Betrayed by Love (2024) Movie

  • 21 hours ago
Betrayed by Love (2024)

Riley's near perfect life comes to a sudden halt when a car accident takes her life, leaving behind a family without a mother. As the investigation commences, the case takes a strange turn when Carrie, Riley's sister, discovers that the accident might not be the true cause behind her sister's death.

#Drama#Betrayed by Love#Mystery# Hollywood movie
00:00:43Hi, yes, yes, I'm finally leaving I don't know depending on traffic 20-30 minutes
00:00:53I'm on my way
00:01:00Uh-huh, yeah
00:01:11Nothing I just keep getting these dizzy spells and I don't know what
00:01:17No, I'm okay. I probably just need something to eat. I only had like a bite of pizza
00:01:24I'll see you in a bit. Okay. Bye
00:02:52What you working on
00:02:56Article it's article for what?
00:03:00Crime watchers
00:03:03Anything I can help with
00:03:07As a matter of fact you can I'm working on an article about predatory male behavior care to comment
00:03:16Have a good day
00:03:23This is Gary
00:03:38It's okay, she's in surgery. I don't know anything
00:03:45What are they saying not much
00:03:48The paramedics brought her here. It took them hours to rescue her
00:03:52Excuse me. Is there been any updates or anything? Oh
00:03:57Here's the doctor
00:04:03How is she
00:04:05During the surgery there were some complications
00:04:09Riley lost a significant amount of blood before she even arrived here
00:04:14Despite her best efforts the injuries from the accident were just too severe. What do you mean? Well, what are you saying? She
00:04:24She didn't make it I'm so sorry. I know this is extremely difficult to
00:04:30Hear no, no, no, no, no. No, see there must be some kind of mistake. I just saw her last night
00:04:37I'm deeply sorry for your loss
00:04:56Time Gary, what's so sorry?
00:05:01It happened
00:05:03My guys are still at the scene gathering evidence
00:05:06We're running a mechanical inspection toxicology as well as taking witness statements. There was a witness. Yeah another driver
00:05:12He was behind Riley
00:05:14Claims he saw her driving erratically and then swerve off the road
00:05:19Your sister didn't have a history of drug or alcohol abuse did she
00:05:25Absolutely, not. You know, she didn't there could be some kind of connection
00:05:29There could be a number of explanations mechanical failure road conditions medical episode
00:05:35There was nothing wrong with my sister
00:05:41I want to see the accident report carry don't do this to yourself
00:05:47Just send me the report no, I won't you're too close to this
00:05:52Just let my guys handle it. Okay, why don't you let me decide what I can handle?
00:06:00Go home get some rest. I'll be in touch as soon as I know anything, okay
00:06:07Hey, I never catch a ride home. Yeah
00:06:28Thanks for the ride, I just haven't slept in no condition, of course
00:06:39Just yesterday I was making her dinner and now I'm gonna tell Cody
00:06:46I'm so sorry
00:06:50You're a really good dad Adam, I know you'll find the right words
00:06:59Thank You Gary
00:07:35Have your old room all ready for you. Thanks
00:07:40Are you sure you don't want me to stay at a hotel?
00:07:42Absolutely not
00:07:45How's Adam not great
00:07:49And shock obviously worried about Cody, of course
00:07:54As we all are
00:07:58How long you think you'll stay I don't know
00:08:02Just thought I'd play it by ear you can stay as long as you like, of course
00:09:52Hi, can I help you? Oh I was is Adam here
00:10:01You are Carrie Riley's sister, oh my god, I'm so sorry here come in
00:10:11I'm Lana the Marches nanny. I didn't realize that they got a nanny. I'm Carrie
00:10:19Missed you. Does my mom know you're here
00:10:26Yeah, buddy she does
00:10:30Listen why don't you go take apart your favorite Lego set so we can rebuild it make a whole city. Yes
00:10:41Apparently the entire neighborhood wants to make sure Adam remembers to eat it's nice
00:10:46You're welcome to take some
00:10:48I see you two have met
00:10:50Briefly, yes
00:10:52Those stairs childproof
00:10:56It's good to see you too
00:11:00Going somewhere to work
00:11:03Just for a little bit I got a couple things I need to take care of so I can spend as much time with Cody as
00:11:10When are you planning on telling him?
00:11:15He definitely knows something is off. So I don't want to wait much longer
00:11:20Well, there you go, this is um photos videos it's all in the hard drive, thank you
00:11:28I really appreciate you doing this. Yeah, of course
00:11:33Okay, I won't be long take your time I got things covered over here
00:11:38Thank you. Nice meeting you Anna you too
00:11:43Don't build that city without me Cody
00:11:50Hey, I didn't realize you guys had a nanny I need help with Cody while I'm at work I
00:11:56Can't rely on your parents right now. Just wouldn't be fair though
00:12:00Speaking of how the hell not
00:12:03Not great
00:12:06Barely putting one foot in front of the other
00:12:09Never thought I'd be helping them find my sister's funeral. Yeah
00:12:14Just doesn't seem real does it?
