Esti Mai Destept decat un copil de Clasa a V -a - Sezonul 3- Editia 26 din 7 Octombrie 2024

  • 2 days ago


00:32Buonasera dragii mei, eu sou Andrei Stefanescu
00:34Si asta seara vin alaturi
00:36De copiii mei frumos
00:38Sa dam 50.000 de lei celui care
00:40Demonstreaza ca este mai deser decat un copil de clasa
00:44Sunteti gata de distractie copii? Da!
00:46Yes! Da!
00:48Am auzit ca la unele scoli din China
00:50Elevii nuncep orele dimineata
00:52Pana nu is fac masaj facial
00:54Sau pana nu
00:56Is lucreaza muschii fetei
00:58Si cred ca relaxarea lor
01:00Ii ajuta sa se concentreze mai bine
01:02In realizarea sarcinilor scolare
01:04Asadar, sunteti pregatiti sa facem
01:06Si noi astfel de exercitii?
01:10Toata lumea zambeste
01:12Ia sa vad
01:14Tare, tare, cu zambet
01:161, 2, 3
01:20Toata lumea se incrunta
01:22Incrunta de Tudor
01:24Am auzit sa culca
01:262, 2
01:32Toata lumea
01:34Misca din nas
01:36Misca din nas
01:38Te dau afara de la ora, Tudor
01:44Toata lumea sunfla ovragii
01:48Gata! Eu cred ca putem sa incepem ora
01:50Avem fata relaxata, da?
01:52Dragii mei, de aceasta seara
01:54Avem doua colegi
01:56Intra in scena Georgiana si Elena
01:58Doua surori corporatiste
02:02Mult succes!
02:04Buna Elena! Buna Toma!
02:06Buna Mara!
02:08Buna Alexia!
02:12Bine ai venit!
02:14Buna Andrei!
02:16Doua surori corporatiste
02:18De ce va ocupati?
02:20Eu sunt copywriter
02:22Mai mult axata pe partea de social media
02:24Realizarea continutului
02:26Pentru diferite companii
02:30Pentru ca trebuie sa scoti in fiecare zi cate ceva
02:32Ceva nou
02:34Deci munca multa
02:36Si tu?
02:38Eu sunt manager operational
02:40Tot intr-o multinationala
02:42De toate
02:44Stii ciorba de salata?
02:46Un fel de ciorba cu de toate?
02:48Bun, deci o ciorba cu de toate
02:50Ce trebuie sa faci efectiv?
02:52Sunt responsabila de monitorizarea
02:54Activitatilor de mai multe departamente
02:56In mod special departamentul de HR
03:00Logistica, proiecte noi
03:02Ai pus-o si tu esti plina de sarcina
03:04Cate ani aveti in primul rand?
03:06Eu 24
03:08Eu 38
03:10Opa, diferenta maricica intre voi
03:12A avut grija de tine?
03:14A avut
03:16De ce intrebi detalii din astea si eu sa vin cu povestea mea reala
03:18Hai ca n-a fost asa rau
03:20Hai sa-ti spun eu cum era
03:22Deci, eu aproape 15 ani
03:24Ce crezi ca facea parintii pe vremea aia?
03:26Na, timpuri vechi
03:30Da, dar ii puneau pe copiii mai mari sa creasca pe astia mai mici
03:32Pai da, Andrei
03:34Tu la 14 ani, 14, 15
03:36Ce ti-ar fi placut sa faci?
03:38Sa stau afara sa ma joc
03:40Dar nu cu un bebelus
03:42Eu mergeam cu un bebelus
03:44Chiar am fost cu minte
03:46Si o scoteam la aer
03:48Dar veneam dupa 10-15 minute
03:50Si zicea, pai atat?
03:52Pai, eu, sincere, nu ma las
03:54Si atat?
