A Mothers Battle

  • 2 days ago
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00:00Jenny left the country determined to protect her babies. She worked hard to
00:05provide for them, but it wasn't enough. So she went back to college. She was always
00:12the bright one and graduated early with honors. But Jenny still felt incomplete.
00:19The thought of her firstborn's well-being haunted her day and night.
00:26I swear I don't know who the father is. I'm paying you to carry my grandchildren.
00:31Tell me who he is. You're the one who artificially impregnated me. Shouldn't you know who the
00:35father is? Miss Sinclair, this is an operating room. I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
00:40I'm not leaving until I get answers. Do not lie to me, Jenny. Who is the father?
00:47Miss Sinclair, she's delivering. Please step back. Okay, Jenny, time to push.
00:56Upon seeing the baby, Jenny felt a warmth and love she couldn't ever imagine.
01:06No, stop. This boy is a Sinclair. I'm not going to let you put your dirty hands on him.
01:11Please, my baby, someone do something. Don't let her take my baby.
01:15Second one's coming. Okay, Jenny, I need you to take a deep breath and push.
01:19Oh my God, it hurts so much. I know. You got to breathe through the pain.
01:24Push. Oh, a beautiful baby girl.
01:28Okay, Jenny, one more. One more time.
01:31Go, push.
01:35Oh, it's a boy.
01:41They were the most beautiful little babies she had ever seen.
01:45But Jenny didn't trust the Sinclairs. She suspected their devious plans for her weren't finished.
01:52Jenny. Jenny. Oh, Jenny. You need to take those two and run.
01:58I can't leave my firstborn. It's too late. Aster already left with him.
02:02You need to get out of here before she comes back for these two.
02:05And just like that, Jenny changed her identity. She was now Quinn Murphy, mother of two.
02:11Jenny left the country determined to protect her babies.
02:16She worked hard to provide for them, but it wasn't enough.
02:22She went back to college. She was always the bright one and graduated early with honors.
02:28But Jenny still felt incomplete.
02:31The thought of her firstborn's well-being haunted her day and night.
02:36Don't let her take my baby!
02:38But now, Jenny was back in town, with a new identity and a new job.
02:44Why are we here, mommy?
02:46Because you were born in this city. We're here to find your lost brother.
02:49Jenny! I'm so happy to see you, Miss Simpson.
02:54Miss Nora Simpson had been a loyal part of the Monroe family since Jenny was a child.
02:59Even when she was a little girl, she was always there for Jenny.
03:04Jenny! Sammy!
03:07Mommy, is that you?
03:10Jenny was geeky and unimpressive, someone who would get easily lost in the crowd.
03:15But Quinn Murphy was the opposite. She radiated confidence.
03:20Mommy, can we go to the zoo?
03:23I promise I'll take you to the zoo.
03:26I'm not going to the zoo.
03:30Mommy, can we go to the zoo?
03:33I promise I'll take you to the zoo.
03:36But first, mommy has to go meet with her new boss.
03:39Keep an eye on Denny's jacket. He loses everything.
03:42No problem. Good luck today.
03:45I'll have a homemade feast for you when you get home.
03:48Jenny was joining the Roosevelt Hospital as a neurosurgeon.
03:52The same hospital where she gave birth six years ago.
04:00Quinn Murphy.
04:03Welcome to Roosevelt's neurology department.
04:06I'm Dean Crawford, head of the surgical department and your new lead.
04:09Excited to be on board.
04:14I have to ask, with a resume like yours, why Roosevelt?
04:18Why not go to the best of the best?
04:21Miss Murphy?
04:24Unfinished business, I guess.
04:27I repeat, Dr. Crawford to surgery.
04:30Duty calls. We'll continue this later, I promise.
04:33Meanwhile, take a look around, make yourself comfortable,
04:36and I'll see you in the morning, bright and early.
04:41Denny had left a lucrative position at the National Institute for Medical Research in London to return home.
04:47She was determined to find her firstborn.
04:50I will not let you put your dirty hands on me!
04:55Don't let her take my baby!
04:57Jenny wondered if her child was even alive.
05:00The thought weighed heavily on her heart.
05:03Sorry. You alright?
05:04Oh, I'm sorry.
05:05Denny, what? Did you follow me here?
05:08Who's Denny? I'm not Denny.
05:10Jake, where are you?
05:12Quit playing games and come out right now!
05:16Please, don't let him take me.
05:19Where are you, Jake?
