• 2 weeks ago
Joe Burrow on Bengals 1-4 Record, Showdown vs Giants and More
00:00Good week of work, we'll be ready to go on Sunday.
00:03I need to ask you, you've been on the injury report every week this year, why has that been the case?
00:07You'll have to ask Zach.
00:09Have you been getting treatment throughout the week?
00:11Yeah, I always get treatment.
00:14When you went back, watched tape, had your meetings on Monday, we asked you about if you felt like there needed to be some sort of change.
00:22You said something's got to change. Where did you come out of that with?
00:28I was really happy with how we played.
00:32Just like every game, you wish you had a couple back that you didn't take advantage of.
00:38Overall, I thought we played really well.
00:40Did you feel like anything has changed this week, or has everything just been the same?
00:46I mean, you change week to week.
00:48I wouldn't say you ever stay the same.
00:53You're always growing and learning and changing things week to week.
00:57Things that didn't work, things that worked.
00:59Find new things.
01:01Every week's a little different.
01:03How challenging has it been to balance the record with the fact that you guys have lost four games by a combined 15 points?
01:12It really is just a couple of plays.
01:15I don't know if you balance that.
01:17Your record is your record.
01:19It doesn't matter how you lost them.
01:23The goal this week is to go 1-0 for the week, and then move on.
01:28How unique a player is T?
01:30Pitch was telling us that a lot of people may take for granted that you can throw a ball in a certain window.
01:37The end slants, both touchdowns.
01:39You can throw a ball in a certain place and not lead them into Roquan, for example.
01:46How unique is a receiver to be able to turn his hips, do that, have the catch radius, and put it all in one pack?
01:52T's body control is elite.
01:58I'm confident that I can throw to T in any window, whether it's late, early.
02:06You've got to throw it behind him, in front of him, because his body control is so elite and his arms are so long
02:11and his hands are so good that he's going to make the throw right.
02:15That gives me confidence throwing to him over the middle in a lot of different ways,
02:19in a lot of different windows, on a lot of different plays,
02:21because he just consistently makes those tough catches.
02:24As these games get more and more high scoring, that puts more pressure on every possession.
02:29The offense hasn't looked like it's feeling any pressure.
02:31Obviously, it keeps scoring.
02:32How have you guys not pressed or not tried to do too much with more pressure on each possession?
02:37We found a rhythm early in each of these last four games, I would say.
02:44When you can find a rhythm early, that just gives you a lot of confidence
02:47and puts the defense on their heels.
02:51Then you feel like you can call any play and that we're going to make it work.
02:56That's our job as players, no matter what play is called, no matter what look you get.
03:03Try to find a completion.
03:04Try to find positive yardage.
03:06Try to find a first down.
03:09We're going to continue to play that way.
03:11Our playing each week has been great.
03:13We're going to continue to build on the run game.
03:15We know what the pass game is.
03:17We're going to continue to get better.
03:19You mentioned Sunday, Joe, that this team right now isn't at a championship level.
03:24What do you think needs to improve the most for you guys to get to where you want to go?
03:30Is there any particular aspect, one more than the other, that needs to get better?
03:35No, we all got to get better.
03:37Do you think this team can get there to where you want to go?
03:41Yeah, I know we can.
03:43Whether we do or not is to be determined,
03:46but I know based on the players that we have in there and the coaches that we have out there,
03:50I know we can get to where we want to.
03:53It's just a matter of doing it.
03:55You talked about there having been tough conversations on Sunday
03:58throughout the course of the week and how they've been happening.
04:01Have they been happening more this year than previous years, you think, at this point in the year?
04:05That's tough to say.
04:07A lot of them I'm not privy to.
04:13A lot of them are happening behind closed doors,
04:16but tough conversations happen every day in here.
04:23That's the nature of the business, really.
04:26When offenses are having problems during a particular game,
04:30they'll say, okay, we know we can lean on whatever.
