Der Möchtegernschauspieler Zachary Horwitz, Künstlername Zach Avery, will als Schauspieler groß rauskommen, es fehlt ihm aber an Talent. Das macht er jedoch mit einer großen Portion krimineller Energie wett. Bad Actor: A Hollywood Ponzi Scheme dokumentiert den Finanz-Betrug, den Horwitz begeht, um es doch noch zu Reichtum und Ruhm zu schaffen.
00:00I can't ask a pathological liar for his life story
00:03and expect him to tell me the truth, right?
00:06I know you.
00:07I'm the guy.
00:11What I knew about Zach was very limited.
00:13I had heard he was an actor.
00:14As an actor, I feel like you don't want people to know who Zach is as a person.
00:19We can just tell the truth.
00:20We can just tell the cops what happened.
00:22There are times watching this when his lines
00:24are like he's speaking directly to the story we're telling.
00:27He's going to Berlin Film Festival and Cannes.
00:30Just kind of living the dream.
00:32But of course, this is all just a huge lie.
00:37Actor Zachary Joseph Horwitz is agreeing to plead guilty
00:40to a $650 million Ponzi scheme.
00:43That's a staggering amount of money.
00:45Turn around. Get down on your knees.
00:47I was hoping that Zach would talk to me
00:49so he could tell his side of the story for the film.
00:51No. Absolutely not.
00:53He was putting money from the Ponzi scheme into the movies
00:57to get the producers to cast him.
00:59$200,000 for a small role.
01:03What? Who is this guy?
01:06Zach wanted to be famous, but unfortunately for Zach,
01:10he's a pretty terrible actor.
01:15I could tell from the beginning that it was going to be a juicy one.
01:18It was Hollywood, a huge amount of money.
01:20All for the purchase of movie rights.
01:23That weren't real.
01:24How could he possibly have done something this outlandish?
01:28It's too easy. It's just too easy.
01:30He was flying private jets.
01:32$7 million on the American Express card.
01:34$700,000 for interior design.
01:37This guy is a supervillain.
01:39Where is that money now?
01:40The FBI was on the case. The SEC was on the case.
01:43He's going to take all the money and run.
01:45He knew what he was doing from the start.
01:47Our secret, okay?
01:49You had to realize that at some point,
01:51the whole thing was going to collapse.
01:55You're nervous because it's like,
01:56are they going to find out that I'm this fraud the whole time?