Tretheway Complete Streets Consultation - October 7 2024

  • 2 days ago
You can tell who the carbrained folk were.
There was remarkably low attendance. Now if they complain saying "WE WEREN'T EVEN NOTIFIED!!111", they did get the notice in the mail. Not the city or Councillor's fault if they never checked the notice or tossed it.
If you noticed a few loud farts that occurred (there's two of 'em), I just couldn't figure out why wooden seats attract such things.

Video was sharpened due to an out of focus (blurry) projector.
High-pass filter applied due to the presence of gospel music on the lower level (which would trigger a content ID strike or muting of the entire video).
00:00:00that we have another meeting where we can invite
00:00:03the local residents to attend.
00:00:05So I asked that, if we could host another meeting,
00:00:09and so Larry Cole from the Residents Association
00:00:13kindly accepted that we would have one at this church,
00:00:17and thank you to the Green World Church
00:00:18for allowing us to have this meeting.
00:00:21So, and thank you for coming out,
00:00:23and it's so important to come out
00:00:25to these constitution meetings,
00:00:27because it gives the staff and me an idea
00:00:30on what the community is thinking,
00:00:33and what their ideas are.
00:00:34So tonight the city staff will be doing a presentation,
00:00:39and then following the presentation,
00:00:41then we will open up for questions,
00:00:44and I believe that there's some boards at the back,
00:00:46at the end, you can go up and give your comments
00:00:50on exactly the strengths,
00:00:51and what you support and not support.
00:00:53Now I'm gonna pass it on now to Larry,
00:00:56he's the chair of the Residents Association,
00:01:00and thank you, Larry, for allowing us
00:01:02to host this meeting this evening,
00:01:03if you could say a few words.
00:01:10Thank you, Frances.
00:01:11Again, as Frances said, I'd like to thank
00:01:13the Green World Community Church here,
00:01:17that kindly is allowing us to use this space.
00:01:21This church has been here since the early 50s,
00:01:24and so we work with Green World Community Church,
00:01:27Green World Community Association,
00:01:30just to host some public meetings like this,
00:01:32so we wanted to hear from city staff
00:01:36about proposing this, and hopefully
00:01:40we can get your comments on it,
00:01:42and also wanted to, I'll go over to the side,
00:01:48if you want these signs,
00:01:50these are slow down signs from the city of Toronto.
00:01:56Frances' office, the community office,
00:01:58Keelan Ingram asked if you would like to put them
00:02:02on your lawn or property,
00:02:04no, we have some on Greenbrook and various streets,
00:02:07so if you need some signs, just tell Audrey Black,
00:02:12who works with Frances, all right?
00:02:15So I'm just going to, again, thank the staff,
00:02:18or also the city staff for coming,
00:02:20and everybody for attending tonight.
00:02:22So I'll just pass it on to the city staff now.
00:02:37Good evening, everyone, thanks so much for coming out.
00:02:40My name is Cady Dalforte, this is Sayan,
00:02:43you can say his last name.
00:02:44Silva Pata-Sindhara.
00:02:46Hi, I'm Rachel A. Titian.
00:02:51So last time we came out, one of the main questions
00:02:55that I had at the end of my presentation was,
00:02:58or comment was, I'm not sure you're pronouncing
00:03:00this street name correctly, so I'm not sure
00:03:03if I'm supposed to say it this way,
00:03:06so please correct me if I'm saying this wrong.
00:03:10So I'm just going to continue, so I'm getting some nods,
00:03:13I'm going to stick with that,
00:03:14but I know some people in the community
00:03:17pronounce it different ways.
00:03:19So as the councilor mentioned, we were out in the community
00:03:24in June, so this is the same presentation,
00:03:27so this is part of the first phase of consultation,
00:03:30just to receive feedback about opportunities
00:03:33and concerns, really for us to learn about the community
00:03:37and opportunities for what could be included
00:03:41in the design for the Chichime drive-through street.
00:03:47Then, based on the feedback we received,
00:03:50we will come back to the community
00:03:51with a phase two consultation, where we will present
00:03:55different designs, different options,
00:03:57and we will reach out to receive further feedback
00:04:03about what is proposed.
00:04:05So a bit of a project overview.
00:04:09We have the city, the food street is being proposed
00:04:14from Jane Street all the way to Edmonton,
00:04:17so it's all up to Chichime drive,
00:04:21and these streets are really an opportunity
00:04:24to enhance road safety and accessibility.
00:04:28They are for all road users, they are for people driving,
00:04:33people cycling, people walking, for all of the road users,
00:04:38and this street is about two and a half kilometers long,
00:04:43and it's a really key connection between
00:04:47what we're seeing at the north,
00:04:49which is the western cycling connections.
00:04:51We saw that the phase one construction has occurred.
00:04:56There will be further consultation for phase two,
00:04:59and there is also a phase three,
00:05:01so lots of connections towards the north,
00:05:03and I'm sure you're also aware that there's the Edmonton
00:05:07day, so the connections all the way on Edmonton,
00:05:11connecting the light rail transit stations on that street.
00:05:16So this was identified in the cycling network
00:05:22near term implementation plan for installation
00:05:26in 2022, 2024, and there has been some delays,
00:05:30so it will not, the consultation started in 2024,
00:05:34but installation will not start until next year.
00:05:38This project is not tied to any major road work,
00:05:41so we are talking about a quick build installation,
00:05:46and so with quick builds, you use temporary materials,
00:05:51so it's a good way to test new designs,
00:05:55new configurations for the road,
00:05:58and when there is major road work,
00:06:00then we'll have tested, and we can make improvements,
00:06:04see what works, what didn't work,
00:06:05and these can be adjusted.
00:06:06So the materials that we typically use are
00:06:09the line markings on the road, we use barriers,
00:06:13so we want to make sure that people who are cycling
00:06:17and walking have that separation,
00:06:20so physical separation with forwards,
00:06:23curb stones, or long walls would be used
00:06:27on a corridor such as this,
00:06:30and there are some opportunities
00:06:32to do some small civil work,
00:06:34so it's not that we cannot do any civil work,
00:06:38but because there's no major road,
00:06:41there's no water coming to do water main
00:06:45throughout the whole corridor,
00:06:47and the street will not be all worked out,
00:06:49this will be a very quick installation
00:06:51that will only take a few weeks,
00:06:53and as I said, it's with temporary materials,
00:06:56so if there are essential connections
00:07:00that we want to make, or if there's really something
00:07:03that is a key to get the project constructed,
00:07:06then we will consider some small civil interventions.
00:07:11So the goals that we have set out for this project
00:07:14is really to improve safety on the corridor,
00:07:19so that's for all people, as I mentioned,
00:07:23we want to encourage cycling by connecting
00:07:26and improving the bikeways,
00:07:27so we know that there's not a huge network in the area,
00:07:32that there's a great gap in this community,
00:07:36to really better connect with Edmonton today
00:07:40that's coming, there's a Silverthorne connections
00:07:43that's coming, so if you're living in the western community,
00:07:49you'll be able to make your way over in downtown
00:07:51and save that.
00:07:55And so there are planned roadway projects in the area,
00:08:02so there is some coordination that needs to be done,
00:08:05so they're listed here, as I mentioned,
00:08:08Edmonton is ongoing, there's some consultation
00:08:13for the Jane Racoteau that's happening,
00:08:17the western cycling connections,
00:08:19and there will be some more work on 230 Drive
00:08:22in a few years, so right now it's currently planned
00:08:25for 2028, things often change,
00:08:29but that is the current plan for major road resurfacing
00:08:32on 230 Drive, so in the next year or so,
00:08:38testing out a configuration will be a great opportunity
00:08:42before this major road work happens in 2028, or later.
00:08:47And so this is a slide about how decisions are made,
00:08:51so there's always three major components
00:08:55that staff need to assess to be able to make decisions.
00:09:02So public input, thanks to you,
00:09:05we learn about community in your community,
00:09:08and learning and giving your feedback that we receive
00:09:14is really critical to improving these projects.
00:09:17We don't live here, or sometimes we do live
00:09:20in the communities that we work in,
00:09:21but none of us live in the heart of Chautauquie,
00:09:25and so your social impact is really essential
00:09:29to help make the design great.
00:09:32There are city policies and programs
00:09:34that our staff need to rely to,
00:09:38and so transport T.O., climate action strategy,
00:09:42Vision Zero, and the cycling network plan
00:09:45are things that dictate the road design.
