रतन टाटा ने आज इस दुनिया को अलविदा कह दिया, बहुत कम लोग जानते होंगे कि रतन टाटा एक पारसी परिवार से आते है, ऐसे में उनका अंतिम ससंकार हिन्दू रीती रिवाजों से किया जा रहा है, पर इसके पीछे का कारण क्या है? चलिए जानते है
Ratan Tata said goodbye to this world today, very few people would know that Ratan Tata comes from a Parsi family, hence his last rites are being performed as per Hindu customs, but what is the reason behind this? let us know
Ratan Tata said goodbye to this world today, very few people would know that Ratan Tata comes from a Parsi family, hence his last rites are being performed as per Hindu customs, but what is the reason behind this? let us know