How does the Internet work _ Internet explained

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00:00More than 400 crore people in the world use the internet.
00:04India is the second largest country in the world in terms of internet users.
00:08According to the report of the Internet and Mobile Association of India,
00:11more than 50 crore people were using the internet in some way or the other in India in December 2019.
00:18If you are watching this video, then it must have reached you through the internet.
00:22But how does the internet work?
00:24When you turn on the internet, what is it that you connect to?
00:28How does any message, song or video reach your screen as soon as you click on it?
00:33Do you know what happens between your clicking and changing the screen?
00:48Hello, my name is Ayush.
00:49In today's episode of Sciencekari, we will learn about the internet.
00:52This has been written by our new colleague Pranav.
00:55What does the internet do? How does it work?
00:57And the biggest question is, who is the owner of the internet?
01:00We will explain all this to you.
01:02So, let's go through all the details one by one.
01:05Let's start with the most basic question.
01:07What is the work of the internet?
01:09Internet means Interconnected Network.
01:12There are a lot of devices like mobiles, computers, routers, servers, etc.
01:17All these devices have a very large network.
01:20The work of this network is to connect.
01:23What does it mean?
01:24It means to connect all these computers and other devices to each other.
01:28Why do we have to connect them?
01:29So that data can be exchanged between them.
01:32The whole game is about data.
01:34The video that you are watching on the internet is also a kind of data.
01:38An audio-visual data.
01:40The camera in front is recording visual data and the mic is recording audio data.
01:45A video file will be created by combining these two.
01:47But this data is being stored in my device.
01:50We have it here.
01:51Then how did this data reach your phone, laptop, and computer?
01:55This is our second question.
01:57How does the internet work?
02:00There is a gap between my device and your device.
02:03That gap is called a server.
02:05All the data that is available on the internet is stored on a server.
02:11A server is also a type of computer.
02:13Its job is to store the data as per the demand.
02:21When this video was uploaded on the internet, this data was stored on a server.
02:25And when you clicked on its link, the server sent this video to your device.
02:32You will ask where is this server?
02:34Most of the website's servers are in data centers.
02:37Just like there are warehouses to collect a lot of things,
02:41there are big data centers to collect a lot of data.
02:45And there are a lot of servers in each data center.
02:48These servers are provided convenience and security in data centers.
02:52Let's say you are watching this video on YouTube.
02:54You can watch it on Facebook, our website, Instagram, Twitter, anywhere.
02:58Let's say you are watching this video on YouTube.
03:00Its data will be stored in Google's data center.
03:04YouTube belongs to Google.
03:05So, its video data will be stored in Google's data center.
03:08Similarly, there are big data centers of Facebook, Microsoft, and other big companies.
03:12But not all websites open their data centers.
03:15For example, has not opened its data center.
03:19These small websites, which are smaller than others,
03:23use servers of other data centers.
03:26There are many companies like Amazon, which rent servers of their data centers.
03:30You must have heard of Amazon Web Services.
03:32Netflix and other such websites also rent servers from Amazon.
03:37Now, there is a problem.
03:38The names of most of the companies that I have told you,
03:41are American companies.
03:43Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Amazon are all American companies.
03:47So, their data centers are also in America.
03:50This data is coming from a data center in America thousands of kilometers away from your home.
03:56It is stored there.
03:58And every day, the new data is uploaded on these websites.
04:01It goes to those data centers.
04:03Now, this data has to be delivered to you, the users sitting on the other side of the world.
04:08So, how does this happen?
04:09There are many ways to do this.
04:11One easy way is to transfer the data from the US through a satellite.
04:16But this is a very slow process.
04:18Satellites are much higher than the Earth's surface.
04:21So, first, the data has to be delivered to the satellite.
04:24Then, it has to be brought back to the Earth.
04:26So, this is a very long distance compared to the flat Earth.
04:29It takes a lot of time in these cycles.
04:31And you don't get the speed that you want.
04:33So, a solution has been found for this.
04:35Optical Fiber Cable.
04:37There is a network of these cables all over the world.
04:39A strand of fiber is as thin as our hair.
04:45And there are many such strands in a fiber cable.
04:48Data is sent from optical fiber through a light signal.
04:51Usually, the wire we see is a copper wire.
04:54And it has an electrical signal.
04:56It is sent by electricity.
04:58But data can also be sent through light.
05:01And in fiber optics, this data can be sent in the form of a light signal.
05:05The speed of light is the highest in the world.
05:07We all know that.
05:08Approximately 300,000 km per second.
05:10Data is sent in fiber almost at the speed of light.
05:13It is not sent at the speed of light at all.
05:15Because it zigzags like this.
05:17It doesn't go straight.
05:18So, it is almost at the speed of light.
05:20So, as soon as you click, the data appears on your screen.