03:56Sa aerisi pe lume, hai, o exageram
03:58Da, dar pentru ca ma stateam si ma gandeam
04:00Cum sa fac eu sa dispara
04:02N-am reusit
04:04Fiindca erau parintii cu ochii pe ea
04:06Slaba Domnului, multumim Lui Dumnezeu
04:08Ca n-ai facut intr-un fel sa dispara
04:10Bun, avem 5 copii
04:12Pe care o sa vreau sa vi prezint
04:16Iubeste Sena
04:18Si este pasionata de gastronomi
04:20Mergem mai departe catre
04:22Tudor, un rapidist
04:24Adevarat si ar vrea sa fie broker
04:26Alexia, specialista noastra
04:28In nutritie si ar vrea sa devina medic
04:32Apoi Toma
04:34Iubeste animalele si lupta pentru
04:36Tectorile lor, iar Mara
04:38Este pasionata
04:40De musical-ur muzica
04:42Si daca aveti copii pe care va puteti baza
04:44Si o tabla
04:46Plina cu materii
04:48Din care voi va vreti putea alege
04:50Cate una, pe rand
04:52Asa cum considerati voi
04:54Va faceti strategia, cum simtiti voi
04:56Sunteti surori, aveti banuiesca, aveti o strategie
04:58V-ati gandit de acasa ce sa faceti, cum sa faceti
05:00Speram sa nu ne certam aici in direct
05:02Dar avem o strategie, da
05:04Si care e strategia?
05:06Pai e secreta, Andrei
05:08Nu putem sa dezvoluim chiar tot
05:10Ca la fotbal
05:12O sa ne vezi tu pe teren
05:14Daca centram sau nu
05:16Hai sa alegem un copil
05:18Eu zice Toma
05:20Hai cu Toma sa incepem
05:22Hai cu Toma
05:24Toma, viitorul nostru actor
05:26Bine ai venit dragul meu
05:28Hai sa vedem
05:30Prima materie
05:32Pe care voi o sa o alegeti
05:34Eu zic sa incepem usor
05:36Cu matematica clasa 1
05:38Cu matematica clasa 1
05:40Cate carti sunt pe un raft
05:42Stind ca daca le numaram
05:44Din 2 in 2
05:46Incepand cu prima
05:48Din orice parte
05:50Cartea din mijloc este a 3-a numarata
05:52Deci avem un raft
05:54Avem si astea in raft
05:56Incepand cu prima
05:58Din 2 in 2
06:00Din orice parte
06:02Cartea din mijloc este a 3-a numarata
06:041, 2, 3
06:061, 2, 3
06:081, 2, 3
06:10Cred ca 6
06:12Sau nu
06:14Pai daca sunt 6
06:16Din 2 in 2
06:18Si numari din 2 in 2
06:202, 4, 6
06:22Si cea din mijloc intotdeauna este 3
06:24Zici ca sunt 6 pe raft?
06:28E sigura?
06:30Eu asa zic
06:32Asta e raftul
06:341, 2, 3
06:36Am ajuns la mijloc
06:38Din 2 in 2
06:401, 2, 3
06:421, 2, 3
06:46Si mijlocul e
06:48Zici ca sunt 6
06:52A 3-a numarata este intotdeauna la jumatate
06:56Zicem 6
06:58Sau vrei sa tragem cotul?
07:00Nu, zicem 6
07:02100% da?
07:06Bine, zicem 6
07:10Eu va recomand asa
07:12Daca nu sunteti 100% sigure
07:14Sa luati o varianta ajutatoare
07:16Avem acolo 3 variante ajutatoare
07:18Copiaza, trage cu ochiul sau salveaza-ma
07:20Care intra in momentul in care raspundeti gresii
07:22Zic sa tragem cu ochiul
07:26Si ne salveaza
07:30E sigura
07:32Ok, merg pe mana ta
07:34Blocheaza tu
07:36Spuneti-mi si mie cum v-ati gandit
07:38Cum ati calculat
07:40Pai am zis
07:42Un raft, 2, 4, 6
07:44Numeri din 2 in 2
07:46Si a 3-a numarata
07:48Este cea din mijloc
07:52Numarand din 2 in 2
07:54Incepand cu prima din orice parte
07:58Acum chiar nu mai sunt sigura de nimic
08:00Am blocat deja raspunsul
08:02Mergem pe mana ei
08:04Bine, hai sa vedem raspunsul corect la intrebare
08:06Probabil ca am gresit
08:08Nu, aia e linu
08:10Numarand din 2 in 2
08:12De ce nu ai vrut sa tragem cu ochiul?
08:14Ne asumam raspunsul
08:18Hai sa vedem
08:26Andreea, do you want us to die after the first question or why not?
08:33Oh, I was sure!
08:38I said that we take responsibility.
08:419. I mean, we were like this, right? We start with the first one and we do 1, 3, 5.
08:47Yes, correct.
08:481, 3, 5, from 2 to 2. So, 9.
08:549, yes, correct.
08:57Now, our only chance is for Toma to have the correct answer.
