The Great Canadian Baking Show Season8 Episode5

  • 2 days ago
The Great Canadian Baking Show Season8 Episode5


00:18What you doing watch this
00:25How long have you been doing this all morning, huh? Oh now
00:31Has he caught any not a one
00:37It's biscuit week again again
00:44Last time the bakers got back to basics with a batch of flavor bomb scones and a sky-high
00:51Pie showstopper winning Adrian the star baker title the flavor is fantastic
00:58But a loss of power
01:04Led to the judges keeping all of our bakers safe none of you are going home
01:12This week our ten bakers added tangy twist to a biscuit classic looks like a baby wearing a parka
01:20But building a biscuit vehicle in the showstopper
01:23Gotta risk it for the biscuit proves the end of the road for two of our bakers. It's half finished around the side
01:54I love biscuits. I love eating biscuits. I love making biscuits. I love decorating biscuits. It's my week
02:01Biscuits may be simple, but they're actually very technical to do
02:10Hello bakers, whether you dunk suck or lick
02:16What yeah, I'm talking about biscuits. What are you talking about? Oh
02:21Well hold that thought yeah, no no yeah
02:26For your signature challenge today Rachel and Darren would like you to make 12 Linzer biscuits
02:32Linzer biscuits are a traditional Austrian favorite like lederhosen and Arnold Schwarzenegger
02:37But considerably easier to fit on a plate
02:41Two nutty shortbread biscuits are sandwiched together with jam and the top biscuit has a little decorative window cut out
02:49Want these Linzer biscuits to have a soft crumbly biscuit so no tough cookies, please
02:56I'm looking for a vibrant and delicious
02:59Jam with fruit the hero
03:02Bakers you have one hour and 45 minutes to create your signature Linzer biscuits on your marks get set bake
03:21Am just so thrilled that I get to do biscuit week love a little bit here who doesn't love a little bit here
03:31These are really yummy biscuits, and they're really pretty so I'm excited to make them
03:37Jimmy's traditional lenses will include two round biscuits
03:41Sandwiching a bright raspberry jam they'll have a classic circle cut out and a sprinkling of almonds
03:48Rachel did say a nice crumbly biscuit that you also have to be careful not to over mix the dough because then it's too crumbly
04:02What are you making for us today? I've decided to do them with a bit of a bush stuck a jam
04:09Jaden's Linzer jam will be flavored with native illawarra plum and coastal montree berries
04:15His almond biscuits will be shaped like footprints
04:21Fantastic chilling is gonna be really important especially if you're cutting out that foot shape
04:25You want to be able to see the toes 100% yeah?
04:28I know a website where you can take photos of them, and then sell them for a lot of money, so that'll be really exciting
04:36Looking good
04:38So we'll go this first, and then we add the almond meal and then the egg I think and
04:43I'm bringing it back. I promise okay. She won't
04:52Adrian's lenses will be filled with a cosmopolitan jam of cranberry lime and a touch of triple sec a
04:59Martini glass window will complete the cocktail theme. We're going for really bright lime flavor really tart cranberry
05:08Little kick of booze in there because you can't have a Cosmo without booze
05:13So I am making orange pistachio and raspberry Linzer biscuits that should work really well visually
05:20Yeah, I'm hoping it brings a nice pop of color
05:23Molly's heart-shaped lenses will have a red raspberry jam between orange flavored biscuits
05:29She'll use pistachios to add a sprinkle of green
05:33I'm gonna cut out my biscuits and then just before I bake them
05:37I'm going to press them into some finely ground pistachios if you want anything else to press them into my tongue is always available
05:44So you can just perfect I?
