
  • 2 days ago
00:00Are you kids ready for a story? Let's see what you did today.
00:07Oh, this looks interesting. Today's story is called...
00:12Rosie is called.
00:28Ring around the rosie A pocket full of posies
00:32Ashes, ashes We all fall down
00:43Ring around the rosie A pocket full of posies
00:47Ashes, ashes We all fall down
00:59Ring around the rosie A pocket full of posies
01:03Ashes, ashes We all fall down
01:07Ring around the rosie A pocket full of posies
01:11Ashes, ashes We all fall down
01:37Let's find something to do inside. Okay, come on everybody.
01:46What can we play on a rainy day? Till the sun comes out and the clouds go away
01:52We can still have fun if the sky is grey When we play on a rainy day
01:59Let's put together some puzzles Build a castle with wooden blocks
02:06We can play, I wish, it's the dog new trick
02:09We'll make a big club house out of a box
02:13What can we play on a rainy day? Till the sun comes out and the clouds go away
02:19We can still have fun if the sky is grey When we play on a rainy day
02:26Pretend we're on a raft in the ocean Draw a picture of a shiny new car
02:33We can tell some stories, read some books Take a trip on a ship to a far away star
02:40What can we play on a rainy day? Till the sun comes out and the clouds go away
02:46We can still have fun if the sky is grey When we play on a rainy day
02:53It's fun on a rainy day
02:57One of my favorite things to do on a rainy day is to tell stories.
03:01Hey, let's make the parachute into a tent.
03:04We can pretend we're camping and tell stories around the campfire.
03:08Let's go.
03:15There, our tent is finished.
03:19This is great, Barney. Want to hear a scary story?
03:23Sure. Scary stories and campfires go together.
03:35Sitting around the campfire, one of the things that's fun
03:40is to tell some scary stories and try to scare everyone.
03:46And try to scare everyone.
03:49Yes, it's kind of fun getting scared when you know it's not for real.
03:55Surrounded by your friends, nothing will get you, but you feel that tingly feel.
04:00You feel that tingly feel.
04:04When the story starts to get scary, giving me goosebumps galore,
04:10I just cover my ears and close my eyes, but first tell a little bit more.
04:16First tell a little bit more.
04:18Cause it's kind of fun getting scared when you know it's not for real.
04:24Surrounded by your friends, nothing will get you, but you feel that tingly feel.
04:30You feel that tingly feel.
04:34Cause it's kind of fun getting scared when you know it's not for real.
04:40Surrounded by your friends, nothing will get you, but you feel that tingly feel.
04:45You feel that tingly feel.
04:49And it's fun cause it's not for real.
04:54Are you ready to hear my sort of scary story?
05:00Okay, once upon a time there were four friends, kind of like us, and one dinosaur, kind of like Barney.
05:07They were out camping in the woods on a dark night, when all of a sudden they heard a loud crash.
05:15Like that sound?
05:19Just like that.
05:22Anyway, after the crash, campers heard a howl.
05:32What happened next?
05:35They heard a footstep on a twig.
05:39Ouch, that wasn't a twig, someone just tripped over my tail.
05:47But who?
05:50Guess who?
05:52Oh, look out!
05:54Oh, everybody!
06:01Hi everybody, what were you doing in the dark?
06:04Hi PJ.
06:06I'm glad it was you, Jason was telling a scary story.
06:10Well, it wasn't too scary, but we didn't know it was you bumping into things in the dark.
06:14And tripping over tails.
06:17I didn't mean to scare anybody, but why did you have the lights out?
06:21We were making up stories while we were waiting for the rain to stop.
06:24Oh, that sounds like fun!
06:27On rainy days at home, Juan and I play pretend with a blanket.
06:30How do you do that, Carlos?
06:32We make believe it's lots of different things, like a raft on the ocean.
06:35But we don't have a blanket.
06:38I know, but we could use our imaginations and make up stories that use the parachute in different ways.
06:44I have an idea already. May I go first?
06:47Okay, I'll be right back.
06:56I wonder what Tasha's going to do with the parachute.
07:00Well, if she uses her imagination, there are a number of things she could do.
07:05Number? Did I hear someone say number?
07:11Why, that reminds me of a story about a very lonely little number.
