DEBRA BYRNE - Good Morning Australia (2001)

  • 2 days ago
Debra Byrne - Good Morning Australia (2001)
00:00When Deborah Byrne paid one of her visits to us last year, there was plenty to talk
00:11about, especially because she'd had a new baby in her life, plus a new man, but not
00:16in that order, the new man came first.
00:18She's nine months old and she's just a joy, she's an absolute joy, we have so much fun
00:23with her, in fact, I can imagine Lulu singing, I really can, you don't say that about everybody
00:31but Lulu just enjoys it so much and she's been, oh there she is, look at that joyful
00:39You call her Lulu do you?
00:40Lulu, yes, she wasn't going to have a nickname but Lulu's stuck.
00:42You don't mind us showing you without the make-up, you don't need make-up do you?
00:45It's the only time that you'd ever get me without make-up is if Lulu had something to
00:48do with it.
00:49Hey, what about Sed, he's a bit alright isn't he?
00:51He's quite alright.
00:52Did you write a way for him or how did you meet him?
00:53I wrote a way for him.
00:54Yeah, lovely.
00:55Yeah, in a funny way I was thinking about him a lot.
00:58Do the elder girls get along well with him?
01:01Oh yeah, oh look, it's wonderful, it's just, we're all meant to be, look at this, charming
01:08But what about those eyes though?
01:10We've actually asked if we could have some of this footage because Sed's mother hasn't
01:13yet met Lucille, she's coming here.
01:15You can have it all.
01:16So we're thrilled, we're going to send that to her.
01:18Actually I've got a photograph of the complete family which is a really beautiful year that
01:22you've got.
01:23Isn't it gorgeous?
01:24I know, I do, look, I want to explain, I look a little manic.
01:27I'm very happy and it's a great grin, it's just that I'm carrying a three week old caesarean
01:33I just look a little over the top.
01:36Is that your first caesarean?
01:37First caesarean, yes.
01:38I wouldn't do it again.
01:39Wouldn't try it for a boy now?
01:40No, no, no.
01:41I'm 44 and I think, you know, we've been blessed and we're not going to stretch it any further.
01:50Yes, I understood and Sed said exactly the same goes for me too.
01:55Did you go through the IVF program?
01:58Oh God, hello, what?
02:00The IVF program?
02:01It's on just after the news, you know.
02:03We went to the IVF program, yeah we did and we were very lucky.
02:08We tried twice and we got lucky the second time so we have been blessed, we feel very
02:15You've got a lovely family there, you're basically in the home stretch, aren't you?
02:18Well, I'm nearly finished.
02:20When you look at your daughters, particularly now with Lucille, the sort of childhood you
02:25had, I mean, being known at such a young age, if she found out, and that sounds a ridiculous
02:30question I guess, but how would you feel if she wanted to go?
02:33I had this conversation with my sister yesterday and it doesn't frighten me because Sed's attitude
02:43to the industry is slightly different to mine because he wasn't a child star.
02:50In some ways, as you grow up, you can be hurt by the industry and you have this love-hate
02:54relationship and Sed has had, I think, just a love-love relationship with it and with
03:01Sed's support and my support and with our love, no one's ever going to hurt her.
03:08We would like her to enjoy it because I think she really does and she certainly loves sitting
03:14around with us working because all we do is sing and Dad plays guitar and it's a nice
03:18way to introduce someone to music.
03:20Deb, I don't want this to sound patronising, but I think it's terrific that you allowed
03:24us to show the rehearsal footage this morning simply because, I remember something which
03:29happened to me quite a few years ago, we allowed our kids to be seen on television and in magazines,
03:33not too often, but you know, selective stuff and everything.
03:36As a matter of fact, I flew on a plane just there with Dulcy Bowling, he used to run TV
03:38Week and all the magazines and she was saying that it really, the wisest thing, as she sees
03:42it, is to have selective publicity.
03:45But I was talking to the son of a well-known performer in Australia and I've told the story
03:49just recently, but this kid, when he was about 16 or 17, he'd never been exposed to any press
03:54and his father refused to allow him to be photographed and he told me one day, he said,
03:58I'm okay now, but in my very early teens and certainly when I was 8, 9, 10, I thought for
04:04some reason my dad wasn't proud of me and didn't want me to be seen.
04:07So you don't realise what it's been, how that's been interpreted.
04:11Exactly, exactly.
04:12Now, oh look, you know, we're so proud of Lucille and she's never been upset by the
04:19I mean, if she came in today and she was disturbed by being here, we wouldn't do it again for
04:24a while.
04:25We'd say, oh okay, so it's not so comfortable for her now, but while she's showing that
04:29she's having a ball doing it, we're happy to bring it.
04:33Deborah Byrne and it's a great time in her life, which is just terrific.
04:36She deserves it so much and she's going to sing for us very soon and replay too.