05:48Don't know what it is about the shed, but at least pre rolling it out the dough loves me in the shed
05:55Ryan's lenses will feature traditional hazelnut biscuits a
05:59Cherry and apple jam will peep through a cherry shaped window, and he'll finish with piped buttercream stems
06:07So I think using something like hazelnut meal and putting it into a Linzer
06:10Lightens it a little bit, and then I can really offset it with that strong cherry and apple jam
06:15Growing up these biscuits are very popular because they are usually given to children
06:21During the feast of st. Nicholas and each family in our town will have their very unique and specific
06:27Mold of the biscuit so if you get any biscuit you'll know exactly which family made those biscuits
06:34Then will mold a unique pattern onto his coconut flavored lenses
06:38Around cut out on top will reveal a mango and passion fruit jam
06:43So is that your family I will start my own tradition
06:54This kids always go really well with a great cup of tea
06:58And I do love my teeth, so I can't wait to have my tea later on with these biscuits
07:05Melissa will spike her afternoon tea lenses with a strawberry daiquiri jam
07:09Her almond biscuits will be topped with heart-shaped cutouts
07:14So I chose strawberry daiquiri because it was actually my first the first drink
07:18I ever had when I turned 18, and I just love the taste it's still my go-to
07:23You must love biscuits being British I often do eat them. I'll have one of these biscuits every single day
07:30Hazelnut and cinnamon flavors will elevate Elliot's lenses to beyond the everyday
07:35His upsized biscuits will have a flower cut out to showcase a raspberry jam and cacao nib filling
07:43Hazelnut and cinnamon is the combination my aunt's back in Austria do Wow no pressure
07:50I'm just out of my cranberry jam
07:54I've chosen Christmas because I absolutely love Christmas and any opportunity to do something Christmasy is always up there for me
08:01Lorena will use star anise to spice up the cherry jam between her spiced chai biscuits
08:08She'll decorate with quincetia flowers to add to her festive theme
08:13Star anise definitely adds a little bit of a Christmasy touch to the tea
08:18Star anise definitely has that aniseed taste but combined with my spices of my biscuit, which is the chai flavor
08:25It's going to be a delicious
08:28Bakers you are at the point on a long-haul flight that I lose my mind
08:34Bakers you're halfway. It's just so long to go
08:40Smells amazing. Thank you. Yeah, yeah, it's good
08:45Jason is making a fragrant pineapple jam to fill his pistachio and cardamom lenses
08:50His square biscuits will have a flower shaped window. So I'm using cardamom
08:56Cardamom goes with pineapple. You want to make sure you're tasting your jam. Just adjust the sweetness pinch of salt
09:02Sometimes yeah, I did put a picture
09:14So I'm just cutting out my shape
09:20They're coming out so good
09:24Going into the oven
09:31Yes, I've just got my cookies in the freezer at the moment
09:34I really need to get them to come down in temperature and then I'm just gonna have to bake them to the last minute
09:41I'm gonna have a full bar here. I know daiquiris cause anyone for a daiquiri or Cosmo. Yes
09:4915 minutes remaining bakers 15 minutes. Oh up against the clock as always
10:02They're all looking nice and even nice and golden
10:11Bakers you have five minutes to go. Well, these are coming out. Do you need any help? Oh, maybe
10:21So you don't want it to flood out the sides and you want to be able to see it through the hole
10:29Stop putting jam on them
10:34Nine eight
10:37Six five
10:40Three two one
11:00Feeling very festive with the icing sugar and poinsettia in the middle and the jam looks very inviting
11:12Biscuit has a wonderful crumble in the mouth and I definitely get the spice coming through
11:17I think you've got balance just right on that. Just need to neaten them up a little bit
11:22Thanks, if you wanted to mark it towards like gym bros, you just get a little bar in between
11:28Adorable dumbbells
11:35Whoppers in a
11:42Combination of hazelnut with cinnamon you have found the perfect balance. Do you know I love that jam
11:48I think it's full of flavor. That's worked really well for you
11:55Molly they look beautiful. I was worried that the pistachio might burn in the oven, but look
12:02The biscuits lovely and buttery can taste that orange this and that works really well with the rosary. Thank you