00:12:17Keep things she's gonna walk through that door and get mad at me for worrying about her
00:12:27That's a hospital was that Dylan Williams you were talking to it was
00:12:32It's everything. Okay
00:12:35Yeah, I was just asking about the accident seeing if they found anything did they
00:12:41I'm sorry. I just thought because you guys were friends. Maybe he told you something. I
00:12:47Don't know if I would call us friends. I didn't exactly end things on good terms. I
00:12:53Didn't mean to correct. I
00:12:55Guess I'm just as desperate for answers as you are. I know I
00:13:00Promise if I hear anything, I'll let you know
00:13:03You're my first call
00:13:05Thank You Gary
00:14:32I want to thank you all so much for being here today. I
00:14:38Know Riley certainly would have loved to seen all the people she loves most in one room
00:14:44There are truly no words to express the loss we feel
00:14:49But I will do my best to honor Riley in the way she deserves
00:14:56Riley wasn't just the best life. She was a perfect wife
00:15:02And I knew from the moment I met her
00:15:06She was special
00:15:10Her warmth her kindness and her unwavering love filled every room she entered
00:15:21Hope you know how much your mother loved you
00:15:25Everything she did every single move she made it was for you
00:15:37Although my wife may no longer be with us in body
00:15:42Her spirit lives on
00:15:45Her laughter her kindness and her love will always be with us
00:15:56Riley my love you were the heart
00:16:03of our family
00:16:11Your sister was such a remarkable man, I'm so sorry for your loss. Thank you
00:16:24I'll miss her so much. It's hard to imagine this town without her. Thank you for coming
00:16:35Hi, Jackie, my deepest condolences
00:16:39Appreciate that your sister was well-liked and well-respected
00:16:43She and Adam have done a lot for this town
00:16:45The community was important to her which is why the next council meeting
00:16:49I'm going to propose naming the main boulevard through the Commons after her
00:16:54Thank you. She would have loved that if you or your family need anything. We're here for you
00:17:00We appreciate that
00:17:03Excuse me, Carrie
00:17:06My name is Sarah Halligan. I was a friend of Riley's. Oh, nice to meet you. Thank you for coming
00:17:12Do you think we could go somewhere to talk? I
00:17:15Really like to speak with you privately for a moment. Excuse me
00:17:20How dare you show your face here this is my wife's funeral you out of your mind you're not welcome here
00:17:26Get out
00:17:31What was that about it's not important, it's not important
00:18:11Would she go?
00:18:14Sarah that woman I was talking to I
00:18:17Don't know a Sarah
00:18:20Come on sweetheart, let's go
00:18:32Promise you Todd. I'm gonna fix this. Okay with what Adam a magic wand. This isn't the type of thing that can be easily fixed
00:18:41Listen Riley just passed. All right, maybe you need to take an extended break
00:18:47Be with Kobe. No, let me fix this. Listen, I'm fine
00:18:51I'm fine. I just need a little time. That's it. Time's up
00:19:05Gary is this about time? No, no, no here. Come in everything. Okay
00:19:14My business partner and I we don't always see eye to eye but when he calms down he'll come to his senses
00:19:21I uh, I wanted to give this back to you
00:19:27Came all the way out here to give me this not exactly I
00:19:35Also wanted to talk to you about the funeral yeah that guy you were fighting with I'm sorry it
00:19:44It's wrong place wrong time who was he
00:19:48Gary I
00:19:50Need to know
00:19:52See a friend of Riley's
00:19:54It was
00:19:55They dated a long time ago. He dated Riley. Like I said
00:20:00long time ago
00:20:03What's his name
00:20:10That was Johnny
00:20:12He looked different than I remember
00:20:15Sir you knew who he was
00:20:18of course
00:20:19Riley and I told each other everything
00:20:22Then you know, he wasn't the kind of guy you settled down with him. That was a total loser. What do you mean?
00:20:30He lives in a trailer he has no job no job prospects, I mean really
00:20:37Guess you left some details out
00:20:44Don't know why she was with him
00:20:46Maybe she liked his wild side for some time and then she realized that she wanted somebody who was more like you. I
00:20:54Was gonna say something she could settle down with but um, so what was he doing at the funeral?
00:21:01Your guess is as good as mine
00:21:10Miss Allison. Hey, it's me. Carrie. I heard about your sister. Is there anything I can do?