05:22What do you mean my son was kidnapped from the hospital?
05:25Mr. Smith, I can explain.
05:27You can't explain s***!
05:29You had one job, to look after Jake!
05:32What am I going to tell his mother?
05:34He went to the restroom during his medical check-up and he just disappeared.
05:38Review the security footage and find my son.
05:42I'm on my way right now.
05:43Yes, sir. I'm on it.
05:44Find Jake!
05:45Or I won't just fire you.
05:47I will kill you myself!
05:49I will kill you myself!
06:05We're just going to eat and we'll take you back, okay?
06:07They don't let me eat burgers at home.
06:10Denny felt a strange tug of curiosity and hope,
06:13struck by the uncanny resemblance between Jake and Denny.
06:18Could this boy be her firstborn?
06:20Why did you run away like that?
06:22It's not safe to go with strangers.
06:24You're not dangerous, are you?
06:26No, Jake, I'm not dangerous.
06:28I just want to help.
06:30I wish you were my mom.
06:34Where is your mom?
06:37Step away from the child!
06:38Officers, this is all just a big misunderstanding.
06:40All I did was take the kid out for a meal.
06:43Give me explanations for the station.
06:47You're under arrest for child abduction.
06:49Get this woman out of my sight.
06:51No, please don't take her away.
06:53Let's go.
06:56She's my mom.
07:00What have I told you about talking to strangers?
07:02And why were you calling that crazy woman your mom?
07:05Beatrice is your mother, and you know that.
07:08She hates me.
07:10She's only nice when you're around.
07:14What's gotten into you, bud?
07:16Hi, Beatrice.
07:18Your son's having a rough day.
07:20I think it's best if you don't come around today.
07:23I'll call you later.
07:27Dad, that lady was really nice today.
07:31Could you make the police let her go?
07:34If you promise to behave and take your medications,
07:37I'll let her go.
07:39I promise.
07:41Lance, call the chief and ask him to drop the charges.
07:45We got a bus.
07:49How could Jake have established such a bond with a stranger so swiftly?
08:04Are you alright?
08:06Was everything okay at the hospital?
08:09Come here.
08:11Jenny recounted her stressful day to Ms. Simpson.
08:14Running into Jake, the child of the powerful Fred Smith,
08:17with an uncanny resemblance to her own son, Denny.
08:21Being arrested for child abduction,
08:24then suddenly being released.
08:27Ms. Simpson could tell that Jenny was afraid.
08:31Dr. Murphy to surgery. I repeat, Dr. Murphy to surgery.
08:35An overwhelming sense of fear gripped her like a vice,
08:39as if Ms. Sinclair wanted her and her children dead.
08:52We need to talk.
08:54Dr. Crawford, I can explain. It's all just a big mix-up.
08:57That's all been taken care of.
08:59Mr. Smith didn't know you were a doctor in this hospital.
09:02In fact, you're going to be treating Jake from now on.
09:05He'll be here in a moment.
09:08What is he being treated for?
09:12He's been coming to this hospital for behavioral issues and temper tantrums.
09:16And he's prone to violent outbursts.
09:29They're here.
09:31I was worried I would never see you again.
09:33Hi, sweetie.
09:35I'd like to introduce our new neurosurgeon, Dr. Quinn Murphy.
09:39Fred felt something as he shook hands with her.
09:42But he couldn't quite grasp what it was until finally it hit him.
09:46He had met Quinn before.
09:49Does Fred know more than he was letting on?
09:51Will the truth come out about Jenny's past?
09:54I apologize for the misunderstanding.
09:58My assistant thought you were some random lunatic and not our new doctor.
10:04Quite all right, Mr. Smith.
10:06Hop on up and we'll begin the exam.
10:09We'll leave you two at the end.
10:15Will you take me to burgers after the exam?
10:18We'll talk to your dad about it.
10:20But first, I have to ask you a few questions.
10:23So I read your chart. Outbursts, medications.
10:26Is something bothering you, Jake?
10:31Is everything okay at home?
10:34I just get really mad because of my mom.
10:36She's not really my mom.
10:38And she's mean to me when no one's around.
10:41She hates me.
10:43All right, Jake. I believe you.
10:45I'm going to ask you an important question.
10:47And I want you to answer it honestly.
10:49Can you do that?
10:51Does your mother ever hurt you?
10:57Jenny's heart broke upon hearing this.
11:01She knew what she had to do.