12:09Some of the biscuit there's a little bit unevenly cooked
12:11You've got some browner than others and the way to get around that it's just rotating your trays in the oven and maybe moving
12:17top shelf to bottom shelf
12:20I think you've done a really cute little window there
12:25The biscuit has quite a crunch to it. So you just needed a couple minutes less in the oven
12:32Good amount of jam in there. I think with the flavor though. I'm not getting much of apple
12:38I think you would have been better served to just do cherry, but it's still really delicious. I
12:47Will say they are a little bit on the rough side
12:49I get this wonderful hit of a cardamom when I bite into the biscuit and then the pineapple comes through
12:56I think what you need to work on is your time management so you can cut out those shapes precisely. Thank you
13:05Melissa they look beautiful
13:11strawberry jam
13:12Has a wonderful consistency maybe a little bit more wrong. Okay, the biscuit. It's fantastic
13:19Really nice and buttery nice and short. I
13:24See the tops have walked off they did yeah, but we have some jam and we have some feet
13:35Nuttiness of the biscuit is
13:37Really delicious that really is a great tasting jam
13:42I'm so sad for you that you didn't manage to finish what you intended because it would have been fantastic
13:52We can see that you have baked it evenly and the cutout is just really fantastic
14:01I can taste that look here. You haven't kind of cooked it away. I'm gonna be coming to this bar more often
14:07Yes a regular
14:11Demi I love your neatness
14:16Your biscuits themselves are crunchy they're bit crisp
14:22However in a two days time they'll be perfect because the jam will have softened the biscuit
14:27Great flavor great consistency on that jam, but not enough of it few tweaks. That would have been amazing
14:39Marvin they look fantastic. You've managed to make this very intricate design with that bright pop of yellow. I
14:49Love the biscuit you've added coconut and the almond so I get this nuttiness, which is really gorgeous
14:56It's very easy with passion fruit just the taste passion fruit and then and the mango to be subtle
15:01But you've managed to combine it
15:03What I'm loving is the position that you've got your passion fruit pips in looks like a baby wearing a parka
15:12Adorable warm, baby
15:17Thank you what I made
15:26Was really happy that they did actually like the flavors and the texture and the jam
15:30I think if I had maybe had five more minutes, I might have been able to deliver those lenses. Yeah
15:47Time to face the technical challenge the fun one where the judges don't give you all the information
15:53Now you might remember last week. They gave you no instructions at all. Don't worry this week
15:58They have given you all the instructions, but it's just been cut up into one word piece of paper
16:06Today's technical bake has been designed by somebody who claims they're not ticklish, but giggles if you do this
16:15Rachel ku Rachel any tips for our bakers big stretch and
16:21Seal it up. Thank you judges now off you go time to make yourself scarce. Good luck. Good luck guys. I
16:29Can now share with you that Rachel would like you to make her mocha mochi cookies
16:35Mochi is a traditional Japanese rice cake known for its gooey texture and characteristic stretch
16:41Rachel's mochi will be coffee flavored and stuffed in the middle of her delicious chalk chip cookies
16:48You have two hours on your marks get set
16:56I'm excited coffee and chocolate are my two favoritest things
17:01Coffee but only I'd like fruit mochi
17:11So Darren, these are my mocha mochi cookies they look fantastic
17:17It looks like your classic chocolate chip cookie, but actually inside is an espresso mochi
17:26Right. Here we go
17:28See how the mochi pulls apart Oh that stretch
17:38It's such a flavor explosion, but it's the texture for me
17:42How do you think they're gonna go with the mochi inside?
17:44It can be very easy to get wrong if they undercook it
17:47It will just kind of disappear into the dough if they overcook it then you're gonna get a tough
17:53Mochi and then when it comes to the cookie dough if they overwork it
17:58Then you'll end up with a cakey cookie and we actually want that lovely chew to it
18:03Once our bakers have made those two components
18:06How do they assemble it you put the mochi in between two layers of cookie dough and seal it firmly?
