Jane And Guildford - Their Full Story [ My Lady Jane ]

  • 2 days ago
Lady Jane Grey and her husband Guildford live during the reign of Edward, son of Henry VIII. She unexpectedly finds herself crowned queen overnight and becomes the target of criminals who want her throne and her head.
00:00Lord Guilford Dudley will be your husband.
00:07Guilford Dudley?
00:09Guilford Dudley?
00:11Who is that man?
00:13Lord Dudley's son. He's a pratt.
00:15I've heard of him. The girls at court say he's vile.
00:18He drinks, fights, gambles. He cavorts with women of ill repute.
00:23He's the last man I would ever marry.
00:25Jane, this marriage protects us.
00:30That's Guilford Dudley?
00:33Jane knows that marrying such a pratt is incon-fucking-ceivable.
00:39I will do everything in my power to get out of this marriage.
00:43Jane, you have no power.
00:47I don't want to marry your son.
00:51Nobody cares what you want.
00:58I always thought I'd only marry if I could choose the man myself.
01:03Janey, that's just silly.
01:07Let us take a moment to reassure our viewers that there is no such thing as love at first sight, but lust at first sight.
01:19So do you come here often?
01:29That's your response? So you can recite the Ark Poet standing on a table in a dirt floor tavern, but you can't muster a simple apology?
01:35I said oops.
01:37Has anybody ever told you that you're an insufferable pedant?
01:40Oh, well, where I come from, pedantry is a virtue.
01:42Where I come from, amiability trumps semantics.
01:44Amiability is for the meek.
01:46Amiability is for the amiable.
01:48You are the rudest man I have ever met.
01:50Well, the knight is young. Mingle.
01:52Oh, I intend to.
01:54If only Jane could think of another way out of her unwanted wedding.
01:59But her thoughts keep drifting back to the tavern and that intriguing yet infuriating young man.
02:08Good night.
02:14Who are you?
02:15Who are you?
02:16May I present Jane's husband-to-be, Lord Guildford Dudley.
02:23Good evening.
02:24Come with me.
02:25As if.
02:26Mother about the wedding.
02:27Please don't make me marry him.
02:28I, Guildford, take thee, Jane.
02:32It's the affliction.
02:41She's faking.
02:42The simpler reason is she's faking.
02:45Now, let's have a little look, shall we?
02:47God, my better.
02:52Doctor Butts healed me.
02:56I thought he would.
02:58You're even more charming and ladylike than I remember.
03:01Oh, and your gala had reborn.
03:03A very picture of chivalric manhood.
03:07Lady Jane, do you feel better?
03:11I do.
03:14Was that a withering look?
03:18And another one.
03:21Consider me withered.
03:25I had come in here to apologize for my rudeness, but now I see you're pilfering our wedding gifts.
03:29Perhaps I should.
03:31They'd fund my freedom.
03:33You humiliated me.
03:35Do you know what people say about you?
03:37That you sleep all day, carouse all night, spending your time with knaves, fools, harlots, drunkards, braggarts.
03:43Well, you certainly seem to enjoy my company in the tavern.
03:45And besides, at least I have friends.
03:48And yet you still married me, a complete stranger.
03:51I had my reasons.
03:54What were your reasons?
03:57And to save my sister Catherine from an ancient duke who smells like a forgotten chamber pot.
04:01Do I smell like a forgotten chamber pot?
04:07I have not smelled you.
04:10And I don't intend to.
04:14Jane, I really need to be alone.
04:16Oh, well, we're married now, so not being alone is part of the deal.
04:20Jane, please just leave.
04:22Have you ever been in a situation where you've had to do a certain thing, and then when you got there, you didn't know if you could go through with it?
04:31You're a horse!
04:35Change back!
04:36He can't change, not until sunset.
04:40Don't say what, say pardon.
04:42Guilford can't control his Aethian powers.
04:44Why? Aethians can change back and forth whenever they want, everybody knows that.
04:48Not my boy.
04:49You, Rupert, and Guilford will embark upon your honeymoon today.
04:56Why would I go on a honeymoon with a horse?
05:00To evade prying eyes and have some time to adjust and to focus on the realities of your marriage.
05:07No, no, I can't stay married to him.
05:09I am hoping that you can use the knowledge in these books to cure me.
05:17This marriage was never my desire.
05:19Then what is your desire?
05:23So a divorce.
05:25You find me my cure, and this marriage is over.
05:34Exi ergo transgressor animalis.
05:38You thought Jane could perform magic.
05:41Well, I'm sorry.
05:44Look at this.
05:48A ransom note.
05:50The pack wants 50 quid for someone called Suzanne.
05:53My maid, my friend.
05:55It's all my fault.
05:57This is extortion. We can't pay this.
06:01They said that we'll slit her throat if we don't.
06:03No, Jane, I mean we literally can't pay it.
06:05My father's in debt up to his balls.
06:08So he lied.
06:10You're supposed to be rich, that was the whole point.
06:12I didn't arrange this marriage.
06:20You're a fucking tit, fuck.
06:23Have fun getting yourself killed.
06:24I will, thank you.
06:27I'm here because you asked me to help you.
06:31So let me.
06:39I thought you were in danger.
06:41I'm such a fool, I was coming here to rescue you.
06:44I am in danger.
06:45No, you just want money.
06:46You tricked me into this marriage.
06:48In order to save my own life.
06:49At the expense of mine.
06:51This is your husband.
06:56I take it all back.
06:58You're the greatest swordsman who ever lived.
07:09I want a divorce.
