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Catch sneak peek at The Golden Bachelorette Season 21 Episode 4, airing soon on ABC! This groundbreaking reality series follows Joan, a remarkable and inspiring woman on her journey to find love later in life. With grace, warmth, and sincerity, Joan navigates the ups and downs of dating, proving that love has no age limit. Hosted by the charming Jesse Palmer, this season delivers a captivating blend of heartfelt connections, unexpected turns, and timeless romance. Don’t miss out on this refreshing and uplifting twist on modern love—tune in now on ABC!

Hosted by:

Jesse Palmer

Stream The Golden Bachelorette Season 1 now on ABC and Hulu!


00:00And I run, and I shoot!
00:03Good job.
00:04I'm telling you, this has been the best time
00:08in the last 6 1⁄2 years.
00:10You really relate to a lot of people there, right?
00:13It's almost like therapy.
00:14It is.
00:15No, I mean, honestly, it's better than therapy.
00:17And, uh, Joan is just, like, incredible.
00:21Like, when I'm with Joan, I feel great.
00:24Um, she's so there with each conversation,
00:27and she just remembers so much.
00:30That makes me happy to hear that.
00:32My kids just want me to be happy and to find love again.
00:36And that's what I hope happens.
00:37I'm so happy for you, Dad.
00:39And I hope that you just continue to, you know,
00:42make the most of this experience,
00:43and I hope I see you soon at hometown.
00:45I'm hoping that, too, baby.
00:46I love you.
00:47I love you, Dad.
00:48We'll see you.