05:23Even if you can't see it,
05:25these optical fiber cables reach every place where there is internet connectivity.
05:30Or you can say that the internet can only reach where these cables can reach.
05:35To connect all the continents to the internet,
05:37these fiber cables are laid under the sea.
05:40Many big companies work to lay these fiber cables in the depth of the sea.
05:44When the earth starts after the sea,
05:46these cables go underground.
05:49From the bottom of the earth, these cables reach your city, neighborhood, and home.
05:54It depends on whether it is fiber to the neighborhood,
05:58fiber to the home,
05:59that is, fiber is coming to your surroundings,
06:01or it is coming straight to your home.
06:03It depends on that.
06:04But it comes from the fiber.
06:05This is the reason why we can't see it.
06:07Because it is under the ground or under the sea.
06:10Now you will say that there is no such fiber cable in our phone.
06:13Even then, the internet runs on it.
06:15This is because this fiber cable
06:19is connected to the nearest cell phone tower.
06:22From which the signal comes to your phone.
06:24This data from the fiber comes to the cell phone tower.
06:27And that tower in your phone
06:29sends electromagnetic waves to your phone.
06:35And you can enjoy the internet on your phone.
06:38Now let's try to understand how the data is exchanged through these cables.
06:42There are so many servers, so many phones, laptops, computers,
06:46so many devices are connected to the internet.
06:48So how does the server know where to send data?
06:51And how does your phone know which server to order data from?
06:55Where is it kept?
06:56So the IP address is used here.
06:58This can be understood through postal service.
07:00The data also reaches your phone in the same way.
07:03Or it reaches your device in the same way.
07:05Just like a post letter comes to your house.
07:07Just like your house has a unique address.
07:09With the help of which the postman delivers the letter to you.
07:12Similarly, every device connected to the internet also has a unique address.
07:16Every device means every device.
07:17It will be of the server, router, laptop, phone.
07:20All the devices connected to the internet.
07:22They all have a unique address.
07:24And it is called IP address.
07:26Means internet protocol address.
07:28Because computers understand the language of mathematics.
07:30That's why this IP address is also a number.
07:35There is some address of this type which is difficult to remember.
07:38So when you click on any link.
07:40A request goes to the server of that website through the fiber pipeline.
07:45There is a server of every website where its data is stored.
07:48So as soon as you click on the link, a request goes to its server.
07:51In this request, it is written that the server has to deliver the data of that website to your IP address.
07:59Then thousands of kilometers away from the server, that data is sent to your IP address.
08:04You will ask how does our request reach the server of that website?
08:08You only deliver it.
08:10By entering the website in any web browser.
08:12Or by clicking on any link.
08:14When you do this, a request is sent to it.
08:17Every website's server also has an IP address.
08:19I had told you.
08:20So with the help of which it can be delivered to the server.
08:22But it is very difficult for the user to remember the IP address of every website.
08:26That's why a domain name is given for the IP address.
08:29Domain name like the name of the website is called domain name.
08:39These are domain names.
08:40These are easy to remember.
08:42As soon as you enter this domain name, the web browser or mobile application starts looking for the IP address of that website.
08:48Just like it is difficult to remember the phone number.
08:50So people maintain a phone book.
08:52So in their phone book, their number is found in front of a name.
08:55So internet domain name and IP address also have a phone book.
08:59And it is called DNS server.
09:02DNS means Domain Name System.
09:04The work of managing DNS is done by an organization called ICANN.
09:07Otherwise, there will be a fight between people.
09:09That I want this IP address or I want to keep this domain name.
09:12So there is an organization ICANN.
09:14ICANN means Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.
09:17With the help of DNS server, our web browser finds the IP address of that website.
09:22And sends your request to the server of that website.
09:26In that request, the IP address of your device is also written.
09:29So you have to tell the server that you have to send it to this IP address.
09:32So all these details are there in that request.
09:34In this way, you are able to exchange data from that server.
09:37When some data comes out from a server to go to another device.
09:40So first it is divided into small pieces.
09:43That is, the whole data does not come together.
09:45The whole train does not come together.
09:46Different boxes of that train come.
09:48These are called data packets.
09:50Take the example of the same postal service.
09:52So assume that you have to send a letter from your fiber pipeline.
09:56It is a slow method to send a letter from that route in one go.
09:59So what happens is that many pieces of that letter are made.
10:02And then they are sent to you from different routes, different pipelines.
10:05The fastest possible way is sent to you.
10:08All these packets have an IP address written on them.
10:11With the help of which they reach their destination.
10:13That is, they reach you.
10:14Then all these packets are collected there.
10:16And the whole data file is prepared.
10:18If you have ever run a slow internet connection.
10:21Then you must have noticed that when you open an image.