00:09:51The way we work, and why we're here,
00:09:54and there are technical requirements,
00:09:57so sometimes there are limitations,
00:10:00sometimes the roadway is super narrow,
00:10:03and there's not a ton that we can do,
00:10:07but it's still really important
00:10:08to speak with the community so that we can
00:10:14make the best on the corridor that we have.
00:10:17Typically, there is some width,
00:10:19so there are different options that we are looking at,
00:10:23depending on what the community's preference is.
00:10:27So, this says we are here,
00:10:30so this was a presentation from June.
00:10:34We are transitioning into the second phase of the project.
00:10:41So, as I said, general consultation for the first phase.
00:10:46The second phase will focus on feedback on the designs.
00:10:51Based on that feedback, there will be detailed design,
00:10:55and if all goes well, this would be going to Council
00:10:59in early 2025.
00:11:01If it is adopted by Council, then installation.
00:11:06We don't really call it construction,
00:11:08because there's no way to do digging or anything.
00:11:10It would be temporary materials
00:11:12would be happening in the summer of 2025.
00:11:15So, why consider change?
00:11:17As I mentioned, a bunch of policies.
00:11:19I won't go through all of these,
00:11:20but I'm happy to discuss these one on one with you.
00:11:23The Vision Zero Plan, Vision Zero,
00:11:26these Complete Street Guidelines,
00:11:27all of these things really guide our work.
00:11:31A few key things to note.
00:11:34The Vision Zero Road Safety Plan,
00:11:36you can see that on the left-hand side
00:11:40are the kilometers of roadway,
00:11:42and the red line shows fatal collisions
00:11:46by roadway classification.
00:11:48And you can see in the little,
00:11:50the second column is arterial roads,
00:11:53which is what 238 Drive is,
00:11:55and there are a lot more fatal collisions
00:11:59on these types of roads.
00:12:00It's in balance with the number of kilometers
00:12:02that we have in the city,
00:12:04but just the speed and the volumes that we have
00:12:07on these types of streets, unfortunately,
00:12:10results in some fatal collisions.
00:12:15And just the way that they're currently designed.
00:12:17So, there are improvements to be made
00:12:20on these types of roads.
00:12:23And transformTO, the goal is for 75% of school
00:12:28and work trips under five kilometers
00:12:31to be made by active transportation.
00:12:34So, by that we mean walking, biking, or taking transit.
00:12:38So, this were council-approved policies.
00:12:46So, a bit of background on why 238 Drive was selected.
00:12:51So, our team, Sayan and I,
00:12:54work in the Cycling and Pedestrian Projects Unit.
00:12:58There is a team of planners
00:12:59who work on the Cycling Network Plan.
00:13:02And so, for that, they assess many categories
00:13:07to be able to determine which one on the map
00:13:10will become part of the Cycling Network Plan.
00:13:12And our role is to consult the public
00:13:15to figure out how to best build this,
00:13:18and how to install it, and what the design will be.
00:13:21So, you can see that one of the reasons
00:13:27why this street was selected is that,
00:13:30well, there's 85% of people driving
00:13:34exceed the posted speed limit.
00:13:37Which is, I mean, I'm not sure if that's,
00:13:42it's just not a great scenario
00:13:45where we have a 50 kilometer speed limit,
00:13:49and people going above that.
00:13:50We know that when you're going at high speeds,
00:13:55the higher the speed, the more tragic the collision will be.
00:14:00And so, that's the summary of this slide.
00:14:05There's too many collisions on this roadway.
00:14:09We have drawn out, in the last decade,
00:14:13over 1,300 collisions, and have listed
00:14:17the serious injuries and fatalities on the corridor.
00:14:23There's also, equity is part of the rationale
00:14:27for selecting this corridor.
00:14:30So, you can see the neighborhood improvement areas,
00:14:34there are many in the vicinity.
00:14:38So, not everyone has the opportunity,
00:14:42or has the same access to proper transportation.
00:14:47There is transit in the area,
00:14:51and that will continue to improve.
00:14:56Cycling is another mode, another option for people to use.
00:15:03And, a very affordable and easy way to get around,
00:15:08if you have the same option.
00:15:12Lots of places to connect to,
00:15:14and you can see on the left-hand side,
00:15:16there's a map that shows the gap in the area
00:15:19that is not connected to the bikeways.
00:15:23And, the goal is to really provide that connection.
00:15:30And, lots of transit opportunities, as I said.
00:15:33So, just a few highlights of the things
00:15:38that we are looking at on the corridor.
00:15:39So, there are major intersections that are,
00:15:45I think could really benefit from improvements.
00:15:50The Black Creek intersection has very heavy turning volumes.
00:15:55It has very long crossing distances,
00:15:58very challenging as a pedestrian.
00:15:59There are obstacles in the middle of the crossings.
00:16:05The median is sticking out there.
00:16:07So, something like this,
00:16:09or something that we can look at
00:16:10as an essential small, simple intervention.
00:16:15There's also the slip lane, which is a concern.
00:16:18So, we talked about looking at having a stop
00:16:22and a crosswalk, which doesn't currently exist there.
00:16:30And then, just showing another view
00:16:32at Edmonton, Drupal and Bureau Road.
00:16:38There's a lot going on there, lots of challenges.
00:16:41But, we have traffic engineers
00:16:43who are looking at that intersection.
00:16:47Combined with the work that's happening on Edmonton today,
00:16:51making sure that this intersection flows well
00:16:55and also is respectful of anything
00:17:01that would be added to the intersection.
00:17:02So, if the bike lane were to go through here,
00:17:05that everyone is safe and that everyone has a space
00:17:08and that movements are all protected safely
00:17:12across the intersection.
00:17:14And, just a few other images of the neighborhood.
00:17:19The narrow sidewalks, bike share has come to the area.
00:17:24There's people riding on the sidewalk
00:17:27and that was actually what I was talking about at last week.
00:17:33Just quickly, the existing cross sections.
00:17:36There is a small segment between Paulson and your road
00:17:40where there is off-peak parking.
00:17:42We have done a survey of parking use.
00:17:47It does not seem like it is tremendously used,
00:17:50but we would love to hear feedback
00:17:52from the community about that.
00:17:54Because, if we do not need to maintain that parking,
00:17:57that provides opportunities for other uses.
00:18:03So, a little bit about the Complete Streets approach.
00:18:06So, for many decades in the city of Toronto,
00:18:10there was a center line out kind of approach,
00:18:12thinking of how much space does the car need
00:18:16and people driving need.
00:18:18And, the Complete Streets approach
00:18:20tries to consider all of the uses.
00:18:24So, we want to make sure that people can move,
00:18:27people who are driving, people who are cycling and walking.
00:18:30All of this really helps with public health and safety.
00:18:33It also has economic development.
00:18:38It's positive for economic development,
00:18:41where people are not just going through
00:18:44from point A to point B.
00:18:45It's a pleasant walk, a pleasant place to go sit
00:18:50and have a coffee.
00:18:51It really benefits the businesses in the area
00:18:55and also improves the environmental quality
00:18:57and just the livability and equity in the area.
00:19:04I mentioned this,
00:19:08there are high speeds and high volumes in the area.
00:19:11So, we follow guidelines when we determine
00:19:14which type of bikeway facilities to propose on a corridor.
00:19:18And so, you can see that there are
00:19:22two different speed limits,
00:19:26which we would also love to hear from you
00:19:30about a potential reduction.
00:19:32So, part of it is 40 kilometers
00:19:35and the other segment is 50 kilometers.
00:19:38Bringing that down to 40 kilometers the whole way
00:19:41could be something that we could do through this project.
00:19:45One way or another, that 40 kilometer speed limit
00:19:49does equal physically separated bikeways.
00:19:52So, it really requires a physical separation.
00:19:59It's not just a painted line.
00:20:01So, make sure that all ages and abilities
00:20:05can use this facility, or else people
00:20:06will not feel comfortable using this.
00:20:09And I just want to say, it's not to take away space
00:20:14for the car, it's really to make it equitable.
00:20:20So, yes, it is, or it's not?
00:20:22It is not.
00:20:22There are options where the number of lanes
00:20:26can be maintained.
00:20:28So, we are looking at all these options
00:20:30and they all have pros and cons.
00:20:32I just want to say that to be able
00:20:35to provide a bikeway facility,
00:20:39it does need to be physically separated.