11:03She needed to immediately convene with Dr. Crawford
11:05to gauge whether the situation was serious enough
11:08to be reported to authorities.
11:12I'll be right back.
11:17Can I speak to you in private?
11:19Is something wrong with my son?
11:21I haven't done any neurological exams on the boy yet.
11:23But I just need to speak with Dr. Crawford.
11:25You haven't even examined him yet
11:27and you already need your boss's help?
11:29Doc, is she even competent enough to treat my son?
11:32All right, calm down, Fred. I'm sure everything is just...
11:34I need to know.
11:36I do not trust just anybody with my son.
11:38Is he okay, Ms. Murphy?
11:40Quinn, it's okay.
11:42He's the father.
11:44What's going on?
11:46Jake seems to be under significant stress.
11:48It seems to be something going on at home.
11:50What are you accusing me of, Dr. Murphy?
11:52You think I'm torturing my own child?
11:54No, not you.
11:57Your wife.
11:59I need Dr. Crawford to tell me
12:01how to proceed in light of this information.
12:03We are legally required
12:05to report all abuse to the authorities.
12:07You're telling me
12:09you think my wife is abusive?
12:11I only know what Jake told me.
12:13This is outrageous!
12:15How dare this woman throw such allegations
12:17against my family?
12:19I will have your medical license revoked.
12:21Don't you care about your son well-being, Mr. Smith?
12:23I did you a favor by coming to Dr. Crawford.
12:25Maybe I should have just immediately reported you to the authorities.
12:27I should have never dropped those charges against you.
12:29I'm taking my son home.
12:41What kind of outfit are you running here?
12:43How can my son go missing
12:45twice in two days?
12:47You. You are going to pay for this.
12:49Jenny thought of how much Jake
12:51looked like Denny, her son.
12:54Same age, same height, same hair.
12:56It hit her.
12:58Jake was her missing son.
13:00And he was being raised by this horrible man.
13:02Fred, please.
13:04Calm down.
13:06I'm sure he's around here somewhere.
13:08I'll alert the facility. We will find him.
13:10Damn right you will. And get this woman out of my sight.
13:12I demand her to be fired.
13:14Let's not be too hasty.
13:16You need to do something.
13:18I will have this place on lockdown
13:20if my son isn't found in an hour.
13:24I'm sorry, Quinn. I'm going to have to suspend you
13:26pending an investigation
13:28or until we find Jake.
13:30This is wrong and you know it, Dean.
13:32I know, but Fred Smith is not just the president of Rex Corp.
13:34He's our biggest donor
13:36and a senior member of the board.
13:38My hands are tied.
13:40So you just bow down to him every time he decides to throw a temper tantrum?
13:42I am truly powerless here.
13:44And for what it's worth,
13:46I'm sorry.
13:54Attention all staff.
13:56We have a code purple.
13:58Please be on the lookout
14:00for a lost child.
14:12Ms. Simpson?
14:14Jenny, are you alright?
14:16I just heard there was an emergency at the hospital.
14:18The boy, Jake? He's missing.
14:20Again? Oh dear.
14:23I'm sure they will. Fred Smith is a powerful man.
14:25I don't know if Jake's safe with him.
14:27What do you mean?
14:29I'm his mother.
14:31I know I am.
14:33And he needs to be with me and his brother and his sister.
14:35Calm down, Jenny.
14:37I'm outside with the children.
14:39I just rushed here as soon as I heard.
14:41I'll see you soon.
14:43Your mom's coming now.
14:47Sammy, where's Jenny?
14:49Looking for mom.
14:57You need to stop running away.
14:59You're gonna get in serious trouble.
15:04You need to stop running away.
15:06You're gonna get in serious trouble.
15:10Let's get you home.
15:12Jake knew he should set the record straight
15:14and stop Fred from taking
15:16the wrong boy home.
15:18But he had wanted to get away from his father
15:20for so long.
15:22This was his chance.
15:34I'm not Jenny.
15:36Come back to the car right away.
15:38You can't just wander off.
15:40I'm not Jenny.
15:46Thank you for coming, Miss Simpson.
15:50Were they behaved today?
15:52For the most part.
15:55But Jenny had no idea
15:57that her firstborn son,
15:59the one that was taken from her,
16:01was sitting in her car
16:03instead of the child she'd raised all these years.
16:05But what would happen to Denny
16:07now that he was under the care of that
16:09terrible man?
16:11And worse yet, what would Fred do
16:13when he found out who Jenny really was?