00:21:18Actually, I was calling for a favor
00:21:20Of course. Yeah, whatever you need. I need you to look into someone for me. Oh
00:21:26Okay, I need you to find out whatever you can about a man named John Valentine
00:21:32Are we sure that's his real name
00:21:36Any other details
00:21:40But I'm pretty sure he's local
00:21:42Okay, I'll see what I can find anyone can find him. It's you
00:21:49Are you sure you don't need anything else if I leave right now I can be there in a few hours
00:21:55Thanks, I'm sure
00:21:57Call me when you have something. We'll do an Allison
00:22:01Thank you
00:22:02No problem
00:22:04Talk soon. Okay
00:22:45Some flowers were always her favorite and doughnuts
00:22:52And doughnuts
00:22:57Mind if I join you only if you're sharing
00:23:11Came back here thinking somehow it helped me feel close to her again
00:23:18Keep searching for a sign from her
00:23:22Any luck
00:23:29Yeah, I
00:23:31remember every summer
00:23:33The two of you would set up a lemonade stand in front of our house
00:23:39It would both stand there with your homemade signs yelling
00:23:47You both love being little entrepreneurs
00:23:51Those are the best summers
00:23:53And you get so excited every time a car would stop and actually buy some
00:23:59I'm still convinced that just paid his friends to drive by
00:24:09Just can't believe she's gone that little girl with the pink tails and temples
00:24:30As he does doughnuts
00:24:46I'll see you at home. I'm thinking about making your favorite dinner tonight chicken Parmesan, you know it can't wait drive safe you too
00:25:08Hello someone there
00:25:25Where are you John Valentine?
00:25:33Hey Allison, hey, I found the information you were looking for that's fast
00:25:40So his name is actually John Valentine
00:25:4333 years old six foot one born in Pinewood Falls
00:25:48Thanks town over. Well, mr. Valentine has a quite the record really
00:25:54breaking and entering drunk and disorderly conduct possession of a firearm and
00:25:59The list goes on I knew there had to be something I just emailed you everything
00:26:14Who is this guy
00:26:17My sister's ex-boyfriend
00:26:19I only dated for a little while, but apparently he has bad news
00:26:23You don't think he had something to do with her death to you. I don't know
00:26:29I'm trying to find out
00:26:31Why would someone she hasn't spoken to in years suddenly show up at her funeral?
00:26:35Maybe he was just paying his respects
00:26:38She seems weird to me
00:26:40Carrie you should just go to the police. I mean any information will be helpful to them. Yeah, I know
00:26:46Promise me you'll be careful. I mean you just never know what somebody like this is capable of I
00:26:52Will thanks Allison. I owe you one. It was the least I could do call me if you need anything else
00:27:06This feels like a reach Gary what if he didn't just come for the funeral
00:27:10Maybe he never got over her. So what he comes back to stalk his long-lost love
00:27:16But instead he accidentally runs her off the road. Come on Dylan
00:27:20There are a million ways to make something look like an accident
00:27:22You know that the forensics already went over everything there were no mechanical failures. Nothing was tampered with
00:27:28plus the witness said there was only one car and
00:27:32That it was driving erratically and you're sure this witness can be trusted
00:27:40Okay, I know what you're doing
00:27:45What am I doing?
00:27:46Look, I know that you want to try and make sense of this but this isn't one of your stories for crime watchers
00:27:53You read crime watchers. I
00:27:59Glance at it from time to time if there's a case I'm looking into
00:28:05Could you at least talk to Johnny see what he was doing the day that Riley died
00:28:11There's no law against that is there
00:28:17If you promise that when nothing comes of it, you'll let it go
00:28:21I promise
00:28:24Thank you Dylan
00:28:35John Valentine
00:28:38Yep, that's that's me. You got a second. I got a choice. This won't take long. I just have a few questions
00:28:47About Riley March
00:28:51Am I gonna need a lawyer, I don't know you tell me
00:28:56Hey, let me just put these down cool and a cloud
00:29:30Stop resisting
00:29:33You have the right to remain silent
00:29:35Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law
00:29:38You have the right to an attorney if you cannot afford an attorney one will be appointed to you
00:29:43You understand these rights as they have been read to you
00:29:46Come on, flip it over. Come on. Come on. Let's go
00:29:57Look I told you I don't know what happened to Riley then. Why'd you run?
00:30:02Hmm, I panicked. Okay. When's the last time that you saw her? I
00:30:07Don't know a while weeks months years
00:30:13You sure about that positive we have witnesses who will swear that they saw you at the funeral I
00:30:19Came to pay my respects last time I checked that wasn't a crime
00:30:22You really want to tell me you didn't see Riley March before she died
00:30:30Okay, maybe once
00:30:34Once look man. She came to me
00:30:38You honestly expect me to believe that Riley Marsh a mother happily married came to you. Why is that so hard to believe, huh? I
00:30:47Would do anything for her and she knew that that's
00:30:51Romantic. Hmm. No, she needed help with what?
00:31:00She thought somebody was trying to hurt her. Hey, look, it's the truth. Okay. She was scared. Oh, yeah scared of who I
00:31:10I don't know. She didn't want me to know how convenient
00:31:15It's the truth man, I have no reason to lie at this point
00:31:22Riley's gone
00:31:29Okay, and what did she expect you to do about this unnamed individual, hmm
00:31:45She asked me to see if I could get her a gun a
00:31:54Yeah, whatever was that her spooked
00:31:57She didn't want to wait
00:31:59And why did she come to you?