09:02Otherwise, we stop right from the first question and it would be a shame.
09:06Are you ready to see Toma's answer?
09:09Let's hope he has the correct answer.
09:10Let's hope he has the correct answer. I want this too, but who knows?
09:20Bravo! Thank you, Toma!
09:23Thank you, Toma!
09:24You're welcome!
09:26Bravo, Toma!
09:27Thank you!
09:28You were lucky!
09:30We have the first 500 RON in the pocket.
09:32Concentrate, think well about the next question and come on!
09:36Courage, without fear!
09:37The beginnings are more difficult. It will be ok.
09:39That's what I want to hear.
09:40Let's see what you say.
09:42What do you want to say?
09:43Happy or Romanian?
09:46How do you say?
09:47Let's go with Romanian. Let's try Romanian.
09:48Romanian, second class.
09:52True or false?
09:54The proposition of the competition to feel comfortable in the new class.
09:59It does not contain any spelling error.
10:03The competition to feel comfortable in the new class.
10:11So, if you were to take the proposition, the only potential error would be comfortable or comfortable.
10:21I say that the competition to feel comfortable in the new class.
10:31Only in this proposition.
10:32So, only in that word.
10:34Comfortable is written with a N or a M?
10:37With a N?
10:38With a M.
10:39No, it's with a N.
10:47I don't know, I'm not sure.
10:48If you're sure, I'll go with your hand.
10:52Do you want to draw with your eye to be calmer and see the next ones?
10:57Let's go with your variant.
11:02I'm brushing my hair, I don't have it, but I'm brushing something.
11:05I mean...
11:06Let's block it.
11:08Let's block it.
11:09Are you sure it's comfortable with a N?
11:11If it's with a N, as you say, and you're 100% sure, it means it's true.
11:15We'll go with your variant and it's false.
11:17It's false?
11:19Ok, let's go.
11:21Whatever it is.
11:22God, thank you, God, that they pressed it.
11:26You chose false, right?
11:30Why did you have such big doubts?
11:34Because of the emotions.
11:35Now I feel like I'm not sure about anything.
11:37Because of the emotions.
11:39Let's see the correct answer.
11:45I'm sweating, I can't take it anymore.
11:51It's true.
11:58Bravo, Toma!
12:00It's good that this emotional threshold has passed.
12:04Because we haven't reached that threshold yet, we still have something to do.
12:07The observer will catch us.
12:11It was exactly as you said, Georgiana, with the word comfortable.
12:15In Romanian, to write comfortably with a N.
12:18Of course, yes.
12:19Comfortable, in English, is with a M.
12:22And then, from here, this...
12:26Confusion, which we, Romanians, do the most often.
12:28And not necessarily to the word comfortable.
12:30In general, to many words.
12:31In general, to many words, yes.
12:32Which we use totally inappropriately.
12:34It's not bad to know English, but teach your children the Romanian language.
12:37Because the most valuable quality of a people is its language.
12:44Thank you!
12:46Bravo, Toma, congratulations!
12:47You can go now.
12:48We will go on.
12:50And now, because we got rid of all the emotions,
12:52I will ask you to choose another child.
12:54Let's also choose a girl.
12:55A girl, yes.
12:56Let's see who we choose.
12:57We choose Alexia.
12:58Come on!
13:00We choose Alexia!
13:02It's a deal!
13:07Let's choose another topic, with which we start very well,
13:11and which can bring us, attention, 1,500 lei.
13:14Let's see, between general culture and religion, what do you say?
13:17Or you want to try something else?
13:19Do you want to jump to 1,500?
13:20Well, last time I said that we choose between religion and Romania.
13:24We chose Romania.
13:25Do you want religion?
13:26Of course!
13:28We go for religion.
13:31Religion, class 2.
13:33Let's see.
13:36What archangel, guardian of the police and the military,
13:40is often presented in icons with a sword in his hand?
13:48So, archangel Michael and Gabriel.
13:51Between Michael and Gabriel.
14:00And now, are we Michael or Gabriel?
14:06Was it St. George?
14:09It's St. George the Great.
14:12He is an archangel.
14:14I would go for St. Michael.
14:20I can't remember how they are represented in the pictures from the church.
14:24I know that one was on the left, one was on the right.
14:28I can't visualize him with the sword.
14:32Honestly, I haven't heard of a guardian of the police and the military.
14:39I say we block Michael.
14:41We block Michael?
14:42What do you say?
