Break Free from the Ego’s Trap || Acharya Prashant (2023)

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Video Information: 22.06.2023, GSE, Goa

What is Prakriti?
From where biological tendencies arise from?
What is the real definition of observation?
What is the purpose of life?
What is ego?
What is Sankhya Philosophy/ Darshan?
Is there an Almighty Creator?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00Namaskar Acharya ji. So, everything is dead and everything are basically molecules that
00:12are just in a default arrangement. Can we say that Prakriti has induced us into a falseness
00:23that there are these biological senses and these compulsions that we have of our emotions.
00:32So observing these emotions and observing these compulsions and avoiding them, is that
00:42a first way to move towards being truly alive? Yes, observe them but without blaming Prakriti
00:51or anybody. Nobody has brought you to this condition. You wanted to exist, therefore
00:59you gave yourself a condition. Anything that exists, exists in some condition, right? So
01:08you want to exist, so sometimes you give yourself a good condition, sometimes a bad condition.
01:17Just observe. Is that the entire purpose of life, to just observe and not be swayed away by it?
01:33The ego does not need an entire purpose of life. It's so much in pain and so full of
01:43immediate distress that it's enough for it to pay attention to its immediate surroundings
01:54and the most immediate to the ego is itself. So, words like ultimate mean nothing to the
02:02ego. The ego is like a patient on ventilator. If you talk about life after 10 years to somebody
02:15who is on ventilator, assuming that he is able to talk, it's quite meaningless. That
02:21fellow is looking forward to the next 1 hour. Will I see the next day? Will I survive the
02:28next hour? That's the ego. So much in distress that even the next 1 hour is difficult to
02:39predict or see through or navigate. It's fascinating how all this relates to evolutionary biology,
02:49like so much of it.
02:59You cannot appreciate Sankhya Yoga if you do not appreciate evolution.
03:08Entire Sankhya Yoga is evolutionary. But unfortunately, so much of religion has been about creation,
03:21not evolution. Religion says man came through a process of creation. And who was the creator?
03:34Some God. Now the fact is, in Sankhya Yoga, there is really no place for any God. You call it one of the
03:42astik darshans. But in reality, in the darshan itself, there is no God. There is no God in Sankhya.
03:52And there can be no God in Sankhya because Sankhya is continuously about evolution. If things are
04:03evolving, how can there be a creator? If one thing evolves into another thing, show me where is the
04:10creator then. When you say creation, you mean there is somebody who just made this thing into what it is.
04:16But the fact is that the thing did not become what it is in one go, in one stroke. It has continuously
04:26been evolving. So that's the great contribution of Sankhya Yoga. And that's also what Yoga borrows
04:39from Sankhya. That's also what Vedanta owes to Sankhya. That's also what Buddhism owes to Sankhya.
04:48The thing that entire existence is a flow. Everything is a process. Everything is ever changing.
05:00That's Sankhya. And the very common tripartite division of Prakrit into Sat, Raj and Tam.
05:11Today we take that as commonplace. But all that comes from Sankhya. So yes, that's the reason why I continuously say evolutionary
05:23biology is so important. When I say evolutionary biology is important, actually what I am saying
05:30is Sankhya Yoga is important. But if I just say Sankhya Yoga, this generation might not appreciate that.
05:36So I say evolutionary biology.
05:51Sir, my question revolves around the statement that you said that we all actually don't exist.
05:59And even our consciousness is also false. And if I look at Arjun at that moment, then even Arjun is being driven by his bodily tendencies only.
06:10So even he is dead, right? So to whom Shri Krishna is teaching at that moment?
06:19So what is still alive inside Arjun at that moment, even after being dead inside out?
06:26The dead man walking is the dead man suffering. He needs to be cremated.
06:32That's what the instruction is all about. You are already dead. Why do you continue to walk and suffer?
06:41Let's put you to rest. Let's cremate you. That's the Bhagavad Gita.