00:20:42And so, a little bit more about the quick build
00:20:45versus permanent build.
00:20:46So, on the left-hand side,
00:20:51your left is my left as well,
00:20:54is an example of a quick build.
00:20:57You can see some intersection improvements here.
00:21:01You can see some painted curb extensions.
00:21:04So, by this we paint and balance,
00:21:08really reduce the crossing distance for people,
00:21:12and help drivers know how to turn around the corner,
00:21:17better set lines, so they can see
00:21:19the people who are crossing.
00:21:22It just makes it safer for everyone.
00:21:24It slows down the turns,
00:21:29because the turns are tighter for vehicles,
00:21:33but there are modeling tools that we use
00:21:36to be able to get it right,
00:21:37and make sure that all vehicles can actually make the turn.
00:21:42And you can see the after image here.
00:21:47This is when there has been some civil upgrades.
00:21:49And so, there could potentially be an opportunity
00:21:54to do this in a few locations on the corridor,
00:21:58but as I said, it's not a full road of instruction,
00:22:01so we have to look at how much,
00:22:04the funds that we have to be able
00:22:06to do some upgrades of this nature.
00:22:10But in 2028, there are these types of opportunities
00:22:14with the road rehabilitation that's upcoming.
00:22:19So, the quick build toolbox includes some of these elements.
00:22:24So, as I said, there needs to be separation.
00:22:28The picture on the top left is showing curb stones.
00:22:34We've been diving a little bit more
00:22:36into looking at what space we have,
00:22:39and we think we can actually fit low walls,
00:22:42which are not pictured on the slide,
00:22:46but they're a lot taller, they're wider.
00:22:48People seem to find them more comfortable.
00:22:52Accessible bus stops.
00:22:53So, this is very important as well.
00:22:54So, if you put in a bike way to be able to...
00:23:03Either the bus has to come through the curb
00:23:05and cut through the bike way,
00:23:09which is not preferred,
00:23:12and for major bus stops with a lot of activity,
00:23:18we have tended to put this Zipa platform.
00:23:21It is a rubber type of platform that is temporary in nature.
00:23:27On the top right is an accessible loading zone,
00:23:31so other types of platforms that we've installed.
00:23:33These are more permanent in nature.
00:23:36We made our bash vaults,
00:23:38and so someone with a mobility device
00:23:41can load directly at the level of the site.
00:23:46For the entire corridor, we're looking at signal upgrades
00:23:49and coordination of the signals along the corridor.
00:23:53So, the city is doing some upgrades now to the corridor,
00:24:01and any changes that would come would be,
00:24:05the signals would be adjusted.
00:24:07We are also looking at left turn calming.
00:24:10So, this is a little bit hard to see.
00:24:12There's a pink arrow that is showing
00:24:15the movement for vehicles.
00:24:17So, if you see the little kind of beehive,
00:24:21the bee humps in the middle of the road,
00:24:26the city has highlighted this left turn calming,
00:24:32this left turn calming initiative,
00:24:33where you have almost like little speed humps
00:24:36that guide the car around.
00:24:39The cars don't want to drive on these little bee humps,
00:24:44and so it really helps the vehicles to do the proper turn
00:24:49and have better sight lines, again,
00:24:52so that they can see people who are crossing,
00:24:55so they were crossing by foot or on bike,
00:25:01to improve safety, again.
00:25:03So, this is something that we're looking at
00:25:04throughout the corridor.
00:25:07And as I mentioned, curb radii, curb radii tightening.
00:25:10So, trying to reduce those crossing distances
00:25:13on the side streets.
00:25:19It's now time to pass it to Rachel.
00:25:30So, I'm with the Public Consultation Unit
00:25:32with the City of Toronto,
00:25:33and our work is to gather feedback
00:25:36and kind of be a bit of a liaison
00:25:38with the project team and the different city divisions
00:25:42that we work with.
00:25:42So, I'm working with Karina and Sian
00:25:45on the Trithui Complete Street.
00:25:48And as Karina said, we're just finished up
00:25:52the phase one of the public consultation in the spring,
00:25:55and there'll be a phase two design options
00:25:57coming later on in the fall.
00:26:00And just to say that we heard feedback
00:26:05in the first phase, specifically from some
00:26:08of the intersections along Trithui Drive,
00:26:10that this association in the area we are here
00:26:14heard things about congestion and pedestrian safety,
00:26:21low visibility for blind spots for left turns
00:26:26because of bends in the roads and parking suggestions.
00:26:29So, we have gathered a lot of feedback
00:26:32and we want to keep hearing from you.
00:26:35And we can have a few minutes of questions
00:26:38with the whole room, but another thing we have
00:26:40is an aerial map of the street at the back here.
00:26:45And we have posted notes, and so you're welcome
00:26:46to kind of identify specific intersections
00:26:50or places on the street that you really want
00:26:52the project team to know about.
00:26:55And that way, we can kind of gather feedback
00:26:58from the community as a whole.
00:27:04We have a time frame for feedback for phase one,
00:27:07but I just want you to rest assured
00:27:09that the feedback that we are collecting this evening
00:27:11will feed into this project and this process.
00:27:16And so, we will record it and we will be using it
00:27:22as part of the feedback for this piece of work here.
00:27:27Thank you very much.
00:27:39On the connection points on the upper left,
00:27:43connected to the Pine Street extension,
00:27:47and then the lower right-hand corner
00:27:49that connect to Eglinton, what does the dashed line
00:27:52mean in time, or like the scope of that effort?
00:27:58Okay, so I do consider the Westside Connections
00:28:02and the Arrow to the Silverthorne connection.
00:28:05Yes, I want to understand like connection
00:28:07and how that's gonna take place.
00:28:08Yeah, so my understanding is that phase one
00:28:11of the Westside Connections has been implemented,
00:28:14and then that consultation will be happening
00:28:17in the fall with a very similar timeline to this project.
00:28:20So it would be starting in the spring.
00:28:23Phase two would be implemented.
00:28:27This also needs approval at council,
00:28:29so it's always pending that.
00:28:33So that is for the Westside Connections,
00:28:36and similar to that, I'm less familiar with the timeline,
00:28:39but I'm happy to report back on that.
00:28:42I think it's also planned for a 2025 installation,
00:28:46but I'm not exactly sure when the consultation is happening.
00:28:56So we're looking at different options.
00:28:59We are looking at different options,
00:29:00so there is one option that maintains four lanes
00:29:03for most of the corridor.
00:29:07Most of the corridor, so there is one area
00:29:10where it's very tight, so unless we can find
00:29:13some funding to do some civil work
00:29:14just in the north of Black Creek,
00:29:18all the way to around the pulses
00:29:20where we're trying to get clear view,
00:29:23that would be a three-lane configuration.
00:29:27But we are still looking at it.
00:29:29So you are taking away the traffic.
00:29:31So it does take away the traffic.
00:29:34For that one, for that one.
00:29:35Which takes away it together,
00:29:37because it slows everything down.
00:29:39That is one option.
00:29:42The other option is.
00:29:43That's the point, to slow it down.
00:29:46It's supposed to be safer.
00:29:48You guys have to go sign, slow down,
00:29:50slow down these districts,
00:29:51it's not like I'm going to do that.
00:29:53Yeah, I'm going to suggest that we try
00:29:56one question at a time, so that we can hear
00:29:59from everyone who's here.
00:30:01And we'll get to your questions,
00:30:03just let's be respectful of everyone's comments.
00:30:06Yes, sir?
00:30:07I'm just asking, if there's not going to be four lanes,
00:30:11has Doug Ford agreed to this?
00:30:14Because he's come out with statements
00:30:16that I'm sure you've heard,
00:30:18that he's going to put in legislation
00:30:19that you won't be able to do that.
00:30:21Thank you, no sir.
00:30:23Okay, so, Kavina?
00:30:26Yeah, so we have heard some statements,
00:30:30we have not received any.
00:30:31I have no clue as to what you're saying.
00:30:35Can you hear me?
00:30:37Yes, can you hear me?
00:30:38Yes, so like everyone in the province of Ontario,
00:30:42we have heard some statements,
00:30:44but we have not received any documentation,
00:30:46so we can't respond to that statement.
00:30:49We have nothing to position ourselves on at this moment.
00:30:52So once we receive that, once there is legislation,
00:30:56then we can have that conversation,
00:30:59but for now, we're still directed by Council
00:31:01to move ahead with, yeah.
