• last year
(Adnkronos) - “L'obiettivo è l’emissione zero che si ottiene attraverso grandi sinergie come questa, che ci auguriamo consentano, in un futuro prossimo, di avere addirittura migliori prestazioni, come stanno scommettendo tanti player facendo investimenti in ricerca e innovazione”. Sono le parole di Andrea Gibelli, presidente Asstra, a margine del seminario intitolato "Trasporto pubblico a zero emissioni: le buone pratiche per la trasformazione energetica del settore", organizzato da Asstra, Associazione delle Aziende di Trasporto Pubblico Locale, in collaborazione con APT Gorizia, Azienda Provinciale Trasporti S.p.A, presso il Castello di Spessa a Capriva del Friuli, Gorizia.


00:00What is the role of companies in the energy transition?
00:06Companies are the protagonists of a great season
00:09that sees in the energy transition a point of no return.
00:14This protocol helps companies to have a certain lead
00:19in a technologically advanced sector
00:22that is particularly at the heart of regions like this
00:26that see in sustainability a great issue dear to young people,
00:32especially those who also choose how to move
00:36through increasingly sustainable means.
00:39Initiatives like these allow us to experiment on the field
00:43together with companies, the real efficiency of the means
00:46and contribute with manufacturing companies
00:49to innovate their products and be more and more efficient.
00:54The goal is zero emission and this can be achieved
00:58with these great synergies that we hope will allow
01:03in the near future to have even better performance
01:07as many players who make investments, research and innovation are committing.
