00:32Number three, tutor.
00:35Oh, you're smart.
00:36I feel like you would have been a tutor.
00:39Teaching astrophysics.
00:44I have been a tutor, so that's why it was a trickier question.
00:49First ever job was I was a shop assistant.
00:52Oh, no way! What shop?
00:55It was a shop called East.
00:57They sold sort of women's clothes, very floral women's clothes.
01:01My question is, which vegetable do I not like?
01:06Ugh, okay.
01:08A. Tomatoes, B. Mushrooms, or C. Peppers?
01:14Easy, B. Mushrooms.
01:17Oh, God, I should have picked a harder question.
01:22I've eaten with you a lot.
01:24This is true, actually. This is very true.
01:28Question number two.
01:30Which video game am I incredible at?
01:34A. Guitar Hero, B. Mario Kart, C. Dance Dance Revolution?
01:40Oh, man.
01:42I actually feel like you'd be really good at all of these games as well.
01:46We haven't played video games together, which now I feel like we should.
01:50I think Dance Dance Revolution.
01:55Although, I say I'm okay at it.
01:58No, I'm incredible at Guitar Hero.
02:01Oh, God, Tommy, I should have said it.
02:04Like, for anyone who doesn't know, Ritu is a drummer.
02:07I do play the drums.
02:08Maybe it was my own fault.
02:09I'm okay at the drums, but I'm incredible at Guitar Hero.
02:15Where was I born?
02:18A. North London, B. West London, C. Leicester, or D. Gujarat in India?
02:27Okay, firstly, we were told three answers, multiple choice.
02:31Oh, no, no, no, no, no. There's no restriction to this.
02:35She's breaking the box.
02:37I'm going to say...
02:39Oh, I should know this.
02:42A. North London.
02:44Oh, God, you're so good at this game.
02:48I tried to, like, make it less obvious because obviously I still live there.
02:53D. Gujarat. I'll make it hard.
02:58Also, Gujarat's, like, a really big area.
03:02What TV show was I absolutely obsessed with the most as a child?
03:08A. Pokemon, B. Power Rangers, C. Rugrats.
03:16I really don't want to get another one wrong because I'm really bad at this game.
03:21If you get this wrong, it's going to look really bad.
03:24I think it's Power Rangers.
03:31No way.
03:32Power Rangers scared me.
03:35Just saying.
03:36What is my least favorite genre of movie?
03:40You're all like, what do I hate? What's my least favorite?
03:44What am I so good at?
03:48You have no options. You have to guess this.
03:52Oh, you really did your own thing with your questions.
03:56And I'm still losing, so clearly...
04:00What's your least favorite genre of movie?
04:06Aw, man, that was really obvious. I need to pick less obvious questions.
04:12I am going to get this question. I need to get this question.
04:16I don't think you're going to get this one right.
04:18These two are harder. Let's see.
04:20Best chocolate biscuit of all time that makes other chocolate biscuits look like s***.
04:27It was in the bath, guys. It was 11pm.
04:30A. McVitie's Chocolate Digestive.
04:33B. Twix.
04:36C. Tunnock's Tea Cake.
04:38Oh, my God, this is really hard.
04:41Look, I'm really badly losing as well. I just need to give up.
04:45Don't expect it to be a fun game.
04:47I'm obviously the awful younger sister who knows nothing about her older sister.
04:52I mean, I think it's a Twix.
04:57Are you sure about that?
04:59No, but I'm just going to say it anyway.
05:02I just gave you a hint by saying, are you sure about that?
05:05Okay, is it McVitie's?
05:08Is it a tea cake?
05:10Yes, you got it right.
05:12Yay, I got it right.
05:14How could you ever?
05:17My next question is, what is my go-to on-set snack?
05:21Multiple choice answers, please.
05:23There's no multiple choice.
05:24You can name a few questions.
05:29Come on, just give me this one thing, get it wrong.
05:34Please, can you give me a hint?
05:36Okay, a sweet treat.
05:39Yeah, I knew that.
05:42Some kind of chocolate biscuit.
05:47Do you remember those cake bars that they used to have on set?
05:53What were you eating on set?
05:58Do you know what you're talking about?
06:00Yeah, they were okay.
06:02Oh no, there was a really good Bakewell cake one.
06:06You won't get this, but it's fun.
06:09What would I get from the vending machine every break time at school without fail?
06:14A, energy drink.
06:16B, crisps.
06:18C, gum.
06:24I finally got one right.
06:28And I know this because you always like to have gum on you.
06:32Incredibly self-conscious.
06:35Always got gum.
06:37It's my favourite, it's my favourite food.
06:39I don't think it counts as a food, because shouldn't you have to swallow it to be able to count as food?
06:44I shouldn't even get an honourable mention, you're being way too kind to me.
06:48That was awful.
06:52We did find it very easy to just bond generally,
06:55but I did invite Priya over one time for breakfast,
06:58and she brought flowers and it was so nice,
07:01and in return I made her an omelette,
07:04but the omelette consisted of only an egg and an onion.
07:10Hey, it was still a good omelette, I will really give you the credit.
07:14I mean, also I remember Richie used to be a part of a band,
07:17and just before we started shoot actually she had a gig with them,
07:21and so I went to go and see her play at the time,
07:24and she was so incredible, she's such an incredible drummer.
07:27I was like, this is how Priya must feel when she watches her sister do art,
07:31like feeling this overwhelming sense of pride.
07:33She's honestly a rock star.
07:35It was so much fun to go and see her play.
07:38Thanks for watching.
07:45Thanks for watching.
07:46Be sure to catch Polite Society on April 28th in your nearest cinema.
07:50Remember to subscribe to Marie Claire.