04:34That being able to lean on kind of changes almost game plan to game plan.
04:39Is that kind of unique?
04:42Yeah, I think we have our foundations in what we're built on on offense.
04:47I think we're expanding that more this year.
04:54At the end of the day, we know we can drop back and throw it,
04:57but it's been exciting to see the evolution of the run game and the play-action game.
05:03We're really clicking on all cylinders right now.
05:05We just got to take that to the next level.
05:07Joe, do you feel like you're playing some of the best football of your NFL career?
05:10I would say that, yeah.
05:12Coming off the wrist, there were so many questions about what you would be,
05:15what you could do even for yourself you didn't know.
05:17Are you surprised that it's gone this well so far?
05:21I wouldn't say that.
05:24I would say I'm still not quite throwing it the way that I would like.
05:31I'm making good decisions.
05:32I'm putting the ball where I want to.
05:34I still think there's another level of improvement that I can get to coming back
05:38from injury on ball location and spin rate and all that.
05:43So that's going to continue to get better as I get healthier.
05:48So there's always another level to find.
05:50What do you feel like is the balance between –
05:52Jamar said something a couple weeks ago before the Chiefs game
05:55that you guys were the team to beat in the AFC, and you started acting like it.
05:59So what's the balance between knowing that you guys feel like you have
06:04a lot of talent, you're one of the best teams in the AFC,
06:06but at the same time, your record is what it is.
06:10You guys have to earn the right to feel like you are the team to beat.
06:13What's the balance of that?
06:17I would say right now we're not the team to beat.
06:19We're one and four.
06:20I don't think there's any balance to find.
06:22I don't think we can say that about ourselves right now.
06:27There's a lot of work to do before we can consider anything postseason-wise.
06:33I think right now we just have to focus on the week-to-week,
06:36day-to-day, and trying to get a win.
06:37What's the biggest difference between this year's reboot
06:40and the teams that won the division in 2011-2012?
06:44I think that's to be determined.
06:45I think it's too early to tell.
06:47A lot of new faces, obviously.
06:50But we're five games in, so we've still got a lot of season left to play.
06:55So I think that's a question for a later date.
06:57When you were talking about your pick on Sunday, you were like,
07:00that's on you.
07:01Jamal was like, it's on me.
07:02I haven't taken blame for the kick.
07:04I've got a lot of accountability publicly, however you want to say it.
07:08Why is that so important?
07:09What does that do for a team to have a bunch of guys
07:11who are putting their hands up about specific plays?
07:14I think it's important to control what you can control,
07:18focus on what you can focus on.
07:22For me, that's looking at the plays that I could have been better,
07:28and that's every week.
07:31There's always plays that you feel like you could have done something
07:34more optimal for a better outcome.
07:38So that's what I'm focused on.
07:41For me, that's what I'm focused on for our offenses,
07:44focusing on the plays where we didn't quite execute the way we wanted to
07:47and improving that.
07:49Teddy's got a big assignment this Sunday night.
07:53What does he give you in there?
07:55I think the integrity of the pocket has kind of changed
07:58since he showed up, so obviously he showed up.
08:00What does he give you in a game like this?
08:03Ted's a tough physical player, brings a lot of energy,
08:05the leader of the O line.
08:09He brings something to the table that you can't quite quantify.
08:13He's organizing dinners, having guys do his house,
08:18building that team chemistry that's required.
08:21So those guys are kind of – that role is kind of forgotten,
08:26but a really important one.
08:29Do you feel like y'all, with the record being what it is,
08:31you feel like you're maybe too close to being too deep in a hole
08:34that you can't make out?
08:36What is that for?
08:38When you're eliminated from playoff contention, that's a long ways away.
08:42So we're one and four, not where we want to be,
08:45but we got another opportunity on Sunday,
08:48and we got another one after that, and then we have ten more after that.
08:52So a lot of football to be played.