00:32:04She knew my history
00:32:06Okay, she lost the guy that could
00:32:10Get things
00:32:13And she knew that I would do anything for her
00:32:24You've got to believe me I never laid a hand on Riley never
00:32:44Trust him not for a second
00:32:48But I do believe him
00:32:50Come on, Dylan. He knows something
00:32:52You don't ask someone for help and then not tell them who you need help with except she didn't ask for help
00:32:57She asked for a gun and he didn't think to ask her who she was so scared of that. She wanted a weapon
00:33:01I think we can agree. We're not talking about a rocket scientist here
00:33:04What if he's the one who hurt her and then he's making up the whole story about the gun?
00:33:08I'm not saying he's a good guy Carrie, but I've been doing this a long time
00:33:11I don't think he hurt her
00:33:15Can you hold him I'm what charge I don't know
00:33:20Resisting arrest Harry, please let my guys handle this
00:33:25Can't have you doing anything that can possibly hurt the investigation
00:33:29Or yourself keep me posted. Yeah, I promise
00:33:37If you made up your mind on which movie we should watch no
00:33:43Where's Adam? Oh, he had some meetings
00:33:46So Cody and I decided to have a slumber party and watch scary movies and make ice cream sundaes this size of warheads
00:33:54The Commons are about to break ground. So
00:33:58Adam is putting in a lot of overtime right now. Can't wait to see it
00:34:02Hey Cody, why don't you make me one of those giant ice cream sundaes extra sprinkles coming right up?
00:34:16What's going on
00:34:23Have you ever thought that maybe Riley's death wasn't an accident what?
00:34:29Did she ever mention that she was afraid of anyone like who someone who wanted to hurt her?
00:34:37Absolutely, not who would ever want to hurt your sister
00:34:41No, no
00:34:43What about Johnny Valentine
00:34:46her old boyfriend
00:34:48What's he got to do with anything?
00:34:50She didn't mention him to either of you
00:34:54Not since they broke up. Yeah, why?
00:35:00I don't know
00:35:04Since sweetheart Johnny was trouble your father and I agree on that but he would have never hurt Riley
00:37:55What can I get you hi, can I just get a coffee, please?
00:38:03Hi, sorry, I'm a little late. I got stuck at the office. Oh, no problem
00:38:08Did you work with my sister? No, I worked for Western Mutual. Thank you for you. Okay, what's Western Mutual?
00:38:15The insurance company that covers all your brother-in-law's developments
00:38:18Over the years your sister and I became pretty close friends
00:38:22She was the best
00:38:24I'm so sorry for your loss
00:38:26She really was. Thank you
00:38:29At the funeral you said you wanted to speak to me I
00:38:33Just wanted to tell you that I was supposed to have drinks with your sister the night of the accident
00:38:37She was on her way to meet you
00:38:40Before Riley left she mentioned to me that she wasn't feeling great
00:38:43What do you mean?
00:38:45Can't remember exactly what she said something like she wasn't feeling well, maybe dizzy, but she insisted she felt well enough to drive
00:38:53I mean the fact that I didn't stop her will haunt me for the rest of my life
00:39:01What happened I told the police in case I don't know in case it could help them. You told the police this
00:39:08What did they say?
00:39:10Nothing really just thank me for the information. I just thought you should know too
00:39:19Sarah did my sister ever mention that she was worried for her safety. You mean someone trying to hurt her
00:39:28She never mentioned anything like that so she never told you she wanted a gun your sister no
00:39:36What are you getting at I
00:39:39Don't know
00:39:42Just trying to put the pieces together I guess
00:39:46Thank you for telling me all this I really appreciate it of course I cared about your sister very much
00:40:10Hey, hey, what are you doing here? I was just grabbing a coffee. I'm how you all know I know
00:40:18Hey question for you
00:40:21The last time you saw my sister was she feeling okay?
00:40:24Who what do you mean? Well? I was just wondering maybe if she was sick. It could be why her car was swerving no
00:40:31No, she didn't say anything, and she would have told you if she wasn't feeling well absolutely she would have said something
00:40:37What's going on?
00:40:39Guess I'm just trying to find something anything to make sense of all of this
00:40:45Yeah, I think we all are
00:41:00Need a favor
00:41:03What a surprise
00:41:06You ran a toxicology report on Riley of course the lowest ring for a variety of substances standard practice what substances
00:41:14Alcohol cocaine opioids benzodiazepines a bunch of other things came back clean wine what about poison?
00:41:23Why do you suspect she's poison Riley was on the phone with a friend right before the accident said she was feeling dizzy
00:41:29Okay, do you have any idea how many explanations there are for that?
00:41:33Could you just check please I?
00:41:36Can send her blood out for additional testing today easy CSI?
00:41:42These things take time how long a couple of days?
