Sirianni insouciant about hot seat despite Saleh sacking

  • 5 hours ago
Nick Sirianni isn't concerned about his job safety despite the shock firing of Robert Saleh from the Jets.


00:00No, obviously wish him nothing but the best, you know
00:03I had a good working relationship with with coach Salah being able to practice against those guys got a lot of respect for him
00:09You know always wishing him and his family the best
00:13Think he's a really good football coach
00:16But my mind is set on only how do we get better? Like if I'm upset?
00:22anything that
00:24Anything out of your control or anything that that consumes your mind?
00:28That's not focused on getting better as a waste of time. It only clouds the it only clouds the
00:35process driven of like if I'm waking up at 4 in the morning, right and
00:43My mind's not like it was just my mind and I'm thinking about what I'm gonna say the team. Oh my god
00:48I'm excited like it's hard for me to go back to sleep when I wake up in the middle of night
00:51Cuz I'm like, okay, I could say this and here's I'm gonna there's I'm gonna message this. Oh, what if we did this on defense?
00:57Oh, what if we did this with special teams?
00:59What if I have this conversation with this guy and like if my mind that I get so much like I get less sleep
01:06But I get a lot of things done there the trip home
01:09You know my drive into work or my drive out of work. There's so many things if you're focused on things that
01:15that don't that that you can't control or like and
01:20Then that's gonna cloud that that hunger and that drive to get better
01:26And so that's all that that we think about is the hunger drive to get better
01:30I know you probably can say well, that's coach dog is I'm not yeah, that's exactly what that's how we that's how I live
01:37That's how I've operated for you know, you are who your habits are and that's how I've been operating for a big portion of my life