06:46The ego is the dead man walking. Dead, still suffering. Rather suffering exactly because it is dead.
06:59So that's a delicate thing to appreciate. You are not, yet you insist that you must be.
07:11You forcefully insist that you must be and in that you create yourself.
07:16But your creation is needless. Therefore you suffer.
07:20It's like a car already packed full of five passengers.
07:28And those five are sufficient. They can deliver the goods.
07:35There is a nice network, a perfect equilibrium that those five passengers or five elements very ably serve.
07:49Then a sixth one tries to barge in. He says I must fit in, I must fit in. I am needed.
07:57Now this sixth one is outside Prakriti. But he forcefully enters the car.
08:05What does he do? He creates suffering. He is not needed. He is coming in and he creates suffering.
08:12Everything is proceeding very nicely. And then something happens.
08:23An unwanted intrusion. That's what the ego is about.
08:31A needless thing and therefore a thing that causes suffering. Obviously only to itself.
08:40We said today that it's a belief. And I am fond of often saying the ego is the most fundamental superstition.
08:51So it's a thing of the mind. You remember the Abrahamic story about the origin of everything.
09:00So there is God and there is Adam. And to give Adam some company there is Eve.
09:08And that's Prakriti. Adam, Eve and the great garden.
09:15Appreciate the symbolism. There is Adam, there is Eve and there is a great garden and they are just roaming about happily.
09:23And God has instructed them there is that particular tree and there is that apple.
09:31Do not take that apple. And that's the apple of knowledge.
09:36And then this mischievous snake comes and says there is a special apple that God is probably reserving for himself and you must have it.
09:43So it was needless. Needless knowledge is ego and it results in suffering.
09:50That which you need not know but in a spell of mischief you start knowing.
09:59That's ego. What is that needless knowledge? Belief.
10:03Useless knowledge. Needless knowledge. Just superstition.
10:08Something that you should have never believed in but now you have taken it in.
10:13Now you have taken it in and it cannot be just ejected out.
10:18So God says now that the two of you have done this, alright.
10:23Go to earth and breed kids and you know the entire humanity will proceed from there.
10:31And these two were really in a state of bliss.
10:36Sahajata. Ego-less sahajata. These two were in an ego-less sahajata.
10:45You know it is said that the moment they ate the apple, they became conscious of the eye.
10:54It is called self-consciousness. Conscious of the eye. Self-conscious.
11:00What did they do? They covered their genitals.
11:05They became ashamed. Conscious of the eye.
11:10Because the eye sprung up. There was no eye. That false belief gave them the eye.
11:16So they became self-conscious. So they covered their body parts.
11:23And then God banished them from the garden of bliss.
11:28He said you go now. You go out. You have defiled your own prakritic purity.
11:38You have violated my instruction. There was no need. You go.
11:43So needless. Everything is alright. Everything is already alright.
11:50And the ego comes and says no something extra is needed.
11:54The ego is the fifth person in the car. Somebody extra.
11:59Who is not needed at all. The ego is a kind of overpopulation.
12:05Tonight itself we can publish a mini book of the number of definitions we have accorded the ego.
12:22Sir, what we call as consciousness is also a part of my ego itself?
12:28What you call as consciousness is just material reactivity.
12:36When you say you are conscious of something, you are just reacting to that thing.
12:43It's like we said, iron being conscious of the magnet.
12:51Just as iron experiences the magnet, similarly we experience the world.
12:59In very very predictable and pattern based ways.
13:03There is no real wisdom or realization in that.
13:08And the test of that is iron cannot not react to the magnet.
13:16Iron cannot not react to the magnet.
13:22And that's what is called compulsive reactiveness.
13:25Man cannot not react to the abuses.
13:31Woman cannot not react to the man.
13:36That's a compulsive magnet and iron relationship.
13:41There is no real life in that.
13:44Spirituality is about bringing life by putting the dead to death.
14:00Okay. Thank you so much.
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