18:14There's technique in assembly and there's skill in baking. So you really have created a challenge for our bakers today
18:22Well, we've got to stretch their baking skills
18:28For the mochi combine the rice flour sugar milk and coffee in a medium saucepan in the whisk until smooth
18:40I've got a bit of a stretch, but she said big stretch. So I think we need something a little bit thicker
18:46That is just unreal
18:48This is like science
18:53I'm mochi is sitting and so I am working on the dough for the chocolate chip cookie. I
19:03Love talking to my bake. I've got you cookie dough. I've got you
19:13This is fun
19:17Scoop 24 portions of dough using a 4 centimeter diameter ice cream scoop
19:25There you go in the freezer
19:32To finish the mochi in the bowl use your hands to knead and stretch the mochi until the oil is incorporated and the dough is stretchy
19:39It's a little bit different to the mochi I've seen but it's gonna have to do
19:48I'm sorry bit of theater happening. I'm into it. It's quite relaxing. I feel like I'm back at preschool
19:55That looks like a big stretch
20:01What are we doing we're making balls of mochi
20:04So when you say we you mean you right cuz I my hands and just like this is a really nice
20:09Get on the dress you must be there for moral support. Oh, you've got this Molly you got it Molly you got it
20:18I'm sure there's a better way to do this
20:22Jaden what is happening Cal? I am playing with the weirdest baking thing. I've ever done in my whole life
20:29How are you going for time? I think I'm going right for time by looking around
20:34But that could be a big call and I could be definitely wrong
20:45Bakers you are where I am when I realize I don't know the end of the joke. I'm telling halfway you are halfway
21:00Once cookie dough is chilled front and two portions into one centimeter thick discs if you are encasing
21:06Anything in cookie dough you need to make sure that it is fully sealed pinch the edges of that cookie
21:13sign sealed delivered
21:25And I said hard
21:31I know that I'm down to the wire, but I've got a plan
21:37Bake for 15 to 20 minutes until golden brown. Let's do seven
21:44And then we'll rotate I'm going for the full 20, I think
21:49You just got a thing to them now and tell them to be stretching the middle
21:54Stretch in the middle
21:57Gone in the oven
22:04Bakers you have 15 minutes remaining 15 minutes remaining, okay?
22:10Okay, oh those are very nice. I'm coming out
22:26Okay, it's got a decorate
22:29All I have to do when I get them out is quickly lay them on the tray
22:33Cover them in chocolate and and salt pick the best six and put them there. I'm gonna do that within two minutes. I
22:40Can do lots of things in two minutes
22:51Two minutes left bakers two minutes
22:55That one's pretty I need six
23:18Bakers please bring your mocha mochi cookies up to the front
23:39Bakers what a delight to see all these cookies. I can't wait to try them
23:46We've got the first batch of cookies here
23:49I can see some defined chocolate chunks, and they have a nice golden color as well. Oh
23:58Wow look that is a perfect stretch there
24:05The mochi has that powerful
24:08Espresso flavor, it's nicely sealed we haven't got anything leaking out, so they've really succeeded in that
24:15The cookie was cooked pretty well good size and a good color on the outside that really did hit the spot
24:23Number two we have a generous amount of chocolate chunks on top and I can see lots of salt
24:31Not bad
24:35The cookie has just the right chew I do get a really strong taste of chocolate
24:43However, so I wonder if the baker just dusted that mochi with a bit too much cocoa, but a fantastic effort
24:52These seem to be a little bit darker
24:56Well we have a good stretch
25:03They certainly cooked a little bit more than yours Rachel, but the taste is really good
25:08The mochi in that cookie was all really well contained
25:14There seems to be a little bit of an uneven bake on some of them
25:22I can see there's a lot of cocoa powder on this mochi
25:28I think the consistency of the mochi was really good the cookie unfortunately is quite crunchy
25:35I don't know if the baker had the oven on too hot so that created that crunch
25:41These look pretty good
25:44There was a very little stretch
25:49It's unfortunate that the mochi is just not firm enough to give you that contrast in texture
25:59Well Rachel these are fun, I can spot lots of generous bits of chocolate in this cookie
26:06That's an awesome stretch
26:12This one has a really
26:15Wonderful espresso kick the mochi has been well contained in that cookie dough
26:19I think they're just a little bit under baked, but the flavors fantastic really is
26:26The mochi wasn't sealed and you can see the mochi coming out
26:34Still a pretty good stretch
26:39I think these are under baked
26:42But I do like that generous seasoning of salt on the top really brings out that little bit of chocolate there
26:50The golden brown color is really inviting
26:56The baker has overcooked their mochi because it doesn't stretch
27:00And it's very compact a few small tweaks, and this would have been a really great effort
27:06It's crispy and golden on the outside, and you should have that lovely chew in the middle
27:15There's a wonderful definition between the mochi and the cookie dough so you get that contrast
27:22So much is just a touch softer, but it's it's certainly still excellent
27:29Onto the last one
27:35That's a pretty awesome stretch
27:41Wow, I love that cookie dough thought it was really well made the mochi had that wonderful stretch
27:48They could have added just a tiny bit less cocoa powder
27:52But otherwise the baker here has done a great job in making their mochi I
27:59Know making mochi isn't easy and the results have been really good so well done
28:11Rachel and Darren will now rank the cookies from first to last
28:17in 10th position
28:19Who's are these?