07:15Why, it's Stella! I mean, Tasha the Storyteller!
07:22That means hello in Swahili.
07:25Jumbo, Tasha!
07:27What's Swahili?
07:29It's a language they speak in Kenya. That's a country in Africa.
07:32Wow, I love your clothes, Tasha. You made a really cool dress out of the parachute.
07:37Thank you, Min. My parachute dress isn't exactly like the kind women wear in Africa,
07:42but sometimes their dresses have lots of pretty colors, like this.
07:46My hat is called a kufi.
07:50Did you say you have a story for us about a number?
07:54Why, indeed I do, Jason. It's a poem about a lonely little number.
07:58All right, I should tell us a story.
08:03Once there was a number whose name was simply One.
08:09He often played all by himself, but didn't have much fun.
08:13He was feeling sad and blue until he met the number Two.
08:19They were happy as can be when introduced to number Three.
08:25Soon came a knock upon the door, and in stepped jolly number Four.
08:31They all beat drums with little sticks, brought by the numbers Five and Six.
08:38Skipping rope was really great when joined by numbers Seven and Eight.
08:47And One was very happy when he made friends with Nine and Ten.
08:53Now I'm not lonely anymore, said number One to number Four.
08:58We'll be your friends and play again, said numbers Three and Five and Ten.
09:04I've had a lot of fun today, number One was heard to say.
09:08They'd finished playing many games. Can you help me say their names?
09:141, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
09:26Now I'll count to ten in Swahili.
09:29Moja, Ndili, Tatu, Nei, Tano, Sita, Saba, Nanei, Tisa, Kumi
09:44Hey, we can use these numbers to have some fun. Let's limbo!
09:48Okay then!
09:52Okay, let's see how low you can go.
09:56We love to do the number limbo. We love to do the number limbo.
10:03As we go under, we see the number is set at number Three.
10:10The ball was set at number Three. Everyone went under then.
10:16Now we move it lower to number Two, so you can start to limbo again.
10:23We love to do the number limbo. We love to do the number limbo.
10:29As we go under, we see the number is set at number Two.
10:36The ball was set at number Two. Everyone went under then.
10:42Now we move it lower to number One, so you can start to limbo again.
10:49We love to do the number limbo. We love to do the number limbo.
10:55As we go under, we see the number is set at number One.
11:02The ball was set at number One. Everyone went under then.
11:08So we can't go under another number till we number limbo again.
11:18Look Barney, they're pretending the parachute is a blanket.
11:22You're right BJ. I think Carlos is going to tell a story.
11:27This is a story of a boy who went to bed with his favorite pillow and his favorite teddy bear.
11:33But he couldn't fall asleep, so he called to his mother.
11:36Mom, I can't sleep. Could you bring me a glass of water please?
11:43Here's your glass of water. Now you can go to sleep.
11:46Thank you mom. You're welcome son.
11:51But even with a favorite pillow and his favorite teddy and a glass of water, the boy still couldn't fall asleep.
11:59Mom, I still can't fall asleep.
12:02So the boy's mother knew what to do.
12:05When I was a little girl, I used to pretend sheep were jumping over my bed.
12:09I'd count the sheep and before I could say little bull peep, I'd fall fast asleep.
12:13So the boy's mother sang a lullaby to him.
12:20Little bull peep has lost his sheep and doesn't know where to find them.
12:27Leave them alone and they'll come home, wagging their tails behind them.
12:33Little boy blue, come blow your horn. The sheep's in the meadow, the cow's in the corn.
12:39Where's the boy who looks after the sheep? He's under the haystack fast asleep.
12:45Will you wake him him?
12:47No, not I. For if I do, he's sure to cry.
12:52And so after counting lots of sheep, the little boy fell fast asleep.
12:57The end.
13:01I like your story, Carlos. The part about counting sheep was funny.
13:05Can I wake up now? Because I'd like to know where those sheep came from.
13:10I'm going to sleep.
13:12Good night, Carlos.
13:14Good night, little boy.
13:16Good night, little boy.
13:18Good night, little boy.
13:19I'd like to know where those sheep came from.
13:21That's right.
13:23Oh, look. They're all over there.
