• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Il ruolo dell’Italia è importantissimo, sia dal punto di vista agricolo che industriale. A livello agricolo abbiamo investito 2 miliardi e mezzo di euro in oltre vent’anni per creare la tabacchicoltura necessaria anche ai prodotti di nuova generazione. L’impianto produttivo di Crespellano esporta in 40 paesi del mondo, più di alcune filiere storiche del nostro Paese, con un tasso di crescita importante: 41 mila posti lavoro e mezzo punto del Pil nazionale sono un grandissimo risultato per una filiera che una volta era solo agricola e adesso è agricola e industriale”. A spiegarlo è Marco Hannappel, presidente e amministratore delegato di Philip Morris Italia, a margine della presentazione del nuovo dispositivo a tabacco riscaldato Iqos Iluma i Prime, lanciato in occasione del decimo anniversario dal primo lancio di Iqos.


00:00What is the role of Italy in the production of tobacco?
00:04The role of Italy is a very important role, both from an agricultural and industrial point of view.
00:11At the agricultural level, we have invested more than 20 years, 2.5 billion euros,
00:17to create the tobacco culture that was then also needed for new generation products,
00:23together with the Crespellano production plant, which as I said is 1.5 billion euros of investment.
00:29It is very important because it is a plant that exports a lot,
00:33and this line today exports to 40 countries around the world,
00:36it exports more than historical lines in our country,
00:39with an important growth rate because in the world,
00:42heated tobacco is taking root and is developing.
00:45We are talking about incredible numbers,
00:48considering that the plant is only 8 years old.
00:51So in 8 years, 41,000 jobs, half of the national GDP,
00:55is a great result for a line that once was only agricultural, now it is industrial.
01:00How do you imagine the next 10 years?
01:02Growth like this, increasingly amplifying the role of Italy towards countries
01:07that today do not have the opportunity to sell heated tobacco,
01:12more and more markets are opening to this product.
01:16It is a product that today has great relevance for us,
01:2138% of our global turnover is on new generation products,
01:26we continue to invest with great strength and conviction.
01:30In the past we have invested over 12 billion euros in research and development,
01:33we continue to invest 99% of our resources only on new generation products,
01:38so we expect great development in the coming years.
01:41The goal for us is that in 5-6 years, in 2030,
01:45two thirds of our turnover will be on these products.