00:41:49Thank You Dylan I
00:41:51mean it
00:42:11Hello better watch your back
00:42:15Who is this?
00:42:16Someone you should listen to
00:42:18You don't want to be next
00:42:21Are you threatening me? Oh, I'm warning you. I'm not the guy you didn't worry about
00:42:28Also, you should think twice before spending time in your brother-in-law's office
00:42:35Are you following me? I'm following him
00:42:42Did he hurt her?
00:42:45Did he hurt her
00:42:57What do you know?
00:43:00Hi Allison, sorry, I thought you were someone else I came out anyway at the motel. I'll be right there
00:43:21What are you doing here? I just knew you could use the help and you weren't gonna ask for it yourself
00:43:28Thank you, of course
00:43:30So any updates?
00:43:33Right now all I know is that this is looking less and less like an accident
00:43:39Term is it
00:43:41Well, I gotta run I promise I picked up Cody before my parents get home
00:43:45Sure, don't let me keep you plus. I gotta go check in. Why don't you just stay with me at my parents?
00:43:50Oh, no, I don't want to intrude
00:43:52Especially during this time. You guys should be together as a family
00:43:55Besides, I'm a nomad motels are my jam
00:43:59Okay, I'll call you when I'm done. That's good
00:44:02and Allison
00:44:04Thank you for being here
00:44:07Get going
00:44:16Carrie hi. Hey here to pick up Cody Cody your aunt's here
00:44:23How's he doing
00:44:25He's been quiet
00:44:27Has he asked about her?
00:44:29No, not in so many words
00:44:32But the other night I thought I heard him crying in his sleep
00:44:37You were here while he was sleeping in the middle of the night
00:44:42Uh, yeah, Adam, he was working really late that night. I usually just crashed on the couch waiting for him to get home
00:44:49He's been spending a lot of time in the office. I think it helps him clear his head
00:44:54Hey, buddy. Look who's here
00:44:57Somebody I packed a little snack in there for him. Thank you. Yeah
00:45:02Have fun
00:45:04Oh, thanks again Lana ready
00:45:21I never really understood those silly video games
00:45:38Do you think he's doing
00:45:41Well, I I think considering everything
00:45:45He's doing okay
00:45:47Should we be getting him some outside help?
00:45:50Someone he can talk to I offered to help Adam in any way he wants, but I don't want to overstep. I
00:45:57Know but Riley would want us to help
00:46:00He just lost his mother for God's sake
00:46:03It's a delicate situation
00:46:05We're all doing the best we can
00:46:09Mom how much do you know about her?
00:46:12Who Lana
00:46:14Not much. She seems nice. She definitely cares about Cody. Yeah, I guess
00:46:23What I don't know
00:46:27It's just something about her can't put my finger on it
00:46:33Where did Adam say he found her again, I
00:46:38Think he got her from an agency a very reputable agency
00:46:44Don't you think it's a little weird that she jumped into this job moments after Riley died Carrie and she looks just like Riley
00:46:51Not everything is a story
00:46:54Sometimes people are just people and that's the end of it
00:46:58All right
00:47:01I'm gonna run out for a bit if that's okay
00:47:04Sure, your father and I'll make dinner for Cody if Adams running late. Okay. I'll be back soon
00:49:56Can't do for instance, that's way too strong of a choice
00:50:00No, I just think lavender would be better than purple this purple just doesn't really go with the fire, you know
00:50:06Anyways, thanks for catching up with me. I I don't really know what to do, but I'll figure it out
00:50:11But I have to go it was nice talking to you though. Yeah. Yeah, we should get together sometime
00:50:17Okay. Yeah. Yeah you too. Okay. Bye
00:51:02Don't pretend to know how things work in the city, but I'm pretty sure reporters
00:51:05I'm given an exception to breaking and entering it was hardly breaking and entering. So it was your house
00:51:09No, you were invited inside. No, well, you were given a spare key in case of emergencies
00:51:13Shouldn't you be asking me what I found instead of giving me the third degree about how I got in why I can't act
00:51:18On any of it. I'm sure you're gonna tell me anyway
00:51:21Adams having a relationship with Lana. Okay, who's Lana their nanny the one he hired after Riley died
00:51:29You don't think that's a little inappropriate. Oh, it's incredibly inappropriate. But what do you want me to do about it?
00:51:33You could question him and say what why'd you move on from your wife so quickly?
00:51:38We're not the morality police carry what he's doing isn't illegal. Okay, but it is suspicious
00:51:44I mean, how long has this been going on months years?
00:51:48My sister's husband cheats on her allegedly allegedly and then she just happens to get into a car accident
00:51:53Do you have any idea how many men cheat on their wives?
00:51:56And besides before you were sure Johnny Valentine had something to do with it and now it's Adam
00:52:00I'm just following the evidence. There's no evidence and you're not a detective
00:52:10Are you going to help me or not? I can get fired for the amount that I've helped you
00:52:28Sorry about that. I was at the police station. Hey, how soon can you get here?