14:44I think it would be him, but I'm not very sure.
14:49If you're not sure, let's draw with the eye.
14:52We draw with the eye, yes?
14:54We block?
14:56We draw with the eye.
14:58Draw with the eye!
15:00Alexia said that the guardian of the police and the military is...
15:09The guardian of the police and the military.
15:22Alexia said that the guardian of the police and the military is...
15:30Michael the Archangel.
15:32Are you going with Alexia's answer or you have a better variation?
15:35The answer to Alexia is Michael the Archangel.
15:41You said Michael the Archangel.
15:45And the correct answer to the 1,500 lei question is...
16:01Michael the Archangel.
16:03Thank you, thank you, Alexia.
16:09That's why I passed.
16:11The answer to Michael the Archangel.
16:14I was lucky to get it right.
16:17Because I got to 1,500 lei.
16:20Let's move on to the 2,500 lei question.
16:23Let's choose another subject.
16:26What do you say? General Culture?
16:28Let's go with General Culture.
16:30General Culture, Class A3.
16:33Let's see.
16:36What caused the Titanic to sink in 1912?
16:41A. The fire on board.
16:43B. The engine failure.
16:45C. The impact with an iceberg.
16:48So, I want to start with...
16:50Yes, it's C. 100% the impact with an iceberg.
16:53I want to say that the Titanic...
16:55I think I've seen it many times.
16:57Do you like Leonardo DiCaprio or just the movie?
16:59No, especially.
17:01That's why you forgot.
17:03I understood now.
17:05Here, without any doubt, 100%, the final answer is C.
17:08The impact with an iceberg.
17:10Please block the decision.
17:12The impact with an iceberg.
17:14Do we see the correct answer?
17:16Let's see the correct answer.
17:22The impact with an iceberg.
17:24Super, super, super.
17:26The Titanic brought you 2,500 lei.
17:29Nice money.
17:31Alexia, thank you very much for joining us today.
17:34Thank you, Alexia.
17:39Please choose another child to team up with.
17:45What about Mara?
17:48Should I choose?
17:50Or Tudor?
17:51Tudor should be here to help us.
17:53Let's take Tudor and then Mara.
17:55Let's go, Tudor.
17:59Welcome, Tudor.
18:00Hello, Tudor.
18:02Let's choose another topic.
18:04Let's choose.
18:05Civic education.
18:06Civic education.
18:07Civic education, class 3.
18:10Which person gets out of an elevator first?
18:14A. The oldest one.
18:16B. The one closest to the door.
18:20C. The one who is in a hurry.
18:24Wow, that was fast.
18:31Well, let's think about it.
18:33If you think about it in a purely civic way,
18:37you think about the oldest one.
18:39The oldest one.
18:40But if the oldest one is...
18:42If the elevator, for example, I don't know...
18:45If the oldest one gets in last, the first one gets out.
18:48If the oldest one gets out, the one closest to the door gets out.
18:50But if the oldest one is in the back,
18:52and there are 10 people in the elevator,
18:54absurdly speaking, it's an elevator from the sea,
18:56and it only has one door,
18:57and the oldest one is in the back,
18:58the first one doesn't get out.
19:00Anyway, if we take it in a civic way...
19:03I can remind you that you have another option.
19:06That's what I can do.
19:07Yes, we know.
19:08In case you're not sure.
19:11Ask and what?
19:13The one who is in a hurry...
19:15I say no.
19:17The one who is closest to the door...
19:21Of course, yes.
19:22Of course, yes.
19:23The one who gets in last, the first one gets out.
19:25But considering that it's a civic education...
19:28And yet, I never saw anyone give priority to an old man in the back,
19:33just to get out.
19:34I don't know if we're the problem,
19:35because no one had a civic sense.
19:37I'm not sure how it was on Titanic.
19:40I don't know. Do you want to copy?
19:44Do you want to copy?
19:45I don't know. If you feel comfortable...
19:47But what did you say?
19:48Did you choose A?
19:50The oldest one?
19:52I was going to copy, but I don't know what awaits us next.
19:54But yes, let's copy.
19:59Let's first see the correct answer to the question.
20:03I would say it's the one who is closest to the door.
20:10The one who is closest to the door.
20:12You, Georgiana, had logic, saying that it's the one who is closest to the door.
20:16If there are 15 people in the elevator, where does the lady get out?
20:19She has to get out somewhere, somewhere else.
20:21We are in front of the door.
20:22Goodbye, she can't get out.
