WWE Randy Orton vs Matt Hardy Raw 31 March 2008 | SmackDown vs Raw 2009 PCSX2

  • 2 days ago
00:00The following contest is scheduled for one fall.
00:07On the way to the ring, from Tamron, North Carolina, we need to...
00:26And the opponent...
00:33The WWE Champion!
00:40There's the bell, and here we go.
00:42The first competitor to get a pin or to make their opponent mad will win.
00:48He almost took his opponent's head off with that lariat.
00:53He saw that one coming.
01:02I could watch these superstars go at it all night, JR.
01:10That was a punch and a half.
01:20Oh, what incredible impact.
01:32I wonder how long these superstars will be able to keep this up.
01:41And he strikes the opponent with a quick kick.
01:50Oh my, an explosive suplex.
02:00These superstars are going to put each other through wrestling hell tonight.
02:08And the knuckles connect.
02:16Excellent count of foot ring presses.
02:22Just a fantastic suplex.
02:31It's like he ran his opponent's mind.
02:33Oh, did you see that knee?
02:36Wow, that might have broken his jaw.
02:38What a counter.
02:48These superstars are in perfect shape, and that comes as no surprise whatsoever.
03:03A vicious blow to the opponent.
03:07A textbook reversal there.
03:13And there is one stiff clothesline.
03:27That was one vicious neckbreaker.
03:29Matthew Hardy loves to get extreme.
03:32Loves to go airborne and deliver some thunderous impact.
03:36And he made the most of it with that.
03:38Look at that.
03:39He's bleeding like a stuck pig.
03:44Oh, that would send him directly to the pyramid.
03:52I think fatigue has set in here, King.
03:54I don't think this is going to last too much longer.
03:57The kick connects.
04:03No break.
04:06C.J.R., this is exactly why RAW is the number one brand in all of sports entertainment.
04:17There's nothing fancy about that.
04:19A simple move that sets up bigger things.
04:29What a fierce kick.
04:31And that punch lands hard.
04:41Now remember, kids, whatever you do, don't try this stuff at home.
04:46Absolutely not.
04:48These trained professionals wind up pretty badly banged up after a match.
04:55A sharp kick wearing down his opponent.
04:59In the jaw, Jackie Punch.
05:02Many say that Randy Orton is full of himself.
05:04Full of himself?
05:06I'd say Orton's a religious man.
05:08He worships himself.
05:11Oh, what a painful kick.
05:14Orton! Orton! Orton!
05:29He put all his weight behind that.
05:31What a tackle.
05:37And there are those famous, educated feet.
05:48I've got a feeling that this has all the makings of an instant classic.
06:00Oh, what a combination.
06:02You just don't know what's coming next.
06:04His opponent telegraphed that one.
06:18That was an impressive suplex.
06:20A third generation, one man dynasty is Randy Orton.
06:24Like it or not, J.R., Orton is the evolution of sports entertainment.
06:34Rope break.
06:39And there's the drop kick.
06:51Oh man, what impact from that suplex.
06:59Oh my God, what a slam.
07:07Orton just has that hyper-like mindset.
07:10A mindset that helps give him an unending ability to end a strike.
07:21And he plants him down with a...
07:23This could be a pinfall.
07:26He was a split second away from a three count.
07:39What a powerful slam.
07:50A swift kick to the opponent.
07:52What a side effect by Matt Hardy.
07:57The submission is locked in.
07:59This could be huge.
08:01Oh my gosh, J.R., you can't go on without tapping out to this.
08:16There's the reversal.
08:19And he strikes the opponent with a quick kick.
08:24What a reversal.
08:27A stiff shot with the elbow.
08:29An incredible dive as he hits the center.
08:33A sharp kick wearing down his opponent.
08:39Most lariats can do so much damage.
08:50And that's a stiff kick.
08:54What a punch.
09:02And he hits the DDT.
09:05Just driving the head to the floor.
09:14Just when he thinks he's going the one way, his opponent takes him another.
09:28You hear how his leg connected?
09:31Oh, his back lands right across the opponent from that simpom.
09:40A stunning slam knocking the wind out of his opponent.
09:44The simpom connects.
09:49And it's been reversed.
09:58Oh, what a clothesline.
10:04Oh man, that could be a knockout.
10:11He almost took his opponent's head off with that lariat.
10:15And there's the elbow.
10:26A textbook suplex.
10:28A striking elbow staggering the opponent.
10:33And that fist just plunges into his opponent.
10:38Matt Hardy's always ready to prove himself in the ring.
10:41What's left for him to prove?
10:42He's practically done it all in the WWE.
10:55He can put his opponent away right here.
10:59And boy, he came for him big time with that twist of fate.
11:04Excellent counter.
11:05What ring presence.
11:13And he strikes the opponent with a quick kick.
11:17What a counter.
11:18A sharp kick wearing down his opponent.
11:23You're not going to get him with that one.
11:25And he strikes with the elbow.
11:29A textbook reversal there.
11:33Now that's a suplex.
11:37Oh, what a kickback.
11:50There's the reversal.
11:52Did you hear the impact on that kick?
11:54He's not going to get caught with that one.
12:05Oh, and he knocks him down with a tackle.
12:17The kick connects.
12:19A reversal.
12:20Can he capitalize on it?
12:27Oh, the punch connects.
12:36No telling what impact that might have had on the neck and spine.
12:50Oh, what a vicious backbreaker.
12:52His opponent's groggy.
12:53Here he comes.
13:00JR KO.
13:01Did you see that, JR?
13:06He's going for the pin.
13:07One, two, three.
13:10Well, there it is.
13:11That's the match.
13:16I have losses in my head.
13:19They account for me.
13:20They understand.
13:21Here's your winner, Randy Orton.