00:31:03And folks, I just want to sort of point out
00:31:06what Kavina said earlier, you know,
00:31:08we haven't come forward, this is continuous
00:31:11in terms of a project where we would come back to,
00:31:15and present further our project and options
00:31:18that are being explored.
00:31:19There is no decision-making at this point in time.
00:31:22So again, we're at a stage of identifying
00:31:25the opportunities, the possibilities,
00:31:28and it's about getting your feedback.
00:31:31Any other questions?
00:31:33Yes, I'm curious to know if this was a request
00:31:37from the residents that lay around for two weeks,
00:31:39or if it was something that the city just brought up.
00:31:46Because I don't use this way that much,
00:31:49but I do use it at times, and I find it's very heavy traffic.
00:31:53There's trucks, there's buses on it,
00:31:56and so on, et cetera, et cetera.
00:31:59The other night, I had the occasion,
00:32:01I had to drive my granddaughter down
00:32:02to the Atomic Oaks Civic Center for four o'clock.
00:32:06So driving along the 401, I noticed
00:32:08that the eastbound traffic on the 401 was stopping,
00:32:1227 northbound was getting heavy,
00:32:14so I decided to use the east,
00:32:18that's East Mall, to Edmonton.
00:32:21I get into Edmonton, Edmonton was a good name.
00:32:26And then as we inched forward more,
00:32:28we found out, I found out, that one of the lanes
00:32:32on Edmonton, eastbound, was being closed
00:32:34to bicycle traffic, and every time we reached up,
00:32:39a stop light, we had to wait three or four lights
00:32:42before we could pass it.
00:32:44And all that time, when I reached it,
00:32:45I did not see one cyclist.
00:32:48So I don't know what the number of cyclists
00:32:51are going to be using this,
00:32:54and if the residents in the area ask for it.
00:33:00You need to build it to make it safe for me.
00:33:02Yes, I understand that, and I don't have,
00:33:05I don't, I don't have, I don't have objections.
00:33:09To making it safe, to making the sidewalks safe,
00:33:12everything else.
00:33:14What I object to is when I drive on streets
00:33:17like Bloor Street, other places,
00:33:19where you close off one lane for cyclists,
00:33:24there's no cyclists, and traffic just comes to a halt.
00:33:29It doesn't help the air pollution at all.
00:33:32And this is what the city's gone into.
00:33:35I worked downtown for 35 years.
00:33:37Since I retired, I haven't been downtown in 20 years
00:33:40because of the congestions downtown.
00:33:43And this is what we're doing here up here
00:33:45in North York as well, in North York,
00:33:47and we're very grateful for the call.
00:33:48So that's my only comment, thank you.
00:33:54So the first question about whether or not
00:33:57this came from the community,
00:33:58so the cycling network plan
00:34:01is, it does consult the entire city of Toronto,
00:34:07including the residents in the area.
00:34:12And so this was, you know, as I said,
00:34:16many factors go into this, so looking at destinations
00:34:20across the city, looking at access to work,
00:34:24access to groceries, access to schools,
00:34:29all of this is really considered.
00:34:32There are complicated spreadsheets and GIS mapping
00:34:39and activities based on the feedback
00:34:41that is received for the cycling network.
00:34:44In the past, you know, the cycling network
00:34:46was a 10-year program,
00:34:51and we realized that that was very challenging
00:34:54to be able to predict, you know,
00:34:57there's so much change in the city within 10 years.
00:34:59So now we have a near-term implementation plan
00:35:02that's over three years, so consultation
00:35:05was recently done for that,
00:35:07and the corridors that were selected
00:35:09are what we're consulting on in the coming years.
00:35:17Yes, good evening.
00:35:19My name is Bob Murphy.
00:35:21I reside here on Driftwood.
00:35:23I'm also with the Toronto Community Bikeways Coalition,
00:35:27and a former outreach worker here in Weston,
00:35:29so I get, I'm in touch with our residents
00:35:32that live on these streets,
00:35:35and what we continue to hear is that nobody wants
00:35:38to ride their bike in Weston because it's too frightening.
00:35:41Weston, home of the bicycle,
00:35:42with a little sliver of bike lanes.
00:35:44Now on Driftwood, we get a lot of traffic
00:35:47feeding off Black Creek, and on Black Creek,
00:35:50we have three major parks.
00:35:54Dedicated raised boulders,
00:35:58safe, with dedicated bike lanes,
00:36:01keeps the cyclists out of the traffic,
00:36:05and makes it safer, and it saves lives.
00:36:08And if we think any little different
00:36:10that's going to disturb your drive,
00:36:12or it's going to inconvenience,
00:36:14would anybody here take their grandkids
00:36:15off to Philly and go for a bike ride out there?
00:36:17Nobody goes on it, nobody uses bikes.
00:36:20You're not looking at that as a direct,
00:36:21you'll hit it, it'll be fine.
00:36:22And if the traffic gets built up.
00:36:23I do it every year, all year round.
00:36:26You have your comment, thank you.
00:36:28So tech cars for the year.
00:36:29So folks, again, I've got to get everybody
00:36:32an opportunity, I have three other people.
00:36:34Good comment, sir, thank you for your comment.
00:36:36I have a view, if you'd like to speak,
00:36:38but I've got three other people.
00:36:40Oh, we've got you, you, and then back to them.
00:36:43Yeah, I was an individual there prior to that.
00:36:46Sorry, did you have that order?
00:36:50I just wanted to ask, I wanted to ask
00:36:53about winter and snow removal.
00:36:54Sure, yeah, thank you.
00:37:01So, the city does snow removal on the bike lanes.
00:37:09When they're selected, when they have been built,
00:37:12there's a program for snow removal for those bike lanes.
00:37:16They have specific snow blocks for those bike lanes.
00:37:23How you doing, I've lived on Paulson for 24 years.
00:37:27One question I have, or actually,
00:37:30are you planning on a left turn lane
00:37:33going northbound on Black Creek?
00:37:39And are you planning a right turn lane
00:37:42at Black Creek and Trethewey?
00:37:44Because I live on Paulson, and probably 50 times a day,
00:37:49because there's no left turn,
00:37:51I have people that turn onto our street
00:37:53because there's no access to the street prior
00:37:58that they turn onto our street
00:37:59to make a three-point turn to go back.
00:38:02Also, again, I've lived in the area for 24 years.
00:38:06I can count on both hands the amount of bikers
00:38:10I've seen in 24 years, so I find this,
00:38:12regardless of what this gentleman said,
00:38:14who lives on Trethewey, that a bike lane would make things
00:38:17safe, there are no bikers in our neighborhood.
00:38:20So who came up with this scenario?
00:38:24Because I find it ridiculous because there's so many
00:38:26other things that are paramount in this area,
00:38:30other than a bike lane.
00:38:34So, do you know about the left turn or right turn sign?
00:38:41So the Black Creek left turns from Trethewey
00:38:48making left turns, I think they're currently banned.
00:38:51The reason why they're banned is because of the configuration
00:38:54of the road, the angle that it crosses
00:38:56from Black Creek to Trethewey,
00:38:58that would make it unsafe to make those lefts.
00:39:00It's always been that way from day one.
00:39:05It's always been you could never make a left turn
00:39:07to Black Creek.
00:39:08Yeah, it's because of the way the road is configured.
00:39:12It would make it unsafe to make those turns.
00:39:14How is it unsafe?
00:39:15So how is it gonna be good on a bike lane?
00:39:16It's not safe the way it's built.
00:39:18You can always change the part that sticks out
00:39:21of a lot of the turns.
00:39:23So you can make a left going southbound,
00:39:27and you can make a left going northbound.
00:39:29I don't understand how it's not safe going east and west.
00:39:33And like I said, continuously on a daily basis,
00:39:36I have people that turn onto our street
00:39:39that because they can't make a left turn,
00:39:41come onto our street and pull a three-point turn
00:39:43and then go northbound.
00:39:46Like I understand maybe 30 years ago
00:39:48when it was implemented, but things have changed.
00:39:51And by the way, the other thing I wanna know,
00:39:54will this be done before the LRT?
00:39:57I'm not sure if it'll happen.
00:40:00But I don't know if you have more that you can add.
00:40:07No, no, I think there's a lot.
00:40:12And Councilor Nunziata has no interest
00:40:15on anything to do on Paulson Road.
00:40:18So I'm gonna suggest that even at the end,
00:40:20maybe we can spend some time looking
00:40:22at that particular intersection with you, okay?