07:13Look, Jane.
07:16I don't want to be the kind of man that doesn't keep his word.
07:18This is madness.
07:24Yeah, you're right.
07:26I'll never lie to you again.
07:31King Edward is dead.
07:38His majesty named you heir to the crown.
07:42I wish you could stay.
07:48From the indomitable Jane Grey.
07:52Sensitivity from the unconscionable Guilford Dudley.
08:01We can't do this.
08:03I know.
08:05I know you don't want this.
08:08There she goes.
08:10It's a good idea.
08:16Marrying Jane was never about my cure.
08:19It was about the kingdom.
08:20Guilford Dudley is a horse.
08:22Oh, shit.
08:25I've seen it with my own eyes.
08:27I'll arrange a divorce.
08:29A week ago, that was all that Jane wanted.
08:31But now...
08:32No, you shall not.
08:34What if...
08:36I didn't want a divorce?
08:41You cannot stay married.
08:45Did you know your father asked me to name you King?
08:49It's all he's ever wanted.
08:53Is that why you married me?
08:59Do you love him?
09:00You do.
09:02All I want is my cure.
09:03All I want is my cure.
09:07I just want my life to be mine again.
09:10But now, for the first time in my life, I have hope.
09:16You've given me hope, Jane.
09:18Jane knows there is no cure for Aethianism.
09:24I tried to tell you last night, and I didn't, and...
09:31There is no cure.
09:36You cannot change what you are, and you shouldn't have to.
09:39Not for your father.
09:41Not for me.
09:42Not for anyone.
09:43Jane, please, stop.
09:44It is this kingdom that needs to change, not you.
09:47I disbanded the guards.
09:48I could end division laws.
09:49I could heal England.
09:51Fuck England! Heal me!
09:54Why are you following me?
09:55I just came to tell you there is an Aethian cure, and I know where to get it.
09:58Where's Guildford?
09:59Guildford's gone.
10:03He left to find a cure.
10:05I trusted you.
10:13Guildford lost his place in the world overnight.
10:16Because of you.
10:18You made him feel defective.
10:20Dad told me Guildford left you.
10:24I mean, the palace.
10:26Guildford will return normal, and you will be glad he did it.
10:34What did you do to Guildford?
10:36What did you do?
10:37I have it on good authority that your husband is never coming back.
10:42Whose authority is that?
10:44By your mother, of course.
10:46Help me!
10:47Scream all you like.
10:49No one will hear you.
10:52The thing about Dudley is this.
10:54Our hearts are in the right place.
10:55We just do really dumb stuff sometimes.
10:59Your Majesty.
11:00What are you doing?
11:01Your Majesty.
11:02What are you doing?
11:03Guildford's in danger.
11:05I need to find him.
11:07It's all my fault.
11:08Please tell me.
11:10You should thank me.
11:11He's gone.
11:13And we're all safer for it.
11:15The Atheist killed his mother right in front of him.
11:19He can't change that.
11:21But he can find a cure.
11:28I will save Jane.
11:30Will you, Guildford?
11:32Jane, wake up.
11:35You're here.
11:37You're alive.
11:39I will not leave Jane to die.
11:41There is nothing we can do.
11:44Jane will be beheaded for treason.
11:47And if any of Mary's men see any of us, we'll join her.
11:52I thought you were dead.
11:53I nearly was.
11:55It's all my mother's fault.
11:56Isn't everything?
11:59We need to leave now.
12:01I counted 12 guards outside, but if we take the path through the orchard...
12:03No, I can't leave.
12:05She'll kill my family.
12:09I'm staying here.
12:11Then I won't leave you.
12:13I'm not giving you a choice.
12:15If you stay, they'll find out what you are and Mary will kill you.
12:17I can't have it.
12:21I was with my parents returning from court and we were attacked by a band of Atheists.
12:27I'd never seen an Atheist before and I was scared and I changed for the first time.
12:32I can't remember what happened.
12:34I was in a blackout, but when I came round, my father told me that the rocks had killed me.
12:39I could never control my change.
12:42And I know it's not rational, but...
12:45It started to feel like some kind of curse.
12:49A punishment worthy of the Greeks.
12:51You don't deserve that.
12:53I'm relieved.
12:57Because I'm also a coward.
12:59Look at me.
13:04Would a coward risk certain death to rescue me?
13:07You wish to reclaim the throne? Do it properly. With power behind you.
13:10Rally an army.
13:11I've just received some information that will change everything.
13:14Lady Jane Grey married an Athean knowingly.
13:17Bring him in.
13:20No! There is only one punishment.
13:24I'm sorry.
13:28I just need to know about my husband.
13:30The beast?
13:31Yes, Guilford Dudley's Athean.
13:36Please, will you tell me anything?
13:41It's not here.
13:43Mary took the palace and arrested Jane.
13:46She will lose her head if we don't stop it.
13:48Where is Jane now?
13:50The Tower of London.
13:52I must retake the throne. It's the only way to save her.
13:57You're upset for the man who's lied to you.
14:02Who's the very reason that you're here.
14:04You're the reason I'm here.
14:05Oh, grow up!
14:06Our perfectly imperfect heroine has just one regret.
14:11She didn't ever tell Guilford that what she feels for him is indeed true love.
14:22I have an idea.
14:33Leave me.
14:39I'll never leave you.
14:46I love you.
14:51I love you too.
14:54I must go back.
15:00You don't have to come with me.
15:04Of course I'm coming with you.
15:07Well, I was rather hoping you would say that.
15:27I love you.
