500% INCREASE in GOLD Demand! Something HUGE is Happening to GOLD and SILVER Prices - Peter Schiff

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800% INCREASE in GOLD Demand! Something HUGE is Happening to GOLD and SILVER Prices - Peter Schiff New Interview

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00:00I think we're finally getting close to the day of reckoning.
00:05That's what the gold price is telling you.
00:07And that's going to really unleash a bigger move up in the price of gold.
00:11But again, it's not gold becoming more valuable.
00:14The financial tides are shifting and gold is leading the way.
00:18Peter Schiff is here to break down why we're only seeing the beginning of gold's massive
00:22rise and why the Federal Reserve's next move could send shockwaves through the economy.
00:27With inflation creeping back and the dollar losing ground, this isn't just a moment.
00:32It's a turning point.
00:33In today's video, we'll uncover why gold could reach $20,000 an ounce and what that means
00:39for you.
00:40Stay tuned, because this is a story you don't want to miss.
00:43Well, I think we're just getting started.
00:45I mean, gold is up almost 30% so far this year, another all-time record high today,
00:51getting close to $2,700 in the spot market.
00:54This is the best year that gold has had since 1979.
00:59That is not insignificant, but also a key difference between now and 1979.
01:05That was the end of the gold bull market.
01:07And in 1980, Paul Volcker raised interest rates up to 20%.
01:12That's what killed the bull and brought inflation down.
01:15But the current Fed is cutting rates, is going to cut rates more in 2025.
01:19So gold is just getting started.
01:21This is at 1979.
01:23This is 1971.
01:25So gold is going to rise multiples of its current price.
01:29Just like earlier in this century, gold started in 2001, was $270 an ounce.
01:35And it had a 10-year rise to $1,900 in 2011.
01:39Then it went sideways for about a dozen years, 13 years.
01:42Now it just broke out this year.
01:45And I think we're going to see a move as big as that earlier move.
01:49And that was a six-fold increase in gold over 10 years.
01:53If gold goes up six-fold from here, that's close to $20,000 an ounce.
01:59And it's not that gold is getting more expensive.
02:02Remember, when we first started our country in 1789, gold was $20 an ounce.
02:09And it was still $20 an ounce in 1913, over 120 years later, when we established the Federal
02:17So now you can't buy an ounce of gold for $20.
02:19You need almost $2,700.
02:22It's the same ounce of gold.
02:24All that's changed is the value of the dollars that the Federal Reserve creates.
02:28Well, the dollar is about to collapse.
02:31In fact, it's almost near a new 52-week low here again today, if you look at the dollar
02:36It's near a 13-year low against the Swiss franc.
02:39It's going to hit a record low against the Swiss franc next year.
02:42But I think next year, the bottom is going to fall out of the dollar.
02:45And that's going to really unleash a bigger move up in the price of gold.
02:49But again, it's not gold becoming more valuable.
02:52It's the dollars that they're printing becoming less valuable.
02:55Well, the Fed is very desperate.
02:57I mean, normally, they wait until there's a problem before cutting rates.
03:01They wait for a major stock market decline.
03:03They wait for a recession.
03:05But here, they're cutting rates even before we're officially in a recession and with the
03:10stock market at all-time record highs, with real estate prices at all-time record highs.
03:15And with the gold price at an all-time record highs, we've never had the Fed start cutting
03:19rates when gold was at an all-time record high.
03:22And in fact, the record high in gold proves that the Fed's rate cut was a mistake.
03:28It proves that the Fed is too loose.
03:29In fact, they never achieved a restrictive policy.
03:34They keep talking about that.
03:36But they never really got restrictive because credit kept expanding.
03:41We have record amounts of debt, government debt, corporate debt, household debt, credit
03:46card debt.
03:47Nobody stopped borrowing.
03:49And we have record low savings.
03:50So that shows that the Fed never raised interest rates high enough to break inflation.
03:56And now they're cutting them prematurely.
03:58And so gold is telling you that we're going to see a spike in the CPI big time, I think,
04:04in 2025.
04:05We've seen the lows in inflation.
04:073% is about as low as it's going.
04:09Now it's heading back up to 9% and then higher.
04:13And I think one of the big drivers next year is going to be oil.
04:16Because right now, oil is the lowest it's ever been in history.
04:19You can buy 40 barrels of oil with one ounce of gold outside of a few weeks during COVID.
04:26That's never happened.
04:28So oil is super cheap right now, but it's not going to stay cheap.
04:33After the election next year, oil is going to go up, commodities are going to boom, and
04:38the Fed is going to be in a real box, along with the economy, because inflation is going
04:42to be breaking out at the same time the economy is breaking down.
04:46So we're going to go into a recession with rising unemployment, but we're also going
04:49to have accelerating inflation.