28:23Unfortunately the mochi wasn't sealed properly, and it was under baked in ninth place
28:31Jason unfortunately the mochi was overcooked
28:35in eighth position
28:37Lorena in seventh position Ryan in sixth Demi
28:44coming fifth Elliot
28:46fourth Molly in third position
28:49Adrian in
28:51second place
28:54Fantastic cookie really great texture really great flavor, which of course means in first place
29:08Melissa you made a
29:11really wonderfully stretchy mochi and
29:15The cookie dough itself had that lovely crispness and to overall a fantastic
29:20Fantastic mocha mochi cookie well done
29:29Well again that was so unexpected I'd never made mochi before but I did it I
29:35Didn't get to finish my signature bag, so I didn't get to deliver that in the show so far
29:40I'm just gonna give it my all
29:53Morning bakers, it's time for your biscuit week showstopper
29:57Today the judges would like you to create a moving biscuit vehicle
30:04It's perfectly self-explanatory
30:06Use any type of biscuit you like to make a plane train
30:10Automobile any scooter up a tree an e-scooter in the river
30:16You get the picture
30:17They must be three-dimensional and must be engineered to have at least one moving part
30:22You may use any biscuit you like but the finished vehicle must be beautifully decorated
30:28Judges any words of advice today you need to be engineers as well as bakers
30:34To make your vehicle you will need to create a strong biscuit that is structurally sound and tastes delicious
30:41Bakers you have four and a half hours to create your biscuit vehicles on your mark get set bake
30:53Let's stop measuring the butter
30:55I've never made a moving vehicle before so this is um a
30:59first and
31:01Probably the last my engineering skills. I don't think I have any
31:09Darren okay biscuit week so far it has been amazing those Linzer biscuits
31:15The bakers really went all out and that technical challenge of yours really tested our bakers
31:22Showstoppers are always important, but today. It's especially important because two people are going home
31:29There are a couple of people who haven't had a great start to the week unfortunately
31:35Unfortunately time management is a real problem for him at the moment
31:39He's a loss in the technical so we really need him to pull off a spectacular showstopper
31:45And Ryan's Linzer biscuits weren't the best his work is not that refined
31:51I think he really needs to come up with something spectacular today
31:56What do you think they're talking about I think Darren was talking about the time
31:59He got his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth. Yeah, and it took like half an hour to prize it for him with a
32:03teaspoon and
32:05Then once he got it out. He was like I love teaspoons
32:09So can we talk about the bakers who've done really well this week?
32:14First in the technical for the second time so there's no denying
32:18She really does have some serious baking skills
32:21I'll be made delicious coconut mango and passion fruit lenses week after week
32:26We're always talking about him being amongst the best bakers in the shed
32:31But any of them could pull out an amazing showstopper and win star Baker
32:42It's gonna be one hot sticky mess
32:50Why did I go to the gym this morning
32:56Hey, right. What are you making for us today?
32:58So I'm making my ginger and lime taco food truck because when I was in Mexico
33:03We went to multiple places and that they refurbished a school truck into a taco truck, and I'm just stuck with me
33:08That sounds fun
33:10Ryan's food truck Fiesta will feature royal icing decorations
33:14Rotating biscuit wheels and an order of mini tacos made from ginger brandy snaps
33:20How is it gonna be constructed?
