每次收费50至100令吉 非法外劳开“淫窝”

  • 2 days ago
新闻报报看 | 移民局副总监杰菲里指出,当局在雪州巴生某废弃店屋展开突击行动,并逮捕了总共56名涉嫌进行性交易的外籍男女。根据了解,有关被捣破的“淫窝”已经活跃长达1年,专门“服务”住在附近的本地及外籍人士。卖淫女郎每天最多可接待10名嫖客,每次收费50至100令吉,日收入最高可达1000令吉。(主播:颜江瀚、梁宝仪)


00:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpot website.
00:30The Immigration Department's Deputy Director Jie Fei-Li pointed out that after the authorities received a tip-off,
00:45they mobilized 78 officials to go to a abandoned house in Basheng, Xuezhou, at 12.30 p.m. today to launch a raid.
00:54They also arrested 30 women and 26 men, a total of 56 foreign men and women who were suspected of sex trafficking.
01:02Most of the arrested women were prostitutes.
01:06As far as I know, the prostitutes have been active for more than a year,
01:11serving the locals and foreigners living nearby.
01:15The prostitutes can receive up to 10 tourists a day,
01:19and can earn up to RMB1,000 a day.
01:25As we mentioned earlier, most of the arrested women were prostitutes.
01:29As for the arrested foreign men, according to the report, they were all prostitutes.
01:33According to a Chinese report, when the Immigration Department officials came to raid the house,
01:37a pair of foreign men and women had just finished their work and were lying in bed.
01:42When they saw the officials breaking into the house, they screamed.
01:46According to the report, the officials also asked the two people to restore the sex transaction process.
01:51According to the report, the law enforcement officers also used pliers to cut off the locks of the abandoned house.
01:59They went inside to search for the hidden foreign men and women.
02:04When some of the arrested foreign men and women saw the law enforcement officers,
02:08they ran away from the scene.
02:13At the press conference after the raid, the director of the Immigration Department,
02:17Jie Fei Li, told the media that during the raid,
02:20foreign men and women who were suspected of sex transactions tried to escape.
02:24Some of them hid in their rooms, toilets, storerooms, and so on.
02:28According to the preliminary investigation by the law enforcement,
02:31these abandoned houses were actually owned by the owners.
02:34Each house was divided into many rooms.
02:37Each room was rented at a price of 500 RMB per month for these foreign men and women.