20:23We have to get out, because we are the ones closest to the exit.
20:26The lady gets out, and we did...
20:28From the civic spirit, we made room for her, but we get out.
20:31It's logic, logic.
20:32I mean, she has nowhere to get out.
20:34Now, the only hope we have is...
20:36It was Tudor.
20:37Tudor should have thought logically, and he should have enlightened us to this question.
20:42Let's see what Tudor's answer was.
20:43Let's see what Tudor's answer was.
20:54Thank you, Tudor!
20:55Thank you, Tudor!
20:56Bravo, Tudor!
20:57Thank you, Andrei!
20:59Thank you very much, Tudor.
21:00Thank you!
21:01Unfortunately, we can't appeal to any other child,
21:04because our helpers have been eliminated.
21:08The important thing is that you have 3500 lei,
21:10and let's see what we are going to do next,
21:13from the remaining materials.
21:15So, from everything I see here, it says...
21:19Geography, I was also thinking about that.
21:21Geography, right?
21:23Ok, we choose Geography.
21:24Geography, class A5.
21:27What country is the longest in the world,
21:31in the direction of North-South,
21:33stretching from the Atacama Desert
21:36to the polar areas of the Fire Country?
21:41I'm thinking about Russia.
21:42Yes, I was also thinking about that.
21:45But at the same time, I'm also thinking about Canada.
21:48But I don't remember Canada having anything to do with the desert.
21:53But apart from that, not even Russia,
21:55now that I think about it,
21:59has anything to do with the Atacama Desert.
22:02The longest in the world, in the direction of North-South.
22:08The Atacama Desert.
22:09God, I have it, but I don't know where to put it on the map.
22:15To the polar areas of the Fire Country.
22:17And the Fire Country?
22:18The Fire Country?
22:19The Fire Country?
22:20I don't know.
22:21I really don't know.
22:24To be in America.
22:25Something in America.
22:26That's what I was thinking.
22:27The Atacama, from what I remember, is...
22:31To be in America.
22:32But think about the longest in the world,
22:34in the direction of North-South.
22:37But Brazil is not a desert.
22:41It has to be something...
22:42I don't know.
22:43I'm thinking about Ecuador.
22:45From Ecuador down.
22:50It has to be Chile.
22:52I would go with Chile.
22:54Now that I think about it, I think Chile.
22:56I would be the only one.
22:57Let's guess all of them.
22:58From America.
22:59From America.
23:00It has to be something long,
23:01because I think it was on a strip,
23:02from what I remember.
23:03Let's go with Chile.
23:09You said Chile.
23:12Let's see the correct answer to this question.
23:28I can't believe it!
23:32Honestly, I have no idea what happened.
23:35But at some point, Chile came to your mind.
23:37You were in Canada, in Russia.
23:39You gave it your all.
23:40You said Brazil.
23:42Look at Chile.
23:43It's the longest.
23:45Good, good.
23:47You won 5000 lei.
23:51Well done!
23:54Let's choose the next question.
23:57Do we take them in order?
23:58Do we take the science of nature?
24:00Let's see what it is.
24:02The science of nature.
24:03The science of nature.
24:04Class A4.
24:06The evil of the sky is found in Romania.
24:09And it is...
24:10A species of dragonfly.
24:12B. A carnivorous plant.
24:15C. A field flower.
24:17I'm not 100% sure, but I'm trying to be a field flower.
24:23A carnivorous plant. No.
24:25A species of dragonfly.
24:27I think it's a no.
24:30Next, a carnivorous plant.
24:32A carnivorous plant.
24:33Do we have carnivorous plants?
24:36A climate.
24:37I think it's a no.
24:38It's found in Romania.
24:39That's why I said a carnivorous plant.
24:41A carnivorous plant.
24:42From the first pick.
24:43From the start, no.
24:44A species of dragonfly.
24:45I think it's...
24:46I didn't name the dragonflies.
24:50So I think it's...
24:51And if you say the evil of the sky...
24:53I think it's a field flower.
24:55A field flower would be the most logical.
25:00On the other hand, if...
25:02I don't think it loses much.
25:04I mean, I would risk saying a field flower.
25:10What do you say?
25:11The evil of the sky.
25:12The evil of the sky.
25:13It doesn't sound like a field.
25:14It sounds like a flower.
25:15It doesn't sound like a dragonfly.
25:16Yes, I would say the same.
25:17I'm going by intuition, by logic this time.