13:26Maybe their little bull peep lost sheep.
13:29I think they're my sheep, Barney. I followed them here.
13:33Oh, look, everybody. It's our good friend Tommy DePaola. Hi, Tommy.
13:38Hi, Barney. Hi, everybody. Glad to see you again.
13:42Hi, Mr. DePaola.
13:44Call me Tommy, please.
13:46Did you say those sheep are yours, Tommy?
13:47Yes, Jason. They live right in this book.
13:50And they're always running off to help people who can't fall asleep.
13:55Oh, well, maybe I can help you get them back into the book.
13:59Could you do that, Barney? That would be great.
14:02I'll try.
14:06I'll just sit this right down here.
14:11Little sheep with wagging tails and fluffy coats indeed.
14:16Please come back into your book. The story then we'll read.
14:24There you go, Tommy.
14:26Oh, thank you, Barney.
14:28You're very welcome. That looks like a fun story.
14:31And now that all the sheep are back in the book, would you read it to us?
14:35I certainly will, Barney.
14:37Oh, good. We won't make a peep while you read to us about sheep.
14:40Okay, everyone. The book is called Charlie Needs a Cloak.
14:46Oh, did you draw the pictures, too, Tommy?
14:49I sure did, BJ. I am the author and the illustrator.
14:53Okay, everyone, gather around.
14:57Story time.
14:59This is going to be neat.
15:03Charlie was a shepherd.
15:04He had a cozy house, a big cat, a crook, and a flock of fat sheep.
15:11But everyone said, Charlie needs a cloak.
15:16Poor Charlie.
15:19He really needed a new cloak.
15:24So in the spring, Charlie sheared his sheep.
15:31He washed the wool.
15:35And carded the wool to straighten it out.
15:41Then, Charlie spun the wool into yarn.
15:47Now, Charlie wanted a red cloak.
15:50So he picked some pokeweed berries during the late summer and boiled them over a fire.
15:55Then, Charlie dyed the yarn red in the berry juice.
16:00After the yarn was dry, Charlie put the strands on the loom.
16:06And every fall evening, he wove the yarn into cloth.
16:15Charlie put the cloth on the table and cut it into pieces.
16:21Then, he pinned the pieces together.
16:24And sewed them.
16:29And then, when winter came,
16:33Charlie had a beautiful new red cloak.
16:41I really like your story, Tom.
16:45Me too. I never knew you could make clothes out of sheep's wool.
16:49The little mouse that was taking photos of the sheep,
16:52The little mouse that was taking something on every page was cute.
16:56Could you show us how to draw her?
16:58I sure could.
17:02I'm going to start out with two sort of circles.
17:05Almost circles.
17:07There's one.
17:09And there's another.
17:12Aha! You know what that is.
17:14And I'm going to put some inside of ears here.
17:17And I'm going to make two little dots like this.
17:21With a little white space in them.
17:23For our little mouse's eyes.
17:27I'm going to connect these two ears.
17:30And make a shape like this with a little point on the bottom of it.
17:35Now, do you know that mice have whiskers just like cats?
17:38Because they need them to see if they can get into the little holes they make or not.
17:43Now, another big circle like this.
17:44A big circle shaped like that.
17:47Like that.
17:49Now, what should I do next?
17:51A tail!
17:53So, we'll give this mouse a nice big tail like this.
17:58That's a mouse.
18:00There we go.
18:02And some little paws like that.
18:04Now, let's put some color on here.
18:06I'm going to put pink ears.
18:08I love pink ears.
18:10I like rabbits with pink ears and mice with pink ears.
18:12And a little pink nose.
18:15And I'm going to put something here.
18:18See if you can guess what it is.
18:20What do mice eat?
18:25And let's make it Swiss cheese.
18:27We'll put some holes in it like that.
18:29Okay, now I finished that drawing.
18:31And what do I have to do now that I finished it?
18:33Sign your name.
18:35Sign my name.
18:37And I have a trademark. Do you know what it is, Barney?
18:39A trademark? Oh, it's a heart!
18:40Right, right. I always draw a heart.
18:43Like that.
18:45And then I write my name.
18:47T-O-M-I-E. Tommy.
18:50See? See how easy it is to draw a mouse?