00:40:27All right.
00:40:28I have a gentleman over here.
00:40:30Hi, my name's Carlos, I live on Tresui as well.
00:40:33I've got a couple of questions.
00:40:35This project, will you be repaving that road?
00:40:38Because Tresui's got abused to no end
00:40:41because of all the trucks, construction,
00:40:43because of the subway line.
00:40:46So that's my first question.
00:40:48So there is no major road work that's currently planned.
00:40:56It's 2028, but this would, if it were to be approved
00:41:01at Council, could be installed as early as next year.
00:41:04And so when we have projects like this,
00:41:06we do look at the road condition,
00:41:08and we can request a critical repair ahead of the bikeway.
00:41:14That would have to be determined.
00:41:16We can't get that approved until the project is approved.
00:41:19So it's something that we would look at,
00:41:23definitely filling in the potholes,
00:41:24and making it safe is our priority.
00:41:28But no curb to curb road resurfacing in 2025.
00:41:33Okay, my next question is, since I've moved in,
00:41:37which was over 28 years ago,
00:41:39there's always been a restriction of heavy trucks
00:41:41coming in from Black Creek all the way to York.
00:41:44And when the construction started for the LRT,
00:41:48the bylaw was changed to allow the construction trucks
00:41:51to get here quicker, to make the project go faster.
00:41:56But I don't know what happened there.
00:41:58But anyways, I reached out six months ago
00:42:01after the construction was done for the LRT
00:42:04here at the subway line, and the signs were changed back.
00:42:09But my question is, who's enforcing that,
00:42:12and is there a fine?
00:42:14Because I constantly, constantly see 18 wheelers
00:42:19using air brakes, stopping, trucks starting to drive
00:42:22on Truthu at 6 a.m., starting their,
00:42:25you know, when they gear up and gear down
00:42:27and make up the whole neighborhood.
00:42:29So I'm sorry, is it still in place?
00:42:31No, I think he said the bylaw reverted.
00:42:34Yeah, I had to reach out to revert it,
00:42:37and it was done within 24 hours.
00:42:39But I'm still seeing, and this was three months ago,
00:42:43and I'm still seeing trucks up and down construction,
00:42:4718 wheelers, as far as I'm concerned,
00:42:49the only trucks going down our street
00:42:51should be buses and garbage trucks.
00:42:55Yep, so we noted that, but this is not something
00:42:58that we have control over, but we can reach out
00:43:00to our colleagues and inform them.
00:43:04So my question is, once you do this budget,
00:43:06is that bylaw going to change,
00:43:08are you going to allow trucks,
00:43:09or are you going to keep that in place?
00:43:10No, we would not allow more trucks on the road.
00:43:17Okay, I have a few others that have put their hands
00:43:20and are patiently waiting.
00:43:21I'll get to all of you.
00:43:22So, pretty quickly, I'm not adverse to traffic calming.
00:43:25I mean, I've lived on railroad for 32 years.
00:43:28We've got speed bumps, and we have planters,
00:43:30and we have no entry at the bottom of the street,
00:43:32so I'm not adverse to traffic calming.
00:43:34But what can we do, to this gentleman's point,
00:43:37about the amount of traffic that comes off of Black Creek
00:43:41that takes Trithui down to Edmonton,
00:43:44and it's just jammed up.
00:43:46I drive to Trithui twice a day.
00:43:48I mean, I'm lucky, because I leave at 6.30,
00:43:51and I just get on the Black Creek,
00:43:53and I go to the 407, but when I come back,
00:43:56it's a nightmare, and you can't get anywhere on Trithui,
00:44:01and you can't, of course, with all the restrictions,
00:44:03you can't get through any of the back streets, right?
00:44:05But what can we do to alleviate some of that traffic
00:44:08coming off of Black Creek?
00:44:10I mean, I understand banning trucks is very important,
00:44:13but if we're going to go from a high-speed left-turn lane
00:44:18into one lane on Trithui,
00:44:19there are going to be incidences there
00:44:22that have to be dealt with.
00:44:23There are going to be accidents.
00:44:26Yeah, thanks for your feedback.
00:44:28We are considering all the intersections on the corridor,
00:44:32and we're looking at a signal timing
00:44:34to improve how things flow off through Edmonton.
00:44:39Depending on which design comes about,
00:44:42that will really impact how these intersections are dealt with.
00:44:46So, it still earns 30 stages, so we'll have to...
00:44:51Okay, can I just grab four more people, and I'll come back.
00:44:55So, I know I'm seeing your hands raised.
00:44:57If you raise them, then I'll put you in order.
00:45:01Okay, thank you.
00:45:02I just want to make some points, I guess,
00:45:03in favor of the road changes.
00:45:06This is about connecting the trails that we have in the area
00:45:09and the bikeway on Edmonton and the LRT.
00:45:13It's Cherthui.
00:45:14It's a busy, dangerous street.
00:45:17I think if you look at Scarlet Road,
00:45:20they implemented something similar
00:45:22where they reduced it down from four lanes to three,
00:45:24so you have the turning lanes down the middle,
00:45:26and a constant flow of traffic.
00:45:29As a Toronto driver, I drive all over the place.
00:45:31We have some of the worst road habits
00:45:33I've ever seen from drivers anywhere.
00:45:35We hog the left lane.
00:45:37We don't know how to zip or merge, things like that.
00:45:39So, you eliminate that by funneling them down one lane
00:45:44and then opening it up to turn.
00:45:47So, that's the point.
00:45:50As far as Cherthui goes, I've seen plans
00:45:52for bike lanes on Cherthui for like a decade now.
00:45:55It keeps getting kicked down the road,
00:45:57so it's finally time to just kind of move on
00:46:00and let's build it, especially as the LRT
00:46:02is coming down the road, hopefully sooner than later.
00:46:06And finally, the irony of that slowdown sign
00:46:09is just amazing.
00:46:11Here, put up this sign on your lawn
00:46:13and then leave the street built like a highway
00:46:16where cars are literally going 60, 70, 80, who knows?
00:46:20So, those are my comments.
00:46:23And you know, if you want people to not drive
00:46:26and you want to give people options to not drive,
00:46:30this is how you do it.
00:46:31It has to be safe and it has to be inviting
00:46:34because I like to ride my bike through this area.
00:46:38I find myself driving more than not
00:46:41and this location was not invited
00:46:44for someone on a bike, believe me.
00:46:50Hello, I live on King George's Drive.
00:46:52I've been to many of these wonderful meetings
00:46:55and I want to thank you for all the work you put into it.
00:46:58We appreciate that people are thinking
00:47:00of our neighborhood at least and putting some effort into it.
00:47:03I just wanted to mention, it seems to be
00:47:06a lot of the traffic issues to me
00:47:08are because lights are also not in sync
00:47:12and I really wish traffic would look at how the lights work
00:47:16with the movement and flow of the cars
00:47:19because when you are traveling north on Eglinton,
00:47:23you will get trapped in the middle of the intersection
00:47:27between your and Eglinton.
00:47:32It's a very small intersection
00:47:35that's just after the major Eglinton intersection.
00:47:39So you're moving with the flow of traffic
00:47:41and then instantly you have to do an abrupt stop
00:47:44because there's a red light right afterwards.
00:47:47That intersection is so close to Eglinton
00:47:51that the flow of the lights should be in sync.
00:47:54So if it's red on Eglinton, it should be red
00:47:57so you can't get trapped.
00:47:59And now that the city's implemented this huge fee
00:48:03for blocking an intersection,
00:48:05I actually feel it's like entrapment
00:48:08because you're not expecting to stop that quickly.
00:48:11So you're putting us in a situation
00:48:14where we're gonna be paying out of pocket
00:48:15for somebody else's, the city's anyway, the city's mistake.
00:48:19And I do appreciate that the police officers
00:48:22are manning intersections where they shouldn't turn,
00:48:27but I feel that we're so often penalizing
00:48:32a community that is not economically strong
00:48:36with fines that are astronomical.
00:48:39So I wish we could start thinking of ways
00:48:42to help people alert them before they turn.
00:48:46So when it doesn't, when it's a no turn sign
00:48:48between 3.30 to six, maybe lights kind of flicker
00:48:53or something on those signs.
00:48:55So there's an indication,
00:48:57this is the time you cannot turn.
00:48:59Many people are not aware of it
00:49:01and they're getting dinged all the time.