25:19And I will choose a field flower.
25:21If this is the answer, please block it.
25:24Are you ready?
25:26Hold each other's hands.
25:27It has to be a field flower.
25:29The correct answer for the 7500 lei question is...
25:43Oh, I can't take it anymore.
25:48A field flower.
25:50I can't believe it.
25:51I can't believe it.
25:52I can't believe it.
25:53Oh, oh, oh.
25:54And I excluded it from the first one.
25:56I can't believe it.
25:58Its name comes from the small and shiny particles of sticky liquid
26:03that form on its leaves and that look like dew.
26:07These particles, of course, attract insects that stick together.
26:12So, we also have carnivorous plants.
26:16That's it.
26:17We risked 1500 lei.
26:19After all, it's not a huge amount.
26:21But you're going home with some money, with 3500 lei.
26:25I congratulate you.
26:27You were very nice.
26:29You were a nice company.
26:31And I'm sure you're going home with some lessons.
26:33For sure.
26:35My name is Georgiana.
26:36I'm Elena.
26:37And we're not smarter than a fifth-grade kid.
26:45And we, dear friends, continue with Cristiana.
26:50She's 58 years old.
26:51She's a vocal soloist.
26:53And she's from Bucharest.
26:55God help us.
27:03Welcome, Cristiana.
27:04It's good to see you.
27:05Good evening.
27:06Good evening.
27:09Vocal soloist.
27:10Do you sing?
27:11I sang.
27:12Where did you sing?
27:13I sang when I was 45 years old.
27:15You sang when you were 45 years old?
27:16I mean, since I was 13 years old.
27:17You were also singing when I was 13 years old.
27:19Wow, what a career.
27:20I sang in Bucharest, I sang in shows and at events.
27:25And you participated in events, I don't know, at big shows.
27:28Did you meet important personalities?
27:31Important personalities, yes.
27:33I can say that when I stayed in Greece, because I was there for a long time,
27:39I got married there for the first time.
27:41And I sang even for Pope Andrew.
27:45It was an event...
27:48Andreea's Pope Andrew, right?
27:50Andreea's Pope Andrew.
27:52Then I came back to the country and together with Loredana I sang at an event
27:58when George Bush came.
28:00An event with closed doors.
28:02That's how it happened.
28:03That's how they were.
28:04What did you do in Greece?
28:05And how long did you stay there?
28:06Well, I stayed in Greece for 8 years.
28:08I got married, I had two kids, I didn't leave and I came back to the country.
28:13What did the kids do?
28:14They stayed with me for a while.
28:16I had two jobs.
28:18And he managed to do it in such a way that he attracted them to him.
28:25And now they are 24 years old since I saw them.
28:31God, 24 years old.
28:33And how old are they now?
28:34Well, the boy is 33, the girl is 31.
28:37And aren't you curious to see your mother again?
28:40I don't know what I did wrong.
28:42But karma is like this.
28:46My man, as I call him, with whom I've been together for 24 years, 23, 24 years,
28:54has a 33-year-old boy and a 31-year-old girl.
28:58God, exactly the taste of your children.
29:00Yes, exactly.
29:01And I overcame all my love for them.
29:04It's ok.
29:05I'm good.
29:06You're good.
29:09We have 5 kids that I will present to you immediately.
29:11Irina, Tudor, Alexia, Toma and Mara.
29:19They are here to help you win money.
29:22I will ask you to choose a child.
29:30Hello, Andrei.
29:32Welcome, Tudor.
29:33I'm glad to see you.
29:34Are you ready?
29:35Very ready, yes.
29:36Tudor is always very ready.
29:37The first topic you want to start with.
29:38Let's start with the beginning.
29:40First class religion.
29:41First class religion.
29:43What did Jesus say to the Apostle when he said,
29:47You are the stone that I will build my church on?
29:50I think it's about St. Peter.
29:54St. Peter.
29:56That's me.
29:57St. Peter.
29:58Let's block your answer.
30:02You said St. Peter.
30:03Let's see the correct answer.
30:11St. Peter.
30:12It is.
30:14We started with the right answer.
30:16500 lei.
30:18We move on with the question for 1000 lei.
30:23Let's choose another subject.
30:25Mathematics, second class.
30:28Eva is reading a 120-page book.
30:32She notices that if she read another 5 pages,
30:35only a quarter of it would remain.
30:38How many pages does she have to read in total?