10:25So it does not open completely at once.
10:27Its different pieces are slowly made on the screen.
10:29And then after a long time, that image is complete.
10:32This happens because the whole data packets do not come together.
10:36In slow internet connection.
10:37These data packets come in any order from different routes.
10:40Then they are joined together.
10:44But how are they joined?
10:45And how is it ensured that all these data packets reach the same address from different routes?
10:51The answer to this is Internet Protocols.
10:54Some rules have been made to carry out the entire process of data transfer without any obstacles.
10:59We know these rules by the name of Internet Protocols.
11:02After following these protocols, each packet reaches the right place in the right way.
11:06There are many small gaps between the source of data and the destination.
11:10These are called routers.
11:16The work of routers is to move the data in the right direction according to the IP address.
11:24It means to move the data to the next router which is closer to the destination.
11:28This can be understood from the example of the road and car.
11:31Suppose we are driving towards an unknown city.
11:35But a man named router has been placed at every intersection.
11:38We don't have a Google map in our mobile phone.
11:40We have to ask for directions.
11:41There is a man named router at every intersection.
11:45He tells us that if we go to that intersection, the next router will tell us where to go.
11:51In this way, we can easily reach our destination from these intersections.
11:56The problem with every data transmission is that the signal of the data begins to weaken in a long journey.
12:02This is called attenuation.
12:04Just like we have to keep refilling fuel in our car, the fuel keeps running out.
12:08Similarly, the signal of the data also weakens.
12:10So it is necessary to boost the signal of the data.
12:13This is called amplification.
12:15In the journey of thousands of kilometers, many devices are installed which amplify the signal.
12:20Many times, many data packets come out of the source computer and cannot reach your mobile.
12:26They get lost on the way.
12:28These are called lost data packets.
12:30In this case, according to internet protocols, the destination computer, i.e. your phone or device,
12:36requests the source computer to send these data packets again.
12:40And then these data packets are sent back.
12:42According to internet protocols, every data packet also has information related to its sequence.
12:47Which data packet will go ahead and which will go behind.
12:50Now the data has a complete file.
12:52For example, if there is an image, then you will be from head to toe.
12:55But if there are data packets, then its different parts will be divided.
12:58So how to connect them in the right sequence?
13:00For this, internet protocols are used and they are retrieved.
13:05Otherwise, what will happen is that you sent the whole image and the head went down and the feet came up.
13:11So this does not happen.
13:12With the help of internet protocols, the data reaches you safely.
13:15And this process continues.
13:17Now we come to the big question and try to find out who is the owner of the internet.
13:23Your ISP, i.e. Internet Service Provider, does the work of delivering the internet to you.
13:28For example, the company you have taken the sim from or the broadband connection of the company,
13:33then it is your internet service provider.
13:35And you also give money to the ISP.
13:37But they don't run the whole internet.
13:39If you look at it on a large scale, then ISPs can be divided into three levels.
13:43First, there are big companies.
13:45Those companies that have laid cables under the sea and under the ground.
13:51Submarine Optical Fiber Cables.
13:54We keep them in Tier 1.
13:56Then there are those ISPs whose presence is at the national level.
13:59That is, whose cables are spread all over the country.
14:02These are Tier 2 companies.
14:04Now if a Tier 2 company needs internet service,
14:07then it will have to use the cable of the Tier 1 company or it will have to take it on rent.
14:12Cables laid under the sea.
14:15Submarine Optical Fiber Cables.
14:17For this, it will have to give money to the Tier 1 ISP.
14:20Similarly, the local ISPs coming in Tier 1 and Tier 3,
14:24whose presence is at the local level, at the state level or in a big city,
14:28there are some local ISPs.
14:30So they will have to give money to Tier 2 companies whose presence is at the national level.
14:34So that they can reach their customers on the internet.
14:37So in this way, our money is distributed among these companies.
14:40And a part of it is also given to those companies who have big data centers.
14:45And then you see the ads, their money is given to websites.
14:48In other words, there is no one owner of the entire internet.
14:51Different companies own different parts of the internet.
14:55But to manage it, different institutions have been made.
14:58Like ICANN told you.
15:00The biggest role of the internet in the world is of infrastructure.
15:04The company with the most extensive infrastructure will earn as much.
15:08So this is the game of the internet.
15:10We tried to tell you in short.
15:12But still, its leela is so vast that this video must have become big.
15:16And we had to leave a lot of things.
15:18How much did you understand? How did you understand?
15:20How can we make you understand better?
15:22Tell us by commenting.
15:23If you liked it, then like, forward, share and do all this.
15:25And also tell us what you want to understand.
15:28Thank you very much for watching this video.
15:30This was written by our companion Pranav.
15:32My name is Ayush.
15:33Amitesh is behind the camera.