00:49:03I do want them to stop, but I don't like to see
00:49:05this penal colony that we're turning into.
00:49:10So if I can answer that question.
00:49:12So when the city proposed the bike lanes
00:49:15on Eglinton Avenue a few months ago,
00:49:18I moved a motion to defer
00:49:21because at the intersection at Keele and Eglinton,
00:49:25staff are working on realigning that whole intersection,
00:49:28Keele and Eglinton, because as you know,
00:49:30you come off Eglinton, you go Keele,
00:49:33there's one lane that's not, it's a nightmare.
00:49:36So they're putting everything on hold
00:49:38until they readjust and realign that whole intersection.
00:49:43They're working with Metrolinx
00:49:44because some of those bikes were put up with Metrolinx,
00:49:48the work that they were doing on Eglinton.
00:49:50So we are looking at, so the bike lanes on Eglinton
00:49:53is all on hold until that intersection is realigned,
00:49:59make it safer, so I just want to mention that.
00:50:02So yes, absolutely, they're looking at that
00:50:05and having the turn signals, and so,
00:50:08nothing will happen until that is corrected
00:50:12with the city and with Metrolinx.
00:50:14And as far as Paulson, I wanted to say,
00:50:16I think in Princeton-Paulson,
00:50:18we put the lights on for SUI, so I think that's good news.
00:50:21Not really, we've turned down the speed bumps
00:50:24on our street three times.
00:50:26You asked for the lights, I gave you the lights.
00:50:29Thank you, that helps, though.
00:50:31You take the roadway for the bike lanes.
00:50:34I don't understand why you don't put them on the boulevards,
00:50:37especially when they're really wide boulevards.
00:50:42So that would be an opportunity if there is road work.
00:50:47This is a quick build project,
00:50:49and so we do need to stick between the curve to curve.
00:50:54If you were to do it in the boulevard,
00:50:55it would be a major civil construction, right?
00:51:00So again, there's opportunities in the future for this,
00:51:04but it's not a solution now to be able
00:51:07to have a safe connection, a quick build is our option.
00:51:12So I'm sorry, but you'd rather waste the money
00:51:14with these temporary things down the road
00:51:17where you're terrified of hitting the potholes,
00:51:21the cracked pavements, the sewer covers
00:51:24that are either too high or too low.
00:51:27I used to write down what you're doing,
00:51:28what we're doing now, but you take me by the hand,
00:51:30so it's not from the bus, it's from the road.
00:51:34We are trying to make it safe.
00:51:36Quick build projects are very affordable
00:51:39compared to a full road construction.
00:51:41I can't think so cheap, you can't think so good.
00:51:50There's a few others waiting, so, yeah, go ahead.
00:51:54Okay, so I've lived here for a long time too.
00:51:58I live on Greenbrook, and my concern,
00:52:02now we have the apartments at the top of the street,
00:52:04this whole development, I've been saying
00:52:07the same thing for years, and I know a lot of people
00:52:09don't agree with me, but I think there has to be
00:52:12coordination of the streets from wherever,
00:52:16Latter East, Exit 10, all the no turning signs,
00:52:20all the times when you can't turn,
00:52:25the lights, like in Greenbrook now,
00:52:27the lights are good, that they're impulsive,
00:52:29but you can't see left or right when you're turning,
00:52:31when the cars are coming around that curve.
00:52:34It's a blind spot, you just have to take your chances
00:52:37and edge out a little bit, and if you see the cars coming,
00:52:40you stop, but it's really not a very good intersection
00:52:45there, it's right on the curve.
00:52:47And I am for traffic calming, we do have a lot of traffic
00:52:51calming in the neighborhood, and we do have a lot of,
00:52:55you know, streets that don't want turning on their streets
00:52:57at different times of the day, but I live on Greenbrook.
00:53:01When I'm coming home, I have to be able to get home.
00:53:04I shouldn't have to drive or make turns on other streets
00:53:09where I don't live to turn around to go back to my street.
00:53:13You know what I mean?
00:53:14So there has to be the whole, you know,
00:53:16now that there's so many things going on
00:53:19in the neighborhood, the Edmonton LRT,
00:53:22the new development at the top of the street,
00:53:25I know there's a lot of issues with the cars
00:53:27can't go through Greenbrook, they've been turning
00:53:30on Paul's and King George there, I don't know
00:53:33if that still happens, I don't know if that still happens,
00:53:36but I just think, in a neighborhood,
00:53:39there has to be some coordination.
00:53:42Everything has to flow, the traffic has to flow,
00:53:44the people that live in the neighborhood
00:53:46have to be able to get in and out.
00:53:50So, thank you for your feedback.
00:53:53We would love to hear more details about that,
00:53:55and we have the aerial demography mapping at the back,
00:54:00so any comments in regards to that would be helpful
00:54:03with post-it's at the meeting,
00:54:06and that way we can learn more about the issues.
00:54:11Hi, I'd like to echo Kim's statement.
00:54:14I think that corner is a terrible, terrible corner.
00:54:17Kiel, you are truthfully, it's terrible.
00:54:22One of the reasons, and this is a comment,
00:54:25that it clogs up there too, is south of Eglinton,
00:54:30on Kiel Street, there's parking on the road
00:54:33on the west side, so what happens is you've got
00:54:36two lanes crossing Eglinton, you probably know this,
00:54:39two lanes crossing Eglinton, but it siphons
00:54:42into one lane, causing problems.
00:54:45If the parking there was eliminated,
00:54:47and I'm probably pissing, sorry for the house of God,
00:54:50I'm probably getting somebody mad,
00:54:53but what's happening is that that's causing a clog,
00:54:57and there's no coordination.
00:54:59The other thing is, I heard in the report
00:55:02that Trethewey is considered an arterial road.
00:55:07An arterial road, I think, means that it has to flow.
00:55:14If there are restrictions in lanes,
00:55:18so that in some sections there are four lanes,
00:55:21and in some sections there are two lanes,
00:55:24it's going to force traffic into the neighborhood,
00:55:29the Greenhills neighborhood, from your road
00:55:32right down to Greenbrook, and by the way,
00:55:35that's not the only neighborhood.
00:55:37The Clearview side is taking a lot of heat right now,
00:55:41because to Tricia's point, there isn't a lot
00:55:44of coordination, streets going up and down and vice versa.
00:55:49We need to make sure that we don't drive traffic
00:55:53from the arterial road, the major arterial road,
00:55:58give it a heart attack, and force everything
00:56:00to run up the other streets.
00:56:02That's my comments for now.
00:56:04Hear, hear.
00:56:09Just one more question.
00:56:11Will there, is there going to be a study
00:56:14once you do build this to see what the take-up rate is?
00:56:19And if the take-up, if you could tell us
00:56:23what the take-up rate should be,
00:56:26and how often do they put them in and then take them out,
00:56:29or do they always leave them in, regardless of take-up?
00:56:34So our projects are always monitored.
00:56:36We gather before data and after data,
00:56:41and so, especially with the field projects,
00:56:44we have the opportunity to make adjustments.
00:56:46So we are committed for 18 months out of the month
00:56:50to make adjustments to what's been installed.
00:56:55And so, I can't comment on,
00:57:00there's no target for the number of cyclists
00:57:03that we are targeting.
00:57:06That's not what we're directed to do.
00:57:09We are directed to provide a safe facility,
00:57:12and typically volumes really increase tremendously,
00:57:15by likely hundreds of percent increase.
00:57:19And so, we report on those.
00:57:22There is a project webpage that we post those to.
00:57:25There is a relay list for anyone who's interested.
00:57:30And so, we announce that.
00:57:33If you are not on the list,
00:57:35please go to the website and ask to be on it,
00:57:37because that's how we provide updates anyway.
00:57:40There you go.
00:57:42Let's just, two or three things.
00:57:44Many years ago, I've lived on Paulson now 50 years.
00:57:48I don't know the guy that's lived here 28 years,
00:57:50but we're not close.
00:57:53Paulson Road, when they, 30 years ago,
00:57:58made no left-hand turns,
00:58:01I've had to use Clearview Heights to go around,
00:58:05come up by the gas station.
00:58:07They come down into King George's,
00:58:09around the park, and into my driveway.
00:58:12In the last 10 years,
00:58:14I've been getting the strangest looks
00:58:18from the people who live on Clearview Heights.
00:58:21When this old man, driving a Cadillac,
00:58:25comes up through their neighborhood,
00:58:27they want to know what the hell I'm doing there.
