YOU Trust - fundraiser launch at Portchester

  • 2 days ago
YOU Trust - fundraiser launch at Portchester
00:00Hi, I'm Tonya. I'm a director at the You Trust and I particularly work around business development and some of the operations.
00:07We're launching our Hundreds of Thousands campaign and we're launching our Anchors of Hope today.
00:11They're two campaigns that we'd really like our communities to get involved in.
00:15So the You Trust, we're celebrating our 40th anniversary next year.
00:19But so many people in our communities don't know who we are.
00:22We have been here for that length of time working, supporting vulnerable people.
00:26We now need to come out to the communities and get their help, support to enable us to continue the work we're doing.
00:32We are finding it harder to get funding for some of our discrete projects.
00:36And so we're going to our communities to say, can you help us?
00:39Can you help fundraise? Can you help with volunteering?
00:43And just letting them know actually what's going on here and how we need their support.
00:47So I'll talk about Anchors of Hope. So this is particularly focused around our Counselling with You team.
00:52And Counselling with You works in Portsmouth and they counsel and support people who live and work in Portsmouth.
00:58We offer about 2000 counselling hours every year.
01:01But what's really important for me is that we have volunteer counsellors, people who are in training.
01:07So they come along and they learn. They take that learning back to their communities.
01:12The people we counsel, they take their learning back to their communities.
01:16And so we're able to spread the message about how people can look after themselves.
01:21For me, that's really, really important.
01:23And that's why we're going to the communities and saying, can you help us to keep this service going?
01:28We don't want to lose these 2000 counselling hours every year in our community.
01:33That would be devastating.
01:35We've helped people with suicidal ideation.
01:38We've worked with people where they just don't know what's going on in their lives.
01:42And they need that help and support to maybe make better decisions.
01:46We work with people with quite severe and enduring mental health.
01:49We work with people who've got substance misuse problems.
01:52Lots of different issues.
01:54Maybe people have had sexual violence in the past or they might have been involved in domestic violence and abuse.
02:00And they need that help and support.
02:02But we need communities to now step up and support us.
02:06Otherwise, we can't keep going.
02:08I'm Donna Jones, Police and Crime Commissioner for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.
02:12Well, the You Trust are a fantastic charity that work across all of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.
02:17I've had the privilege to be funding them since 2021 as Police and Crime Commissioner.
02:22Today, they're launching two campaigns.
02:25One is called the Hundreds and Thousands campaign.
02:28And they're trying to raise £500,000 to build a new, very bespoke refuge,
02:33almost a hostel that will be able to house men, women, children and couples,
02:40which is very unusual, who are fleeing homes, whether it be because of honour-based issues,
02:45because of female genital mutilation. It could be because of domestic violence.
02:48It could be because of some other form of coercive and controlling behaviour.
02:52They are a charity that go above and beyond to help people.
02:56The second campaign they're launching today is called the Counselling With You.
03:01And it is free to the public to access.
03:05So if you've been through perhaps a sexual attack or you've been a victim of crime in some way and you want to talk to somebody,
03:13perhaps you're feeling suicidal, perhaps you just are feeling really low and depressed and you want some help and support.
03:19Again, Counselling With You is here to support. And as I say, it is a free access service.
03:25Now, as Police and Crime Commissioner, I fund a number of projects I run.
03:29They run for me a project which is about going to schools and working with young people,
03:35particularly influencing children around how to make sensible choices to keep themselves away from crime or any kind of controlling or abusive relationships,
03:44particularly if they're having problems at home with family and domestic violence.
03:49I also fund independent domestic violence advocates who are there to hold the hand of victims through the court process when they are going through in preparation for a trial, for example.
04:00And the brilliant charity here, You Trust, they employ these independent domestic violence advocates.
04:06They run several other projects for me, including on the Isle of Wight as well.
04:10And they also are part of what's called the Frankie Service, which is providing very, very specialist therapeutic support for children who are sexually abused and also for adults.
04:21They are brilliant. Please, please do go on to their Facebook page, their social media pages.
04:26You Trust Hampshire. Follow them, support them because they are there for everyone.
04:31And as I say, their support is free.
