• 2 weeks ago
knowledge is most preciouse thinng in our life so dr tahir ul qadri is talking about how we protect our knowledge.


00:00On the basis of its effect, nine good fruits cannot cure one rotten apple.
00:07And a rotten apple's evil power is such that it destroys the health of nine good apples.
00:15This has to do with sohbat, training and environment.
00:18So knowledge needs sohbat as well, otherwise it gets rotten.
00:23The fruit of knowledge is good sohbat, good environment, good training, good manners, good deeds, good condition.
00:34If it doesn't get a good condition, then the knowledge remains rotten and melts.
00:39And whatever is attached to it also melts.
00:42So knowledge has to be preserved till the end.
00:44That is, from its creation till its completion.
00:48And when a person eats it after its completion, and then its process, till that time it has to be preserved.