30:51She notices that if she read another 5 pages,
30:56only a quarter of it would remain.
30:58So 125 pages.
31:03125, 250.
31:05250 with 250.
31:10And it would be...
31:16375 pages.
31:20But I will still choose Copy.
31:24Let's see the correct answer.
31:26Are you ready?
31:27Yes, of course.
31:34The whole book had 120 pages.
31:36Where did 375 come from?
31:39Now, because you chose Copy,
31:42let's see what Tudor answered.
31:56Bravo, Tudor!
31:59Bravo, Tudor!
32:01Congratulations and thank you at the same time.
32:04Thank you, Andrei.
32:06Here is the calculation.
32:08120 divided by 4 is 30, plus 5 is 35.
32:11Let's choose another child.
32:18Welcome, Wednesday.
32:22Let's choose another topic.
32:26Because Irina is here,
32:28and she is the one I rely on, not me,
32:30so I will tell you from the start.
32:32Let's move on to 5th grade biology.
32:345th grade biology.
32:36Which of the following species of mushrooms
32:39is not recommended for food consumption?
32:42A. Spring beets.
32:44B. Herring.
32:46C. Yellowtail.
32:49I would go for spring beets,
32:52meaning they have it.
32:54I know herring, I know yellowtail,
32:56it is consumed.
32:58Spring beets have it.
33:02So spring beets are not for food consumption.
33:06That's what I said, I don't know.
33:07But on the other hand, they are a helpful option.
33:09So let's see the correct answer
33:11for the 1,500 lei question.
33:19Which of the following species of mushrooms
33:22is not recommended for food consumption?
33:25A. Spring beets.
33:27B. Herring.
33:29C. Yellowtail.
33:31D. Spring beets.
33:33Let's see the correct answer
33:35for the 1,500 lei question.
33:38Let's see the correct answer
33:40for the 1,500 lei question.
33:49Yes! Spring beets!
33:51It's pure intuition.
33:531,500 lei at this moment.
33:56I have another curiosity.
33:58You said you've been singing for 40 something years.
34:01What do you do now?
34:03I still sing at events,
34:05when I still have time.
34:07But in general,
34:09I don't know if I said this,
34:11but I managed to do only 2 years of singing.
34:14I joined EATC in 1987
34:16and I was Demeradulescu's student for 2 years.
34:19You are an actress, right?
34:21Yes, but I didn't finish it
34:23because I got sick from an ugly disease
34:26that I struggled a lot with.
34:28To be honest,
34:30I don't even know if it still exists or not.
34:33Pain is very strong.
34:35I did chemotherapy for a long time.
34:40And look, I came out victorious.
34:42You came out victorious.
34:44We congratulate you.
34:50God willing and with beautiful people next to me.
34:53They helped you get over it.
34:55Do you have a passion?
34:57I love life and I love being among people.
35:00Speaking of which,
35:02I make commercials,
35:04movies and other things.
35:06How nice!
35:08I enjoy every moment I live.
35:10Let's move on
35:12with the next question.
35:18General culture.
35:20Class 2 general culture.
35:22Class 2 general culture.
35:26What European country
35:28is famous for its laleles
35:30and its windmills?
35:32You smiled.
35:34You smiled.
35:36It's an easy question.
35:38The Netherlands.
35:40I say yes.
35:42I don't know.
35:46I would like to help you.
35:48I don't even need to.
35:50Why would I say the Netherlands?
35:52Let's see the correct answer
35:54to this question.
36:01The Netherlands.
36:05Or the Netherlands,
36:07as it's called now.
36:09It's a beautiful country
36:11where I lived for a while
36:13and I liked it.
36:15Thank you, Irina.
36:22Let's choose another child.
36:24As I saw it on TV,
36:28he looks like a Frenchman.
36:30I will choose Toma.
36:32Come on, Toma,
36:34come here.
36:36Or Claudiu Bleons.
36:38Or Claudiu Bleons, yes.
36:40Let's move on
36:42to another subject.
36:44Class 4 history.
36:46Class 4 history.
36:48It's in his hand,
36:50not in mine.
36:52According to the legend,
36:54what historical area in Romania
36:56is named after his hunting dog?
37:14No, no, no, no.
37:18We have the helping option.
37:20Pull the trigger and save him.
37:22No, save him.
37:24I don't know.
37:28It would have been better to pull the trigger.
37:30I was in a hurry, yes.
37:32Are you nervous?
37:34Of course not.
