Der irische Veteran Artie Crawford, der einst im 2. Weltkrieg gekämpft hat, büxt aus seinem Altersheim in Nordirland aus, um auf eigene Faust in Frankreich an den Feierlichkeiten zum 75. Jahrestag des D-Days teilzunehmen. Doch die Reise wird in The Last Rifleman auch zu einer Konfrontation mit der eigenen Vergangenheit.
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00:00You know, it's changed times, Artie, no-one really stops for hitchhikers now-a-days.
00:08So, Artie, what's your story?
00:19I fought with the United Irishman, and we all wrote letters, just in case we got killed.
00:29I was terrified.
00:31Artie, Artie, come on!
00:39It's the D-Day anniversary, I had to get to France.
00:43I'd love for you to go, Artie, but we've a responsibility to your family, and a duty of care to you.
00:49Sounds like you have me dead and buried already.
00:53Jesus, where'd you come from?
00:57Don't stand there gawking. Come on, give us a hug.
01:03A war veteran escapes Old Folsom to meet his army buddies in France.
01:07The last rifleman, people will love it.
01:11So, what you're saying is, they found my father, and then lost him again?
01:16You are quite the soldier, Mr. Cuffaw.
01:20It is a miracle that you made it this far.
01:23Artie's passport appears to be missing.
01:26I didn't get far on that.
01:27Look, that's me.
01:28Seventeen years out of date, sir.
01:31We all have our expiry dates.
01:33Am I 92 and three quarter years old?
01:37Well past my expiry date.
01:40It's in our blood.
01:42Smuggling soldiers.
01:45That's three Musketeers.
01:47All for one and one for all, eh?
01:49That's the thing about folks like us, Artie, we're all living with ghosts.
01:54Hey, you want to pick on someone?
01:56None of us can ever forget, but maybe we can forgive.
02:09How in the name of God do you think you're going to get to Normandy?
02:12You can't even find the bathroom in your room.
02:14That's very funny.