00:52:33Where your motel? Yeah, I don't know 15 minutes or so. Okay good
00:52:39I'm in room number three
00:52:41What is it? There is something you really need to see. Well, can you tell me?
00:52:46You know, I'd rather you just come see it in person
00:52:49Okay, I'm on my way
00:53:30Know service, please
00:55:15Said it's me
00:56:04Got it from here
00:56:16There's someone, you know
00:56:19Fun from a website
00:56:21How do my research department?
00:56:24What was she doing here
00:56:27Helping me
00:56:30Please she's gonna be okay
00:56:33Can't handle another loss
00:56:36Yeah, I think so
00:56:40Still think my sister's death it was an accident
00:56:44What does this have to do with that? She was on to them and they clearly knew it who whoever did this to her Carrie
00:56:51Do you have any idea how many nights a week we get a call to this place?
00:56:56Put it this way it'd be easier to list the nights that we don't
00:57:00Come on, this is not some drug deal gone bad. What about a robbery?
00:57:04What do you mean well her wallet and phone are missing you didn't take them
00:57:08Did you know of course not and when you entered the room you left it just as it was. Yeah. Yes
00:57:14You didn't take anything from the scene. No any of her research
00:57:21Carrie how many times do I have to say it? She found something Dylan something. She wanted to tell me and if it's relevant
00:57:26We'll find it
00:57:31Let me take you home, you know, thanks, I just I
00:57:37Just need to be alone. All right
00:57:41Let us handle this please
00:58:14Thank you
00:58:44When were you planning on telling me this I
00:58:47Didn't think it was important not important dad. It's five million dollars
00:58:51Adam wanted to make sure she was taken care of anything ever happened. She
00:58:57Yes, I bought policies for both of them. I don't understand. Why are you buying their policies?
00:59:03Adam said he was tied on money and you believed that he has real estate projects all over town
00:59:08Exactly, which is where his money's tied up
00:59:12Well, he was gonna pay me back yeah, of course he was
00:59:18Look even if he didn't I did it for your sister
00:59:23What if something suddenly happened to Adam and what was Riley and Cody supposed to do then
00:59:31It made sense I
00:59:37Would do the same for you if you needed me to
00:59:42Get it
00:59:44Sorry if I attacked you my emotions are running high these days
00:59:48It's okay
01:00:20Hi, this is Samantha Rogers from The Wall Street Times. I'm researching background on testimony from a whistleblower is Todd available for comment
01:00:33Todd Palmer hi Todd. This is
01:00:37It's company policy not to comment to the press especially when it comes to company finances
01:00:43What about the allegations?
01:00:45What allegations come on mr. Palmer I hear the same rumors you do
01:00:52Are you recording this no strictly off the record if you really want to know what's going on with the company finances
01:00:58Check out the ESA report ESA report, but you didn't hear that from me. Okay, but
01:01:03If you really want to know what's going on with the company finances
01:01:06Check out the ESA report ESA report, but you didn't hear that from me. Okay, but
01:01:35Morning. Hey, where are you off to? Oh, I thought I'd go for a walk try and clear my mind. You want to join?
01:01:45Sorry, you need to take this see you later, hon. Okay. Bye
01:01:53Now I haven't slept in days
01:01:57You're right there
01:02:06Cyanide how it wasn't a cue
01:02:11She was poisoned slowly over a long period of time. Oh my god
01:02:18Possibly smoke inhalation passive exposure through chemical developing agents used in photography
01:02:23So assuming my sister wasn't an amateur photographer
01:02:27And it was intentional
01:02:30again done slowly and deliberately
01:02:35Let's say someone dosed her food
01:02:37Little by little slowly putting into her system with that cause busyness
01:02:43Absolutely at the very least
01:02:45But how would he know that it would kick in when she was driving
01:02:51He made her dinner when
01:02:54That night. He told me he made her pizza
01:02:56If he knew that she was going out and he upped the dosage with that cause her to lose consciousness behind the wheel
01:03:02It's possible
01:03:05I'm gonna see about getting a warrant the cyanide could still be there. I need to follow up on something. I carry you
01:03:12I'm sorry. I should have listened to you. You say your gut instincts are your guardian angels
01:03:22Looks like a problem
01:03:38Am so sorry
01:03:41Don't beat yourself up
01:03:45You actually saved me
01:03:51He heard you knocking and ran I must have gone out the balcony
01:03:57Who knows what would have happened if you hadn't shown up when you did
01:04:03Will never forgive myself for putting you through this. Hey, you didn't put me through anything
01:04:11Besides it's one of the perks of the job
01:04:17You do love your ability to always make a joke
01:04:22Did you get a good look at who did this to you
01:04:26No, I
01:04:28Gave the police as much of a description as I could but
01:04:34We are gonna find who did this to you
01:04:38You have my word
01:04:41I know you will
01:04:52Hi there, can I help you? I certainly hope so
01:04:58Kerry Harris, I'm a journalist of crime watchers
01:05:04An online news site
01:05:07I'm working on a story about the environmental impact of commercial developments
01:05:11And I was hoping that I could take a look at the ESA report for the common site
01:05:17That's the environmental. I know what it is. So you wouldn't mind if I take a look
01:05:22That's not public information. Oh, I'm not planning on publishing the results is simply for my own research purposes
01:05:28That means it's not available
01:05:30to the public
01:05:36Steph is it I
01:05:39Know there are protocols but
01:05:45Do you have kids I
01:05:48Do I don't have any of my own yet, but I do have a nephew that I care deeply about
01:05:55There's a school not far from the site. Am I right?