04:52And so what's the Fed going to do in that circumstance?
04:55If you look at the way the national debt is rising right now, it's rising about $3-4 trillion
05:02every year.
05:03Interest on the national debt is over a trillion a year.
05:06It's now more expensive than defense.
05:08In a couple of years, we're going to be paying $2 trillion a year in interest on the debt.
05:13It's going to be a bigger expense than Medicare or Social Security.
05:17And so the fiscal solvency of the United States is rapidly breaking down.
05:22People are losing confidence in the dollar.
05:25They're losing confidence in the creditworthiness of the United States, our ability to service
05:30this debt.
05:31We have no ability to repay it.
05:33And so the dollar is going to be marked down, and I think the world is going to be divesting
05:37of treasuries.
05:39That's why you're already seeing yields on the 10-year to the 30-year are higher now
05:43slightly than they were when the Fed started cutting rates.
05:46And I think that's going to continue.
05:48In fact, I think that by the first quarter of next year, and maybe even before the end
05:53of this year, the Fed is going to return to quantitative easing, because the yield on
05:57the 10-year treasury is going to break above 4% again and head higher.
06:02And I think the Fed is going to panic at that point.
06:05When we were at 5% and the economy still looked like it was growing, the Fed was still saying,
06:12OK, we've got to fight inflation.
06:13But what happened is at 5%, banks started to fail.
06:17You had a bunch of big bankruptcies in basically an insolvent banking sector.
06:21A lot of people were oblivious to the problems in the financials up to the 2008 financial
06:27I mean, people were recommending all these stocks right before they collapsed and had
06:31to be bailed out by the government.
06:32Look, I think they have a lot of toxic loans on their books.
06:36I think the commercial mortgage loans are going to collapse.
06:40I think banks are losing money on all the residential mortgages that they own because
06:45they're collecting such low rates on them.
06:48And rates are going to go up with inflation.
06:50That is the problem, right?
06:52Inflation is bottom that is headed higher.
06:54And the reason that the economy was able to handle the 5% rates for a while was because
07:00everybody knew the Fed was going to cut and it was only temporary.
07:03But when inflation comes back and now the Fed is in a predicament where it actually
07:08has to start raising rates again, even though the economy is in recession, and that people
07:14are going to realize that they're never going to get back to these super low rates because
07:18long term interest rates stayed low.
07:21Look where the yield is on a 10 year treasury.
07:24It's still below 4%.
07:26And look at the tip spreads.
07:27For the last four years, the break evens on tips have been close to 2%.
07:32Right now, the break even is 2.12.
07:35The markets still don't realize how much inflation we're going to have over the next 10, 20,
07:4030 years.
07:41It's not going to be anywhere near 2%.
07:43It's more likely to be 10% or higher.
07:46And so the whole bond curve has to reprice to reality.
07:51Because for the last several years, bond investors have been completely asleep, oblivious to
07:55the inflation that's there.
07:57They're going to wake up from their slumber.
08:00And this could be a whole new world.
08:01The Fed is going to keep cutting for a while.
08:04But the market's going to keep increasing long term rates as the Fed is reducing short
08:09Well, I think we're going to ultimately get a lot higher than 5.
08:11But I think before we get to 5, the Fed is going to go back to QE.
08:14And that will temporarily slow down the rise of yields.
08:18But it's going to accelerate inflation.
08:20And it's ultimately going to put more market pressure to move interest rates higher, particularly
08:26once you get away from treasuries.
08:27So corporate bonds, municipal bonds, whatever the Fed isn't buying, the prices are going
08:33to collapse and yields are going to go up as we're in this stagflationary environment.
08:39And there's also political ramifications, too, depending on the outcome of the election.
08:43Bad either way, fiscally.
08:45But I think we're finally getting close to the day of reckoning.
08:49That's what the gold price is telling you, you know, silver.
08:52The GDP is consumers spending borrowed money to buy more expensive groceries and stuff
08:58like that.
08:59It's the government spending borrowed money is a big part of that GDP.
09:04And we have a massive deficit that is a consequence of this fake GDP growth.
09:08In the meantime, our current account deficits are at record highs.
09:12Our trade deficits are at record highs.
09:14The economy is hemorrhaging red ink.
09:16We do not have a good economy.
09:18We don't have a growing economy.
09:19We have inflation and inflation creates the illusion of economic growth.
09:24But people are getting poorer even though the numbers are going up again.
09:27Look at the price of gold.
09:29You need almost two thousand seven hundred dollars to buy one ounce of gold.
09:33As Peter Schiff explained, we're standing at the edge of a major economic shift.
09:37The dollar's value is slipping.
09:40Inflation is far from tamed and gold.