33:22Cutting these out tops bottoms little things there and then using
33:26Caramelized sugar to dip and glue together with the wheels to rotate on the base and you practice this before I've practiced this a lot
33:33And it went well, I've practiced this a lot
33:47I am making
33:50An African Safari truck and that's just a little nod to my time in Africa
33:57Doing a gorilla in Game Trek
34:00Jimmy's Game Trek biscuit truck will bump across the Safari trail on biscuit wheels
34:05She'll create clever camouflage with zebra and leopard print fondant
34:10I wanted to be a zookeeper when I was younger and work with gorillas
34:13So that was always a dream and then when this popped up, I was like, yes, I'm making that Safari truck
34:28Am making a pink you it's the dream car definitely you have your license yet
34:33I have my learner's license. Maybe when I graduate I'll get a pink use
34:38Molly's dream ute will be covered in raspberry fondant and display L plates front and back
34:44The boot of her sweet pink you will open and close on a rice paper hinge
34:49Are you confident? I'm
34:52Confident but also a little bit delusional got a risk it for the biscuit
35:02I am molding my boat
35:08This is gonna go in the freezer for a little bit
35:18These bowls I just covered with
35:24and then these are going to be my
35:26top and bottom of my UFO
35:30Jason's shiny spacecraft will be covered in hand-painted silver fondant
35:35It will descend using LED landing lights and the aliens will exit the ship via a drop-down biscuit hatch
35:42One of the big flavors I'm using today is fennel
35:46It can be quite overpowering
35:48But I am pairing it with orange and it's quite an intense orange flavor. Like I'm using a lot of orange zest
35:56I'm currently
35:57Building in the base of the canoe. I've decided that
36:02The base of the canoe needs to be quite thick so I'm gonna bake the shell for just extra long time
36:10Jaden's canoe will roll into the river on biscuit logs
36:13He'll use royal icing to paint traditional designs and it will be paddled by some special family members
36:20I decided to do a canoe with my three beautiful grandmothers in there. So I have a Dutch grandmother
36:25I have a Maori grandmother and I have aboriginal grandmother to each of them cultures are all boat cultures, too
36:31Represents all of them. You always have fantastic feeling behind your base
36:35And I was gonna say the moving part is actually the story behind what you're making hundred percent. Yeah big time
36:41Okay, I'm going in
36:49Bakers you are how far up my arm my favorite gloves go halfway
37:01Making up some little decoration
37:04I'm just making my lime and coconut
37:07Decorations that are going to be on the cruise ship. I was there on board as a musical director
37:12So it's a homage to my time working on the cruise ships
37:18Elliot's Caribbean cruise ship will be gingerbread
37:21Decorated with fondant portholes and lime and coconut anchors
37:26The movement is going to be a rocking motion
37:29So it's like it's rocking in the waves of the beautiful Caribbean Sea
37:39You're always doing something really interesting when we come over I'm building a kalesa which is a horse carriage
37:46That's quite iconic in the Philippines
37:50Alvin's prancing horse will pull a delicate carriage on moving biscuit wheels
37:56To decorate he'll add white chocolate flowers and hand-painted details
38:01How will you stick the biscuits together? Yes, sir?
