Dancing grandma tangoes around Blackpool Ballroom after scooping £1m on lottery

  • 11 hours ago
A lotto-winning grandma feels she has won the jackpot ‘twice’ after getting the chance to tango across Blackpool’s iconic Tower Ballroom.

Twinkle-toed Terri Picton-Clark, 72, became a national champion eight years ago but later feared she would have to hang up her dancing shoes due to the cost of her hobby.

But that all changed when she won the Lotto prize with a Lucky Dip ticket in January 2021 - something her husband, John, 72, said he always 'knew would happen'.

Terri needed six hours of 'life-saving' open-heart surgery for a heart valve defect last year, but remarkably, she managed to get back dancing just three months later.

And now she has been pictured on the fabled Blackpool Tower Ballroom - after buying two beautiful bespoke gowns costing £2,000 each for the occasion.


