盗用中介照片和REN编号 假中介在iProperty诈骗潜在租客

  • 2 days ago
新闻报报看 | 5名来自同一家公司的房产中介指出,从上个月开始,陆续接到陌生租客的电话,询问他们是不是还有另一个在iProperty网站注册的号码,并声称已经将租金汇入了指定的账户。经过调查,他们才惊觉有人盗用了他们的照片和REN编号进行诈骗。(主播:庄文杰、洪欣仪)


00:00Before watching the video, we remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:30On the iProperty website, a fake account has been set up for fraud.
00:34These real estate agents have been accused of harming innocent people.
00:40Five real estate agents from the same company
00:42Today, under the cooperation of Mahua Public Services and Complaint Department Director Zhang Tianci,
00:46Zhao Kai press conference said
00:47After the swindler stole the information of the agent,
00:50He posted the information of the rental unit in many regions on the website
00:54And provide the contact number of the agent's profile to communicate directly with the tenant
00:59In addition, the swindler's method is very skilled and systematic
01:03He will not only advertise to attract tenants, but also take tenants to see the house like a regular agent
01:08However, the swindler is very careful
01:10They won't take tenants to see the house in person
01:13Instead, they will use various reasons to say that they have no time
01:16Then they will send the so-called assistant to open the door
01:19And use the company's official reservation form to make some modifications on it
01:24They will ask the tenant to transfer the three-and-a-half-month rent directly to the so-called tenant
01:29When the tenant sees that the tenant's name on the form is the same as the name on the account,
01:35He won't think so much and will directly transfer the money
01:38The agent emphasized that this is definitely not a regular practice in the industry
01:42A regular real estate agent will not collect three-and-a-half-month rent from the tenant at a time
01:47He will not ask the tenant to transfer the rent directly to the tenant's personal account
01:52He added that generally, the tenant only needs to pay a month's rent to the agent first
01:57When the tenant officially signs the rental contract, he will transfer the remaining two-and-a-half-month rent to the tenant
02:03Then the question is, since the swindler does not represent any tenant,
02:06How did the swindler get a house?
02:09Can he get the key to the house and take the tenant to see the house?
02:12The agent said that they were also very confused at first
02:17But after investigation, it turned out that the swindler rented a short-term rental house from Airbnb
02:24Then he used the house he rented to scam
02:28The reason why this method was exposed
02:30It's because the victim's real estate agent found it on Airbnb
02:33The house photo posted on the iProperty website with the swindler is exactly the same as the short-term rental house
02:41Up to now, there are more than 10 people who have been swindled
02:44The loss amount is as high as $50,000 to $60,000
02:46On the other hand, the Public Service and Complaint Department Director, Lawyer Guo Ronghui,
02:52Reminded that people who want to rent a house
02:54Before the transaction, you can first go through the Dama Real Estate Appraiser, Appraiser and Real Estate Agency LPPEH website
03:01Check the REN number and contact information of the relevant real estate agents to avoid being swindled