38:05I'm using white chocolate and then I'm decorating with more modeling chocolate. I'm really excited to see what you've come up with this week
38:12Thank you
38:15This biscuit is a vanilla
38:18Biscuit and I've just made a new addition. We're going to zest it up a little bit with some lime
38:25Lorena's zesty British tour bus will take in all the sights on moving biscuit wheels
38:31Her delicious double-decker will be emblazoned with the Union Jack piped in peppermint royal icing
38:37My dad's a bus driver. So I know he would love me to put him at the wheel
38:42So maybe one day I'll do that
38:47At the moment I'm just melting some sugar some glucose and some water to create a candied window
38:52With food dyes make it like a light blue tin. There we go port holes lots to do
39:08Coming out
39:16What I know about Vikings is that you know
39:18They're very brave people and I think that definitely resonates with me and I feel like I'm being very brave by trying to make a boat
39:25And make it float
39:27Melissa's Viking ship will hero a spicy peppercake a biscuit fortified with chocolate coating
39:33She'll add chocolate Viking helmets for decoration
39:37So there's a risk this boat might sink. Yes. However, I have gone back to my physics. I know oil and water don't mix
39:44Yeah, so there's oil in chocolate
39:47So I'm coating my biscuit in chocolate to create a barrier between the water and the biscuit
39:52I'm getting flashbacks from my science lesson
40:02Bakers you have one hour to go. What have you been doing with your time? Look at me
40:07I finished my biscuit vehicle. Look at the realistic moving mannequin
40:12I'm not a mannequin. It's me
40:14realistic moving mannequin that should not be talking
40:18one hour to go
40:21I'm gonna start assembling
40:27I'm starting to put together the horse
40:33All right one down one to go oh sure making is not easy
40:40Adrian's retro roller skates will each balance on four spinning wheels. He'll use fondant to create the disco decorations
40:49I'm a little nervous about the wheel elements, but
40:53I'm hoping that I have enough time to do my
40:57Well, actually, I don't have a plan B
40:59I'm hoping that if we come down to it
41:01I have enough time to think of a plan B and then execute the plan B
41:07To say something that reminds us of her. Oh so much. Yes. Jason is making the UFO
41:14Yes, yeah college. Yeah, say hi to grandma. Hi grandma. It's Kelly Jason
41:22This isn't setting either
41:25This is my third batch of caramel all of which I've taken to the point
41:28It needs to go and it just hasn't worked for me today, and I don't know why
41:33I'm really happy. It's a thin dirt is strong. We do not want this bird to collapse
41:39Bakers you have 30 minutes to go
41:43That is so crooked
41:52Something's not right oh
41:55My god, I'm mucked up. I
41:58Need to work on the decorations I have the gingerbread cookies, but I don't have anything else. Where's your boat?
42:04I don't have one. I don't have a boat
42:07You can make a boat
42:09I've got extra gingerbread
42:14Thank you for your help you'll have something that looks like a boat even if it's small
42:34Am currently making waves
42:41Spin a spinner
42:51Bakers you have five minutes left there are five minutes to go
42:57Turning up the heat
43:00That caramel is working might not move, but I've delivered a vehicle all right everyone final touches
43:30My god
43:34This looks amazing how the hell are you gonna get that to play?
43:51Well done bakers on these incredible biscuit vehicles they're amazing
44:02Elliot you look like you've had a cruisy afternoon
44:15It's so fun the colors are really joyful look at that
44:22I'm feeling seasick
44:30You know what I love you've actually sealed two bits of biscuit together using caramel precision in construction
44:39the coconut and the lime in there
44:44immediately transported on a like tropical holiday
44:48Jason please phone home
44:54Feel like I'm gonna be beamed up any moment
45:07Good crunch and really well-baked as well nice golden brown, but the moving part bit is a little bit small
45:14Fennel is a hard flavor, but you have this perfectly balanced biscuit. Thank you
45:22This is so fun. I love the way you've done the Union Jack
45:26Yeah, the only thing you're missing is a naughty Rachel on the back
45:32Stop engine are we ready?
