• last year

الفيلم الكرتوني ( كسر الصمت 2 )   الذي يحكي تفاصيل عمليات القوات البحريه اليمنية في باب المندب والبحر الأحمر   ضد سفن العدو  ويتخلل الفيلم مشاهد حصريه تعرض لأول مره .
إنتاج وتنفيذ شركة إنفنتي ميديا
رابط  موقع الشركة :-
قناة الشركة على منصة ميون:-
حساب الشركة على منصة أكس(توتير) :-
صفحة الشركة على فيس بوك:-
قناة الشركة على  التليجرام:-
00:00The Navy has carried out an attack on the Yemeni Armed Forces.
00:09The Navy has carried out an attack on the Yemeni Armed Forces.
00:14The Navy has carried out an attack on the Yemeni Armed Forces.
00:19The Navy has carried out an attack on the Yemeni Armed Forces.
00:23The Navy has carried out an attack on the Yemeni Armed Forces.
00:26The Navy has carried out an attack on the Yemeni Armed Forces.
00:29The Navy has carried out an attack on the Yemeni Armed Forces.
00:32The Navy has carried out an attack on the Yemeni Armed Forces.
00:36How did Ahmed come back and speak? Tell me, Hassan, how?
00:43I am surprised. How do the Jews know the ship that is heading to Israel?
00:48You are the heroes. You are the real saviors of the Red Sea.
00:52You are the ones who will free Al-Aqsa, God willing.
01:05For more UN videos visit www.un.org