08:55Obviously nobody's making excuses, nobody likes where we're at right now,
09:00but there's bright spots, and there's a lot of football to be played.
09:04Last week you said you were preparing to play DMU perfect.
09:08You still weren't able to, I think, obviously, but great.
09:12What are you preparing to play?
09:14What do you need to do this week in terms of preparation?
09:17I'm preparing like that every week.
09:19I kind of always have, but the way things have been going,
09:26that's how I'm preparing going forward.
09:28When Jamar makes a play, like the touchdown, deep ball at the screen,
09:32does it even surprise you anymore?
09:33It's almost normal at this point, seeing stuff like that.
09:35It doesn't surprise me, but it's always fun to watch
09:38and always great for the little stat line.
09:40With how the offense has been playing, Joe,
09:43you said you guys have to keep getting better.
09:45Do you think there's another level to this offense beyond
09:48what you guys have already been doing?
09:49Yeah, I think so.
09:51Whenever you don't score a touchdown on every drive
09:56and make every third down, there's always room to improve.
10:01So we're focused on controlling what we can control.
10:04That's getting better every day and executing the way we need to.
10:07Your spin rate and your ball control location, sorry,
10:11aren't exactly where you want it to be right now,
10:13and you're still putting up the numbers and playing the way you are.
10:16What do you think you're doing particularly well during this stretch?
10:22I think I'm taking care of the ball pretty well,
10:24being smart with it and finding completions.
10:28That's what it comes down to is you're not always going to get
10:31the best look for the call that you have,
10:34but can you make that play where it might not look great,
10:39can you make that into a positive gain for your team
10:43by finding a completion?
10:45Our guys are doing a great job of catching underneath balls
10:48and getting that hidden yardage, two, three, four extra yards
10:52after the catch where instead of second and seven,
10:55now it's second and three.
10:57That's big play.
11:00Not everybody sees that, but that's what keeps you on schedule.
11:03That's what gets you first downs,
11:05and that's in turn what gets you touchdowns.
11:08I'm going to continue to play ball the right way,
11:11the way that I feel like we need to to try to win games
11:15and try to find that next level.
11:17The Giants have over 20 sacks already this year.
11:20Their defensive front obviously is pretty good.
11:23But 11 different guys have contributed to that.
11:27It doesn't seem like they blitz as much as some teams,
11:31but I guess they're effective when they do.
11:33Yeah, they really get pressure with their games
11:36and their talent up front.
11:38Their front four is elite, some of the best in the league.
11:42So it'll be a challenge for our guys,
11:44and it'll be a challenge for me and our coaching staff
11:47to find the right calls and the right moments
11:50to try to take those shots because of how good they are up front,
11:54trying to help our guys in any way that we can
11:57with moving the pocket, drop it back, play action,
12:01mixing it up on them,
12:03and just showing them a lot of different looks
12:05because if you just sit there and let them tee off on you,
12:08they're going to get to you.
12:10So it'll be a challenge.
12:12In situations especially like this,
12:14how's the relationship with Zach kind of developed over the years
12:18and kind of what's that been like,
12:20especially as we're trying to navigate situations like this one?
12:22Yeah, it's never been better.
12:26I've always had a great relationship with Zach,
12:29and he's been very positive about certain things,
12:34and he's been intense about things
12:36that he feels he needed to be intense about.
12:39So I think our coaching staff is handling this the right way,
12:44and we're trying to get this thing flipped
12:46and turned to where we want to go.
12:48Do you think there's an aspect behind the scenes
12:51that the staff doesn't get enough credit for
12:53to kind of rock the situation like this?
12:55Yeah, I would say that.
12:56I think we've been in these spots before,
12:59and not quite this one,
13:01but we've come out better on the other end.
13:05So all you can do is get back to practice
13:08and continue to try to get better.
13:11That's what we're going to do.
13:13What's the key to completing 72% of your pass?
13:16What's the biggest element for that?