00:58:31And I'm just trying to get in my driveway,
00:58:33but you won't let me make a left turn.
00:58:36I was on planning board for this area,
00:58:39again, many years ago,
00:58:43and Keele Street came in,
00:58:44the fact that it bends around your road and goes up.
00:58:48And the whole idea back then was,
00:58:50okay, we're gonna tear down five houses on Keele Street,
00:58:54we're gonna tear down the garage
00:58:55that isn't there anymore,
00:58:57and then we're gonna tear down
00:58:59what used to be Green Elk's Pharmacy,
00:59:01and we're gonna make that road straight.
00:59:03So Keele Street won't have a turn in it,
00:59:05other than a little curve around to get to the other side,
00:59:08but it won't be the way it is now.
00:59:10I think that thing's been kicking around for 50 years.
00:59:13And what they've got on the table now, I don't know.
00:59:17But it's been a problem,
00:59:19that little piece of your road,
00:59:21it never was really designed for that.
00:59:25The other thing is,
00:59:27onto 3rd Drive,
00:59:29behind that, the center now,
00:59:32that has its self-storage,
00:59:34they now have trucks.
00:59:37It's a parking lot for trucks.
00:59:39The person that's driving the truck brings his car in,
00:59:42so he's on that road.
00:59:44He parks it in there and takes the truck out.
00:59:47That truck is now on that road.
00:59:49He brings the truck back,
00:59:50and that truck is now on that road.
00:59:52And then he takes his car out,
00:59:54and that car now is on that road.
00:59:57There's at least 500 trucks in there.
00:59:59They don't go in every day, but there's a lot.
01:00:02The other thing is,
01:00:03that the bus company built their bus terminal in the back,
01:00:08and all the buses that are in this area,
01:00:12I'm telling you right now, north of 401,
01:00:16they park in there, and they come down,
01:00:18and they come down, and they wind up.
01:00:19They turn in by the police station,
01:00:22so they have to be onto 3rd Drive somewhere.
01:00:24And they come in from James Street,
01:00:26they come in from Peel Street,
01:00:27and at seven o'clock, they're all over the place.
01:00:31Then the other thing is that there's also the post office,
01:00:37and they're running out of there.
01:00:38And God knows how many people are gonna come and work
01:00:40in the yards when they finally start having that subway.
01:00:47The other thing is, there's now a proposal
01:00:50for an apartment building on a corner of Eglinton Avenue
01:00:56and Vancresco, and it's 18.5 times coverage.
01:01:03That's 47 floors.
01:01:06Now, there's not parking for everybody in there,
01:01:12but that's gonna create problems,
01:01:14and that's gonna create more people,
01:01:16and more people are gonna need the roads.
01:01:19And that's not far from Chesui Drive.
01:01:22And if they could just take that left-hand turn sign
01:01:24down off Paulson, it'd make my life a whole lot better.
01:01:30I've got, I'm sorry, I have a question.
01:01:33Yeah, just a question about sort of the little area
01:01:37just west of sort of that Martha E. Way area.
01:01:42There's quite a few apartment buildings,
01:01:44and there's a crosswalk.
01:01:46I'm really curious about how you're planning
01:01:48to slow down traffic when there's not an actual light,
01:01:53like the lights at Black Creek,
01:01:54and then the next light's all the way at Brookhaven.
01:01:58So any, what are the interventions?
01:02:02May I ask my question, please?
01:02:06What are the interventions you're planning to do
01:02:08in that sort of bend of the road?
01:02:13I can answer that.
01:02:15So with the quick-build approach,
01:02:17we can use paint to narrow the lanes.
01:02:20The narrowing of the lanes helps slow down vehicles
01:02:24when they're making those bends.
01:02:26We use simulations to run different vehicles
01:02:30to make sure they can get around them,
01:02:31but we narrow them through paint and bollards
01:02:35to basically create a very narrow space for them
01:02:40so they end up having to slow down,
01:02:42because we know when we have wider lanes,
01:02:44vehicles end up, motor vehicles end up dropping faster,
01:02:48so that's one of our tools to use
01:02:50to help slow down motor vehicles.
01:02:55Yeah, I think that's one of our primary tools that we use.
01:02:58When was the TIS?
01:03:00Can I speak?
01:03:01Folks, we've got, I know those at the end have questions.
01:03:05Please raise your hand.
01:03:06I know this is not my meeting, it's a resident's meeting,
01:03:08but I'm gonna jump in and put some order to it,
01:03:11so go ahead.
01:03:14Just on behalf of Green Hills, again,
01:03:16thank you, everybody, for attending tonight's meeting.
01:03:23To the point the gentleman made
01:03:25about the truck traffic, no enforcement,
01:03:30we've been pressing to get enforcement of trucks,
01:03:33not only on Terthuli, but on the side streets,
01:03:37and for the people who are criticizing
01:03:40the no turns into Greenbrook, no turns into Paulson,
01:03:45the alternative is to get nonstop truck traffic
01:03:49at rush hour, between 3.30 and 6.30 at night,
01:03:53and 6.30 and 9.30 in the morning rush hour,
01:03:57so we support the no turns on Greenbrook,
01:04:01on Paulson, on those streets to stop those trucks,
01:04:06for example, not only trucks, the delivery trucks
01:04:08from UPS, all those, the post office,
01:04:12are going 60, 70 kilometers an hour
01:04:15on Greenbrook, on Paulson.
01:04:18They're out of control, so we're for enforcement
01:04:22on Terthuli, on Greenbrook, no turn on Greenbrook,
01:04:26no turns on Paulson, and to protect,
01:04:28and we're also concerned with this proposal,
01:04:31not against bike lanes, we understand
01:04:34what you're saying about you want your child
01:04:37to be able to use a bike, we're just concerned
01:04:40if the traffic is diverted onto the side streets again,
01:04:44especially truck traffic, that's our main enemy
01:04:47in this neighborhood, is the truck traffic
01:04:49is out of control, and these terms,
01:04:52these restrictions have helped us survive
01:04:56on Greenbrook, on Paulson, there was a comment here
01:04:59opposing enforcement of restrictions on Paulson.
01:05:05We press for that because there's a lot of kids
01:05:08living on Paulson, there's a lot of kids
01:05:10living on West Acres, but we want to help them
01:05:16by stopping these high-speed cars and trucks
01:05:19from going on Paulson, on Greenbrook, at rush hour,
01:05:22so that's been our concern, thank you very much.
01:05:30Okay, if anyone wants to raise their hand
01:05:34to pick up for your questions.
01:05:35Yeah, I was just curious when the TIS
01:05:37was done for this project.
01:05:40TIS being Traffic Infiltration Study, is that what you're?
01:05:43Well, you guys are in this industry,
01:05:45so you should know what a Traffic Impact Study is,
01:05:48so that's why I said TIS.
01:05:55So, with our projects, with the quick build,
01:05:58we are looking, as I said, at all the signals
01:06:02and all the impacts along the corridor,
01:06:05so at our next phase of consultation,
01:06:08you will be able to see the traffic impacts,
01:06:10and I will be able to share, but it really depends
01:06:13on the proposals that we're bringing forward,
01:06:16so we're looking at the existing conditions
01:06:18for the corridor, and looking at the impacts
01:06:21of our proposals, so we'll be able to discuss that
01:06:25at our second phase of consultation.
01:06:28Is the narrowing of lanes really the only tool
01:06:31that you're going to be using,
01:06:31because when I think about 50 kilometers an hour,
01:06:3440 kilometers an hour, the average speed is almost 60,
01:06:37and then I think about, you know,
01:06:38Avenue Road, where the level of eight lanes
01:06:41has been reduced to 40 kilometers an hour,
01:06:45what are the other tools that you're thinking
01:06:46of implementing?
01:06:48I'm not asking for speed cameras,
01:06:50because that penalizes people sitting in the neighborhood,
01:06:53if that, but I know you have those solar-based
01:06:57sort of speed monitors to watch your speed,
01:07:00but like, what other tools would you like to use?