37:36If Toma didn't answer correctly,
37:38we are exactly where we shouldn't be.
37:40But I don't know why I think
37:42Toma will definitely save me.
37:44Let's see
37:46the correct answer
37:48to this question.
38:02Dragos I.
38:04You know, I was thinking about Moldova,
38:06but I was afraid to say it.
38:08The hunting dog was named Molda.
38:10Molda, exactly.
38:12Let's see Toma's answer.
38:22And we are green.
38:24We are enlightened.
38:28Thank you very much.
38:30Well done, Tomis.
38:323500 RON right now.
38:34Let's move on
38:36to the 5000 RON question.
38:38Please choose another subject.
38:42General culture,
38:44class A4.
38:46General culture, class A4.
38:48According to Chinese,
38:50what is the second most spoken language in the world
38:52as a number of native speakers?
38:58According to Chinese,
39:00what is the second most spoken language
39:02in the world
39:04as a number of native speakers?
39:08I say English.
39:10And to shoot with the eye.
39:12Shoot with the eye?
39:14Yes, shoot with the eye.
39:16And you said it would be
39:20Let's see what Toma answered
39:22to this question.
39:26Spaniola, says Toma.
39:28Of course, yes,
39:30this helpful variant
39:32gives you the possibility
39:34to change Toma's answer
39:36in case you are not sure
39:38what he answered.
39:40I don't change it.
39:42I go to Toma's hand.
39:44Do you go to Toma's hand?
39:46No, I don't go to Toma's hand.
39:48And the correct answer
39:50to this question
40:00I love you, dear children.
40:02I love you, dear children.
40:06Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
40:08Spaniola and 5000 lei.
40:10Well done, Toma.
40:12You got us out of the mess.
40:14Thank you very much.
40:18Choose a subject.
40:20I want to say that you are alone.
40:22We don't have any helpful variant.
40:24That's why I said what I said.
40:26So we can't even have the help
40:28of a child.
40:30I had the help of mine.
40:32Civic education.
40:34Class A3.
40:36Civic education, class A3.
40:40True or false.
40:42At the cinema,
40:44moving to your place
40:46is done with the backs of those
40:48who are already down.
40:50Let's take a risk.
40:52Do you take a risk?
40:54No, I don't.
40:563500 lei are left.
41:00So the answer to this question
41:02is false.
41:04If you say it's false, let's see.
41:06That's what I say.
41:08That's what you say.
41:10And the correct answer
41:30I was thinking that when you pass
41:32you pass with your butt in front of them.
41:34It's better to turn around
41:36and say I'm sorry, I'm late, I'm sorry.
41:38With your face.
41:40It's more political.
41:42Let's choose another subject.
41:44Geography, class A5.
41:46What supernatural being
41:48is found on the stars of the
41:50Sarigali and Butan?
41:54Mr. Andrei,
41:56I respect you
41:58and I respect you a lot.
42:00I respect the production, I respect the children.
42:02I withdraw.
42:04So we don't take a risk?
42:06I know.
42:08A parrot, a rooster.
42:10A rooster?
42:12Galilean country, a rooster.
42:14A rooster, a rooster.
42:16It's a supernatural being.
42:18It can't be that rooster.
42:20Wow, that's cool to say a supernatural rooster.
42:22I want a supernatural rooster.
42:24I was crazy about it.
42:26And we also changed the star.
42:28I withdraw.
42:30So we withdraw.
42:32The decision is blocked.
42:36You have 7500 lei.
42:38Let's find the right answer.
42:40Do you want to?
42:42Of course.
42:44Let's see the right answer.
42:46A dragon.
42:48A dragon.
42:50A dragon.
42:52It can't be.
42:54Wow, that's cool.
42:56You said it exactly after you pressed the button.
42:58How? A dragon?
43:00Did you realize by yourself?
43:02A dragon?
43:04Look at it.
43:06This dragon.
43:08You were so close.
43:10You said it after you pressed the button.
43:12We thank you very much, Cristiana.
43:14We congratulate you.
43:16Thank you very much.
43:18My name is Cristiana Dorin.
43:20I'm a freelance artist.
43:22And I'm not smarter
43:24than a 5th grade kid.
43:26But you know you're brave.
43:28And an example for the people
43:30who watched us.
43:32Thank you for coming here.
43:38This was our show for today.
43:40See you next time.
43:42We leave you with the Observer.
43:44Don't forget.
43:46You have the book.
43:48You have the part.
