Our cinema is haunted by ghost that throws things at customers

  • 16 hours ago
Welcome to Britain's most haunted cinema - which is 'stalked by a ghost that walks through walls' and throws things at customers.

Staff at Moray Playhouse are convinced the movie theatre is haunted after a series of paranormal occurrences.

They say a shadowy figure walks through walls and the toilet door, items fly through the air and disembodied voices whisper in the dark.

A second spook is said to be dressed in the period clothes of a fishwife.

The cinema in Elgin in Scotland has been the venue for a whole host of ghostly happenings.
00:00Hello, I'm Alistair from the Northern Scot, and I'm here with Steve Bieski,
00:06the General Manager of the Murray Playhouse Cinema.
00:09I've got a question for you, Steve.
00:12Are you ready?
00:13I am ready, yes.
00:14Come on, let's go.
00:15Let's go.
00:17All right.
00:22We have had some spooky goings-on in the cinema over the past few years.
00:27Here we have the kiosk.
00:29People will recognise the cinema in the dark.
00:31It's usually a lot brighter.
00:33Our most recent event that we had involved the kiosk here.
00:40To my surprise, we had three piles of hot lid cups
00:52kindly remove themselves from the counter where they are stored
00:56and landed down in front of our microwave down here.
00:59I was in the building myself.
01:01Nobody else here at all.
01:03I heard the noise and came through and seen immediately what it was.
01:07Now, those cup lids that are on the floor do not get stored anywhere near there.
01:10They came from up here.
01:13Nobody else was in the building, and they landed down there.
01:15Three perfect piles there.
01:17I have photographic evidence on my phone as well.
01:19Sadly, nothing was picked up on the CCTV cameras
01:22because they don't quite cover that area there.
01:25When was this, Steve?
01:27This was probably about two months ago now.
01:29That's the most recent one that we've had.
01:31There's far more than that, isn't there?
01:33Far more has happened in the past four years that I have been here.
01:36There has been lots going on before my time here as well.
01:39Now, I will take you upstairs and I will show you and tell you
01:44about what has happened over the past couple of years
01:47that warrants an investigation of the paranormal activity.
01:51Please lead the way.
01:53Follow me if you follow me.
01:56Right, so here we have the foyer for Cinema 2 and 3
02:00where I've seen my most impressive spooky situation here.
02:05I came up to a lock-up one night, came around the corner here,
02:09and straight ahead of me at the door here at the gents' toilets
02:13– have you got the torch there, Alasdair?
02:16– gents' toilets here, a shadowy figure came through the toilet door
02:21– actually, through the toilet door.
02:23The door didn't move. It came out, walked round the corner
02:26and went into the door on the right-hand side there.
02:30This door here is the gents' toilets.
02:33The shadowy figure came through this door, took a couple of steps,
02:37went round the corner and went through this door into the staff room here.
02:42It's a large figure of a gentleman.
02:45There was no other details on it. It was just a shadowy figure, pure black.
02:49No other distinctive features on it at all.
02:52And it's strange that it happened in this corner
02:54because my other personal situation that's happened
02:57was opening up one morning.
03:00This is the door here for the cleaner's cupboard.
03:02All our light switches are behind here.
03:06Wednesday morning, opened up.
03:08As soon as I put the key in the door and opened the door,
03:11a voice, as clear as day, just over my right-hand shoulder,
03:15right in the ear,
03:16said, are you ready?
03:17Are you ready?
03:18Are you ready?
03:19And that was it.
03:21Instantly got the goose bumps.
03:23My reply was, I'm ready. I hope it's going to be busy.
03:26And that was it.
03:28When you hear things as clear as day, I know I'm not going crazy,
03:33it does put a shock to the system.
03:36I bet.
03:37Is it just yourself that's seen this?
03:39Other members of staff have said they've seen and heard things in the cinema.
03:44We've got a couple of ladies in the kiosks,
03:46Sheena Cameron and Linda Connor.
03:48They've been with the company for over 30 years
03:50and they have both heard stories of people seeing things.
03:54They've experienced things themselves.
03:56We've had workmen in the building that have said
03:58that they've heard noises,
03:59especially when Cinema 3 was getting built.
04:02A lot of activity seems to be happening
04:04when things are getting done in the building,
04:06when we're making changes.
04:08But you say, is it frightening?
04:10I mean, you say you never felt threatened.
04:12Never once felt threatened.
04:13This was the biggest one with the shadow coming through the door
04:16because that was something I could actually see with my own eyes.
04:20And I had to run downstairs and get help from Sheena to come up
04:23because I just didn't want to be up here myself.
04:25Since then, everything has been cool.
04:27There's not been any issues.
04:28But I never once felt threatened.
04:31It's almost like we're a part of a family.