18:52Now you can draw one yourself.
18:54Oh, that's great!
18:56We've been making up stories all day, Tommy.
18:59It's fun!
19:01That's great, PJ.
19:03Because that's because you've been using your imaginations to pretend.
19:05And I use my imagination
19:07every time I make up a new story and draw pictures for it.
19:10Oh, we like using our imaginations, too, Tommy.
19:13Oh, great, Barney.
19:15Well, I'm afraid I'm going to have to go.
19:18I promised that I'd deliver this book to the library today.
19:23And, Barney, thank you for helping me get my sheep back in the book.
19:26And thank you for reading your book to us, Tommy.
19:30Oh, you're welcome, Barney.
19:32Well, goodbye, everybody.
19:34See you again, I hope.
19:35Thanks for coming by.
19:37See you soon.
19:41Has anyone seen BJ?
19:43He was supposed to tell the next story.
19:45Hey, everybody.
19:47Look what I just made with a parachute.
19:49Wow, a big umbrella.
19:51Come on.
19:53We'll go outside and play
19:55because this umbrella is big enough for a dinosaur
19:57and all his friends.
20:01All right.
20:03Come on, guys.
20:05Come on, everybody.
20:09I don't think your umbrella is quite big enough
20:11for all your friends.
20:15You would get kind of wet, wouldn't you, Barney?
20:17I think so.
20:19I guess my umbrella isn't big enough
20:21for everybody, after all.
20:31Ring, ring, go away.
20:33Come again another day.
20:36Barney's friends all want to play.
20:39Ring, ring, go away.
20:42Hey, BJ.
20:44Here's to your love.
20:47It's raining.
20:49It's pouring.
20:51The old man is snoring.
20:53He went to bed and bumped his head
20:55and couldn't get up in the morning.
21:00It's raining.
21:01It's pouring.
21:03Ring, ring, go away.
21:06The old man is snoring.
21:09Come again another day.
21:12He went to bed and bumped his head.
21:15Barney's friends all want to play
21:18and couldn't get up in the morning.
21:21Ring, ring, go away.
21:24Ring, ring, go away.
21:27Come again another day.
21:29Come again another day.
21:35You know, I believe it has stopped raining.
21:38Oh, boy.
21:41Let's all go to the treehouse.
21:43I have another idea for the parachute.
21:47Are you coming with us, BJ?
21:49No, I have to find Sissy.
21:51But I had lots of fun today.
21:53See you guys.
21:55So long, BJ.
21:57Take care now.
22:06Oh, hi everybody.
22:09Hi there.
22:11I'm looking for my brother.
22:13And playing, too.
22:15BJ just left to look for you.
22:17And now you found me.
22:19That's right.
22:21We're playing with our parachute today
22:23and it's Min's turn.
22:25Oh, what are you going to do, Min?
22:27You'll see. Right, Barney?
22:29That's a great idea, Min.
22:32Let's get everything together.
22:34Oh, what?
22:36Where are they going?
22:38Ladies and gentlemen,
22:41boys and girls,
22:44and baby dinosaurs.
22:48Performing under the big top,
22:50the Barney Circus presents
22:52our dandy little dancer,
22:55Min the Magnificent.
23:34Oh, you're so good, Min.
23:37It sounds like it's going to start raining again.
23:41Oh, I better go find my brother BJ now.
23:45Thank you for playing with me, friend.
23:48Oh, sure.
23:50So long, Baby Bob.
23:52Thanks for coming by.
23:54This has been lots of fun telling stories.
23:55But we'd better get ready to go home.
23:57Okay, then.
23:59Here we go.
24:02You know, Barney,
24:04staying indoors when it's raining isn't so bad.
24:07Especially when we tell stories
24:09with friends we love.
24:11That's right, Tasha.
24:14I love you.
24:17You love me.
24:20We're a happy family.
24:24With a great big hug
24:27and a kiss from me to you.
24:30Won't you say you love me too?
24:40I love you.
24:43You love me.
24:45We're best friends
24:47like friends should be.
24:49With a great big hug
24:51and a kiss from me to you.
24:53Won't you say you love me too?
25:03So long, everybody.
25:07Bye. So long.
25:09Take care now.