01:05:59If the project poses a risk to the community
01:06:03to those innocent children, I
01:06:06Think it's important that we expose the people responsible. Don't you I
01:06:13Promise no one will know that you helped me
01:06:17This better not come back to haunt me you have my word
01:06:42Entire investment
01:06:45It's worthless Gary
01:06:51What what are you doing here Oh
01:06:55Something for my mom. What at the town hall something with her business really
01:07:03What do you mean come on Carrie
01:07:05But you don't have to hide anything for me. I'm not following look. I think we both know what the situation is. I
01:07:14Don't know what you're talking about more crime watches research and get it. I do
01:07:23Well give you a ride home, thanks, but my car's right over there
01:07:30Okay, I would just go for a ride with me something I want to talk to you about I'd rather not do in public
01:07:40Come on
01:07:42Come on
01:07:49So, how have you been holding up
01:07:54I won't lie. It hasn't been easy. I mean
01:07:57Your sister going in an instant Cody, right? I mean, who knows how this is all affecting him
01:08:03Can only imagine
01:08:06But at least you have Lana
01:08:11What do you mean just that she must be a huge help
01:08:15I mean, not only are you grieving but you're still running your company
01:08:19At least you know that Cody's in good hands
01:08:24You're right
01:08:29How are you doing I
01:08:31mean everyone's been so concerned with me and Cody, but
01:08:35Carrie lost her sister
01:08:39Hasn't been easy
01:08:42One day at a time I guess what's Dylan think about all this? What do you mean?
01:08:50He's saying you two have been spending a lot of time together
01:08:54I'm just all friends. That's all
01:09:00Have you said anything to you about Johnny
01:09:03Like what I
01:09:06Mean it all seems really convenient doesn't it?
01:09:09I mean Johnny's questioned and then not charged and that your friend she gets attacked. I mean the police don't believe it was related
01:09:16What do you think?
01:09:19Not sure
01:09:29What was your friend doing here in the first place
01:09:32Allison, yeah, she came to support me
01:09:35To offer any help
01:09:38With what
01:09:41You know what I do Adam it's a lot about my work that I just can't discuss
01:09:59Here we are
01:10:04What are you doing
01:10:07I'm just curious if there's no investigation going on as you say
01:10:12And why did the police question Johnny in the first place, huh?
01:10:16outstanding warrant
01:10:17Also the fact that he showed up at the funeral. It seems suspicious. I asked Dylan look into it
01:10:35Have a good evening
01:11:19Good evening
01:11:22And you know who I am
01:11:25Yeah, take off your jacket stay a while
01:11:41Curious what Riley tell you about me, huh? It was you
01:11:52Yeah, what about that woman at the motel, huh
01:11:54Well, what about her? Oh, she finds dirt on you. It's him from where I'm sitting
01:11:59You're the suspicious one
01:12:02No, I didn't have anything to do with that
01:12:05Yeah, whatever you say no he says it's the truth I'm afraid that's not good enough anymore
01:12:28Believe this belongs to you
01:12:46Where are you?
01:12:49I'm looking at Johnny Valentine's dead body
01:12:52Allison's wallet what?
01:12:54Yeah, my gut told me to come back and question him we found Allison's wallet inside his trailer next to his own gun
01:13:01The gun that he gave my sister. Well the gun he said he gave to your sister, but
01:13:06It's not Johnny Dylan. I'm sure of it
01:13:10Unfortunately, the evidence says otherwise
01:13:12Where are you right now? I
01:13:14Have to take care of something. I'll call you when I can
01:13:24Carrie we need to talk about
01:13:29You and Adam what about us
01:13:32It's a little late for that act Lana
01:13:35Look, I just work for him. That's all sure about that
01:13:39Yes, I'm sure so you just happen to leave your birth control pills in his bedroom
01:13:45my sister's bedroom
01:13:48Carrie it's not what it looks like. No
01:13:50He loves me
01:13:54Come on Lana, you don't really believe that
01:13:58Yeah, I do because it's true
01:14:02Look things with them weren't going so well. The marriage had been on the rocks for a while
01:14:08If not for the accident he was gonna leave her oh
01:14:13That's sweet
01:14:15That's sweet
01:14:19How long has this been going on I
01:14:22Don't know I a year
01:14:24He cheated on my sister for a year
01:14:28Well, that doesn't matter now. Does it?