01:07:04Yes, watch your speed is definitely an option,
01:07:06as I mentioned earlier, yes, reducing the speed limit
01:07:10is also an option, just the fact of having a bikeway
01:07:15is a way to reduce speeds, the narrowing of the feeling
01:07:19like the street is narrower, even though it's just
01:07:23a redistribution of the uses,
01:07:26that does typically slow down traffic,
01:07:29and we know that people need to get to the 401,
01:07:35but they need to do it in a way that's not,
01:07:38you know, speeding through the area,
01:07:40and sometimes it's very congested, and you can't go fast,
01:07:42but in the hours where it can be,
01:07:46at night time, you've seen that there are more issues
01:07:50with speeding, and as you said, the 85th percentile,
01:07:55which is the average speed on the corridor,
01:07:58is around seven, eight kilometers above the speed,
01:08:01the highest speed limit, so that is something
01:08:04that we need to do.
01:08:10So, yeah, do you have one follow-up question?
01:08:15Is it like the one on Scarlet, where they're, you know,
01:08:19colorful and have designs, or is it just a very plain,
01:08:22white, you know, piece of plastic, or whatever it is?
01:08:27Yeah, so, as I said, the design is still in progress,
01:08:32but we think there is space for those low walls
01:08:35that can be painted, so we often work with the local
01:08:39community and local artists to be able to bring a bit
01:08:43of light to these common areas.
01:08:48That hasn't been confirmed yet, but if you need to confirm
01:08:51where the barrier is, you probably can reach artists,
01:08:53but there may be an opportunity.
01:08:58Okay, I'm going to take the last question, Councillor.
01:09:02We'll have remarks, and we have an opportunity at the back
01:09:04to really look at the current roadway, as it exists,
01:09:08and some of you, with the comments you've made earlier,
01:09:11we can take a look at those particular intersections,
01:09:14so, last comment, or?
01:09:15It's okay, I don't need a microphone.
01:09:17Somebody earlier on, I think it was Scott,
01:09:20made the, asked the question about left turn lanes
01:09:25at Trethewey and Black Creek.
01:09:27We don't have to go very far.
01:09:30Jane and Weston Road, Weston Road and Lawrence,
01:09:34where the intersections are very, very similar.
01:09:37If you were to sit in the parking lot at that park
01:09:40on the corner of Trethewey and Eglinton,
01:09:44during rush hour, you could count, at infinitum,
01:09:48how many people pulled into that parking lot
01:09:51and made U-turns.
01:09:52How many people will make a U-turn at Greenbrook?
01:09:55How many people will make a U-turn at Paulson?
01:09:58There is a way of making that intersection safe.
01:10:02It's going to cost money, though,
01:10:03but if it's safety you're looking for,
01:10:06that intersection's also got to be cleaned up.
01:10:11We referred to Eglinton and Kilroy at Trethewey.
01:10:15Now we're talking about Trethewey and Black Creek.
01:10:19Oh, right, yeah, yeah, that's not very safe,
01:10:22that intersection.
01:10:24Yeah, and, you know, when the question was asked
01:10:27about putting the bike lanes on the boulevard,
01:10:30the answer was that when the road gets reconstructed.
01:10:34So, I guess my question would be then,
01:10:37why wait until that happens
01:10:39and then leave it on the boulevard?
01:10:42I mean, because, I mean,
01:10:46why do all this work and then we're gonna reconstruct
01:10:49the road?
01:10:49The same thing happened on Lawrence Avenue.
01:10:51We're doing water main work on Lawrence
01:10:54and all the lanes are closed,
01:10:56and we want to put bike lanes,
01:10:58but it's all under construction.
01:11:00The road isn't gonna be resurfaced
01:11:03for another three years.
01:11:04And we're doing the, so,
01:11:07I think there has to be a better coordination,
01:11:09you know, coordinating projects.
01:11:12When you do sewer work, then you do the road.
01:11:14You resurface the road when you do that.
01:11:16When you do this, you should all do that.
01:11:19So, I like the idea about the boulevard
01:11:21because I think that will make a big difference
01:11:24because you'd have the bike lanes,
01:11:26but at the same time, you would, you know,
01:11:28have the lanes.
01:11:29But, um.
01:11:30Are you talking about the boulevard?
01:11:34And the sidewalk?
01:11:36When you say the boulevard,
01:11:37you mean the boulevard?
01:11:38Well, sometimes,
01:11:39it's the space behind the sidewalk.
01:11:44I mean, it's something to look at, I think.
01:11:47And, you know,
01:11:50but as far as truck enforcement,
01:11:52I mean, it's hard to enforce trucks, right?
01:11:53You have police officers here giving tickets.
01:11:57It's so hard.
01:11:58Even though you have these restrictions
01:11:59on both upturn or, you know, trucks.
01:12:02Unless it's enforced by the police,
01:12:04it's very difficult.
01:12:06So, you're gonna get that.
01:12:07You get a lot of truck traffic in the area.
01:12:10Now, as far as the no-lecture on Paulson
01:12:12and the speed hump,
01:12:13we, first of all, the speed humps were asked
01:12:16from the community on Paulson.
01:12:18Everybody said no.
01:12:19So, the thing is,
01:12:21is that the reason, Not everyone.
01:12:23Please, thank you.
01:12:25The thing is, is that the reason we're here tonight
01:12:28is that the meeting that we held in June,
01:12:30I had three people that attended the meeting.
01:12:33Three people.
01:12:34And the city staff was ready to put that report through.
01:12:38I said, no, no, wait a minute.
01:12:39There has to be more people in this area
01:12:42that's interested, and that's why I insisted
01:12:45that we have this meeting tonight.
01:12:46And I really appreciate everyone coming out
01:12:49because at least you're able to hear the presentation,
01:12:52give comments,
01:12:53and staff will take all those comments and issues.
01:12:56And, yes, we have to realign Eglinton and Keele.
01:13:00There are some adjustments,
01:13:01and I think the staff should hear that,
01:13:04and that's why we're here.
01:13:06Because bike lanes don't always work on every street,
01:13:10so you have to change the design of the street
01:13:14to make it work.
01:13:15In some areas, like Scarlet Road,
01:13:17you mentioned Scarlet Road.
01:13:19Yes, that was a four-lane traffic,
01:13:22now it's two lanes,
01:13:23and they have the dedicated bike lanes,
01:13:26and we have local artists that painted the,
01:13:29and actually, I live on Scarlet Road,
01:13:31so I see that every day.
01:13:36So there's different ways of doing it,
01:13:38but what's really important is that you're here,
01:13:40and I can hear what the residents are saying,
01:13:43their concerns that they have,
01:13:45and any of the recommendations,
01:13:47some of the comments you made tonight
01:13:49will be part of the report.
01:13:51And at the end of the day,
01:13:53there's going to be another meeting.
01:13:55This is not it.
01:13:56Tonight was a meeting to hear from you
01:13:59and I really appreciate coming out,
01:14:00and I want to thank Larry
01:14:02for allowing me to have this meeting tonight,
01:14:04because I was very concerned
01:14:05when I only had three people attend this meeting.
01:14:08You know, nobody attended,
01:14:11and that's why I wanted to make sure
01:14:13we had it in this community,
01:14:14because I do care about this community,
01:14:16I do care about Greenbrook,
01:14:17I do care about Paulson,
01:14:18I do care about Trezoui.
01:14:20My son was born on Trezoui,
01:14:22so I know the area well.
01:14:24So thank you for attending.
01:14:25At the back, you'll see the maps.
01:14:27You can put your comments in,
01:14:29and please, if you have any further questions in that,
01:14:33if you can either email me or email the staff
01:14:36so we can import,
01:14:37because I need your comments for whenever,
01:14:40and if ever, the report goes to Council,
01:14:42because we don't know what the status
01:14:45of bike lanes are going to be,
01:14:46because as was mentioned by someone,
01:14:49the Premier made an announcement.
01:14:52I don't know where that's going to go.
01:14:54But anyway, and the LRT, hopefully, hopefully it opens soon.
01:14:59I predict, I predict in March of 2025,
01:15:04and the reason I say that is because
01:15:07the Metrolinx is going to give us three months' notice,
01:15:10so we're in October, so can't be in 2024,
01:15:13October, November, December.
01:15:14So I think in January, you're going to hear three months,
01:15:18and hopefully it's March 2025, hopefully.
01:15:22So if you want to go to the back of the room
01:15:25so I can give some comments on the map.
01:15:26And Larry, I want Larry and the President
01:15:29of the Residents Association to say a few words.
01:15:32I just want to thank the hard-working city staff
01:15:35for attending this evening and giving us your wisdom,
01:15:41and also Audrey from the Councilor's office as well.
01:15:44So thank you very much, and everybody for attending.
01:15:47Okay, thank you.