45:43All right, oh
45:57Peppermint can easily taste like toothpaste
46:00But I'm definitely not getting any toothpaste here, and it complements that buttery shortbread biscuit perfectly and that royal icing
46:08It's just fantastic. It works really well with the crisp biscuit well done Lorena
46:16You've got your free grandmas here, I see and you've got a boat. It's just missing that moving part
46:26Good snap
46:28The gingerbread biscuit is perfectly cooked it crumbles in your mouth
46:33It's got that lovely buttery taste and that wonderful aroma of the ginger spices. You do know flavor
46:39I think you just struggle sometimes with the pressure you put in yourself and the time constraints
46:47Melissa that looks wonderful. We see that it's a Viking ship you immediately get it, and I'm really hoping
46:56Float now's the moment of truth
47:01Good luck to you and all who sail in you
47:06Well done, that's fantastic look at that you've got the engineering just right haven't you yes, I almost forgot. We're gonna taste it
47:22The flavor of your peppercarker is
47:25Beautifully spiced it's really warming the chocolate is delicious, and it's not too thick as well
47:33Absolutely delighted with this so well done
47:38Intricate isn't it look all that fine detail you have been so precise with your
47:44biscuit structure and
47:46Really dynamic with the way the horse is like
47:51That's brilliant we could have that bring us down to the shed every day
47:58Rosemary with hazelnuts white chocolate
48:03Those flavors work, so deliciously together
48:07Still buttery, and it's still got a great texture, but it's strong enough to support a fantastically engineered showstopper I
48:16Can definitely see you've got a taco truck up and little tacos
48:21So we have got elements there a couple of flat tires being changed
48:32You've really captured those deep dark ginger flavors, and it's got a lovely fiery Ness the gingerbread
48:39Just a shame you never got that moving part that you were trying to get
48:47These are fabulous they really just scream like roller disco
48:54Really really smart look at that
48:59Wonderful contrast of textures because the biscuits very buttery, but then you get the crunch of the cacao nib
49:05But it's half finished around the sides
49:08So just a bit more finishing off would have been spot-on the biscuit tasted fantastic
49:14Unique engineering and we stacked it on top of each other
49:17It's given you the strength, but it's just made it a little bit too dry for me, but really great job, mate
49:23It's very cute. You've really thought of all the small details
49:30Can I open the page? Yeah?
49:32Open it up. Let's have a look
49:35There we go, I don't want you to see it's personal
49:49Love the speckles of poppy seed you've got going through your biscuit because it adds a little crunch and that lemon is
49:56Very subtle, so I think you could have put a bit more in I think your biscuit is really well baked
50:02It's got a lovely golden brown color to it. You just need to add more of that flavor
50:07I wanted lots of lemon in there. I was looking forward to it. Yeah
50:11If I was going on a safari, this is the car. I would want to be sitting in
50:16It's pretty good
50:30The gingerbread has a good crunch to it
50:34Caramel a little bit too thick in places, but you know what that cameras got really good flavor. It's a nice relief against that
50:42Really spicy gingerbread. Thank you so much great
50:54Biscuit week is definitely one of my favorite weeks, so I was
51:01Believe what they came up with the show so much roller skates a floating boat cruise liner. Yeah, it was fantastic
51:08So lots of very impressive and creative and moving biscuit vehicles who's really stood out to you
51:15Arvin that
51:17Beautiful horse and carriage was so delicately put together. It was very fine detail now
51:23What about Elliot that biscuit was really well made and so finely constructed?
51:30Another bake with a boat
51:33Melissa it floated how excited were you when she put it in a tank and it acted like a boat it was perfectly
51:40Engineered and constructed couldn't have done it better myself
51:44So we talked about the people who've been doing really well
51:46Who are we concerned about this week?
51:50Ryan is one you know his look like a taco truck, but it just didn't move
51:55And another person who didn't quite put up what they intended was Jaden of course his bark canoe
52:03He's always been great with flavors. It's just he struggles a little bit with the time management
52:09Yeah, we have got to decide on two people who are gonna leave us
52:14It's always tough, but I think the decision has been made for us
52:24I'm so thrilled I get to do my favorite job and now it's star Baker
52:32Tonight's a beautifully creative star Baker is
52:39Thank you
52:44This part is especially heartbreaking because two people will be leaving us tonight
52:49This bake is endless enthusiasm for the subjects that they love has filled the shed with energy
52:55And we are so going to miss their quirky charm
52:58We're very sorry to say goodbye
53:02To Ryan
53:08This Baker has shared so much with us about embracing heritage
53:13History and family and now they will forever be part of ours. We are so sorry to say goodbye
53:20to Jaden
53:25It's been a really great experience in the shed
53:27I think I'm gonna take away the fact that I can do this and that I'm better than I kind of set myself up to
53:32I've had a great time
53:37I feel all the sadness of going home, but I feel really happy that I was able to be alongside such amazing bakers
53:43It's been the wildest experience of my whole entire life
53:47Huge congratulations to you Alvin
53:52Wow biscuit week star Baker
53:56I just cannot describe this feeling. It's just amazing