13:18You've got to have good players around you that make tough catches.
13:22You've got to know what you're looking at.
13:23You've got to have an offensive play caller
13:26that understands your strengths and what you like,
13:29and everybody's got to be on the same page.
13:32And you have to work those completions,
13:35those timing completions throughout the week in practice
13:38so you have confidence to be able to throw it
13:40with the timing and ball placement that you need.
13:42Do you have a number in mind for a season percentage
13:44that you'd like to see?
13:45No, I think I'd always like to be over 70.
13:49I think that's pretty achievable for me.
13:53Game to game, it'll vary
13:55because sometimes you've got to throw the ball away.
13:57Sometimes some things happen out of your control,
14:00but we're in a good spot.
14:03Does Cato have a good status for Sunday?
14:05I mean, how does that kind of change things
14:07if he isn't able to go where he is with how he can attack it?
14:11Yeah, he's a great player, really athletic, big, long, physical.
14:15So when he's out there, you always have to be aware of him.
14:17I'm not entirely sure what his status is
14:19or if he's practicing or if he's planning on playing,
14:21but we're preparing like he is.
14:24When you talk about your spin rate
14:26and not being totally satisfied with it,
14:28do you think that's the type of thing
14:29that only you notice as a perfectionist?
14:32Do you think your receivers see a difference?
14:35Yeah, I told them they might have to catch a couple wobblers this year
14:38until we get it back on track,
14:39but that's part of coming back from injury.
14:42Is it every throw? Is it an occasional throw?
14:46How often do you feel that there's a difference?
14:50It's just occasionally.
14:53That's something that you're working through.
14:55You talk about being in similar spots in the past.
14:57A couple of years ago, midseason,
14:59you were in a spot where you need wins
15:01and then you rip off ten wins in a row
15:03in the AFC Championship game.
15:05When you look back to that,
15:07what stands out to you about the team's ability to do that?
15:10Like, what happened to that?
15:12Just continue to get better.
15:15That's, you know, you're going to have injuries.
15:19Teams are going to falter week to week
15:22if you just consistently try to get better day to day.
15:25I think that's the recipe for success.
15:28And if you don't, then somebody else is
15:30and you're going to end up behind everybody.
15:33So as long as everybody in this building
15:36is coming to work with the idea
15:38that they need to get better today,
15:40I think we'll be all right.
15:41Do you feel like everybody in the building is in that spot?
15:44I would feel that way.
15:45How long did it take you to get the sour taste
15:48of Sunday's loss out of your mouth?
15:50And did you do anything to help yourself get over it quicker?
15:54You know, by today, I'm usually all right.
15:57You know, by Tuesday, I'm usually pretty good too
16:01because, you know, you have time to reflect on it.
16:03Sunday night, you come and watch the tape on Monday,
16:05you put it behind you, you relax on Tuesday,
16:08get back to work on Tuesday night.
16:10So we've moved on.
16:12It was a tough one, obviously,
16:13but moving on to this week now.
16:17Where does the talent you have,
16:20if a play doesn't go the way you want it to?
16:24Say that again?
16:25If a play does not go the way you want it to, you know,
16:28the throw's not as accurate as you want
16:30or you made a mistake, whatever the case may be,
16:32you compartmentalize and move on about as well as anybody.
16:36Where does that come from?
16:39You know, I think I've always been able to, you know,
16:43if something didn't happen the way that I wanted it to
16:45or, you know, my feet weren't right,
16:47I was always able to kind of realize it in the moment
16:49and get back to my fundamentals
16:51or have a couple trigger words here and there
16:53that can help me get back to baseline.
16:56So, you know, I've always kind of been able
16:59to understand what went wrong on this throw
17:02or this with my feet, my arm, my midsection,
17:07whatever it might have been, my foot placement.
17:10That's something that I can realize pretty quickly
17:12and get fixed on the sideline or right after it happened.