01:14:30So what was the plan?
01:14:33Wait a few weeks after my sister's funeral and then go off to live happily ever after
01:14:37Do you think I wanted it to happen this way? I thought they were just gonna get a divorce and then go bankrupt
01:14:42What are you talking about? Oh
01:14:50He didn't tell you did he
01:14:57That precious development of his his big break
01:15:06He won't be able to break ground he sunk every dime he has into that big money pit
01:15:12I don't believe you
01:15:15That doesn't really matter Lana because you're going to see soon enough
01:15:20The Commons that I'm sure he's told you all about
01:15:24Won't ever happen
01:15:27Why are you telling me all this
01:15:34Thanks to my sister's accident
01:15:37He's about to receive five million dollars
01:15:41And a man planning to divorce his wife doesn't ask her father to buy them both life insurance policies
01:15:50He did that
01:15:54But on the other hand a man planning to kill his wife
01:16:01He wouldn't
01:16:06Know I know. Okay. I just I need one more week. Maybe two at most. Okay
01:16:13No, no, no, that's what I'm telling you is I have a brand new investment coming in it's going to make everything right
01:16:20That's what I'm telling you it's just temporary
01:16:24No, you can't do that, all right, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, just let me explain please please just wait
01:16:52What are you doing here just came to surprise you where's Cody he's at his grandparents. Don't worry
01:16:57Just thought we should spend some time together
01:16:59It's been a really rough day
01:17:01Okay, then sit down relax, let me make you drink honestly, I just want to be left alone, okay
01:17:10Come on let me just de-stress you just
01:17:15Not now, please
01:17:19Okay, what's going on something with work
01:17:24It's just a little financial issue
01:17:27Nothing to worry about
01:17:35Angela is you
01:17:39Like I said, it's not like for you to worry about okay, you're right
01:17:45With such a sizable life insurance policy payout coming your way, I guess money's no concern
01:17:54Excuse me
01:17:58Carry a paid a visit today
01:18:01Of course she did
01:18:04Look you listen to her. Okay. My ex is from all she thinks everything's from an episode of unsolved mysteries or something. Is it true?
01:18:13It's what true life insurance policy, okay, but it's just being prudent, okay
01:18:22Listen Lana
01:18:27Most married couples have life insurance policies now, okay, I mean, especially when they have kids
01:18:32So it only makes sense that we do
01:18:33Okay, and what about the land you bought for the Commons?
01:18:37What about it is it contaminated so she told you that too, huh, she told me everything
01:18:45She thinks that you killed Riley for the money
01:18:49She wanted me to go to the police with her. I mean, did you no, no, of course not
01:18:53Hey, if I'm gonna be part of your life, I need to know what's going on
01:18:59Hey, hey
01:19:02Come on be hard team. I
01:19:05Said we were gonna be together forever and I meant that
01:19:10How much debt are you in
01:19:15Be honest
01:19:17Maybe it's four million dollars
01:19:21Look it was supposed to be a sound deal. I had tenants lined up for five ten years
01:19:25I mean, how the hell am I supposed to know that the land's contaminated and with the money from the insurance policy?
01:19:36We'll be fine I
01:19:39Have it all planned out everyone thinks that it was an accident. It's gonna stay that way
01:19:46What if the detective believes Carrie
01:19:50What if he looks into the cyanide claim
01:19:53Riley's buried
01:19:54There's no way to link me to what happened
01:20:04Don't you know about cyanide
01:20:19Let's go
01:20:49I'm gonna hurt you. Okay
01:21:28Ladies let's be reasonable. We can all walk away from this
01:21:37Nobody else needs to get hurt
01:22:04How could you do this to me I trusted you you did this
01:22:13Now I have to kill you
01:22:19Don't even inch okay, take it easy
01:22:24You you wouldn't kill me, right?
01:22:26After what you did to my sister
01:22:29I'd be happy to
01:22:44Come here to thank me I came here to tell you that what you did was incredibly stupid
01:22:51To thank you
01:22:53What about Adam as soon as we got to the station? He broke down
01:22:57Confess to everything not just about your sister, but what he did to Johnny and Allison, too
01:23:05Look, I'm so sorry Carrie
01:23:08For what they're not believing you sooner if we're not doing everything that I could have
01:23:14But most of all, I'm just so sorry about your sister
01:23:20Nothing can bring her back to us, but
01:23:23At least now she has some justice
01:23:26It's all I wanted
01:23:29And what about you you gonna stick around for a while no, no
01:23:34Definitely want to make sure Cody is taken care of I make any decisions
01:23:39Not only did he lose his mom and now his dad too
01:23:43I'm lucky for him. He's got you
01:23:52Worked so hard to get out of this town and it's kind of nice being back
01:23:57Well, if you decide to stay we'd love to have you you taking applications at the station. Mmm, not for me
01:24:08I don't know. I think I make a pretty good detective